10 research outputs found

    Factores de Riesgo Asociados a la Conducta Homicida de un Niño hacia un Par

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    Los casos de niños homicidas son escasos, pero tienen gran impacto social y legislativo, llevando al estudio de factores de riesgo y protectores de la actividad delictiva temprana. Dado el único registro en Chile de un homicidio por parte de un niño, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar los factores de riesgo individuales y contextuales asociados a dicha conducta homicida de un niño menor de 10 años hacia un par. Se utilizó un diseño de caso único con diagnóstico multidisciplinar, con evaluaciones clínica individual y familiar, neuropsicológica y psiquiátrica. Los principales hallazgos son escasa flexibilidad cognitiva del niño y retroalimentación emocional en sus relaciones familiares, que se asociarían a los factores de riesgo: pautas educativas familiares, características de personalidad y uso del tiempo (jugar videojuegos violentos) y podrían explicar la conducta homicida, donde al niño le sería difícil detener la conducta violenta una vez iniciada, en un contexto demandante emocionalmente

    Rodrigo Landabur's Quick Files

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    The Quick Files feature was discontinued and it’s files were migrated into this Project on March 11, 2022. The file URL’s will still resolve properly, and the Quick Files logs are available in the Project’s Recent Activity

    Relación fusión de identidad- conducta extrema propaís, y sus mediadores

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    Tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en PsicologíaLa Fusión de identidad (FI), un sentimiento de conexión/unión con un grupo, ha sido identificada como un buen predictor de la conducta extrema propaís (inclinación a realizar un acto violento por el país). Los Lazos relacionales (hacia compatriotas) y la Angustia personal hacia un sujeto necesitado (e.g., ansiedad, tensión, angustia), se han evaluado separadamente como mediadores de esta relación. Estudios previos no han considerado la Preocupación empática (respuesta emocional que incluye emociones como compasión, simpatía, bondad) como predictor, al sexo como moderador, ni mediciones de conducta extrema propaís distintas al autosacrificio. Este trabajo analizó la relación entre FI-conducta extrema propaís y sus mediadores, creando relaciones entre éstos -Lazos relacionales, Preocupación empática y Angustia personal- en el Estudio 1, y usando un nuevo tipo de conducta extrema, al sexo como moderador y la Angustia personal y Preocupación empática como mediadores en el Estudio 2. Se realizaron análisis de ecuaciones estructurales en ambos estudios, respaldándose el modelo propuesto en el Estudio 1 (N = 539), pero parcialmente en el Estudio 2 (N = 412). Así, Lazos relacionales, Preocupación empática y Angustia personal median la relación FI-Autosacrificio propaís, con una mayor predicción de la Preocupación empática versus Angustia personal (Estudio 1), y la Angustia personal y Preocupación empática tienen un efecto interactivo sobre la conducta de Sacrificio propaís, siendo predichas por el sexo, pero no por la FI (Estudio 2). La estructura factorial es similar a la reportado en la literatura, principalmente en el Estudio 1, aunque su representatividad estaría limitada por la edad de la muestra. Se cuestiona el dilema usado en el Estudio 2, y se problematiza en ambos estudios los test de autorreporte para evaluar la respuesta emociona

    Ethnic Identity and Collective Self-Esteem Mediate the Effect of Anxiety and Depression on Quality of Life in a Migrant Population

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    Migration processes can often trigger negative interactions with the context, generating problems in both the physical and mental health of migrants, which have an impact on both their well-being and their quality of life. In this framework, the research aimed to assess the mediating effect of ethnic identity and collective self-esteem on the inverse relationship between mental health problems and quality of life. Data were collected from 908 first-generation Colombian migrants living in Chile, of whom 50.2% were women and with an average age of 35 years. They were assessed with The World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQoL)-Bref, Smith’s ethnic identity questionnaire, Basabe’s collective self-esteem, and Beck’s Anxiety and Depression questionnaires. The results provide evidence that both collective self-esteem and ethnic identity exert a partial mediation effect on the relationship between anxiety and depression on quality of life. The study provides evidence of the protective role that the maintenance and reinforcement of ethnic identity and collective self-esteem can have, with a view to strengthening the planning of interventions both in the field of prevention of mental health problems and in the improvement of quality of life based on evidence

    preocupação empática e angústia pessoal: análise psicométrica de uma escala situacional

