429 research outputs found

    Self-normalizing phase measurement in multimode terahertz spectroscopy based on photomixing of three lasers

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    Photomixing of two near-infrared lasers is well established for continuous-wave terahertz spectroscopy. Photomixing of three lasers allows us to measure at three terahertz frequencies simultaneously. Similar to Fourier spectroscopy, the spectral information is contained in an nterferogram, which is equivalent to the waveform in time-domain spectroscopy. We use one fixed terahertz frequency \nu_ref to monitor temporal drifts of the setup, i.e., of the optical path-length difference. The other two frequencies are scanned for broadband high-resolution spectroscopy. The frequency dependence of the phase is obtained with high accuracy by normalizing it to the data obtained at \nu_ref, which eliminates drifts of the optical path-length difference. We achieve an accuracy of about 1-2 microns or 10^{-8} of the optical path length. This method is particularly suitable for applications in nonideal environmental conditions outside of an air-conditioned laboratory.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    IL-17A and serum amyloid A are elevated in a cigarette smoke cessation model associated with the persistence of pigmented macrophages, neutrophils and activated NK cells

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    While global success in cessation advocacy has seen smoking rates fall in many developed countries, persistent lung inflammation in ex-smokers is an increasingly important clinical problem whose mechanistic basis remains poorly understood. In this study, candidate effector mechanisms were assessed in mice exposed to cigarette smoke (CS) for 4 months following cessation from long term CS exposure. BALF neutrophils, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and lung innate NK cells remained significantly elevated following smoking cessation. Analysis of neutrophil mobilization markers showed a transition from acute mediators (MIP-2α, KC and G-CSF) to sustained drivers of neutrophil and macrophage recruitment and activation (IL-17A and Serum Amyoid A (SAA)). Follicle-like lymphoid aggregates formed with CS exposure and persisted with cessation, where they were in close anatomical proximity to pigmented macrophages, whose number actually increased 3-fold following CS cessation. This was associated with the elastolytic protease, MMP-12 (macrophage metallo-elastase) which remained significantly elevated post-cessation. Both GM-CSF and CSF-1 were significantly increased in the CS cessation group relative to the control group. In conclusion, we show that smoking cessation mediates a transition to accumulation of pigmented macrophages, which may contribute to the expanded macrophage population observed in COPD. These macrophages together with IL-17A, SAA and innate NK cells are identified here as candidate persistence determinants and, we suggest, may represent specific targets for therapies directed towards the amelioration of chronic airway inflammation

    Neonatal pneumococcal colonisation caused by Influenza A infection alters lung function in adult mice

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    There is emerging epidemiological data to suggest that upper respiratory tract bacterial colonisation in infancy may increase the risk of developing respiratory dysfunction later in life, and respiratory viruses are known to precipitate persistent colonisation. This study utilized a neonatal mouse model of Streptococcus pneumonia (SP) and influenza A virus (IAV) co-infection, where bronchoalveolar leukocyte infiltration had resolved by adulthood. Only co-infection resulted in persistent nasopharyngeal colonisation over 40 days and a significant increase in airway resistance in response to in vivo methacholine challenge. A significant increase in hysteresivity was also observed in IAV and co-infected mice, consistent with ventilatory heterogeneity and structural changes in the adult lung. Airway hyper-responsiveness was not associated with a detectable increase in goblet cell transdifferentiation, peribronchial smooth muscle bulk or collagen deposition in regions surrounding the airways. Increased reactivity was not observed in precision cut lung slices challenged with methacholine in vitro. Histologically, the airway epithelium appeared normal and expression of epithelial integrity markers (ZO-1, occludin-1 and E-cadherin) were not altered. In summary, neonatal co-infection led to persistent nasopharyngeal colonisation and increased airway responsiveness that was not associated with detectable smooth muscle or mucosal epithelial abnormalities, however increased hysteresivity may reflect ventilation heterogeneity

    Deletion and replacement of the mouse adult beta-globin genes by a "plug and socket" repeated targeting strategy.

