21 research outputs found

    Groundwater Contamination due to the Use of Agrochemicals in Sugar Cane Agroecosystems

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    Objective: Assess the risk of groundwater contamination due to the application of pesticides and the amount of nitrogen leached in agroecosystems with sugar cane in the area of influence of sugar mills, La Gloria y El Modelo, Veracruz, Mexico. Methodology: The presence of pesticides at 30 groundwater sampling points was determined by using the Mexican regulation N0M-041-SSA1-1993 and the EPA 608 and EPA 608.1 methods described by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Nitrogen (N) loss by leaching was assessed evaluating nine treatments by combining two factors: dose (250, 200 and 150 kg ha-1 of N) and application fractionated doses (2, 3 y 4). Results: Pesticides such as ?-hexachlorocyclohexane (?-HCH), heptachlor heptachloroepoxide, ?-endosulfan, ? endosulfan, sulfate-endosulfan, aldrin, dieldrin and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (4.4’DDE) were found in groundwater of deep wells of agroecosystems with sugarcane. Application of low doses of N resulted in lower losses of N due to leaching. A dose of 150 kg ha-1 of N, applied in two, three, and four fractions, generated N losses between 15.40 to 18.18 kg ha-1, which means a loss of up to 12.1%. Conclusions: Groundwater contamination by agrochemicals, such as pesticides is indubitable; so, reducing such contamination should be a priority for crop growers involved. Also, nitrogen, soil and water management and conservation practices must be done. This will result in a less negative impact to the environment and public health. Water and nitrogen fertilizers management at plot level are to be improved in order to increase water irrigation and nitrogen efficiency in agricultural areas.Objective: Assess the risk of groundwater contamination due to the application of pesticides and the amount of nitrogen leached in agroecosystems with sugar cane in the area of influence of sugar mills, La Gloria y El Modelo, Veracruz, Mexico. Methodology: The presence of pesticides at 30 groundwater sampling points was determined by using the Mexican regulation N0M-041-SSA1-1993 and the EPA 608 and EPA 608.1 methods described by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Nitrogen (N) loss by leaching was assessed evaluating nine treatments by combining two factors: dose (250, 200 and 150 kg ha-1 of N) and application fractionated doses (2, 3 y 4). Results: Pesticides such as ?-hexachlorocyclohexane (?-HCH), heptachlor heptachloroepoxide, ?-endosulfan, ? endosulfan, sulfate-endosulfan, aldrin, dieldrin and dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (4.4’DDE) were found in groundwater of deep wells of agroecosystems with sugarcane. Application of low doses of N resulted in lower losses of N due to leaching. A dose of 150 kg ha-1 of N, applied in two, three, and four fractions, generated N losses between 15.40 to 18.18 kg ha-1, which means a loss of up to 12.1%. Conclusions: Groundwater contamination by agrochemicals, such as pesticides is indubitable; so, reducing such contamination should be a priority for crop growers involved. Also, nitrogen, soil and water management and conservation practices must be done. This will result in a less negative impact to the environment and public health. Water and nitrogen fertilizers management at plot level are to be improved in order to increase water irrigation and nitrogen efficiency in agricultural areas

    Disonancia cognitiva ante el cambio climático en apicultores: un caso de estudio en México

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    Climate change in beekeeping is perceived as a relational phenomenon, and it is necessary to adopt adaptation strategies to maintain economic activity. Festinger's theory of Cognitive Dissonance helps understand the constraints to the adoption of climate change adaptation strategies. For this purpose, a survey was applied to explore the relationship between the perception, attitude, and behavior of beekeepers in the face of climate change in Mexican territory. It was noted that: 1) Beekeepers identified climate change as the main problem for beekeeping; 2) They exhibit dissonance between their attitude and their behavior regarding adaptation strategies, and 3) Cognitive dissonance is reduced through justifications for their behavior.  Thus, the present state of dissonance is a limitation for adopting climate change  adaptation actions, evidencing the need to modify the behavior of beekeepers, through training to inform and explain the nature of climate change and its impacts; to place the beekeepers within this context, where they can contribute technical elements that may allow them to reorient their work, promoting an objective and constructive perception, which will generate a positive attitude in the face of the challenges that climate change represents, so that they may modify their behavior as much as necessary in order to keep the activity profitable in Mexico.El cambio climático en la apicultura se percibe como un fenómeno relacional y la adopción de estrategias de adaptación son necesarias para mantener la actividad económica. La teoría de la Disonancia Cognitiva de Festinger, ayuda a comprender las limitantes para la adopción de estrategias de adaptación al cambio climático. Para ello se aplicó una encuesta que permitiera explorar la relación entre la percepción, la actitud y el comportamiento de los apicultores frente al cambio climático en territorio mexicano. Se observó que: 1) los apicultores identificaron el cambio climático como el principal problema de la apicultura; 2) existe disonancia entre la actitud y el comportamiento respecto a las estrategias de adaptación y 3) la disonancia cognitiva se reduce con justificaciones, para su comportamiento.  Por lo tanto el estado de disonancia presente es una limitante para adoptar acciones de adaptación frente al cambio climático, dejando en evidencia la necesidad de modificaciones en el comportamiento de los apicultores, a través de la capacitación dirigida para informar y explicar la naturaleza del cambio climático y sus impactos; de ubicar al apicultor dentro de este contexto donde pueda aportar elementos  técnicos que le permitan reorientar su trabajo, promoviendo una percepción objetiva y constructiva, que genere la actitud positiva suficiente, frente a los retos que el cambio climático representa; para que modifique el comportamiento lo necesario, para mantener la actividad rentable en México