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    Empathic concern and personal distress are the emotional components of empathy according to most utilized models. These components can be conceptualized in a dispositional or situational form. Previous analyzes tend to consider dispositional scales, with little evidence for situational ones. The present study analyzed the factor structure of a situational scale of emotional empathy, composed of empathic concern and personal distress. In a convenience sample of Chilean university students (N = 539), the one-order and second-order fit of the scale was analyzed using factor analysis. The results indicated a good (χ2 / gl = 4.189, cfi = .964, tli = .932, srmr = .042, rmsea = .086, aic = 12041.418, bic = 12097.185) and better (χ2 difference(1) = 16.689, p < .001, |δcfi| = .237, |Δrmsea| = .636, y |δsrmr| = .076, all of them > .01, |δaic| = 211.633 > 10, y |Δbic| = 207.342 > 10) second-order fit while one-order did not show a good fit (χ2 /gl = 20.878, cfi = .727, tli = .544, srmr = .118, rmsea = .224, aic = 12253.051, bic = 12304.527). The results were consistent with the literature. The need for new types of validity and the use of more representative samples was discussed.La preocupación empática y angustia personal son los componentes emocionales de la empatía según los modelos más utilizados. Estos componentes pueden conceptualizarse en forma disposicional o situacional. Los análisis previos tienden a considerar escalas disposicionales con escasa evidencia para las situacionales. El presente estudio analizó la estructura factorial de la Escala Situacional de la Empatía Emocional, compuesta por la preocupación empática y angustia personal. En una muestra a conveniencia de estudiantes universitarias/os chilenos/as (N = 539), se analizó el ajuste de primer y segundo orden de la escala mediante análisis factorial. Los resultados indicaron un buen (χ2 /gl = 4.189, cfi = .964, tli = .932, srmr = .042, rmsea = .086, aic = 12041.418, bic = 12097.185) y mejor ajuste del modelo de segundo orden (χ2 diferencia(1) = 16.689, p < .001, |δcfi| = .237, |Δrmsea| = .636, y |Δsrmr| = .076, todos > .01, |Δaic| = 211.633 > 10, y |δbic| = 207.342 > 10), mientras que el de un orden no mostró un buen ajuste (χ2 /gl = 20.878, cfi = .727, tli = .544, srmr = .118, rmsea = .224, aic = 12253.051, bic = 12304.527). Los resultados fueron consistentes con la literatura. Se discute la necesidad de nuevas evidencias de validez y el uso de muestras más representativas.A preocupação empática e o sofrimento pessoal são os componentes emocionais da empatia de acordo com o modelo de Davis (1983). Esses componentes podem ser conceituados em uma forma disposicional ou situacional. As análises psicométricas tendem a considerar escalas disposicionais, com pouca evidência para as situacionais. O presente estudo analisou as propriedades psicométricas de uma escala situacional de preocupação empática e sofrimento pessoal. Em uma amostra de uma universidade chilena (N = 539), o ajuste unifator e bifator da escala foi analisado por meio da análise fatorial. Os resultados indicaram um bom e melhor ajuste do bifator, enquanto o unifator não apresentou um bom ajuste. Os resultados foram consistentes com a literatura. Discutiu-se a necessidade de novos tipos de validade e o uso de amostras mais representativas

    Censoring Political Opposition Online: Who Does it and Why

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    NOW PUBLISHED: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jesp.2020.104031 As ordinary citizens increasingly moderate online forums, blogs, and their own social media feeds, a new type of censoring has emerged wherein people selectively remove opposing political viewpoints from online contexts. In three studies of behavior on putative online forums, supporters of a political cause (e.g., abortion or gun rights) preferentially censored comments that opposed their cause. The tendency to selectively censor cause-incongruent online content was amplified among people whose cause-related beliefs were deeply rooted in or “fused with” their identities. Moreover, six additional identity-related measures also amplified the selective censoring effect. Finally, selective censoring emerged even when opposing comments were inoffensive and courteous. We suggest that because online censorship enacted by moderators can skew online content consumed by millions of users, it can systematically disrupt democratic dialogue and subvert social harmony

