493 research outputs found

    As marismas da Baía de Paranaguá: características gerais, modos de apropriação e implicações para a legislação ambiental

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    This review presents the current knowledge on salt marshes of Paranaguá Bay (Southem Brazil) and analyses their floristic, faunistic and physiographic differences in relation to local mangroves. Usage and traditional management of local salt marshes have received scant attention in the literature and their potential resources and ecological functions are heavily underestimated. A re-enactment of environmental law is suggested, on the basis of a comparative analysis between structural and functional attributes of local mangroves and salt marshes

    Carbon budget trends in octocorals: a literature review with data reassessment and a conceptual framework to understand their resilience to environmental changes

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    Although octocorals are a key component of marine hard-bottom systems, their feeding performance is still poorly understood. Understanding carbon budget trends in octocorals’ feeding ecology seems essential to assess their role in benthic–pelagic coupling and to predict their responses to environmental changes. Herein, we provide a review of the feeding ecology of octocorals and an overall data reassessment of their carbon budgets through a systematic and comprehensive search of peer-reviewed literature published between 1960 and 2020, highlighting knowledge gaps. Overall, the feeding ecology of more than 95% of octocoral species remains unknown. Based on the available data, suspension feeding accounts for 162.8 ± 171.0% of the metabolic requirements in azooxanthellate octocorals and 28.7 ± 32.3% in zooxanthellate octocorals. Autotrophy is responsible for 156.7 ± 113.9% of the acquired carbon in zooxanthellate octocorals. However, this value is significantly lower in gorgonian phenotypes compared to other soft corals. We present a conceptual framework describing and exploring the most relevant hypotheses regarding putative advantages of octocorals over scleractinians against environmental changes, including their ability to decrease energy expenses to overcome stress events, their lower dependency on autotrophy, and the type of interaction (facultative and flexible) with their symbiontsPD was funded by the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) social demand scholarship. AM was supported by a ‘Juan de la Cierva—Formación’ fellowship (FJC2020-044080-I) funded by the Spanish ‘Ministerio de Ciencia y Innovación’. PL was a grantee from the Brazilian National Research Foundation (CNPq)

    Prostorno mapiranje kemijskih svojstava tla koristeći multivarijatnu geostatistiku. Studija s oraničnih tala u istočnoj Hrvatskoj

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    The spatial variability of soil chemical properties is affected by factors of soil formation and human activities. Understanding their spatial variability will improve agricultural production, reduce environmental problems (e.g., soil pollution, offsite effects), and achieve sustainable agroecosystems. The main objective was to study the spatial variability of pH, soil organic matter, available phosphorus, and available potassium using univariate and multivariate methods in cropland fields in eastern Croatia. For the study, 169 (0-30 cm) soil samples were collected in a 911 ha study area. The results showed that soils had slightly acidic pH, adequate available phosphorus and potassium values for crop production, and low soil organic matter concentration. The variability was high in available phosphorus and low in pH. Soil pH, soil organic matter, available phosphorus, and potassium nugget/sill ratio was 0.00, 2.79, 18.68, and 22.08, respectively. Auxiliary variables increased the accuracy of the predictions. Soil organic matter levels were below the recommendable, and this is very likely an anthropogenic effect, even though the intrinsic process influences soil organic matter. The heterogeneous distribution of phosphorus and potassium highlighted the necessity of fertilization in some areas. For the sustainability of agroecosystems, adaptable site-specific soil management strategies need to be implemented.Prostorna varijabilnost kemijskih svojstava tla uvjetovana je pedogenetskim čimbenicima i ljudskom aktivnošću. Razumijevanje prostorne varijabilnosti poboljšati će poljoprivrednu proizvodnju, smanjiti okolišne probleme (npr. zagađenje tla, off-site učinci), i postići održivost agroekosustava. Glavni cilj rada je istraživanje prostorne varijabilnosti pH, organske tvari i biljci pristupačnog fosfora i kalija, koristeći univarijatne i multivarijatne metode na oraničnim tlima u istočnoj Hrvatskoj. Za rad je prikupljeno 169 (0-30 cm) uzoraka tla s površine od 911 ha. Rezultati pokazuju da su tla blago kisela, adekvatnog sadržaja biljci pristupačnog fosfora i kalija za biljnu proizvodnju i niskog sadržaja organske tvari tla. Varijabilnost je visoka kod biljci pristupačnog fosfora i niska kod pH tla. pH tla, organska tvar te biljci pristupačan fosfor i kalij imaju nuget/sill omjer 0.00, 2.79, 18.68, i 22.08. Pomoćni podaci povećali su preciznost predikcije. Identificiran je sadržaj organske tvari tla ispod preporučljive razine i to vrlo vjerojatno radi antropogenog utjecaja, iako i pedogenetska svojstva utječu na organsku tvar tla. Heterogena distribucija fosfora i kalija istaknula je nužnost za gnojidbom u nekim područjima. Za održivost agroekosustava potrebno je provesti prilagodljive strategije korištenja i upravljanja tlima na svakoj pojedinoj lokaciji

