15 research outputs found

    Yeast RNase III triggers polyadenylation-independent transcription termination

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    Transcription termination of messenger RNA (mRNA) is normally achieved by polyadenylation followed by Rat1p-dependent 5'-3' exoribonuleolytic degradation of the downstream transcript. Here we show that the yeast ortholog of the dsRNA-specific ribonuclease III (Rnt1p) may trigger Rat1p-dependent termination of RNA transcripts that fail to terminate near polyadenylation signals. Rnt1p cleavage sites were found downstream of several genes, and the deletion of RNT1 resulted in transcription readthrough. Inactivation of Rat1p impaired Rnt1p-dependent termination and resulted in the accumulation of 3' end cleavage products. These results support a model for transcription termination in which cotranscriptional cleavage by Rnt1p provides access for exoribonucleases in the absence of polyadenylation signals.This work was supported by a grant from the Canadian Institute of Health Research. S. A. is a Chercheur Boursier National of the Fonds de la Recherche en Santé du Québec. F.R. holds a New Investigator Award from the Canadian Institute of Health Research. P-É.J. holds a post-doctoral award from the IRCM training program in cancer research funded by the CIHR. J.-R.L is a research fellow of the Terry Fox Foundation through an award from the National Cancer Institute of Canada

    Transcriptional regulation of Elf-1: locus-wide analysis reveals four distinct promoters, a tissue-specific enhancer, control by PU.1 and the importance of Elf-1 downregulation for erythroid maturation

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    Ets transcription factors play important roles during the development and maintenance of the haematopoietic system. One such factor, Elf-1 (E74-like factor 1) controls the expression of multiple essential haematopoietic regulators including Scl/Tal1, Lmo2 and PU.1. However, to integrate Elf-1 into the wider regulatory hierarchies controlling haematopoietic development and differentiation, regulatory elements as well as upstream regulators of Elf-1 need to be identified. Here, we have used locus-wide comparative genomic analysis coupled with chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP-chip) assays which resulted in the identification of five distinct regulatory regions directing expression of Elf-1. Further, ChIP-chip assays followed by functional validation demonstrated that the key haematopoietic transcription factor PU.1 is a major upstream regulator of Elf-1. Finally, overexpression studies in a well-characterized erythroid differentiation assay from primary murine fetal liver cells demonstrated that Elf-1 downregulation is necessary for terminal erythroid differentiation. Given the known activation of PU.1 by Elf-1 and our newly identified reciprocal activation of Elf-1 by PU.1, identification of an inhibitory role for Elf-1 has significant implications for our understanding of how PU.1 controls myeloid–erythroid differentiation. Our findings therefore not only represent the first report of Elf-1 regulation but also enhance our understanding of the wider regulatory networks that control haematopoiesis

    Functional Analysis of the Endogenous Retroviral Promoter of the Human Endothelin B Receptor Gene

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    We previously reported that the long terminal repeats (LTRs) of retroviral elements belonging to the HERV-E family contribute to the expression of the human apolipoprotein C1 (APOC1) and endothelin B receptor (EDNRB) genes by providing alternative promoters. While both LTRs were shown to promote transcription in vivo and in vitro, their respective activity and tissue specificity appeared to differ even though they shared a high degree of sequence identity. In the present study, we further characterized the promoter of the EDNRB LTR and delineated the regions and motifs required for strong activity. We confirmed the placenta-restricted expression of the LTR by transient transfections and quantitative real-time PCR and determined that the retroviral promoter contributes significantly to the level of EDNRB transcripts in placenta, where chimeric mRNAs were found to represent 15% of overall EDNRB mRNAs. Transient transfection of 5′ deletion constructs in cells of placental origin identified a motif, named LPE1, between positions 111 and 122 of the EDNRB LTR necessary for transcriptional activity. Removal of this region, which contains a putative SP1 binding site, abolished promoter activity. A second enhancing region resides between positions 175 and 215 of the LTR and was termed LPE2. Interestingly, this section contained three binding sites that were not present in the APOC1 LTR due to minor nucleotide differences. The predicted motifs in the EDNRB LTR were found to likely act in symbiosis as modifications to any of the three sites reduced transcription by one-third while alterations to all three eliminated promoter activity. The results from this study illustrate how slight variations in transcriptional regulatory sequences can have a profound effect on promoter activity and demonstrate the complex regulatory effects of human endogenous retrovirus elements on human gene expression

    The opitz syndrome gene mid1 is transcribed from a human endogenous retroviral promoter.

