93 research outputs found

    Definition of an Artificial Reef Unit through Hydrodynamic and Structural (CFD and FEM) Models—Application to the Ares-Betanzos Estuary

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    [Abstract] The application of hydrodynamics to the definition of artificial reefs is of great interest since the positioning of the artificial reef modules on the sea floor alters the water velocity field, causing an appropriate circulation of nutrients and promoting a habitat for settling desired species. Nevertheless, the designs must be subjected to a structural calculation that will condition the constructive process to be applied. The present research proposes a methodology to determine the geometry of an artificial reef in terms of hydrodynamic and structural criteria. The solution proposed was analyzed through Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and the Finite Element Method (FEM). Using concrete as base material for artificial reefs, four different dosages were proposed with different proportions of cement and water, leading to different mechanical properties, which determine different constructive strategies, such as dwell time in the mold. From the hydrodynamic point of view, it was found that the solution proposed provides a proper replacement of nutrients. From the structural point of view, it was found that the solution proposed does not need steel reinforcements in concrete, which improves the sustainability of the artificial reef. The four different concrete dosages will condition the constructive strategy through the dwelling time in the mold and, for any established production, the necessary number of molds (formworks).Xunta de Galicia; CN-10MMA003C

    Inductive loops for traffic control

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    Inductive Loop Detectors (ILDs) are the most commonly used sensors in traffic management systems. This work provides a system capable of obtaining simultaneous inductive signatures of vehicles traveling on a roadway with minimal cost. We use this prototype to propose a novel method for vehicle classification based on only one signature acquired from a sensor single-loop, in contrast to standard methods using two sensor loops

    Assessment of the Materials Employed in Green Artificial Reefs for the Galician Estuaries in Terms of Circular Economy

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    [Abstract] To exploit marine resources in a sustainable way, efficient management systems must be used such as green artificial reefs (GARs). These reefs are mostly made up of renewable and organic materials. When adopting the circular economy (CE) model, industrial processes must be reconsidered. By adapting how conventional artificial reefs (CARs) are engineered and produced to embrace the principles of the CE, certain materials can be used. Renewable resources are designed to be reintroduced into the biosphere without producing harmful organic residues or nutrients. Within a framework that covers economic, environmental and social considerations, this study offers four new proposals related to substituting the materials destined for the components in an artificial reef. For the first time, two different methodologies were applied to determine the best alternative in terms of its contribution to both sustainability and CE. From the results obtained, the best solutions are in line with substituting a certain amount of the cement and sand with mussel shells. The importance of the results lies in the fact that the canning industry in Galicia (northwest Spain) generates shell residues which promote grave environmental consequences.Xunta de Galicia; CN-10MMA003C

    Study of Fucoidans as Natural Biomolecules for Therapeutical Applications in Osteoarthritis

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    [Abstract] Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent articular chronic disease. Although, to date there is no cure for OA. Fucoidans, one of the main therapeutic components of brown algae, have emerged as promising molecules in OA treatment. However, the variability between fucoidans makes difficult the pursuit of the most suitable candidate to target specific pathological processes. By an in vitro experimental approach in chondrocytes and fibroblast-like synoviocytes, we observed that chemical composition of fucoidan, and specifically the phlorotannin content and the ratio sulfate:fucose, seems critically relevant for its biological activity. Nonetheless, other factors like concentration and molecular weight of the fucoidan may influence on its beneficial effects. Additionally, a cell-type dependent response was also detected. Thus, our results shed light on the potential use of fucoidans as natural molecules in the treatment of key pathological processes in the joint that favor the development of rheumatic disorders as OA.Xunta de Galicia; ED431G2019/0

    Relevance of the extraction stage on the anti-inflammatory action of fucoidans

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    The anti-inflammatory action of fucoidans is well known, based on both in vitro and some in vivo studies. The other biological properties of these compounds, their lack of toxicity, and the possibility of obtaining them from a widely distributed and renewable source, makes them attractive novel bioactives. However, fucoidans’ heterogeneity and variability in composition, structure, and properties depending on seaweed species, biotic and abiotic factors and processing conditions, especially during extraction and purification stages, make it difficult for standardization. A review of the available technologies, including those based on intensification strategies, and their influence on fucoidan composition, structure, and anti-inflammatory potential of crude extracts and fractions is presented.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. EDC431C/2022/08Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431F 2020/01Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481D-2022/018Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. CTM2012-38095Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. RYC2018-024454-