    O valor da biodiversidade e o impasse taxonômico: a diversidade marinha como estudo de caso

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    A diversidade biológica vem deixando de ser tratada como conceito ecológico estrito nos últimos anos e assumindo as características de um verdadeiro recurso global, graças aos avanços da biologia molecular e da engenharia genética. Apesar disto, nao existem ainda boas estimativas da biodiversidade nem mesmo como grandeza taxonômica. Um caso particularmente evidente deste desconhecimento generalizado é dado pela própria biodiversidade marinha. Cerca de 200 mil espécies de plantas e animais marinhos sãoatualmente conhecidas, mas há estimativas, mais ou menos fundamentadas, de que a diversidade potencial possa variar de 500 mil a 5 milhoes de espécies. Este artigo tem por objetivo avaliar criticamente o conceito de biodiversidade, com ênfase no caso particular da biodiversidade marinha, juntamente com uma análise da atual disponibilidade de recursos humanos e materiais para o seu simples levantamento, .taxononuco


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    Nephtyidae (Annelida; Polychaeta) from the Paraná coast (Brazil)The Nephtyidae from the Paraná coast (SE Brazil) are represented by 7 species in 3 genera, namely Nephtys acrochaeta, N. squamosa, N. fluviatilis, N. simoni, Inermonephtys palpata, Aglaophamus juvenalis and Aglaophamus uruguayi. Inermonephtys palpata, previously known from Australia, is recorded for the first time in Atlantic waters. Nephtys simoni is also a new record to the Brazilian coast. A key and descriptions, besides some comments on geographical distribution, are provided for all species examined


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    Laonice branchiata, a new spionid polychaete, is described based on material collected in shallow waters of estuarine and shelf environments off the States of Paraná, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (SE Brazil).(Laonice branchiata, uma nova espécie de Spionidae da costa sudeste brasileira). Laonice branchiata, uma nova espécie de poliqueta da família Spionidae, é descrita a partir de material coletado em ambientes estuarinos e de plataforma ao longo dos estados do Paraná, São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro (costa sudestedo Brasil)

    Patrones de distribución de los terebélidos (Annelida: Polychaeta): una aplicación del análisis de parsimonia de endemicidad (PAE)

