206 research outputs found


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    O tratamento do edêntulismo mediante implantes dentários tem-se revelado uma técnica cada vez mais frequente na saúde dentária moderna. A alta taxa de sobrevivência dos implantes osteointegrados de titânio é uma evidência na literatura, assim como o sucesso dos distintos tipos de restaurações realizados sobre os mesmos. A literatura refere que os implantes, à semelhança do que sucede com os dentes, não estão isentos de complicações ou doenças, nomeadamente mucosite e peri-implantite. Nestas doenças infeciosas torna-se fundamental diminuir a carga bacteriana, através de técnicas convencionais ou utilizando uma tecnologia cada vez mais presente na medicina dentária como é o laser, nomeadamente o Waterlase (Er,Cr:YSGG). A classificação de ambas as doenças peri-implantares, assim como a abordagem terapêutica, torna-se difícil pois até à data não existe consenso na comunidade (que se espera alcançar no Workshop de Novembro) e os estudos existentes sobre o tema não permitem uma comparação fiável devido à ausência de critérios uniformes e estudos homogéneos

    Estudio farmacogenético del cáncer colorrectal

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    La eficacia de los tratamientos en el cáncer colorrectal es modesta y su toxicidad notable. Es crítico avanzar en el manejo de la enfermedad y optimizar los tratamientos disponibles, y esta necesidad se refleja en el documento del Consorcio de Grupos Cooperativos en Cáncer Colorrectal de 2007. En el capítulo de directrices futuras señala los análisis farmacogenéticos como herramienta para la individualización de la terapia. La utilización de biomarcadores conocidos en la práctica asistencial podría identificar las mejores opciones en eficacia y menor toxicidad. La variabilidad interindividual en respuesta a los fármacos y tolerancia ha sido ampliamente descrita

    Efecto protector de diferentes dosis de atorvastatina en la evolución funcional y clínica de los pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica

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    La patología cardiovascular constituye la primera causa de muerte en el mundo occidental tanto por encima como por debajo de 65 años y el origen de la mayoría de estas muertes (~50%) se deben a una enfermedad arterial coronaria secundaria al proceso ateroesclerótico. El tratamiento quirúrgico de la enfermedad coronaria aterosclerótica ha demostrado reducir los síntomas y la isquemia mejorando la calidad de vida de los pacientes con angina crónica, sin embargo, además de suponer un riesgo importante para el paciente, es paliativo debido, entre otras causas, a la progresión del proceso aterosclerótico que determinará a largo plazo la aparición de nuevas lesiones en las arterias nativas del paciente así como en los injertos. Desde el punto de vista farmacológico, diferentes líneas de investigación han puesto de manifiesto los efectos beneficiosos del tratamiento con estatinas en el proceso perioperatorio de los pacientes sometidos a revascularización miocárdica, derivados no sólo de su capacidad de disminuir los niveles de cLDL, sino de sus llamados efectos pleiotrópicos, mejorando la función endotelial, disminuyendo la vasoconstricción y la respuesta inflamatoria así como la trombosis perioperatoria. A pesar de la evidencia que avala el beneficio de estos fármacos tanto en prevención primaria como secundaria y durante procesos de revascularización miocárdica, la práctica común de interrumpir el tratamiento con estatinas antes de la revascularización miocárdica quirúrgica continúa siendo una realidad debido probablemente a la preocupación acerca de los efectos secundarios que podrían precipitarse por el estrés de la cirugía. Nuestro trabajo pretende arrojar luz sobre la evidencia actual del papel del tratamiento perioperatorio con estatinas y sus efectos en los resultados postoperatorios de pacientes sometidos a revascularización quirúrgica y determinar si el tratamiento intensivo con estatinas es superior al tratamiento estándar.MÉTODO: Ensayo clínico con 61 pacientes candidatos a revascularización miocárdica con arteria mamaria a descendente anterior que fueron aleatorizados en dos grupos: los que recibieron atorvastatina 10 mg (30 pacientes) y los que recibieron 80 mg (31 pacientes) de 3 a 7 días antes de la cirugía. Seguimiento durante 4 meses postcirugía con análisis al mes y a los 4 meses. Los objetivos fueron determinar la mejoría de función microvascular mediante el cálculo de la reserva coronaria y otras variables ecocardiográficas, determinar la incidencia de eventos cardiológicos y complicaciones postquirúrgicas, y determinar los efectos adversos comparando ambos tratamientos.RESULTADOS: la reserva coronaria mejora tras la revascularización miocárdica quirúrgica de forma similar en ambos grupos. Menor número de complicaciones pulmonares (0% vs 16%, p=0,024) y complicaciones cardiológicas (6,5% vs 26,7%, p=0,043) y menor estancia hospitalaria postquirúrgica (7 días vs 8 días, p=0,045) en el grupo de tratamiento con atorvastatina 80 mg. Menor incidencia de intubación prolongada (0% vs 13,3%) y menor incidencia de FA postquirúrgica (3,2 % vs 20%) acercándose a la significación estadística (p= 0,053) en el grupo de tratamiento intensivo. El resto de variables estudiadas no fueron estadísticamente significativas pero se observa menor morbimortalidad en el grupo de tratamiento intensivo, observando menor frecuencia de bajo gasto postoperatorio, menos complicaciones renales y complicaciones neurológicas y menor mortalidad. El tratamiento perioperatorio con atorvastatina 80 mg alcanza objetivos recomendados en prevención secundaria sin aumentar los efectos adversos respecto del tratamiento con atorvastatina 10 mg.CONCLUSIONES: De acuerdo a nuestros resultados, el tratamiento perioperatorio con dosis 80 mg atorvastatina se asocia a una disminución de la complicaciones pulmonares, cardiológicas, de intubación prolongada y de estancia hospitalaria comparado con el tratamiento perioperatorio con dosis de 10 mg atorvastatina. Igualmente, el tratamiento con 80 mg es superior al de 10 mg respecto al efecto hipolipemiante sin aumentar el riesgo de efectos adversos

