48 research outputs found

    Screening of Exosomal MicroRNAs From Colorectal Cancer Cells

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    BACKGROUND: Cells release extracellular membrane vesicles including microvesicles known as exosomes. Exosomes contain microRNAs (miRNAs) however the full range within colorectal cancer cell secreted exosomes is unknown. OBJECTIVE: To identify the full range of exosome encapsulated miRNAs secreted from 2 colorectal cancer cell lines and to investigate engineering of exosomes over-expressing miRNAs. METHODS: Exosomes were isolated from HCT-116 and HT-29 cell lines. RNA was extracted from exosomes and microRNA array performed. Cells were engineered to express miR-379 (HCT-116-379) or a non-targeting control (HCT-116-NTC) and functional effects were determined. Exosomes secreted by engineered cells were transferred to recipient cells and the impact examined. RESULTS: Microvesicles 40-100 nm in size secreted by cell lines were visualised and confirmed to express exosomal protein CD63. HT-29 exosomes contained 409 miRNAs, HCT-116 exosomes contained 393, and 338 were common to exosomes from both cell lines. Selected targets were validated. HCT-116-379 cells showed decreased proliferation (12-15% decrease, p \u3c 0.001) and decreased migration (32-86% decrease, p \u3c 0.001) compared to controls. HCT-116-379 exosomes were enriched for miR-379. Confocal microscopy visualised transfer of HCT-116-379 exosomes to recipient cells. CONCLUSIONS: Colorectal cancer cells secrete a large number of miRNAs within exosomes. miR-379 decreases cell proliferation and migration, and miR-379 enriched exosomes can be engineered

    Tandem amplification of SCCmec can drive high level methicillin resistance in MRSA

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    Hospital-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains typically express high-level, homogeneous (HoR) beta-lactam resistance, whereas community-associated MRSA (CA-MRSA) more commonly express low-level heterogeneous (HeR) resistance. Expression of the HoR phenotype typically requires both increased expression of the mecA gene, carried on the staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec element (SCCmec), and additional mutational event(s) elsewhere on the chromosome. Here the oxacillin concentration in a chemostat culture of the CA-MRSA strain USA300 was increased from 8 mu g/ml to 130 mu g/ml over 13 days to isolate highly oxacillin-resistant derivatives. A stable, small-colony variant, designated HoR34, which had become established in the chemostat culture was found to have acquired mutations in gdpP, clpX, guaA, and camS. Closer inspection of the genome sequence data further revealed that reads covering SCCmec were similar to 10 times overrepresented compared to other parts of the chromosome. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) confirmed >10-fold-higher levels of mecA DNA on the HoR34 chromosome, and MinION genome sequencing verified the presence of 10 tandem repeats of the SCCmec element. qPCR further demonstrated that subculture of HoR34 in various concentrations of oxacillin (0 to 100 mu g/ml) was accompanied by accordion-like contraction and amplification of the SCCmec element. Although slower growing than strain USA300, HoR34 outcompeted the parent strain in the presence of subinhibitory oxacillin. These data identify tandem amplification of the SCCmec element as a new mechanism of high-level methicillin resistance in MRSA, which may provide a competitive advantage for MRSA under antibiotic selection

    Ultrastructure of the Ciliated Cells of the Free-Swimming Larva, and Sessile Stages, of the Marine Sponge Haliclona indistincta (Demospongiae: Haplosclerida)

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    International audienceWe provide a detailed, comparative study of the ciliated cells of the marine haplosclerid sponge Haliclona indistincta, in order to make data available for future phylogenetic comparisons at the ultrastruc-tural level. Our study focuses on the description and analysis of the larval epithelial cells, and choanocytes of the metamorphosed juvenile sponge. The ultrastruc-ture of the two cell types is sufficiently different to prevent our ability to conclusively determine the origin of the choanocytes from the larval ciliated cells. However, ciliated, epithelial cells were observed in a migratory position within the inner cell mass of the larval stages. Some cilia were observed within the cell's cytoplasm, which is indicative of the ciliated epithelial cell undergoing transdifferentiation into a choanocyte; while traces of other ciliated epithelial cells were contained within phagosomes, suggesting they are phagocytosed. We compared our data with other species described in the literature. However, any phylogenetic inference must wait until further detailed comparisons can be made with species whose phylogenetic position has been determined by other means, such as phylogenom-ics, in order to more closely link genomic, and morphological information

    Defective nucleotide excision repair with normal centrosome structures and functions in the absence of all vertebrate centrins

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    The principal microtubule-organizing center in animal cells, the centrosome, contains centrin, a small, conserved calcium-binding protein unique to eukaryotes. Several centrin isoforms exist and have been implicated in various cellular processes including nuclear export and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) repair. Although centrins are required for centriole/basal body duplication in lower eukaryotes, centrin functions in vertebrate centrosome duplication are less clear. To define these roles, we used gene targeting in the hyperrecombinogenic chicken DT40 cell line to delete all three centrin genes in individual clones. Unexpectedly, centrin-deficient cells underwent normal cellular division with no detectable cell cycle defects. Light and electron microscopy analyses revealed no significant difference in centrosome composition or ultrastructure. However, centrin deficiency made DT40 cells highly sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, with Cetn3 deficiency exacerbating the sensitivity of Cetn4/Cetn2 double mutants. DNA damage checkpoints were intact, but repair of UV-induced DNA damage was delayed in centrin nulls. These data demonstrate a role for vertebrate centrin in nucleotide excision repair

