2,541 research outputs found

    Inversion methods for interpretation of asteroid lightcurves

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    We have developed methods of inversion that can be used in the determination of the three-dimensional shape or the albedo distribution of the surface of a body from disk-integrated photometry, assuming the shape to be strictly convex. In addition to the theory of inversion methods, we have studied the practical aspects of the inversion problem and applied our methods to lightcurve data of 39 Laetitia and 16 Psyche

    Perceptions of Finns and Ethnic Boundaries in Sweden during the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era

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    Fast 650 Jahre lebten Schweden und Finnen im Königreich Schweden offenbar sehr harmonisch nebeneinander (1150–1809): Die Finnen erhielten trotz ihrer teilweise anderen Kultur und ihrer späteren Bekehrung zum Christentum die gleichen Rechte und Pflichten gegenüber der Krone wie die schwedischsprachige Mehrheit. Im schwedischen Schauspiel “Alle Bedlegrannas Spegel” von 1647 treten jedoch eher negative Vorstellungen von brutalen und kriminellen Finnen zu Tage. In diesem Aufsatz soll versucht werden zu klären, wie und weshalb ein solch negatives Image entstehen konnte. Indem untersucht wird, wie im Ausland und in Schweden verfasste Schriften Finnen darstellten und insbesondere wie Finnen in den lokalen schwedischen Gemeinschaften gesehen wurden, wird deutlich, dass sie durch ihre andersartige Sprache und ihre generell schwächere wirtschaftliche und soziale Stellung in den Augen wohlhabender schwedischer Kreise, die die sozialen Grenzen zwischen aufrichtigen und unredlichen Menschen festlegten, zu Fremden wurden

    The Theological Significance of ר ע ב and ש ב ע in the Hebrew Bible

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    This study examines the literary pairing of the words full (עבש) and hungry (בער) in the Hebrew Bible from the perspective of inner-textuality. This thesis explores the theological development of the terms, beginning with their appearance as words of simple meanings pertaining to physical condition, in Genesis 42 and Exodus 16. Deuteronomy 8 emerges as a theological catalyst for the terms when it redresses hungry to mean humility before YHWH, and full as arrogance toward YHWH. Full and hungry are made into two endpoints on a paradigm in Deuteronomy 8, highlighting the attitudinal approaches that Israel is and is not to take toward YHWH. Israel must maintain the same demeanor of humility and obedience to YHWH that it learned while hungrily eating manna from YHWH\u27s hand (Deut. 8:3). Simultaneously, Israel must never credit itself or any other source for its prosperity even as it delights in the abundant food of Canaan. If Israel\u27s satiation leads to forgetting YHWH, YHWH will destroy Israel (Deut. 8:10ff.). This study follows the terms as they function as theological concepts as imaged by Deuteronomy, in the texts of 1 Sam. 2:5, Psalm 107, Hos. 13:4-6 and Prov. 27:7

    Pre-operative Prostate MRI Predictors of Social Continence following Radical Prostatectomy

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    Medical Schoolhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/170664/1/HannahLamberg_1.docxhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/170664/2/HannahLamberg_2.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/170664/3/HannahLamberg_3.doc

    Business Creation for Active Lifestyles in the Finnish Sport-Based Companies : Enabling a Sustainability Transformation Through Ecosystem Thinking

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    Sedentary behaviours and inactive lifestyles are global issues. Physical inactivity causes several illnesses and encourages environmentally damaging behaviour via excessive car usage. Therefore, physical inactivity could threaten social, environmental, and economic sustainability globally and in Finland. Historically, physical activity promotion has been in the hands of municipalities and sports clubs, and the potential of the private companies operating in the Finnish sports business ecosystem has received less attention. This thesis concentrates on sport-based companies and their potential in promoting physical activity. It explores business opportunities for physical activity promotion, systemic barriers to business creation, and sustainability perceptions of the sport-based companies. The methodology takes inspiration from design science and builds on 25 semi-structured interviews thematised with qualitative content analysis. The results of this thesis reveal four possible business opportunities for physical activity promotion: tailored wellness packages, programme and adventure services, urban design, and gamification. Moreover, the results uncover the organisational, institutional, and cultural barriers to physical activity promotion. Finally, the results section unveils the current attitudes of the sport-based companies towards corporate sustainability. The discussion reviews the thesis results through corporate sustainability, sustainable business model innovation, and entrepreneurial ecosystem literature. Based on the theoretical implications, the thesis suggests that creating a physical activity ecosystem could address the need for physical activity promotion, create opportunities for trans-sectoral collaboration and new physical activity business, and help the sport-based companies transition towards corporate sustainability.Liikkumattomuus on globaali ongelma. Arkiliikunnan vähäisyys aiheuttaa useita sairauksia ja kannustaa ihmisiä ympäristölle haitalliseen käyttäytymiseen, kuten autoiluun. Siksi liikkumattomuuden voikin ajatella olevan sosiaalinen, taloudellinen ja ympäristöllinen uhka kestävälle kehitykselle niin globaalisti kuin Suomessa. Aiemmin arkiliikuntaa on edistetty Suomessa kuntien sekä urheiluseurojen toimesta eikä liikuntaliiketoiminnasta kumpuavaa potentiaalia ole juuri huomioitu. Tämä pro gradu -tutkielma keskittyy suomalaisiin liikunta-alan yrityksiin ja niiden mahdollisuuksiin edistää arkiliikuntaa. Tutkielmassa paneudutaan arkiliikunnan liiketoimintamah-dollisuuksiin, liiketoiminnan esteisiin sekä liikunta-alan yritysten näkemyksiin vastuullisesta liiketoiminnasta. Tutkielma inspiroituu tulevaisuusorientoituneesta suunnittelutieteestä ja rakentuu kahdellekymmenelleviidelle (25) puolistrukturoidulle haastattelulle, jotka tematisoidaan sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Tämän tutkielman tulokset paljastavat neljä arkiliikunnan liiketoimintamahdollisuutta: räätälöidyt hyvinvointipaketit, seikkailu- ja elämyspalvelut, kaupunkisuunnittelun ja pelillistämisen. Lisäksi tulokset tuovat esiin yritysten sisäisiä, institutionaalisia ja kulttuurisia esteitä arkiliikuntaliiketoiminnalle. Lopuksi tulososio esittelee liikunta-alan yritysten tämänhetkisiä asenteita vastuullista liiketoimintaa kohtaan. Tutkielman pohdinta tarkastelee tuloksia vastuullisen liiketoiminnan, vastuullisten liiketoimintamallien ja yrittäjyysekosysteemikirjallisuuden näkökulmista. Päätelmien perusteella tutkielma ehdottaa arkiliikuntaekosysteemin luomista. Tutkielman perusteella liiketoimintaekosysteemi loisi lisäkeinoja arkiliikunnan edistämiselle, monialaiselle yhteistyölle sekä arkiliikuntaliiketoiminnalle. Ekosysteemiyhteistyö voisi myös siivittää suomalaisia liikunta-alan yrittäjiä kohti vastuullisen liiketoiminnan murrosta