    Molecular Targets Implicated in the Antiparasitic and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of the Phytochemical Curcumin in Trichomoniasis

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    Trichomoniasis, is the most prevalent non-viral sexually transmitted disease worldwide. Although metronidazole (MDZ) is the recommended treatment, several strains of the parasite are resistant to MDZ, and new treatments are required. Curcumin (CUR) is a polyphenol with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiparasitic properties. In this study, we evaluated the effects of CUR on two biochemical targets: on proteolytic activity and hydrogenosomal metabolism in Trichomonas vaginalis. We also investigated the role of CUR on pro-inflammatory responses induced in RAW 264.7 phagocytic cells by parasite proteinases on pro-inflammatory mediators such as the nitric oxide (NO), tumor necrosis factor α (TNFα), interleukin-1beta (IL-1β), chaperone heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) and glucocorticoid receptor (mGR). CUR inhibited the growth of T. vaginalis trophozoites, with an IC50 value between 117 ± 7 μM and 173 ± 15 μM, depending on the culture phase. CUR increased pyruvate:ferredoxin oxidoreductase (PfoD), hydrogenosomal enzyme expression and inhibited the proteolytic activity of parasite proteinases. CUR also inhibited NO production and decreased the expression of pro-inflammatory mediators in macrophages. The findings demonstrate the potential usefulness of CUR as an antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory treatment for trichomoniasis. It could be used to control the disease and mitigate the associated immunopathogenic effectsThis research was funded by Xunta de Galicia (Spain), grant number ED431C2017/31S

    The Role of Faults as Barriers in Confined Seismic Sequences: 2021 Seismicity in the Granada Basin (Betic Cordillera)