    The Role of Faults as Barriers in Confined Seismic Sequences: 2021 Seismicity in the Granada Basin (Betic Cordillera)

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    Fault barriers are key structures for studying seismic hazard in regions of intense brittle deformation. The interaction between fault sets affects their seismogenic behavior, if some of them act as barriers. The Granada Basin, in the Betic Cordillera, is a region affected by shallow brittle deformation, as it was the scenario for the recent Granada 2021 seismic sequence. This seismicity presented a swarm behavior at the beginning of the sequence, followed by mainshock-aftershock features. Geological and gravity data presented here reveal that the basement is affected by two sets of NW-SE and NE-SW normal faults and intensely deformed by vertical NW-SE joints. Improved relocation of the Granada 2021 seismicity reveals a confined chimney-shape seismicity caused by the activity of a 2 km long NW-SE normal fault segment. The confinement of the sequence is associated with the NE-SW fault set acting as a barrier that restricts the rupture area, limiting the maximum magnitude, and favoring the recurrence of events with smaller magnitude. The chimney-shape of the seismic sequence suggests that the deformation is propagated vertically to the surface, facilitated by preexisting fractures. The shallow extensional deformation during the uplift of the central Betic Cordillera drove the activity of the local structures obliquely to the regional extensional trends, as evidenced by the seismic sequence. This multidisciplinary study improves the knowledge on the origin of the Granada Basin and underlies the important role of preexisting fractures on fault segmentation and seismic propagation, decreasing the seismic potential of this area.Spanish projects Evaluación de la Peligrosidad de Inestabilidades de Laderas Asociadas a Terremotos (CGL2015-65602-R AEI-FEDER)B-RNM-301-UGR18 (Junta de Andalucía/FEDER);P18-RT-3275 (Junta de Andalucía/FEDER)Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020 – call made by the University of Jaén (Ref. 126344)POAIUJA 2021/2022 from the University of JaénAndalusian research groups RNM-148Andalusian research groups RNM-282Andalusian research groups RNM-37

    Characterization of triple‐negative breast cancer preclinical models provides functional evidence of metastatic progression

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    Triple‐negative breast cancer (TNBC), an aggressive, metastatic and recurrent breast cancer (BC) subtype, currently suffers from a lack of adequately described spontaneously metastatic preclinical models that faithfully reproduce the clinical scenario. We describe two preclinical spontaneously metastatic TNBC orthotopic murine models for the development of advanced therapeutics: an immunodeficient human MDA‐MB‐231‐Luc model and an immunocompetent mouse 4T1 model. Furthermore, we provide a broad range of multifactorial analysis for both models that could provide relevant information for the development of new therapies and diagnostic tools. Our comparisons uncovered differential growth rates, stromal arrangements and metabolic profiles in primary tumors, and the presence of cancer‐associated adipocyte infiltration in the MDA‐MB‐231‐Luc model. Histopathological studies highlighted the more rapid metastatic spread to the lungs in the 4T1 model following a lymphatic route, while we observed both homogeneous (MDA‐MB‐231‐Luc) and heterogeneous (4T1) metastatic spread to axillary lymph nodes. We encountered unique metabolomic signatures in each model, including crucial amino acids and cell membrane components. Hematological analysis demonstrated severe leukemoid and lymphoid reactions in the 4T1 model with the partial reestablishment of immune responses in the immunocompromised MDA‐MB‐231‐Luc model. Additionally, we discovered β‐immunoglobulinemia and increased basal levels of G‐CSF correlating with a metastatic switch, with G‐CSF also promoting extramedullary hematopoiesis (both models) and causing hepatosplenomegaly (4T1 model). Overall, we believe that the characterization of these preclinical models will foster the development of advanced therapeutic strategies for TNBC treatment, especially for the treatment of patients presenting both, primary tumors and metastatic spread