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    Human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) and other long terminal repeat (LTR)–containing elements comprise a significant portion (8%) of the human genome and are likely vestiges of retroviral infections during primate evolution. Many of the HERVs present in human DNA have retained functional promoter, enhancer, and polyadenylation signals, and these regulatory sequences have the potential to modify the expression of nearby genes. To identify retroviral elements that contribute to the transcription of human genes, we screened sequence databases for chimeric (viral-cellular) transcripts. These searches revealed a fusion transcript containing the LTR of an HERV-E element linked to the Opitz syndrome gene Mid1. We confirmed the authenticity of the chimeric transcript by 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) and established that the Mid1 mRNA isoform was transcribed from a retroviral LTR. The identification of a retroviral first exon suggested the existence of alternative promoters for Mid1 because nonretroviral (native) 5' untranslated regions (UTRs) had been reported previously for this gene. Although Mid1 transcripts could be detected in all tissues tested, quantitative real-time reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction indicated that the retroviral promoter contributes significantly to the level of Mid1 transcripts in placenta and embryonic kidney, where chimeric mRNAs were found to represent 25% and 22% of overall Mid1 mRNAs, respectively. Transient transfection studies supported a role for the LTR as a strong tissue-specific promoter in placental and embryonic kidney cell lines and suggested a function for the LTR as an enhancer. These findings provide further evidence that some endogenous retroviruses have evolved a biological function by contributing transcriptional regulatory elements to cellular genes

    Transcriptional Control of Murine CD94

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    The SCL transcriptional network and BMP signaling pathway interact to regulate RUNX1 activity

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    Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) development is regulated by several signaling pathways and a number of key transcription factors, which include Scl/Tal1, Runx1, and members of the Smad family. However, it remains unclear how these various determinants interact. Using a genome-wide computational screen based on the well characterized Scl +19 HSC enhancer, we have identified a related Smad6 enhancer that also targets expression to blood and endothelial cells in transgenic mice. Smad6, Bmp4, and Runx1 transcripts are concentrated along the ventral aspect of the E10.5 dorsal aorta in the aorta–gonad–mesonephros region from which HSCs originate. Moreover, Smad6, an inhibitor of Bmp4 signaling, binds and inhibits Runx1 activity, whereas Smad1, a positive mediator of Bmp4 signaling, transactivates the Runx1 promoter. Taken together, our results integrate three key determinants of HSC development; the Scl transcriptional network, Runx1 activity, and the Bmp4/Smad signaling pathway

    Évaluer le potentiel de soins linguistiquement concordants pour les francophones de l’Ontario : une étude populationnelle transversale

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    Cette étude a utilisé les données sur les médecins, la facturation et le recensement de 2016 dont dispose l’ICES pour examiner l’accès potentiel à des médecins de famille francophones pour les francophones résidant dans 1 643 aires de diffusion agrégées (ADA) de l’Ontario. L’Ontario compte 550 280 francophones, soit 4,1 % de sa population. Nous avons identifié 8 199 médecins de famille, parmi lesquels 1 169 se sont autodéclarés francophones. Le ratio provincial global pour les francophones était de 2,12 médecins par 1 000 résidentes et résidents, comparativement à un ratio de 0,66 pour les anglophones. Dans les ADA où les francophones étaient majoritaires, le ratio pour les francophones était inférieur au ratio pour les anglophones (0,63 vs 2,02), alors que dans toutes les autres ADA, le ratio francophone était plus élevé (3,46 vs 0,62 dans les 83,4 % des ADA où les francophones représentaient >0 % à 0% to <5% of the population). Eight ADAs in northeastern and eastern Ontario had a large relative deficit in French-speaking family physicians compared to the provincial ratio. These findings offer insights about areas that could benefit from strategies addressing linguistic barriers