582 research outputs found

    DInSAR deformation time series for monitoring urban areas: The impact of the second generation SAR systems

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    We investigate the capability improvement of the DInSAR techniques to map deformation phenomena affecting urban areas, by performing a comparative analysis of the deformation time series retrieved by applying the full resolution Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) DInSAR technique to selected sequences of SAR data acquired by the ENVISAT, RADARSAT-1 and COSMO-SkyMed (CSK) SAR data. The presented study, focused on the city of Napoli (Italy), allows us to quantify the dramatic increase of the DInSAR coherent pixel density achieved by exploiting the high resolution X-Band CSK SAR images with respect to the RADARSAT-1 and ENVISAT products, respectively; this permits us to analyze nearly all the structures located within the investigated urbanized area and, in many cases, also portions of a same building. © 2012 IEEE

    Generation of large scale digital evaluation models via synthetic aperture radar interferometry

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    We investigate the possibility to generate a large-scale Digital Elevation Model by applying the Synthetic Aperture Radar interferometry technique and using tandem data acquired by the ERS-1/ERS-2 sensors. The presented study is mainly focused on the phase unwrapping step that represents the most critical point of the overall processing chain. In particular, we concentrate on the unwrapping problems related to the use of a large ERS tandem data set that, in order to be unwrapped, must be partitioned. The paper discusses the inclusion of external information (even rough) of the scene topography, the application of a region growing unwrapping technique and the insertion of possible constraints on the phase to be retrieved in order to minimize the global unwrapping errors. Our goal is the generation of a digital elevation model relative to an area of 300 km by 100km located in the southern part of Italy. Comparisons between the achieved result and a precise digital terrain model, relative to a smaller area, are also included

    The Role of Nutrition in Primary and Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Damage in Childhood Cancer Survivors

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    Innovative therapeutic strategies in childhood cancer led to a significant reduction in cancer-related mortality. Cancer survivors are a growing fragile population, at risk of long-term side effects of cancer treatments, thus requiring customized clinical attention. Antineoplastic drugs have a wide toxicity profile that can limit their clinical usage and spoil patients' life, even years after the end of treatment. The cardiovascular system is a well-known target of antineoplastic treatments, including anthracyclines, chest radiotherapy and new molecules, such as tyrosine kinase inhibitors. We investigated nutritional changes in children with cancer from the diagnosis to the end of treatment and dietary habits in cancer survivors. At diagnosis, children with cancer may present variable degrees of malnutrition, potentially affecting drug tolerability and prognosis. During cancer treatment, the usage of corticosteroids can lead to rapid weight gain, exposing children to overweight and obesity. Moreover, dietary habits and lifestyle often dramatically change in cancer survivors, who acquire sedentary behavior and weak adherence to dietary guidelines. Furthermore, we speculated on the role of nutrition in the primary prevention of cardiac damage, investigating the potential cardioprotective role of diet-derived compounds with antioxidative properties. Finally, we summarized practical advice to improve the dietary habits of cancer survivors and their families

    Childhood medical history and psychosis in adult life: Findings from the Bologna EU-GEI incidence and case–control study

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    Aim: To estimate the association between the inpatient admissions and Emergency Department (ED) visits before age of 18 years and adulthood-onset first-episode psychosis (FEP). Methods: We conducted a FEP incidence and case–control study and calculated the odds ratios (ORs) for incident FEP associated with inpatient admissions and ED visits prior to age of 18 years, adjusting our results for cannabis use, parental socio-economic class and childhood trauma. Results: In multivariate logistic regression analysis, odds of FEP increased significantly if the participant had a history of at least one inpatient admission (OR = 3.52; 95% confidence interval [95%CI] 1.07-11.54; P =.04) or at least one ED visit (OR = 8.93; 95%CI 2.41-33.14; P =.001) before age of 18. The associations remained significant adjusting for cannabis use, education, parental socio-economic class and childhood trauma. Conclusion: Consistently with the socio-neurodevelopmental model, we found a significant association between a positive history of hospital care in childhood and adulthood-onset psychosis

