62 research outputs found

    Hacia la “fruición” del refrán. Estudio paremiológico contrastivo de las traducciones al italiano del Ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha de Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra

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    Este trabajo de investigación consiste en un análisis paremiológico contrastivo entre Don Quijote de la Mancha de Miguel de Cervantes y las catorce traducciones completas al italiano a partir de la primera de Franciosini (1622) hasta la última de Valastro Canale (2012), corpus significativo, que marca la historia de la recepción del libro. Punto de arranque es el axioma que los refranes son ‘actos de lengua’ compuestos, según la terminología de Saussure, por un “significado” y un “significante”. El objetivo de la tesis ha sido el de averiguar hasta qué punto el lector italiano moderno puede “fruir” de su traducción. Por lo tanto se ha seleccionado un corpus paremiológico representativo de 232 refranes (67 en la Primera parte de El Quijote y 165 en la Segunda parte). Para gestionar tanto este corpus como sus correspondientes 14 traducciones italianas ha sido indispensable crear una base de datos. La metodología adoptada ha tenido que ajustarse al número de refranes tomados en cuenta en cada parte de la obra. Ha sido indispensable la búsqueda del equivalente italiano de cada refrán a pesar de la traducción ya dada por los traductores. Este trabajo ha sido muy duro sobre todo si se tiene en cuenta la falta de herramientas paremiológicas bilingües que, sin embargo, me ha permitido expresar una propuesta de juicio sobre las tipologías de traducción (literal, calco, equivalente, paráfrasis etc.) llevada a cabo por cada traductor y deducir el grado de “fruición” del mismo por parte del lector italiano

    Effetto del grado di saturazione sul comportamento di un palo soggetto a forze orizzontali

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    L’obiettivo di questa tesi è stato studiare l’effetto della suzione sul comportamento di pali soggetti ad azioni orizzontali immersi in un terreno parzialmente saturo. È stata messa a punto una campagna di indagini in centrifuga geotecnica nella quale è stato studiato il comportamento di un palo (LP=15m, EIP=3.9 GNm2) caricato orizzontalmente immerso in un deposito di limo (caolino B-grade) parzialmente saturo con superficie libera a 7m dal piano campagna (alla scala del prototipo). Le condizioni iniziali del terreno sono state sceltea valle della caratterizzazione geotecnica completa del materiale. La risposta del sistema palo-terreno è stata indagata sia per un terreno con una struttura moderatamente aperta (e0=0.93) che decisamente addensata (e0=0.75). In condizioni di parziale saturazione il palo è stato caricato fino ad un valore prefissato di forza applicata ed in seguito la superficie libera è stata innalzata da 7m sino al piano campagna. Al fine di poter comparare i risultati, sono state inoltre eseguite le prove di carico sul terreno saturo per entrambe le densità considerate. Il comportamento osservato in centrifuga è stato in seguito analizzato con un modello matematico implementato in un codice agli elementi finiti. Il legame costitutivo adottato per il terreno, formulato in tensioni efficaci alla Bishop, è un Cam-Clay modificato esteso ai parzialmente saturi. Con le analisi bidimensionali assialsimmetriche è stata studiata l’evoluzione del processo di equalizzazione indotto dall’incremento di gravità e dall’applicazione della condizione idraulica alla base del modello. Le diverse fasi dell’interazione palo-terreno sono state dunque analizzate con un modello tridimensionale completo

    Hacia la “fruición” del refrán. Estudio paremiológico contrastivo de las traducciones al italiano del “Ingenioso hidalgo don Quijote de la Mancha” de Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra

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    [ES] En este trabajo de investigación he llevado a cabo un análisis paremiológico contrastivo entre el Don Quijote de la Mancha de Miguel de Cervantes y las catorce traducciones completas al italiano a partir de la primera de Franciosini (1622) hasta la última de Valastro Canale (2012), corpus significativo, que marca la historia de la recepción del libro en Italia. Punto de arranque es el axioma que los refranes son “actos de lengua”, por lo tanto he seleccionado un corpus paremiológico representativo de 232 refranes (67 en la Primera parte y 165 en la Segunda parte) con la intención de averiguar hasta qué punto el lector italiano moderno puede “fruir” de su traducción. Visto el consistente corpus de refranes conseguido, para realizar el análisis contrastivo ha sido necesario, determinar una metodología distinta para las dos partes de la obra. Para los 67 refranes de la Primera parte, he realizado un comentario que abarca tres ámbitos: 1) las fuentes, la etimología, el significado, las versiones en los refraneros de los Siglos de Oro; 2) identificación de la función literaria que el refrán desarrolla en el texto; 3) A través del análisis del “significante” y del “significado” de cada refrán se ha buscado un posible equivalente en italiano, elemento que me ha permitido la propuesta de un juicio sobre la tipología de traducción llevada a cabo por cada traductor y la siguiente identificación de la posible fruición por parte del lector italiano. Del corpus de 165 refranes de la Segunda parte, 30 se ha comentado de manera similar a los de la Primera parte y, para los restantes 135, se ha desarrollado un análisis sintético sobre las tipologías de traducción que se ha asentado sobre los datos catalogados en la base de datos que también me ha permitido conseguir una estadística a través de un corpus de 57 refranes, como botón de muestra, sobre las tipologías de traducción más practicadas a lo largo de cuatro siglos

