769 research outputs found

    Are there Carbon Savings from US Biofuel Policies? Accounting for Leakage in Land and Fuel Markets

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    This paper applies the insights of the carbon leakage literature to study the emissions consequences of biofuel policies. We develop a simple analytic framework to decompose the intended emissions impacts of biofuel policy from four sources of carbon leakage: domestic fuel markets, domestic land markets, world land markets and world crude oil markets. A numerical simulation model illustrates the magnitude of each source of leakage for combinations of two current US biofuel policies: the Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit (VEETC) and the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). In the presence of both land and fuel market leakage, current US biofuel policies are unlikely to reduce greenhouse gases. Four of the five policy scenarios we consider lead to increases in greenhouse gas emissions. That is, total leakage was greater than 100%. The single scenario that generates emissions savings, the removal of the VEETC in conjunction with a binding RFS, only does so because negative leakage in the domestic fuel market offset the remaining positive sources of leakage.Multi-market, carbon leakage, biofuels, greenhouse gases, Agricultural and Food Policy, Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q42, Q54, Q58,

    An Application of M-matrices to Preserve Bounded Positive Solutions to the Evolution Equations of Biofilm Models

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    In this work, we design a linear, two step implicit finite difference method to approximate the solutions of a biological system that describes the interaction between a microbial colony and a surrounding substrate. Three separate models are analyzed, all of which can be described as systems of partial differential equations (PDE)s with nonlinear diffusion and reaction, where the biological colony grows and decays based on the substrate bioavailability. The systems under investigation are all complex models describing the dynamics of biological films. In view of the difficulties to calculate analytical solutions of the models, we design here a numerical technique to consistently approximate the system evolution dynamics, guaranteeing that nonnegative initial conditions will evolve uniquely into new, nonnegative approximations. This property of our technique is established using the theory of M-matrices, which are nonsingular matrices where all the entries of their inverses are positive numbers. We provide numerical simulations to evince the preservation of the nonnegative character of solutions under homogeneous Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. The computational results suggest that the method proposed in this work is stable, and that it also preserves the bounded character of the discrete solutions

    Simulating the Affects of Glutamatergic Afferents on the Firing Pattern of Midbrain Dopamine Neurons

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    A computational model of a midbrain dopamine neuron was extended in this study to include a response to random excitatory afferent input by incorporating the receptor components AMPA and NMDA. In a diagonal band where average glutamatergic and tonic gabaergic input is roughly balanced, both single spike firing and bursting can be observed. Simulated SK channel block strengthens the correlation between pattern and rate and increases the number of spikes fired in bursts by increasing the spikes per burst. A simulated doubling of the AMPA/NMDA ratio leads to a frequency increase that becomes more prominent at high firing rates, and an increase in the percent spikes fired in bursts. Changes in pattern and rate are poorly correlated in the model. Manipulations of the neuron greatly depend on the background level of synaptic inputs, suggesting that interpretation of population data from dopamine neurons requires taking variability into account rather than averages

    Le projet Harmonie

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    Managing large software project in general, and the implementation of ERPs in particular, entails several risks. Such was project Harmonie the implementation of SAP R/3 in support of the human resources, finance, and materials management processes at Hydro-Quebec. The size of the project, along with its technological newness, its complexity, the importance of the changes it was bringing to the organization, and a tight schedule. This report describes the management of project Harmonie, focusing on two aspects: (1) the0501n mechanisms Hydro-Quebec management put into place so as to ensure project success, and (2) the project management tools used by Serge Piotte, director of project Harmonie, along with the leadership principles that guided him. La conduite de grands projets de technologie de l'information en général, et d'implantation de progiciels intégrés en particulier, comporte souvent éléments de risque important pour les organisations. Ainsi en était-il pour le projet Harmonie de Hydro-Québec, nom donné au projet d'implantation du progiciel R/3 de SAP en support aux processus de gestion des ressources humaines, matérielles et financières. Les éléments de risque du projet étaient principalement reliés à son envergure, à la nouveauté et à la complexité technologiques, à l'ampleur des changements et aux exigences d'un échéancier serré. Ce texte décrit la gestion du projet Harmonie, d'une part en présentant les principaux mécanismes mis en place par la direction de Hydro-Québec pour en assurer le succès et d'autre part en décrivant certains des principaux outils de gestion adoptés par Serge Piotte, directeur du projet Harmonie, et en présentant les principes d'exercice du leadership qui l'ont guidé tout au long du projet.ERP implementation, project management, leadership, project risk, Implantation de progiciels intégrés, gestion de projet, leadership, risque de projet technologique