    Bibliometric analysis of scientific research on biochar

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    Objective: To identify the most relevant aspects of global scientific research on biochar in terms of the number of articles published, main authors and producer countries, citation, journal or journal topics, funding institutions and general trends. Design/ methodology/approach: A bibliometric research was carried out in the Scopus database. The word "biochar" was used as a search engine. The search was limited to articles and reviews published from 2009 to March 2020. The VOS viewer software was used to identify the main thematic axes and glimpse the knowledge gaps that exist to date. Results: A total of 11,444 documents were identified. The trend of work on biochar is on the rise. China and the United States are the countries with the most biochar publications. Jefferson Lehman and Stephen Josephs are the most cited authors on the subject. Global research in biochar focuses on the mitigating effect of climate change and the properties that this material has to improve the physicochemical properties of the soil. Research on biochar in Mexico is scarce. Limitations / implications: Biochar is a new technology that is not fully understood. Findings / Conclusions: Interest in biochar as a multifaceted solution to agricultural and environmental problems is growing at a rapid rate both domestically and internationally.Objective: To identify the most relevant aspects of global scientific research on biocharin terms of number of articles published, main authors and publishing countries, citation,subjects of scientific journals, funding institutions and general trends.Design/Methodology/Approach: A bibliometric study was carried out in the Scopusdatabase. The word "biochar" was used in the search engine. The search was limited to articles and reviews published from 2009 to March 2020. The VOS viewer software was used to identify the main thematic axes and to glimpse the knowledge gaps that exist to date.Results: A total of 11,444 documents were identified. The trend of work on biochar is onthe rise. China and the United States are the countries with the most publications onbiochar. Jefferson Lehman and Stephen Josephs are the most cited authors on thesubject. Global research on biochar focuses on the mitigating effect of climate changeand the properties that this material has to improve the physicochemical properties ofthe soil. Research on biochar in Mexico is scarce. Study Limitations/Implications: Biochar is a new technology that is not fullyunderstood.Findings/Conclusions: Interest in biochar as a multifaceted solution to agricultural andenvironmental problems is growing at a rapid rate both domestically and internationally

    De actividades productivas a estrategias sociales: floricultores de la zona central de Veracruz

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    It is important to consider that in production processes there are socially constructed spaces where local actors are key elements. The study contemplated an approach directed at the actor with farmers from the community of Coapichapan, Fortín, Veracruz, Mexico. The article argues that in the production process of Heliconias, farmers are social actors who intervene in the development of their community with their strategic actions. In this sense, the approach directed at the actor allowed the following: situating Heliconia producers, exposing the social ramifications constructed by these actors, and showing the strategies that they carry out as a means for subsistence. These strategies emerge as a way to respond in the presence of the protection of their natural resources, the urge to “move forward”, the lack of programs for the floriculturist sector, the dispute over improving the price of their product, the exchange of opinion with technicians, and the mistrust towards public representatives. Therefore, the conclusion is that the production of Heliconias in the community of Coapichapan is a social activity that represents hard work complemented with family support.Es importante considerar que, en el proceso de producción, existen espacios socialmente construidos, donde los actores locales son pieza clave. El estudio contempló un enfoque orientado al actor, con agricultores de la comunidad de Coapichapan, Fortín, Veracruz, México. El artículo argumenta que, en el proceso de producción de heliconias, los productores, son actores sociales que con sus acciones estratégicas intervinieron en el desarrollo de su comunidad. En ese sentido, el enfoque orientado al actor situó a los productores de heliconias, expuso las ramificaciones sociales que construyeron estos actores y muestra las estrategias que realizaron como medio de subsistencia. Estas estrategias surgen como medio de respuesta ante la protección de sus recursos naturales, las ganas de “salir adelante”, la falta de programas hacia el sector florícola, la disputa por mejorar el precio de su producto, el intercambio de opinión con los técnicos y la desconfianza por los representantes públicos. Por ello se concluye que la producción de heliconias en la comunidad de Coapichapan es una actividad social que representa un arduo trabajo y se complementa con el apoyo familiar