    Censoring political opposition online: who does it and why

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    As ordinary citizens increasingly moderate online forums, blogs, and their own social media feeds, a new type of censoring has emerged wherein people selectively remove opposing political viewpoints from online contexts. In three studies of behavior on putative online forums, supporters of a political cause (e.g., abortion or gun rights) preferentially censored comments that opposed their cause. The tendency to selectively censor cause-incongruent online content was amplified among people whose cause-related beliefs were deeply rooted in or "fused with" their identities. Moreover, six additional identity-related measures also amplified the selective censoring effect. Finally, selective censoring emerged even when opposing comments were inoffensive and courteous. We suggest that because online censorship enacted by moderators can skew online content consumed by millions of users, it can systematically disrupt democratic dialogue and subvert social harmony.National Science Foundation (NSF) BCS-1124382 BCS1528851 European Research Council (ERC) European Commission 694986 Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades RTI2018-093550-B-I0

    The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale: Cross-National Measurement Invariance and Convergent Validity Evidence

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    Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) is a widely used measure that captures somatic symptoms of coronavirus-related anxiety. In a large-scale collaboration spanning 60 countries (Ntotal = 21,513), we examined the CAS’s measurement invariance and assessed the convergent validity of CAS scores in relation to the fear of COVID-19 (FCV-19S) and the satisfaction with life (SWLS-3) scales. We utilized both conventional exact invariance tests and alignment procedures, with results revealing that the single-factor model fit the data well in almost all countries. Partial scalar invariance was supported in a subset of 56 countries. To ensure the robustness of results, given the unbalanced samples, we employed resampling techniques both with and without replacement and found the results were more stable in larger samples. The alignment procedure demonstrated a high degree of measurement invariance with 9% of the parameters exhibiting noninvariance. We also conducted simulations of alignment using the parameters estimated in the current model. Findings demonstrated reliability of the means but indicated challenges in estimating the latent variances. Strong positive correlations between CAS and FCV-19S estimated with all three different approaches were found in most countries. Correlations of CAS and SWLS-3 were weak and negative, but significantly differed from zero in several countries. Overall, the study provided support for the measurement invariance of the CAS and offered evidence of its convergent validity while also highlighting issues with variance estimation

    Trust in government moderates the association between fear of COVID-19 as well as empathic concern and preventive behaviour

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    With the COVID-19 pandemic, behavioural scientists aimed to illuminate reasons why people comply with (or not) large-scale cooperative activities. Here we investigated the motives that underlie support for COVID-19 preventive behaviours in a sample of 12,758 individuals from 34 countries. We hypothesized that the associations of empathic prosocial concern and fear of disease with support towards preventive COVID-19 behaviours would be moderated by trust in the government. Results suggest that the association between fear of disease and support for COVID-19 preventive behaviours was strongest when trust in the government was weak (both at individual- and country-level). Conversely, the association with empathic prosocial concern was strongest when trust in the government was high, but this moderation was only found at individual-level scores of governmental trust. We discuss how motivations may be shaped by socio-cultural context, and outline how findings may contribute to a better understanding of collective action during global crises

    The Coronavirus Anxiety Scale: Cross-National Measurement Invariance and Convergent Validity Evidence

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    Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) is a widely used measure that captures somatic symptoms of coronavirus-related anxiety. In a large-scale collaboration spanning 60 countries (Ntotal = 21,513), we examined the CAS’s measurement invariance and assessed the convergent validity of CAS scores in relation to the fear of COVID-19 (FCV-19S) and the satisfaction with life (SWLS-3) scales. We utilized both conventional exact invariance tests and alignment procedures, with results revealing that the single-factor model fit the data well in almost all countries. Partial scalar invariance was supported in a subset of 56 countries. To ensure the robustness of results, given the unbalanced samples, we employed resampling techniques both with and without replacement and found the results were more stable in larger samples. The alignment procedure demonstrated a high degree of measurement invariance with 9% of the parameters exhibiting noninvariance. We also conducted simulations of alignment using the parameters estimated in the current model. Findings demonstrated reliability of the means but indicated challenges in estimating the latent variances. Strong positive correlations between CAS and FCV-19S estimated with all three different approaches were found in most countries. Correlations of CAS and SWLS-3 were weak and negative, but significantly differed from zero in several countries. Overall, the study provided support for the measurement invariance of the CAS and offered evidence of its convergent validity while also highlighting issues with variance estimation