213 research outputs found

    Gratitude: A Lifestyle Worth Developing

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    According to Webster (1999), gratitude is the state of being grateful, thankful, a readiness to show appreciation, and a disposition to return kindness. Practicing an attitude of gratitude is a habit vital, not only to an individual, but as well to families and society as a whole. As we observe our current state in society, some believe it appears attitudes of entitlement, resentment, and victimhood are evident. The purpose for this current discussion is to explore the reasons and the benefits for being grateful and furthermore, to consider ways to cultivate a habit of gratefulness in families and thus, influence our children

    ACEs and Healthcare: Creating a Positive Future

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    The adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) study represents a landmark in medical research which linked childhood experiences of abuse, neglect, and household dysfunction to future health outcomes. (Cronholm, Forke, Wade, Bair-Merritt, Davis, Harkins-Schwarz, Pachter & Fein, 2015). Felitti and colleagues (1998) conducted the original ACEs study in a primary care setting between 1995-1997 at a Kaiser Permenante clinic where thousands of participants revealed they had adverse childhood experiences (Felitti, Anda, Nordenberg, Willliamson, Spitz, Edwards, Koss, & Marks, 1998).  This original study found a strong dose response relationship between the extent of exposure to abuse or household dysfunction during childhood and multiple risk factors for several leading causes of death in adults. These conditions included: ischemic heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, fractures, liver disease as well as poor self-rated health (Felitti et al, 1998). Felitti et al, (1998) suggested ACEs and adult health status is strong and cumulative. They further asserted that abuse and other potentially damaging childhood experiences contribute to the development of risk factors leading to health behaviors and lifestyle factors that affect morbidity and mortality. These behaviors they allege are the “actual” cause of death (Felitti et al, 1998)

    New evidence for super-roughening in crystalline surfaces with disordered substrate

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    We study the behavior of the Binder cumulant related to long distance correlation functions of the discrete Gaussian model of disordered substrate crystalline surfaces. We exhibit numerical evidence that the non-Gaussian behavior in the low-TT region persists on large length scales, in agreement with the broken phase being super-rough.Comment: 10 pages and 4 figures, available at http://chimera.roma1.infn.it/index_papers_complex.html . We have extended the RG discussion and minor changes in the tex

    Dynamic markers based on blood perfusion fluctuations for selecting skin melanocytic lesions for biopsy

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    Skin malignant melanoma is a highly angiogenic cancer, necessitating early diagnosis for positive prognosis. The current diagnostic standard of biopsy and histological examination inevitably leads to many unnecessary invasive excisions. Here, we propose a non-invasive method of identification of melanoma based on blood flow dynamics. We consider a wide frequency range from 0.005 – 2 Hz associated with both local vascular regulation and effects of cardiac pulsation. Combining uniquely the power of oscillations associated with individual physiological processes we obtain a marker which distinguishes between melanoma and atypical nevi with sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 90.9%. The method reveals valuable functional information about the melanoma microenvironment. It also provides the means for simple, accurate, in vivo distinction between malignant melanoma and atypical nevi, and may lead to a substantial reduction in the number of biopsies currently undertaken

    Hydrological controls on oviposition habitat are associated with egg-laying phenology of some caddisflies