    Combination of fecal calprotectin and initial coronary dimensions to predict coronary artery lesions persistence in Kawasaki disease

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    Kawasaki Disease (KD) is systemic vasculitis involving medium-sized vessels in children. The aim of our study is to determine if fecal calprotectin (FC) could be useful in predicting the development or persistence of coronary artery lesions (CALs) in KD. We conducted a prospective monocentric study including all consecutive diagnoses of. Clinical, laboratory, echocardiographic data were recorded during the acute and subacute phase, including FC. Correlations among laboratory values, FC, clinical manifestations, IVIG-responsiveness and CALs development were investigated. We enrolled 26 children (76.9% boys; median age 34.5 months). The combination of FC > 250 microg/g and z-score > 2 during the acute phase was associated with the persistence of CALs (p = 0.022). A z-score > 2 alone during the acute phase was not related to CALs during the subacute stage (p > 0.05). A neutrophil percentage > 70% and WBC > 15,000/mmc during the acute phase significantly correlated with the presence of CALs during the subacute phase (p = 0.008). C-reactive protein (CRP) > 13 mg/dL at KD onset was significantly associated with the presence of CALs during the acute (p = 0.017) and subacute phase (p = 0.001). The combination of FC > 250 microg/g and a z-score > 2 during the acute phase of KD may be used as a predictor of CALs persistence. It can be useful especially in children with an initial CRP < 13 mg/dl

    Immune response against adenovirus in acute upper respiratory tract infections in immunocompetent children

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    During acute upper respiratory tract infections (AURTIs) caused by Adenoviruses, the mix of severe clinical presentation, together with elevation of white blood cells (WBCs) and C-reactive protein (CRP), often mimicking bacterial infection, leads to an inappropriate use of antibiotics. We studied 23 immunocompetent children admitted to our Pediatric Emergency Unit with signs of acute Adenoviral AURTIs, aiming at better clarifying the biological background sustaining this clinical presentation. Infection etiology was tested with nasopharyngeal swabs, serology, and DNA-PCR. During fever peaks and subsequent recovery, we assessed WBC count with differential, CRP, procalcitonin, serum concentration of six inflammatory cytokines, and lymphocyte subset populations. Results: IL-6 and IL-8 were found elevated in the acute phase, whereas a significant decrease during recovery was found for IL-6 and IL-10. We highlighted an increase of B lymphocytes in the acute phase; conversely, during recovery, an increase in T regulatory cells was noted. Monocytes and leukocytes were found markedly elevated during fever peaks compared to convalescence. All patients recovered uneventfully. The composition of lymphocyte population subsets and serum alterations are the main drivers of an overprescribed antibiotic. Examination of hospital admissions and performance is needed in further investigations to rule out bacterial infections or inflammatory syndromes

    Inoculated mammary carcinoma-associated fibroblasts: contribution to hormone independent tumor growth