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    Fault barriers are key structures for studying seismic hazard in regions of intense brittle deformation. The interaction between fault sets affects their seismogenic behavior, if some of them act as barriers. The Granada Basin, in the Betic Cordillera, is a region affected by shallow brittle deformation, as it was the scenario for the recent Granada 2021 seismic sequence. This seismicity presented a swarm behavior at the beginning of the sequence, followed by mainshock-aftershock features. Geological and gravity data presented here reveal that the basement is affected by two sets of NW-SE and NE-SW normal faults and intensely deformed by vertical NW-SE joints. Improved relocation of the Granada 2021 seismicity reveals a confined chimney-shape seismicity caused by the activity of a 2 km long NW-SE normal fault segment. The confinement of the sequence is associated with the NE-SW fault set acting as a barrier that restricts the rupture area, limiting the maximum magnitude, and favoring the recurrence of events with smaller magnitude. The chimney-shape of the seismic sequence suggests that the deformation is propagated vertically to the surface, facilitated by preexisting fractures. The shallow extensional deformation during the uplift of the central Betic Cordillera drove the activity of the local structures obliquely to the regional extensional trends, as evidenced by the seismic sequence. This multidisciplinary study improves the knowledge on the origin of the Granada Basin and underlies the important role of preexisting fractures on fault segmentation and seismic propagation, decreasing the seismic potential of this area.Spanish projects Evaluación de la Peligrosidad de Inestabilidades de Laderas Asociadas a Terremotos (CGL2015-65602-R AEI-FEDER)B-RNM-301-UGR18 (Junta de Andalucía/FEDER);P18-RT-3275 (Junta de Andalucía/FEDER)Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014–2020 – call made by the University of Jaén (Ref. 126344)POAIUJA 2021/2022 from the University of JaénAndalusian research groups RNM-148Andalusian research groups RNM-282Andalusian research groups RNM-37

    Application of structural equation modelling to identification of predicting variables of a shopping centre loyalty

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    Existe una extensa literatura con relación a la elección y atracción de los establecimientos comerciales, proponiéndose diferentes modelos y variables a la hora de explicar ambas variables. Sin embargo, a día de hoy no es posible establecer conclusiones ni mucho menos definitivas al respecto, sobre todo desde el punto de vista de la gestión. Sí existe un amplio acuerdo al señalar que los factores que influyen o condicionan la atracción de un centro comercial son múltiples. Las aproximaciones clásicas señalan la importancia de diferentes tipos de factores: las características personales de los consumidores (edad, estatus, estilo de vida…), la distancia del establecimiento a la residencia del consumidor, la oferta comercial y de servicios y la publicidad. El objetivo de esta investigación es poner a prueba un modelo integral que recoja estos cuatro tipos de elementos, desde una perspectiva psicosocial, incorporando además el involvement del consumidor. Gracias a la realización de 220 entrevistas personales y la utilización de los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales, ha sido posible comprobar que tanto la Distancia como la Publicidad siguen desempeñando un papel prioritario y, por tanto, requieren una atención especial en el diseño y la gestión de los nuevos centros comercialesThere is a vast literature about the attraction and choice of the commercial establishments, with different proposals about the involved variables and different models which try to explain both constructs. Even so, this has not brought about definitive conclusions from the point of view of the management. But there is an agreement in affirming that there are many factors influencing the attraction and choice of a shopping centre. The classical approach point out the importance of several kinds of factors: personal characteristics of consumers (age, status, life style...), distance from the establishment to consumer, commercial and services offer and advertising. The aim of this research is to test an integral model which contains elements from the four types, from a psychosocial perspective and incorporating also consumer involvement. Thanks to the realization of a personal interview to 220 subjects and using structural equation modelling, we could check that Distance as well as the Advertising play a main role and, therefore, we must pay a special attention to both in the design and management of modern shopping centresS

    Identification and Molecular Characterization of Superoxide Dismutases Isolated From A Scuticociliate Parasite: Physiological Role in Oxidative Stress