    Speciesism, identity politics and ecocriticism : a conversation with humanists and posthumanists

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    An electronic conversation between 7 scholars from the fields of animal studies and early modern studies aimed at confronting "speciesism," and constructing what Cary Wolfe calls a "posthumanist theory of the subject.

    A self-determination theory perspective on parenting

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    This article describes research on parenting that supports children's need for autonomy. First, the authors define parental autonomy support and distinguish it from permissiveness or independence promotion. The authors also define psychologically controlling parenting and distinguish it from behavioral control (structure). Second, the authors present studies examining how parental autonomy support promotes healthy development. Indeed, clear and consistent positive effects arise from different types of studies, conducted with children of various ages. Parent observation studies suggest that parental autonomy support is associated with infants' motivation and toddlers' internalization. Parent interview studies reveal that an autonomy-supportive parental attitude relates to children's adjustment at school. Children self-report studies demonstrate a clear link between perceptions of parental autonomy support and psychosocial functioning amongst adolescents. Third, the correlates and precursors of parental psychological control and autonomy support are presented, with a special focus on parents' trust in their children's ability to develop in an autonomous manner. Finally, ideas for future research are suggested. Although self-determination theory is not strictly a developmental theory, it seems highly pertinent to the socialization of children, their internalization and development

    Le projet d'aménagement hydroélectrique de la Rivière Bersimis, 1952-1956

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    Au début des années cinquante, alors qu'il semble probable qu'une centrale hydroélectrique va se construire sur le fleuve Saint-Laurent, en face de Montréal, Hydro-Québec entreprend plutôt de bâtir une centrale sur la rivière Bersimis, à 600 km de Montréal. Pourquoi ce projet fût-il lancé, comment a-t-on procédé à la réalisation des travaux et quels furent les principaux acteurs mêlés à ce projet? Avec l'aide des archives d'Hydro-Québec et de ceux qui les conservent, nous pensons avoir levé un peu plus le voile sur une période encore souvent négligée par les chercheurs. En mars 1952, le gouvernement de Maurice Duplessis lance donc un important projet d'aménagement hydroélectrique sur la rivière Bersimis. Pour se justifier, le premier ministre invoque la nécessité de développer les ressources minières et industrielles de la Côte-Nord et de la Gaspésie. Au regard du projet de canalisation du fleuve Saint-Laurent, il y a lieu de croire à une manoeuvre politique pour se soustraire à l'empiètement du gouvernement d'Ottawa sur les ressources naturelles de la province de Québec. Plutôt qu'au privé, c'est à Hydro-Québec que la réalisation des travaux est confiée. Pour la jeune société d'État, le projet Bersimis est l'occasion de mettre en branle le réseau d'interconnexion qui, à terme, permettra une gestion intégrée de l'ensemble de ses équipements de production et de transport, au profit de Montréal. Si la phase préliminaire du projet baigne dans l'improvisation, une organisation efficace est rapidement mise sur pied, appuyée sur une gestion souple des ressources et une structure de contrôle rigoureuse. Les talents des administrateurs et des ingénieurs sont particulièrement mis à l'épreuve dans le perçage d'un tunnel de 12 km de longueur et dans la construction d'une ligne de transport d'énergie à haute tension de 600 km. Ces exploits seront bien salués par les spécialistes. Toutefois, il aura fallu la chute d'une plateforme entraînant dix ouvriers dans la mort pour réussir à soulever l'attention des journaux quotidiens ainsi qu'une tempête parlementaire à Québec. La mise en service de la centrale débutera à l'intérieur des délais fixés, en octobre 1956. L'étude du projet Bersimis montre comment Hydro-Québec s'est transformée pour être capable d'entreprendre les grands travaux qui ont marqué les années soixante et soixante-dix. C'est en bâtissant Bersimis que la jeune société d'État a permis à ses ingénieurs et techniciens de développer expertise et savoir-faire pour construire des grandes centrales et les mettre en réseau avec les grands centres de consommation. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Hydro-Québec, Hydroélectricité, Projet de construction, Innovation technologique, Québec (Province), Duplessis Maurice