    Physical modelling of piles under lateral loading in unsaturated soils

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    In this paper, selected aspects of an experimental study conducted in a geotechnical centrifuge are discussed. The tests aimed to explore the effects of partial saturation of soil on the response of a single pile subjected to a combination of lateral force and bending moment under drained conditions. The soil used in the experiments is a low plasticity silty soil, named B-grade kaolin, characterized by a relatively high permeability compared to the typical values for clayey soils. Two different elevations of the water table and its effects on the pile response under loading are studied. The data show a marked influence of soil partial saturation on the pile response, both under working loads and ultimate loads. In particular, under working loads, the displacement of the head of the pile is appreciably lower than that measured under saturated conditions

    Numerical modelling of the response of an unsaturated silty soil under wetting and gravitational loading processes

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    This paper presents the results of a numerical study aiming at simulating the response of an unsaturated fine-grained soil under wetting and gravitational loading processes. This study is based on the results of some centrifuge tests carried out to assess the influence of partial saturation on the laterally loaded pile response. The hydro-mechanical behaviour of the silty soil is described using a constitutive model adapted to unsaturated conditions. The model predictions are compared with the measurements provided by LVDTs and laser transducers in the first phases of the experimental study. Besides validating the model, the numerical study aimed at investigating the influence of the after-compaction conditions on both the displacement field and the evolution of the more significant state variables during imbibition and gravitational loading processes. Finally, an additional analysis is conducted to determine the effects of the pile installation on the soil response

    UC-424 AI Limitations for Web Devlopment

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    This research project delves into the exploratory journey of using an AI (Artificial Intelligence), specifically ChatGPT, to assist in developing an auction website. Highlighting the iterative process of problem identification, solution finding, and implementation during development, this project aims to furnish insights into leveraging AI capabilities while addressing its limitations. Through this, developers and AI enthusiasts can gain a comprehensive understanding of effective collaboration with AI, addressing common pitfalls, and devising solutions during software development

    Development of a model pile for heat transfer experiments in the centrifuge

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    Conventional energy piles use embedded plastic pipes to circulate a fluid through solid concrete which enables transfer of heat into, or out of, the ground as required. Such piles are relatively low efficiency owing to the poor conductivity of the concrete in which the pipes are embedded. They are also known to be susceptible to damage during construction and their adoption as a sustainable energy source has, as a result, been limited. A novel method of heat transfer, which is much less susceptible to damage during construction, and has been found in field trials to be more energy efficient, exploits the significantly higher conductivity of water in a rotary augured hollow, cast in-situ, or precast pile. In such a pile the plastic pipes are placed in the water filled central void of the pile. Such an arrangement will lead to the ground around the pile experiencing a lower range of temperature variation compared with standard energy piles and the influence of this effect on pile capacity will be explored. In order to model multiple cycles of temperature variation to which the ground around a prototype pile may be subjected it is necessary design experimental apparatus that is capable of rapid heating and cooling and with high thermal conductivity materials. The paper will describe the design of a model pile which incorporates an immersed heating element capable of bringing the pile temperature to a specific maximum value and a means of quickly purging the heated water to return the pile temperature to the desired minimum value whilst the pile carries a constant axial load in the centrifuge

    Disseminated tuberculosis in a patient treated with a JAK2 selective inhibitor: a case report

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    Background Primary myelofibrosis is a myeloproliferative disorder characterized by bone marrow fibrosis, abnormal cytokine expression, splenomegaly and anemia. The activation of JAK2 and the increased levels of circulating proinflammatory cytokines seem to play an important role in the pathogenesis of myelofibrosis. Novel therapeutic agents targeting JAKs have been developed for the treatment of myeloproliferative disorders. Ruxolitinib (INCB018424) is the most recent among them. Case presentation To our knowledge, there is no evidence from clinical trials of an increased risk of tuberculosis during treatment with JAK inhibitors. Here we describe the first case of tuberculosis in a patient treated with Ruxolitinib, a male with a 12-year history of chronic idiopathic myelofibrosis admitted to our Institute because of fever, night sweats, weight loss and an enlarging mass in the left inguinal area for two months. Conclusion Treatment with Ruxolitinib may have triggered the reactivation of latent tuberculosis because of an inhibition of Th1 response. Our case highlights the importance of an accurate screening for latent tuberculosis before starting an anti-JAK 2 treatmen

    A numerical model to study the response of piles under lateral loading in unsaturated soils

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    The interaction between a laterally loaded pile and the surrounding soil is typically limited to the shallower soil layer. Often, this zone is above the water table and therefore the interaction takes place under unsaturated conditions. The available evidence is scarce but suggests that unsaturated conditions play a major role on the pile’s response. The actual mechanisms governing the soil–pile interaction under unsaturated soil conditions are not understood entirely, and this paper provides a useful insight on this topic. The analysis is carried out with a fully coupled three-dimensional numerical model, the soil behaviour is simulated with a Modified Cam Clay Model extended to unsaturated conditions. The model accounts for the increase in stiffness and strength of unsaturated soils as well as the volumetric collapse upon wetting. The constitutive model is calibrated on the laboratory data and validated against centrifuge data with satisfying agreement. The results highlight the substantial differences in the soil reaction against the pile depending on different water saturation profiles. The study also shows that the influence of unsaturated conditions on the pile response increases as the pile’s flexibility increases. Comparing the findings with currently available design methods such as the p-y curves, it is found that these do not adequately describe the unsaturated soil reaction against the pile, which opens the door for new research in the field. The proposed numerical model is a promising tool to further investigate the mechanisms underlying the soil–pile interaction under unsaturated soils