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    We describe a two-step strategy to alter any mouse locus repeatedly and efficiently by direct positive selection. Using conventional targeting for the first step, a functional neo gene and a nonfunctional HPRT minigene (the "socket") are introduced into the genome of HPRT- embryonic stem (ES) cells close to the chosen locus, in this case the beta-globin locus. For the second step, a targeting construct (the "plug") that recombines homologously with the integrated socket and supplies the remaining portion of the HPRT minigene is used; this homologous recombination generates a functional HPRT gene and makes the ES cells hypoxanthine-aminopterin-thymidine resistant. At the same time, the plug provides DNA sequences that recombine homologously with sequences in the target locus and modifies them in the desired manner; the plug is designed so that correctly targeted cells also lose the neo gene and become G418 sensitive. We have used two different plugs to make alterations in the mouse beta-globin locus starting with the same socket-containing ES cell line. One plug deleted 20 kb of DNA containing the two adult beta-globin genes. The other replaced the same region with the human beta-globin gene containing the mutation responsible for sickle cell anemia

    Nanogrooved microdiscs for bottom-up modulation of osteogenic differentiation

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    Grooved topographical features have effectively modulated cell differentiation on two-dimensional substrates. To transpose patterning into a 3D environmment, nanogrooved microdiscs, "topodiscs", are produced as cell carriers for bottom-up cell-mediated assembly. While enhancing cell proliferation, topodiscs led to the formation of bone-like aggregates, even in culture medium lacking osteoinductive factors.publishe

    Quantifying myosin light chain phosphorylation in single adherent cells with automated fluorescence microscopy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In anchorage dependent cells, myosin generated contractile forces affect events closely associated with adhesion such as the formation of stress fibers and focal adhesions, and temporally distal events such as entry of the cell into S-phase. As occurs in many signaling pathways, a phosphorylation reaction (in this case, phosphorylation of myosin light chain) is directly responsible for cell response. Western blotting has been useful in measuring intracellular phosphorylation events, but cells are lysed in the process of sample preparation for western blotting, and spatial information such as morphology, localization of the phosphorylated species, and the distribution of individual cell responses across the population is lost. We report here a reliable automated microscopy method for quantitative measurement of myosin light chain phosphorylation in adherent cells. This method allows us to concurrently examine cell morphology, cell-cell contact, and myosin light chain diphosphorylation in vascular smooth muscle cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Paraformaldehyde fixation and Triton X-100 permeabilization preserved cell morphology and myosin light chain phosphorylation better than the alternative fixation/permeabilization methods tested. We utilized automated microscopy methods to acquire three color images, determine cell spread area, and quantify the intensity of staining within each cell with anti-phospho-MLC antibody. Our results indicate that A10 rat aortic smooth muscle cells exhibit a re producible non-Gaussian distribution of MLC phosphorylation across a population of unsynchronized genetically identical cells. Adding an inhibitor of Rho kinase, Y27632, or plating cells on a low density of fibronectin, reduced phospho-myosin light chain signal as expected. On the other hand, adding calyculin A, an activator of contractility, increased myosin light chain phosphorylation. The IC<sub>50 </sub>for myosin light chain phosphorylation using Y27632 was determined to be 2.1 ± 0.6 micrometers. We observed a positive linear relationship between cell area and myosin light chain diphosphorylation, which is consistent with what has been reported in the literature using other methods.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results show that using proper specimen fixation techniques and background subtraction methods, imaging cytometry can be used to reliably measure relative myosin light chain phosphorylation in individual adherent cells. Importantly, the ability to make this measurement in adherent cells allows for simultaneous measurement of and correlation with other parameters of cellular topography such as morphology and cell-cell proximity. This assay has potential application in screening for drug development.</p

    PetaFLOP Molecular Dynamics for Engineering Applications

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    Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations enable the investigation of multicomponent and multiphase processes relevant to engineering applications, such as droplet coalescence or bubble formation. These scenarios require the simulation of ensembles containing a large number of molecules. We present recent advances within the MD framework ls1 mardyn which is being developed with particular regard to this class of problems. We discuss several OpenMP schemes that deliver optimal performance at node-level. We have further introduced nonblocking communication and communication hiding for global collective operations. Together with revised data structures and vectorization, these improvements unleash PetaFLOP performance and enable multi-trillion atom simulations on the HLRS supercomputer Hazel Hen. We further present preliminary results achieved for droplet coalescence scenarios at a smaller scale.BMBF, 01IH16008, Verbundprojekt: TaLPas - Task-basierte Lastverteilung und Auto-Tuning in der Partikelsimulatio