    Systematics of the Neotropical genus Catharylla Zeller (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae s. l., Crambinae)

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    The Neotropical genus Catharylla Zeller, 1863 (type species: Crambus tenellus Zeller, 1839) is redescribed. Catharylla contiguella Zeller, 1872, C. interrupta Zeller, 1866 and Myelois sericina Zeller, 1881, included by Munroe (1995) in Catharylla, are moved to Argyria Hübner. Catharylla paulella Schaus, 1922 and C. tenellus (Zeller, 1839) are redescribed. Six new species are described by Léger and Landry: C. bijuga, C. chelicerata, C. coronata, C. gigantea, C. mayrabonillae and C. serrabonita. The phylogenetic relationships were investigated using morphological as well as molecular data (COI, wingless, EF-1α genes). The median and subterminal transverse lines of the forewing as well as the short anterior and posterior apophyses of the female genitalia are characteristic of the genus. The monophyly of Catharylla was recovered in all phylogenetic analyses of the molecular and the combined datasets, with three morphological apomorphies highlighted. Phylogenetic analyses of the morphology of the two sexes recovered three separate species groups within Catharylla: the chelicerata, the mayrabonillae, and the tenellus species groups. The possible position of Micrelephas Schaus, 1922 as sister to Catharylla, based on both morphological and molecular data, and the status of tribe Argyriini are discussed. The biogeographical data indicate that the chelicerata species group is restricted to the Guyanas and the Amazonian regions whereas the tenellus group is restricted to the Atlantic Forest in the South-Eastern part of Brazil. The mayrabonillae group is widespread from Costa Rica to South Bolivia with an allopatric distribution of the two species. COI barcode sequences indicate relatively strong divergence within C. bijuga, C. mayrabonillae, C. serrabonita and C. tenellus.publishedVersio

    Measuring Client Experiences of Motivational Interviewing During a Lifestyle Intervention

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    The Client Evaluation of Motivational Interviewing was used to assess motivational interviewing experiences in a predominantly female, African American sample from the Southeastern United States who received motivational interviewing-based feedback during a multicomponent lifestyle intervention. Motivational interviewing was experienced differently than a primarily White, male, Northeastern mental health sample

    Analysis of the Distribution and Molecular Heterogeneity of the ospD Gene among the Lyme Disease Spirochetes: Evidence for Lateral Gene Exchange

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    Analysis of the ospD gene has revealed that this gene is not universal among Lyme disease spirochete isolates. The gene was found to be carried by 90, 50, and 24% of the Borrelia garinii, B. afzelii, and B. burgdorferi isolates tested. Size variability in the ospD-encoding plasmid was also observed. Sequence analysis has demonstrated the presence of various numbers of a 17-bp repeated sequence in the upstream control (promoter) region of the gene. In addition, a region within the coding sequence where various insertions, deletions, and direct repeats occur was identified. ospD gene sequences from 31 different isolates were determined and utilized in pairwise sequence comparisons and construction of a gene tree. These analyses suggest that the ospD gene was the target of several recombinational events and that the gene was recently acquired by Lyme disease spirochetes and laterally transferred between species