85 research outputs found

    [Review of] Louis Owens. Bone Game. American Indian Literature and Critical Studies Series

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    Tricksters in Native American thought often include the gambler and skinwalker. Traditionally, the character of the gambler appears in order to test a person, who must play and win a life and death game so that the individual (specifically) and the tribe (generally) will survive. And, according to anthropologist Larry Sunderland, a Navajo skinwalker ostensibly inserts a bone into a victim\u27s body without breaking the skin. This action often results in mental and/or physical injury, illness, and death. The bone can only be removed ceremoniously by a shaman (hitaaIi); both the gambler and skinwalker are shapeshifters. During the Morning Star Ceremony, which is demonstrated in Bone Game and was ended by Metalsharo (Pawnee) in 1813, a maiden\u27s body would be painted half black and half white, staked to the ground, and shot full of arrows in a Dionysian ceremony. Owens delicately intertwines these three ceremonies and figures in a story filled with action, mystery, and surprises

    Analyzing How Low Socioeconomic Status Impacts Childhood Development

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    10,466,000 kids under the age of 18 lived in poverty in 2019 (Census, 2020). Despite the fact children account for 22.6% of the U.S. population, they accounted for 31.1% of the total people who live in poverty (Census, 2019). Childhood poverty, and the low socioeconomic status that comes with it, is one of the more sobering problems we have in our country as children are an unfairly and unevenly impacted demographic in terms of poverty. Children have limited ability to improve or dictate the situation that they are brought up in. Also, as I will present in this paper, poverty and low socioeconomic status typically lead to long term negative impacts on physical and mental health. Awareness and understanding of the impact that SES has on child development, and the ramifications it has for the country itself, is important knowledge for people to possess. The purpose of this paper is to examine the important aspects the affects living in a low socioeconomic status household has on childhood development. Three aspects of living in a low SES household that impact childhood development are social determinants of health, adverse childhood experiences (ACE’s) and educational outcomes

    Publishing Books

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    WISE COMMENTATORS have long evaluated books and bookmaking. Man builds no structure which outlives a book, wrote Eugene Fitch Ware in The Book, and Justin M\u27Carthy\u27s A Ballade of Book-Making declared, The critics challenge and defend ... of making books there is no end. Others have written loving odes to the book. Garrison Keillor, for instance: The book is a great and ancient invention, he marveled, slow to hatch, as durable as a turtle, light and shapely as befits a descendant of the tree .... A handsome, useful object begotten by the passion for truth ... [books] contain our common life and keep it against the miserable days when meanness operates with a free hand, and save\u27 it for the day when the lonesome reader opens the cover and the word is resurrected

    Memory for Bizarre Imagery: A Storage-Retrieval Analysis

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    Four experiments were conducted to examine the role that storage and retrieval processes play in the bizarreness effect. The experiments provided a test of Riefer and LaMay\u27s (1992) twolactor hypothesis, which states that bizarre stimuli are retrieved from Meitbry better than common stimuli, but that common stimuli are stored better than bizarre stimuli. The experimental results were also used to test the validity of Riefer and Rouder\u27s (1992) and Rouder and Batchelder\u27s (1999) multinomial models for storage and retrieval. The experiments explored several variables known to impact the bizarreness effect, including mixed vs. unmixed lists, list length, presentation rate, level of association, and sentence complexity. Various hypotheses were developed regarding how these variables affect storage and retrieval processes. The validity of the multinomial models was determined by examining the influence that the variables have on the models\u27 storage and retrieval parameters. In Experiment 1, a bizarreness effect was found for mixed lists, but not for unmixed lists. Experiments 2 and 3 found strong bizarreness effects for short and long lists, fast and slow presentations, and for high and low associates. Experiment 4 found no bizarreness effect when sentences were simple or complex. Results of the experiments provided full support for Riefer and LaMay\u27s two-factor theory. The validity of the Riefer-Rouder and Rouder-Batchelder models was also well · supported. Both models provided plausible and logical explanations for all four studies, although many of the original hypotheses regarding the bizarreness effect were .not supported. Both models also pr,ovided an overall good fit to the data, with the Riefer-Rouder model having a slight advantage over the Rouder-. Batchelder model. The effectiveness of the models allows future researchers to further explore the role that storage and retrieval processes play in the bizarreness effect


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    The Economic Impact of the Huron River

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    The Huron River and Huron River Water Trail are estimated to have the following economic impact on the five-county region in which they are located: 53.5Minannualeconomicoutput,whichisthesumof53.5M in annual economic output, which is the sum of 29.9M in direct spending and 23.6Minindirectandinducedspending641localjobsaddedtotheregion23.6M in indirect and induced spending 641 local jobs added to the region 628M in added property value $150M in annual environmental value 2.6M visitor day

    Parenting interventions for male young offenders: a review of the evidence on what works

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    Approximately one in four incarcerated male young offenders in the UK is an actual or expectant father. This paper reviews evidence on the effectiveness of parenting interventions for male young offenders. We conducted systematic searches across 20 databases and consulted experts. Twelve relevant evaluations were identified: 10 from the UK, of programmes for incarcerated young offenders, and two from the US, of programmes for young parolees. None used experimental methods or included a comparison group. They suggest that participants like the courses, find them useful, and the interventions may improve knowledge about, and attitudes to, parenting. Future interventions should incorporate elements of promising parenting interventions with young fathers in the community, for example, and/or with older incarcerated parents. Young offender fathers have specific developmental, rehabilitative, and contextual needs. Future evaluations should collect longer-term behavioural parent and child outcome data and should use comparison groups and, ideally, randomization
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