152 research outputs found

    Informational structures and informational fields as a prototype for the description of postulates of the integrated information theory

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    Informational Structures (IS) and Informational Fields (IF) have been recently introduced to deal with a continuous dynamical systems-based approach to Integrated Information Theory (IIT). IS and IF contain all the geometrical and topological constraints in the phase space. This allows one to characterize all the past and future dynamical scenarios for a system in any particular state. In this paper, we develop further steps in this direction, describing a proper continuous framework for an abstract formulation, which could serve as a prototype of the IIT postulates.National Science Center of PolandUMO-2016/22/A/ST1/00077Junta de AndalucíaMinisterio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO). Españ

    Reacciones de Friedel-Crafts con cloruro de pivaloilo e isomerización de las cetonas formadas

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    Tesis - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1981.Depto. de Química OrgánicaFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Reacciones de Friedel-Crafts con cloruro de pivaloilo e isomerización de las cetonas formadas

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    Tesis - Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1981.Depto. de Química OrgánicaFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Model transform and local parameters. Application to instantaneous attractors

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    The model transform fits exactly the parameters of a suitable model to empirical or simulated data in each point in time and/or space. We describe several examples of concrete model transforms and their applications. The model transform allows simple theoretical models to be applied to complex empirical systems in each short interval of time or/and in each local neighborhood. The model can be chosen to identify, for instance, the temporal evolution of the attractor landscape for empirical systems which depict a complex dynamics over time

    Efecto de la nanotecnología en la capa activa de dispositivos fotovoltaicos utilizando derivados de porfirinas

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    La nueva generación de fotovoltaicas tiene un enfoque alternativo y complementario para la explotación de la energía solar, con bajo coste de fabricación, felixibilidad, transparencia y peso ligero. Las células solares más prometedoras por su notable progreso son las células solares orgánicas (OSC), células solares sensibilizadas por colorante (híbridas) y células solares de perovskita. Las porfirinas, que son análogos sintéticos de las clorofilas naturales, son de especial interés, debido a su elección natural como sistemas de antenas de recolección de luz que participan en procesos de transferencia de energía y electrones. En los últimos años, ha habido un gran interés en el campo de las células solares orgánicas de heterounión masiva (BHJ) procesadas en disolución utilizando derivados de porfirina como dadores y derivados de fulereno como aceptores, presentando resultados de PCE del 9.06%. En este trabajo se presenta la síntesis y propiedades de derivados de porfirinas A-D-A y el efecto dela capa activa de tamaño nanométrico utilizando diferentes proporciones con PCBM como aceptor alcanzando eficiencias superiores al 8%

    Triplication of the photocurrent in dye solar cells by increasing the elongation of the π-conjugation in Zn-porphyrin sensitizers

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    Porphyrins are promising sensitizers for dye solar cells (DSCs) but narrow absorption bands at 400-450 and 500-650 nm limit their light-harvesting properties. Increasing elongation of the π-conjugation and loss of symmetry causes broadening and a red-shift of the absorption bands, which considerably improves the performance of the DSC. Herein we use an oligothienylenevinylene to bridge a Zn-porphyrin system and the anchoring group of the sensitizer. We separately study the performance of the two basic units: oligothienylenevinylene and Zn-porphyrin. The combined system provides a three-fold enhancement of the photocurrent with respect to parent dyes. This is caused by an additional strong absorption in the region 400-650 nm that leads to flat IPCE of 60%. Theoretical calculations support that the addition of the oligothienylenevinylene unit as a linking bridge creates a charge transfer band that transforms a Zn-porphyrin dye into a push-pull type system with highly efficient charge injection propertie

    Informational structures: A dynamical system approach for integrated information

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    Integrated Information Theory (IIT) has become nowadays the most sensible general theory of consciousness. In addition to very important statements, it opens the door for an abstract (mathematical) formulation of the theory. Given a mechanism in a particular state, IIT identifies a conscious experience with a conceptual structure, an informational object which exists, is composed of identified parts, is informative, integrated and maximally irreducible. This paper introduces a space-time continuous version of the concept of integrated information. To this aim, a graph and a dynamical systems treatment is used to define, for a given mechanism in a state for which a dynamics is settled, an Informational Structure, which is associated to the global attractor at each time of the system. By definition, the informational structure determines all the past and future behavior of the system, possesses an informational nature and, moreover, enriches all the points of the phase space with cause-effect power by means of its associated Informational Field. A detailed description of its inner structure by invariants and connections between them allows to associate a transition probability matrix to each informational structure and to develop a measure for the level of integrated information of the system.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y CompetitividadJunta de AndalucíaFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regiona

    Genomic Selection Signatures In Sheep From The Western Pyrenees

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    Background: The current large spectrum of sheep phenotypic diversity results from the combined product of sheep selection for different production traits such as wool, milk and meat, and its natural adaptation to new environments. In this study, we scanned the genome of 25 Sasi Ardi and 75 Latxa sheep from the Western Pyrenees for three types of regions under selection: (1) regions underlying local adaptation of Sasi Ardi semi-feral sheep, (2) regions related to a long traditional dairy selection pressure in Latxa sheep, and (3) regions experiencing the specific effect of the modern genetic improvement program established for the Latxa breed during the last three decades. Results: Thirty-two selected candidate regions including 147 annotated genes were detected by using three statistical parameters: pooled heterozygosity H, Tajima's D, and Wright's fixation index F-st. For Sasi Ardi sheep, chromosomes Ovis aries (OAR) 4, 6, and 22 showed the strongest signals and harbored several candidate genes related to energy metabolism and morphology (BBS9, ELOVL3 and LDB1), immunity (NFKB2), and reproduction (H2AFZ). The major genomic difference between Sasi Ardi and Latxa sheep was on OAR6, which is known to affect milk production, with highly selected regions around the ABCG2, SPP1, LAP3, NCAPG, LCORL, and MEPE genes in Latxa sheep. The effect of the modern genetic improvement program on Latxa sheep was also evident on OAR15, on which several olfactory genes are located. We also detected several genes involved in reproduction such as ESR1 and ZNF366 that were affected by this selection program. Conclusions: Natural and artificial selection have shaped the genome of both Sasi Ardi and Latxa sheep. Our results suggest that Sasi Ardi traits related to energy metabolism, morphological, reproductive, and immunological features have been under positive selection to adapt this semi-feral sheep to its particular environment. The highly selected Latxa sheep for dairy production showed clear signatures of selection in genomic regions related to milk production. Furthermore, our data indicate that the selection criteria applied in the modern genetic improvement program affect immunity and reproduction traits.The authors gratefully acknowledge support from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and the Conservatoire des Races d'Aquitaine (US13/29