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    1. Seasonal variation in resource availability can have strong effects on life histories and population densities. Emergent rocks (ERs) are an essential oviposition resource for multiple species of stream insects. The availability of ERs depends upon water depth and clast size, which vary with discharge and river geomorphology, respectively. Recruitment success for populations may depend on whether peak egg-laying periods occur at times when ER are also abundant. For multiple species that oviposit on ER, we tested whether seasonal fluctuations in ER abundance were concurrent with oviposition phenology. We also tested whether high discharge drowned ERs for sufficiently long periods to preclude egg laying, and whether this problem varied between rivers differing in channel morphology and particle size distribution.2. We obtained a continuous timeseries of water level (WL) measured every 30 min for two years at sites on three rivers in south-eastern Australia with similar hydrology but different geomorphology. A relationship between WL and ER numbers was determined empirically at each site and these relationships were used to predict ER availability over the two years. Egg masses of ten species of caddisflies were enumerated each month for a year in one river to establish oviposition phenology. 3. Abundance of ERs was inversely related to discharge in all three rivers. ERs were most abundant during autumn and scarce during spring. Site-specific geomorphology resulted in skewed or multimodal distributions of ER abundance each year. Between years, catchment-scale hydrometeorology mediated patterns of ER availability, despite the close proximity of sites. Temporal variance in ER availability was not consistently correlated with mean WL or WL variance. ER variance increased with WL variance, when WL was below a threshold equivalent to mean annual WL. Above this threshold, most ER were likely to be submerged.4. Oviposition phenology varied strongly among the ten species of caddisflies, with egg-laying ranging from in 1-2 months to year-round. Temporal variations in ER and egg mass abundance were not correlated for most species. Below a threshold minimum number of ER, egg masses were highly crowded onto the few available ER, which is evidence that ER were in short supply. For five species, high egg mass abundance was positively associated with periods of the year when the time above the threshold number of ERs was high. Unusually, two species laid most egg masses during winter and when the time above this threshold was short. Three species showed no association between egg mass abundance and time above this threshold; two of these species laid eggs year-round.5. Regional hydrometeorology controlled the availability of ERs, but between-river differences were sufficient to deliver different outcomes in the availability of oviposition sites between years and seasons. Caddisflies were rarely prevented from laying eggs but periods when ERs were in short supply created crowding, which may be associated with negative fitness effects on hatching larvae. Geomorphological controls on availability of oviposition resources may have strong implications for the coexistence of species that overlap temporally in egg-laying

    On the Approach to the Equilibrium and the Equilibrium Properties of a Glass-Forming Model

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    In this note we apply some theoretical predictions that arise in the mean field framework for a large class of infinite range models to structural glasses and we present a first comparison of these predictions with numerical results.Comment: 22 pages, 15 figure

    Voice Activated Display of American Sign Language for Airport Security

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    Conference proceedings from the Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference-2003. California State University at Northridge, Los Angeles, CA March 17-22, 2003

    The Freshman, vol. 4, no. 12

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    The Freshman was a weekly, student newsletter issued on Mondays throughout the academic year. The newsletter included calendar notices, coverage of campus social events, lectures, and athletic teams. The intent of the publication was to create unity, a sense of community, and class spirit among first year students. Social news leading into the holiday season is the focus of this edition. The Class of 1937 run of The Freshman featured original cover art by sketch artist Jack Frost (John Edward Frost, 1915-1997), who was born in Eastport, Maine. He attended the University of Maine for only a single academic year before moving to Massachusetts to work for the Boston Herald. Frost later became a columnist and illustrator for the Boston Post

    The Freshman, vol. 4, no. 18

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    The Freshman was a weekly, student newsletter issued on Mondays throughout the academic year. The newsletter included calendar notices, coverage of campus social events, lectures, and athletic teams. The intent of the publication was to create unity, a sense of community, and class spirit among first year students. Peer pressure related to annual Rush activities hold the spotlight in this edition. The Class of 1937 run of The Freshman featured original cover art by sketch artist Jack Frost (John Edward Frost, 1915-1997), who was born in Eastport, Maine. He attended the University of Maine for only a single academic year before moving to Massachusetts to work for the Boston Herald. Frost later became a columnist and illustrator for the Boston Post

    The Freshman, vol. 4, no. 17

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    The Freshman was a weekly, student newsletter issued on Mondays throughout the academic year. The newsletter included calendar notices, coverage of campus social events, lectures, and athletic teams. The intent of the publication was to create unity, a sense of community, and class spirit among first year students. Stories in this issue include coverage of the annual Rushing at fraternities and sororities. The Class of 1937 run of The Freshman featured original cover art by sketch artist Jack Frost (John Edward Frost, 1915-1997), who was born in Eastport, Maine. He attended the University of Maine for only a single academic year before moving to Massachusetts to work for the Boston Herald. Frost later became a columnist and illustrator for the Boston Post
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