    Development cooperation and national planning : analysing Finnish complicity in postcolonial Tanzania’s decentralization reform and regional development

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    Architecture and planning projects dominated Finnish-Tanzanian development cooperation in the 1970s. While few previous connections between Finland and sub-Saharan Africa existed, the adoption of international aid operations in Finnish foreign policy provided a pathway for architects and planners to partake in the nation-building endeavours of socialist Tanzania. Through archival analysis, this paper provides a comprehensive perspective into how a Finnish development cooperation agency and development employees (architects included) worked for the benefit of the implementation of Tanzanian socialist policy and aimed to advance regional development as well as to serve the purposes of ujamaa and the authoritarian one-party governance system. The Uhuru Corridor Regional Physical Plan (1975–1978) that followed became the first attempt at large-scale regional planning in Tanzania and attempted to establish regional planning as a solid part of state management. The paper suggests that within the framework of national planning, the difference between a development cooperation project and a planning project is obscure, and it demonstrates that basing research on the conceptual likenesses between planning and development can provide fruitful approaches to planning history.Architecture and planning projects dominated Finnish-Tanzanian development cooperation in the 1970s. While few previous connections between Finland and sub-Saharan Africa existed, the adoption of international aid operations in Finnish foreign policy provided a pathway for architects and planners to partake in the nation-building endeavours of socialist Tanzania. Through archival analysis, this paper provides a comprehensive perspective into how a Finnish development cooperation agency and development employees (architects included) worked for the benefit of the implementation of Tanzanian socialist policy and aimed to advance regional development as well as to serve the purposes of ujamaa and the authoritarian one-party governance system. The Uhuru Corridor Regional Physical Plan (1975–1978) that followed became the first attempt at large-scale regional planning in Tanzania and attempted to establish regional planning as a solid part of state management. The paper suggests that within the framework of national planning, the difference between a development cooperation project and a planning project is obscure, and it demonstrates that basing research on the conceptual likenesses between planning and development can provide fruitful approaches to planning history.Peer reviewe

    Thessaloniki for People: Developing a Postmodern Vision for Sustainable Urban Mobility

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    Modernist urban planning emerged in the 20th century as a solution to conflicts of use between industrial production and housing. However, these originally visionary guidelines are increasingly coming under criticism. Especially the resulting dominant car traffic causes problems today. In order to design more liveable and climate-resilient cities for the future, new planning approaches are needed. These are developed in the following article for the Greek port metropolis of Thessaloniki

    Identifying Key Factors in Planning and Implementing Autonomous Public Transport: An Investigation of Road- and Rail-bound Projects in Germany

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    Autonomous driving in public transport is becoming increasingly popular in Germany. The reasons for this are manifold – as are the challenges in the implementation. The aim of this article is to highlight these reasons and challenges and, in particular, to provide a deeper insight into the planning and implementation processes of various transport projects in Germany. This enables a comparison of road- and rail-bound transport systems and emphasises the differences between urban and rural project areas. Particular attention is paid to the formation of a stakeholder network in the case of the autonomous metro system in Nuremberg as well as to forms of cooperation in road-bound projects

    Produktionstendenzen in industrialisierten Ostblockländern

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    Required Preparation in Reading for Secondary Teachers

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    In Fall, 1977, a survey was conducted on requirements for secondary teachers in the area of reading instruction. Information from state certifying agencies show a majority of states have some requirements. The results of the survey, when compared to results of two earlier surveys, show increasing interest in secondary reading
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