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increasing evidence has underscored the role of carcinoma associated fibroblasts (CAF) in tumor growth. However, there are controversial data regarding the persistence of inoculated CAF within the tumors. We have developed a model in which murine metastatic ductal mammary carcinomas expressing estrogen and progesterone receptors transit through different stages of hormone dependency. Hormone dependent (HD) tumors grow only in the presence of progestins, whereas hormone independent (HI) variants grow without hormone supply. We demonstrated previously that CAF from HI tumors (CAF-HI) express high levels of FGF-2 and that FGF-2 induced HD tumor growth <it>in vivo</it>. Our main goal was to investigate whether inoculated CAF-HI combined with purified epithelial (EPI) HD cells can induce HD tumor growth.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Purified EPI cells of HD and HI tumors were inoculated alone, or together with CAF-HI, into female BALB/c mice and tumor growth was evaluated. In another set of experiments, purified EPI-HI alone or combined with CAF-HI or CAF-HI-GFP were inoculated into BALB/c or BALB/c-GFP mice. We assessed whether inoculated CAF-HI persisted within the tumors by analyzing inoculated or host CAF in frozen sections of tumors growing in BALB/c or BALB/c-GFP mice. The same model was used to evaluate early stages of tumor development and animals were euthanized at 2, 7, 12 and 17 days after EPI-HI or EPI-HI+CAF-HI inoculation. In angiogenesis studies, tumor vessels were quantified 5 days after intradermal inoculation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that admixed CAF-HI failed to induce epithelial HD tumor growth, but instead, enhanced HI tumor growth (p < 0.001). Moreover, inoculated CAF-HI did not persist within the tumors. Immunofluorescence studies showed that inoculated CAF-HI disappeared after 13 days. We studied the mechanisms by which CAF-HI increased HI tumor growth, and found a significant increase in angiogenesis (p < 0.05) in the co-injected mice at early time points.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Inoculated CAF-HI do not persist within the tumor mass although they play a role during the first stages of tumor formation promoting angiogenesis. This angiogenic environment is unable to replace the hormone requirement of HD tumors that still need the hormone to recruit the stroma from the host.</p

    Brief Communication: Rapid mapping of landslide events: the 3 December 2013 Montescaglioso landslide, Italy

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    We present an approach to measure 3-D surface deformations caused by large, rapid-moving landslides using the amplitude information of high-resolution, X-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images. We exploit SAR data captured by the COSMO-SkyMed satellites to measure the deformation produced by the 3 December 2013 Montescaglioso landslide, southern Italy. The deformation produced by the deep-seated landslide exceeded 10 m and caused the disruption of a main road, a few homes and commercial buildings. The results open up the possibility of obtaining 3-D surface deformation maps shortly after the occurrence of large, rapid-moving landslides using high-resolution SAR data


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    We exploited the Small BAseline Subset (SBAS) technique and computed ground displacement maps and time series by inverting 283 interferograms generated from the ascending and 289 from the descending orbits to reveal Mt. Etna surface deformation from 1992 to 2006. Our analysis shows that the volcano experienced magmatic inflation/deflation and radial spreading of the west, south and east flanks. In particular, the summit area vertical deformation inverted its sign after 2000 and clearly shows a deflation effect related to the 2001 and 2002 eruptive and seismic events. On the contrary, the horizontal signals revealed on the eastern and western flanks present significant and consistent motions toward east and west, respectively, during the investigated interval. Overall, the presented results show the complex and articulated deformation behavior of Mt. Etna and remark the possible coexistence of both gravity and magma forcing

    Effects of relaxed lockdown on pediatric er visits during sars-cov-2 pandemic in Italy

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    Previously, we demonstrated an 81% reduction in pediatric Emergency Room (ER) visits in Italy during the strict lockdown due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Since May 2020, lockdown measures were relaxed until 6 November 2020, when a strict lockdown was patchily reintroduced. Our aim was to evaluate the impact of the relaxed lockdown on pediatric ER visits in Italy. We performed a retrospective multicenter study involving 14 Italian pediatric ERs. We compared total ER visits from 24 September 2020 to 6 November 2020 with those during the corresponding timeframe in 2019. We evaluated 17 ER specific diagnoses grouped in air communicable and non-air communicable diseases. We recognized four different triage categories: white, green, yellow and red. In 2020 total ER visits were reduced by 51% compared to 2019 (16,088 vs. 32,568, respectively). The decrease in air communicable diseases was significantly higher if compared to non-air communicable diseases (−64% vs. −42%, respectively). ER visits in each triage category decreased in 2020 compared to 2019, but in percentage, white and red codes remained stable, while yellow codes slightly increased and green codes slightly decreased. Our results suggest that preventive measures drastically reduced the circulation of air communicable diseases even during the reopening of social activities but to a lesser extent with regard to the strict lockdown period (March–May 2020)
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