    Agroecosystem and rural tourism: Bibliometric analysis and its conceptual relationship from 2014 to 2020

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    Objective: Analyze scientific papers close linked to the concepts of agroecosystems, rural tourism and its conceptual relationship. Design/methodology/approach: A search of papers published from 2014 up to 2020 in Science Direct (https://www.sciencedirect.com) was conducted, using key words related to the agroecosystem concept and rural tourism. Later, a bibliometric and text analysis was performed. Results: The concept of agroecosystems has been dynamic through time and related to other disciplines. However, research relating this concept with rural tourism is scarce. Limitations of the study/implication: Research proposals on agroecosystems associated to rural tourism are limited. Findings/Conclusions: Papers with the conceptual evolution of agroecosystems integrating rural tourism are scarce. So, it is suggested to study the agroecosystem in its different aspects, but considering their cultural and historical basis.Objective: Analyze scientific papers close linked to the concepts of agroecosystems, rural tourism and its conceptual relationship. Design/methodology/approach: A search of papers published from 2014 up to 2020 in Science Direct (https://www.sciencedirect.com) was conducted, using key words related to the agroecosystem concept and rural tourism. Later, a bibliometric and text analysis was performed. Results: The concept of agroecosystems has been dynamic through time and related to other disciplines. However, research relating this concept with rural tourism is scarce. Limitations of the study/implication: Research proposals on agroecosystems associated to rural tourism are limited. Findings/Conclusions: Papers with the conceptual evolution of agroecosystems integrating rural tourism are scarce. So, it is suggested to study the agroecosystem in its different aspects, but considering their cultural and historical basi

    Resilience as an Adaptation Strategy of Agroecosystems in the light of Climate Change

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    Objective: Analyze the concept of resilience as an agroecosystem property to deal with the possible outcomes of climate change. Methodology: The literature was analyzed concerning concepts of resilience, vulnerability, climate change scenarios and agroecosystems resilience. Results: The resilience is an emergent property and is part of the agroecosystem trajectory, and it also is closely related with the adaptability and self-learning capacity. Limitations of the study: The strengthening of weak elements should be encouraged and promoted the agroecosystem controller feedback to increase his adaptive capacities. Conclusions: Promotion of agroecosystems resilience must start by integrating indicators in environmental, governance, risk assessment, knowledge and education dimensions, management and vulnerability reduction, and preparedness and response for disasters.Objective: Analyze the concept of resilience as an agroecosystem property to deal with the possible outcomes of climate change. Methodology: The literature was analyzed concerning concepts of resilience, vulnerability, climate change scenarios and agroecosystems resilience. Results: The resilience is an emergent property and is part of the agroecosystem trajectory, and it also is closely related with the adaptability and self-learning capacity. Limitations of the study: The strengthening of weak elements should be encouraged and promoted the agroecosystem controller feedback to increase his adaptive capacities. Conclusions: Promotion of agroecosystems resilience must start by integrating indicators in environmental, governance, risk assessment, knowledge and education dimensions, management and vulnerability reduction, and preparedness and response for disasters