    Aceitação da instituição universitária do ponto de vista do aluno

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    Este artículo aborda la percepción de los estudiantes sobre la institución universitaria. Los estudiantes universitarios muestran una aceptación percibida de carácter institucional, académico y personal, según las evidencias empíricas obtenidas a través de un cuestionario sobre la percepción de la institución universitaria realizado en la Universidad de Granada, España. La percepción de los estudiantes contiene actitudes relacionadas con cierta conformidad institucional y adopta formas cercanas al pragmatismo académico. Los estudiantes universitarios encuestados, de diferentes Grados, género y edad, revelan una actitud general de conformidad con la institución de educación superior, con las acciones de enseñanza y los recursos y un sentimiento de pertenencia institucional sustentado en motivaciones internas y externas dentro de la misma institución de educación superior.This study analyzes students’ perception of university institutions. According to empirical evidence obtained from a questionnaire on perception of university institutions performed at the University of Granada, Spain, university students show perceived acceptance that is institutional, academic, and personal. Students’ perceptions contain attitudes involving a certain institutional conformity and adopt forms close to academic pragmatism. The university students surveyed, who are from different undergraduate degree programs and differ in gender and age, show a general attitude of conformity toward higher education institutions, their instructional practice, and their resources, as well as a feeling of belonging to the institution based on internal and external motivations within the higher education.Este trabalho aborda a percepção dos estudantes relativamente à instituição universitária. Os estudantes universitários revelam uma aceitação de carácter institucional, académico e pessoal, segundo as evidências empíricas recolhidas através de um questionár io sobre a percepção da instituição universitária, realizado na Universidade de Granada, Espanha. A percepção dos estudantes revela atitudes relacionadas com alguma conformidade institucional e adopta formas próximas de uma pragmatismo académico. Os estudantes universitários inquiridos são de graus de ensino, género e idades diferentes e revelam na sua generalidade uma atitude de conformidade com a instituiçao de ensino superior, com as práticas de ensino e os recursos, assim como, um sentimento de pertença institucional sustentado em motivações internas e externas, dentro da própria instituição de ensino superior

    Impacts of a hydroinfiltrator rainwater harvesting system on soil moisture regime and groundwater distribution for olive groves in semi-arid Mediterranean regions

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    Dry periods in semi-arid regions constitute one of the greatest hazardous features that agriculture faces. This study investigates the effects of using a new device called ‘Hydroinfiltrator Rainwater Harvesting System (HRHS) on the water balance of soils. It was designed for arid and semi-arid zones affected by long periods of drought punctuated by heavy rainstorms. The new hydroinfiltrator consists of a net-like shell filled mainly with biochar. It is cylindrical in shape, is placed vertically and is half-buried in the soil around the crop tree to facilitate the infiltration of rainwater, irrigation or runoff water deep into the soil. The experimental plot is located in Baena (Córdoba, southern Spain) in an olive grove where the hydroinfiltrator was installed in 90 olive trees while 10 were left as a control group. In the xeric climate (bordering on arid), typical of the region, soils without a hydroinfiltrator have had a low infiltration rate, which reduces the effectiveness of precipitation and significantly increases the risk of water erosion. The effects of infiltration assisted by the device were analysed by simulating a torrential rain in which 600 L of water were passed through the hydroinfiltrator on an olive tree which had been installed 3 years previously. Geophysical methods (electrical resistivity tomography, ERT), direct analyses of soil samples, both in situ and in the laboratory, and theoretical flow models indicated a very significant increase in soil moisture (which nearly tripled in respect to the control group) because water was absorbed into the soil quickly, preventing runoff and water erosion. The soil moisture at 20 cm depth was 2.97 times higher with the HRHS than in the control plots. In addition, olive production increased by 211% and was higher in fat yield by 177%. Moreover, the resistivity profiles, taken by ERT showed that the water that entered the soil accumulated in the root zone of the olive tree, encouraged by the preferential pathways created by the roots and away from the surface, which prevented rapid evaporation during the high temperatures of spring and summer. Here we show for the first time that the use of the hydroinfiltrator rainwater harvesting system represents a significant improvement in the use of scarce water resources caused by climate change, providing agronomic and environmental benefits for rainfed, Mediterranean agricultural systems