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    The biogeography of Terebellidae (Polychaeta) using Parsimony Analysis of Endemism (PAE) is investigated and species and genera distribution in relation to coastal and continental shelf areas of endemism around the world is considered. Hierarchical patterns in PAE cladograms are identified by testing for congruence with patterns derived from cladistic biogeography and geological evidence. The PAE cladogram indicates that many of the extant terebellid worms from the current Southern Hemisphere (“Gondwanan clades”) have originated from Laurasian ancestors or, in the case of the clade formed by Brazilian, South Atlantic and Antarctic taxa, have descended directly from an ancestral lineage common to some Northern areas. The present analysis also shows a high level of endemism at the species level. Relationships of the areas differ slightly from previous biogeographical analyses applied to other polychaete families.Se presenta la biogeografía de la familia Terebellidae (Polychaeta) usando Análisis de Parsimonia de Endemismos (PAE). En el estudio se considera la distribución de las especies y géneros en relación a endemismos de costas y plataformas continentales a escala planetaria, Los patrones jerárquicos en los cladogramas del PAE se identifican comprobando su congruencia con patrones obtenidos de biogeografía cladística y evidencias geológicas. Los cladogramas obtenidos en el PAE indican que muchas de las formas extintas de gusanos terebélidos procedentes el actual Hemisferio Sur (“cladogramas Godwana”) tienen su origen en ancestros de Laurasia o, en el caso del cladograma formado por los taxones Brasileños, del Atlántico Sur y Anárticos, descienden directamente de una línea ancestral común a algunas áreas del Norte. El presente estudio muestra asimismo un alto nivel de endemismo a nivel de especies. Las relaciones obtenidas para las áreas estudiadas son un poco diferentes cuando se comparan con trabajos previos realizados en otras familias de poliquetos. &nbsp

    Análisis filogenético de Petaloproctus (Maldanidae: Polychaeta) con la descripción de una nueva especie en el sureste de Brasil

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    We used morphological data for a phylogenetic analysis of the genus Petaloptoctus (Maldanidae: Polychaeta). We found three most parsimonious phylogenetic trees with length = 37, CI = 0.89 and RI = 0.92. The genus Petaloproctus is monophyletic, and is supported by a strongly arched prostomium, pinnate capillary setae, and an anal cup with a reduced dorsal border. Our proposal for the systematisation of the subgroups of Petaloproctus is ((P. tenuis (P. terriculus + P. neoborealis)) (P. ornatus (((P. cirratus + P. dentatus) (P. macrodentatus (P. borealis (P. vallejoi n. sp. + P. socialis)))))). We also regard Nicomachinae as a monophyletic group with the following synapomorphies: prostomium short and arched; nuchal grooves short and curved; cephalic plate lost; anal pore opening on margin of anal plate. Monophyly of Micromaldane and Nicomache was also supported in the analysis. Petaloproctus vallejoi n. sp. has 19 setigerous and one asetigerous pre-anal segment. The prostomium is rounded, forming a keel with curved laterals. Nuchal grooves are short and deep, strongly curved outwards. Each neuropodium has one acicular spine on setigers 1-3. The pygidium has a large ventral border, and a reduced dorsal border. The anus is terminal, and close to the margin of the anal plate, surrounded by divergent folds.En este estudio se utilizaron datos morfológicos para realizar un análisis filogenético del género Petaloproctus (Maldanidae: Polychaeta). Se establecieron los tres árboles filogenéticos más parsimoniosos, con tamaño = 37, CI= 0.89 y RI= 0.92. El género Petaloproctus es monofilético, y es soportado por un prostomio arqueado; cerdas capilares pinadas y un copo anal con borde dorsal muy reducido. Nuestra propuesta de sistematización para los subgrupos de Petaloproctus es ((P. tenuis (P. terriculus + P. neoborealis)) (P. ornatus (((P. cirratus + P. dentatus) (P. macrodentatus (P. borealis (P. vallejoi n. sp. + P. sociales)))))). También se recomienda Nicomachinae como un grupo monofilético con las siguientes sinapomorfias: prostomio corto y arqueado; órganos nucales cortos y curvados; sin placa cefálica; poro anal abriéndose en el margen de la placa anal. Los análisis realizados soportan la monofilia de Micromaldane y Nicomache. Petaloproctus vallejoi n. sp. se describe para el litoral sureste del Brasil. Esta especie nueva posee 19 segmentos setígeros y 1 segmento asetígero preanal. El prostomio es redondeado anteriormente y forma una quilla con los bordes laterales curvados. Los órganos nucales son cortos y profundos, ligeramente curvados hacia fuera. Posee una espina acicular en los setígeros 1-3. El pigidio con el borde ventral grande y un borde dorsal reducido. El ano es terminal, central, e incluido en la placa, con varios pliegues divergentes