    Promoter hijack reveals pericentrin functions in mitosis and the dna damage response

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    Centrosomes, the principal microtubule-organizing centers of animal somatic cells, consist of two centrioles embedded in the pericentriolar material (PCM). Pericentrin is a large PCM protein that is required for normal PCM assembly. Mutations in PCNT cause primordial dwarfism. Pericentrin has also been implicated in the control of DNA damage responses. To test how pericentrin is involved in cell cycle control after genotoxic stress, we disrupted the Pcnt locus in chicken DT40 cells. Pericentrin-deficient cells proceeded through mitosis more slowly, with a high level of monopolar spindles, and were more sensitive to spindle poisons than controls. Centriole structures appeared normal by light and electron microscopy, but the PCM did not recruit gamma-tubulin efficiently. Cell cycle delays after ionizing radiation (IR) treatment were normal in pericentrin-deficient cells. However, pericentrin disruption in Mcph1(-/-) cells abrogated centrosome hyperamplification after IR. We conclude that pericentrin controls genomic stability by both ensuring appropriate mitotic spindle activity and centrosome regulation

    Promoter hijack reveals pericentrin functions in mitosis and the dna damage response

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    Centrosomes, the principal microtubule-organizing centers of animal somatic cells, consist of two centrioles embedded in the pericentriolar material (PCM). Pericentrin is a large PCM protein that is required for normal PCM assembly. Mutations in PCNT cause primordial dwarfism. Pericentrin has also been implicated in the control of DNA damage responses. To test how pericentrin is involved in cell cycle control after genotoxic stress, we disrupted the Pcnt locus in chicken DT40 cells. Pericentrin-deficient cells proceeded through mitosis more slowly, with a high level of monopolar spindles, and were more sensitive to spindle poisons than controls. Centriole structures appeared normal by light and electron microscopy, but the PCM did not recruit gamma-tubulin efficiently. Cell cycle delays after ionizing radiation (IR) treatment were normal in pericentrin-deficient cells. However, pericentrin disruption in Mcph1(-/-) cells abrogated centrosome hyperamplification after IR. We conclude that pericentrin controls genomic stability by both ensuring appropriate mitotic spindle activity and centrosome regulation

    Defective nucleotide excision repair with normal centrosome structures and functions in the absence of all vertebrate centrins

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    The principal microtubule-organizing center in animal cells, the centrosome, contains centrin, a small, conserved calcium-binding protein unique to eukaryotes. Several centrin isoforms exist and have been implicated in various cellular processes including nuclear export and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) repair. Although centrins are required for centriole/basal body duplication in lower eukaryotes, centrin functions in vertebrate centrosome duplication are less clear. To define these roles, we used gene targeting in the hyperrecombinogenic chicken DT40 cell line to delete all three centrin genes in individual clones. Unexpectedly, centrin-deficient cells underwent normal cellular division with no detectable cell cycle defects. Light and electron microscopy analyses revealed no significant difference in centrosome composition or ultrastructure. However, centrin deficiency made DT40 cells highly sensitive to ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, with Cetn3 deficiency exacerbating the sensitivity of Cetn4/Cetn2 double mutants. DNA damage checkpoints were intact, but repair of UV-induced DNA damage was delayed in centrin nulls. These data demonstrate a role for vertebrate centrin in nucleotide excision repair

    Loss of plakophilin 2 disrupts heart development in zebrafish

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    The desmosomal armadillo protein plakophilin 2 is the only plakophilin expressed in the heart, and mutations in the human plakophilin 2 gene result in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy. To investigate loss of function, we knocked down plakophilin 2 by morpholino microinjection in zebrafish.This resulted in decreased heart rate, cardiac oedema, blood pooling, a failure of the heart to pattern correctly and a twisted tail. Co-injection of plakophilin 2 mRNA rescued the morphant phenotype, indicating the specificity of the knockdown. Desmosome numbers were decreased in morphant hearts and the plaque and midline structures of the desmosomes in the intercalated discs were disrupted when examined by electron microscopy. cmlc2 and vmhc expression at 48 hours post-fertilization (hpf) showed incomplete looping of the heart in morphant embryos by whole mount in situ hybridization, and bmp4 expression was expanded into the ventricle. The domain of expression of the heart marker nkx2.5 at 24 hpf was expanded. At the 18 somite stage, expression of the cardiogenic gene lefty2 was abolished in the left cardiac field, with concomitant increases in bmp4, spaw and lefty1 expression, likely resulting in the looping defects.These results indicate that plakophilin 2 has both structural and signalling roles in zebrafish heart development