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    Philasterides dicentrarchi is a free-living microaerophilic scuticociliate that can become a facultative parasite and cause a serious parasitic disease in farmed fsh. Both the free-living and parasitic forms of this scuticociliate are exposed to oxidative stress associated with environmental factors and the host immune system. The reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by the host are neutralized by the ciliate by means of antioxidant defences. In this study we aimed to identify metalloenzymes with superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity apable of inactivating the superoxide anion (•O2−) generated during induction of oxidative stress. P. dicentrarchi possesses the three characteristic types of SOD isoenzymes in eukaryotes: copper/zinc-SOD, manganese-SOD and iron-SOD. The Cu/Zn-SOD isoenzymes comprise three types of homodimeric proteins (CSD1-3) of molecular weight (MW) 34–44kDa and with very diferent AA sequences. All Cu/Zn-SODs are sensitive to NaCN, located in the cytosol and in the alveolar sacs, and one of them (CSD2) is extracellular. Mn- and Fe-SOD transcripts encode homodimeric proteins (MSD and FSD, respectively) in their native state: a) MSD (MW 50kDa) is insensitive to H2O2 and NaN3 and is located in the mitochondria; and b) FSD (MW 60kDa) is sensitive to H2O2, NaN3 and the polyphenol trans-resveratrol and is located extracellularly. Expression of SOD isoenzymes increases when •O2 − is induced by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, and the increase is proportional to the dose of energy applied, indicating that these enzymes are actively involved in cellular protection against oxidative stressThis study was financially supported by grant AGL2017-83577-R awarded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional -FEDER- (European Union), by grant ED431C2017/31 from the Xunta de Galicia (Spain), and by PARAFISHCONTROL project, which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 634429S

    Characterization of the turbot Scophthalmus maximus (L.) myeloperoxidase. An insight into the evolution of vertebrate peroxidases

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    We have completed the characterization of the turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) myeloperoxidase (mpx) gene and protein, which we partially described in a previous study. The turbot mpx gene has 15 exons that encode a protein of 767 aa, with a signal peptide, propeptide and light and heavy chains, and also with haem cavities, a Ca+2-binding motif and several N- and O-glycosylation sites. The mature protein forms homodimers of about 150 kDa and is very abundant in turbot neutrophils. In addition to the mpx (epx2a) gene, another three peroxidase genes, named epx1, epx2b1 and epx2b2, were identified in the turbot genome. Epx1, Epx2b1 and Epx2b2 proteins also have signal peptides and many structural characteristics of mammalian MPO and eosinophil peroxidase (EPX). Mpx was strongly expressed in head kidney, while epx2b1 and epx2b2 were strongly expressed in the gills, and epx1 was not expressed in any of the tissues or organs analysed. In vitro stimulation of head kidney leucocytes with the parasite Philasterides dicentrarchi caused a decrease in mpx expression and an increase in epx2b1 expression over time. In turbot infected experimentally with P. dicentrarchi a significant increase in mpx expression in the head kidney was observed on day 7 postinfection, while the other genes were not regulated. However, mpx, epx2b1 and epx2b2 were downregulated in the gills of infected fish, and epx1 expression was not affected. These results suggest that the four genes responded differently to the same stimuli. Interestingly, BLAST analysis revealed that Epx1 and Mpx showed greater similarity to mammalian EPX than to MPO. Considering the phylogenetic and synteny data obtained, we concluded that the epx/mpx genes of Gnathostomes can be divided into three main clades: EPX1, which contains turbot epx1, EPX2, which contains turbot mpx (epx2a) and epx2b1 and epx2b2 genes, and a clade containing mammalian EPX and MPO (EPX/MPO). EPX/MPO and EPX2 clades share a common ancestor with the chondrichthyan elephant shark (Callorhinchus milii) and the coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae) peroxidases. EPX2 was only found in fish and includes two sister groups. One of the groups includes turbot mpx and was only found in teleosts. Finally, the other group contains epx2b1 and epx2b2 genes, and epx2b1-2b2 loci share orthologous genes with other teleosts and also with holosteans, suggesting that these genes appeared earlier on than the mpx gene.This study was financially supported by grant AGL2017-83577-R awarded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF, European Union), by grant ED431C2017/31 from the Xunta de Galicia (Spain) and by the PARAFISHCONTROL project, which received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 634429. FF-I was contracted by a grant from the Xunta de Galicia (Plan I2C)S