    Impacto potencial del cambio climático en la apicultura

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    Climate change is the greatest challenge for humanity in the twenty-first century, projecting potential social, economic and ecological conditions globally; It is making it necessary to consider adaptation and mitigation strategies in the primary sector activities to reduce the risk to those changes. So the aim of this review was to analyze the research on the effects of climate change on beekeeping from two of its basic elements: the physical and biological relationships and socio-economic risks. Potential impacts were classified into direct consideration intra- and inter-specific response of flora and honey bees; and indirect, focused on the socio-economic damages. It was found that the effects of direct order lead to intra-specific plant species such as temporary space mobility towards higher latitudes and population dynamics of bee colonies answers. Indirect changes include an economic and social sense for risk profitability as a result of the increase in adaptation practices, leading consequently to a possible abandonment of the activity. Concluding the obvious need for comprehensive regional and interdisciplinary work that contribute to provide the biological response of the species involved in the activity (from the quantitative paradigm) and understanding of the phenomenon (from the qualitative paradigm), due to the uncertainty of beekeepers who, under his own scheme of cognitions they decide to invest or not in management practices that help maintain production.El cambio climático representa el mayor reto para la humanidad en el siglo XXI, proyectando posibles cambios sociales, económicos y ecológicos a nivel global; lo que hace necesario plantear estrategias de adaptación y mitigación en las actividades del sector primario que permitan reducir el riesgo a esos cambios. Por lo que el objetivo de esta revisión fue analizar las investigaciones realizadas sobre los efectos del cambio climático en la apicultura a partir de dos de sus elementos básicos: las relaciones fisico-biologicos y los riesgos socioeconómicos. Los impactos potenciales se clasificaron en directos considerando la respuesta intra e inter-específica de la flora melífera y las abejas; e indirectos, enfocados a las afectaciones socioeconómicas. Se encontró que las afectaciones de orden directo conllevan a respuestas intra-específicas de las especies de plantas como la movilidad espacio temporal hacia latitudes más elevadas y a la dinámica poblacional de las colonias de abejas. Los cambios indirectos incluyen un sentido económico y social por el riesgo de la rentabilidad a consecuencia del incremento en las prácticas de adaptación, desembocando por consiguiente en un posible abandono de la actividad. Concluyendo en la evidente necesidad de trabajos regionales integrales e interdisciplinarios que contribuyan a prever la respuesta biológica de las especies involucradas en la actividad (desde el paradigma cuantitativo) y la comprensión del fenómeno (desde el paradigma cualitativo), resultado de la incertidumbre de los apicultores, quienes bajo su propio esquema de cogniciones deciden invertir o no, en prácticas de manejo que ayuden a mantener la producción

    Impacto potencial del cambio climático en la apicultura

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    El cambio climático representa el mayor reto para la humanidad en el siglo XXI, proyectando posibles cambios sociales, económicos y ecológicos a nivel global; lo que hace necesario plantear estrategias de adaptación y mitigación en las actividades del sector primario que permitan reducir el riesgo a esos cambios. Por lo que el objetivo de esta revisión fue analizar las investigaciones realizadas sobre los efectos del cambio climático en la apicultura a partir de dos de sus elementos básicos: las relaciones fisico-biologicos y los riesgos socioeconómicos. Los impactos potenciales se clasificaron en directos considerando la respuesta intra e inter-específica de la flora melífera y las abejas; e indirectos, enfocados a las afectaciones socioeconómicas. Se encontró que las afectaciones de orden directo conllevan a respuestas intra-específicas de las especies de plantas como la movilidad espacio temporal hacia latitudes más elevadas y a la dinámica poblacional de las colonias de abejas. Los cambios indirectos incluyen un sentido económico y social por el riesgo de la rentabilidad a consecuencia del incremento en las prácticas de adaptación, desembocando por consiguiente en un posible abandono de la actividad. Concluyendo en la evidente necesidad de trabajos regionales integrales e interdisciplinarios que contribuyan a prever la respuesta biológica de las especies involucradas en la actividad (desde el paradigma cuantitativo) y la comprensión del fenómeno (desde el paradigma cualitativo), resultado de la incertidumbre de los apicultores, quienes bajo su propio esquema de cogniciones deciden invertir o no, en prácticas de manejo que ayuden a mantener la producción

    Factores que afectan la producción agrícola bajo riego: cómo medirlos y estudiar su efecto

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    Hay varios grupos de factores que afectan el rendimiento de los cultivos agrícolas bajo riego; entre ellos destacan los meteorológicos, los de manejo y los relativos a la variabilidad espacial de los terrenos. Los primeros pueden afectar de forma seria los rendimientos y es poco lo que puede hacerse para aminorar su efecto. Los de manejo dependen en gran parte de las decisiones que tomen los productores y de los medios que disponen para realizar sus actividades. El tercer grupo, que depende de la variabilidad espacial de los terrenos, tiene un notable efecto para los productores que rentan tierras que han sido cultivadas por otros productores o que presentan variabilidad debido a condiciones físicas del suelo y la forma en que se han manejado. En el Distrito de Riego 038 de Río Mayo, en Sonora, México, se le ha dado el seguimiento a los cultivos durante varios años mediante sensores remotos satelitales y se han podido medir los efectos de estos factores, así como generar recomendaciones para aminorar los impactos negativos en los rendimientos. El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar los resultados obtenidos y la manera de hacerlos del conocimiento de los productores, mediante un visor en Internet