22 research outputs found

    Senzorna, antioksidativna i reoloŔka svojstva različitih vrsta čokolada sa probioticima

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    Food products containing beneficial microorganisms, mostly lactic acid bacteria which effectively affect human health, represent one of the largest market of functional foods, with dairy products as the most accessible ones. Tendency that useful probiotic bacteria safer and easier survive the conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, and the need to make them available over a longer period of time compared to durability of dairy products, imposed the idea to conduct the extensive testing of probiotics in chocolate as a carrier. Research program in the scope of this dissertation was aimed at investigating the possibility of application of probiotics in different types of chocolate, because of their sensitivity to a large number of process factors and environmental conditions, and bearing in mind that sustainability is an essential property that determines their effectiveness. By including of probiotic cultures in the chocolate composition, an additional dispersed phase is introduced, which can influence the microstructure and cause a change in appearance - colour, texture, melting and rheological properties of the product. In addition, some studies suggest the possibility of an interaction between probiotic microorganisms and polyphenol components in food containing them, which may lead to a change of its antioxidant capacity. In order to establish the extent to which the incorporation of probiotics affect the dominant characteristics of different types of chocolate, an examination of their sensory, antioxidant and rheological properties was carried out immediately after production (0-30 days) and during storage of 90, ie 180 days. With the aim of determination of all factors that may affect the functionality of chocolate with probiotics, the analysis of used packaging materials, which included testing of physical-mechanical and barrier properties, were also conducted. In particular, the freeze-dried probiotic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFMĀ® and Bifidobacterium lactis HN019, as well as DUOLAC MIX L3 - microencapsulated mixture of three probiotic cultures: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus thermophilus and Bifidobacterium breve, were added into chocolates of different composition (milk, dark with 44% and dark with 75% cocoa solids)...Prehrambeni proizvodi koji sadrže probiotske mikroorganizme, uglavnom bakterije mlečne kiseline, sa pozitivnim učincima po zdravlje, predstavljaju jedno od najvećih tržiÅ”ta funkcionalne hrane, među kojima su proizvodi od mleka najdostupniji. Težnja da korisne, probiotske bakterije bezbednije i lakÅ”e prežive uslove gastrointestinalnog trakta, kao i potreba da budu dostupne tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda u odnosu na onaj koji je ograničen trajnoŔću proizvoda od mleka, nametnula je ideju da se obave opsežnija ispitivanja primene probiotika na čokoladi kao nosaču. Program istraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije bio je usmeren na ispitivanje mogućnosti primene probiotika u različite vrste čokolada, zbog njihove osetljivosti prema velikom broju procesnih faktora i uslovima okoline, a imajući u vidu da je održivost esencijalno svojstvo koje uslovljava njihovu efikasnost. Inkluzijom probiotskih kultura uvodi se dodatna disperzna faza u sastav čokolada, Å”to može imati uticaja na njihovu mikrostrukturu i usloviti promene izgleda - boje, teskture, topivosti i reoloÅ”kih svojstava. Pored navedenog, pojedina istraživanja ukazuju na mogućnost postojanja interakcija između probiotskih mikroorganizama i polifenolnih komponenata namirnice u koje su dodati, Å”to može dovesti do promene njenog antioksidativnog kapaciteta. Kako bi se ustanovilo u kojoj meri je inkorporiranje probiotika uticalo na dominantna svojstva različitih vrsta čokolada, obavljeno je ispitivanje njihovih senzornih, antioksidativnih i reoloÅ”kih karakteristika neposredno nakon proizvodnje (0-30 dana) i tokom skladiÅ”tenja od 90, odnosno 180 dana. Radi utvrđivanja svih faktora koji mogu uticati na funcionalnost čokolada sa probioticima obavljene su i analize upotrebljenih ambalažnih materijala, koje su obuhvatale ispitivanje fizičkomehaničkih i barijernih svojstava..

    Sensory, antioxidant and rheological properties of different types of chocolates with probiotics

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    Prehrambeni proizvodi koji sadrže probiotske mikroorganizme, uglavnom bakterije mlečne kiseline, sa pozitivnim učincima po zdravlje, predstavljaju jedno od najvećih tržiÅ”ta funkcionalne hrane, među kojima su proizvodi od mleka najdostupniji. Težnja da korisne, probiotske bakterije bezbednije i lakÅ”e prežive uslove gastrointestinalnog trakta, kao i potreba da budu dostupne tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda u odnosu na onaj koji je ograničen trajnoŔću proizvoda od mleka, nametnula je ideju da se obave opsežnija ispitivanja primene probiotika na čokoladi kao nosaču. Program istraživanja u okviru ove doktorske disertacije bio je usmeren na ispitivanje mogućnosti primene probiotika u različite vrste čokolada, zbog njihove osetljivosti prema velikom broju procesnih faktora i uslovima okoline, a imajući u vidu da je održivost esencijalno svojstvo koje uslovljava njihovu efikasnost. Inkluzijom probiotskih kultura uvodi se dodatna disperzna faza u sastav čokolada, Å”to može imati uticaja na njihovu mikrostrukturu i usloviti promene izgleda - boje, teskture, topivosti i reoloÅ”kih svojstava. Pored navedenog, pojedina istraživanja ukazuju na mogućnost postojanja interakcija između probiotskih mikroorganizama i polifenolnih komponenata namirnice u koje su dodati, Å”to može dovesti do promene njenog antioksidativnog kapaciteta. Kako bi se ustanovilo u kojoj meri je inkorporiranje probiotika uticalo na dominantna svojstva različitih vrsta čokolada, obavljeno je ispitivanje njihovih senzornih, antioksidativnih i reoloÅ”kih karakteristika neposredno nakon proizvodnje (0-30 dana) i tokom skladiÅ”tenja od 90, odnosno 180 dana. Radi utvrđivanja svih faktora koji mogu uticati na funcionalnost čokolada sa probioticima obavljene su i analize upotrebljenih ambalažnih materijala, koje su obuhvatale ispitivanje fizičkomehaničkih i barijernih svojstava...Food products containing beneficial microorganisms, mostly lactic acid bacteria which effectively affect human health, represent one of the largest market of functional foods, with dairy products as the most accessible ones. Tendency that useful probiotic bacteria safer and easier survive the conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, and the need to make them available over a longer period of time compared to durability of dairy products, imposed the idea to conduct the extensive testing of probiotics in chocolate as a carrier. Research program in the scope of this dissertation was aimed at investigating the possibility of application of probiotics in different types of chocolate, because of their sensitivity to a large number of process factors and environmental conditions, and bearing in mind that sustainability is an essential property that determines their effectiveness. By including of probiotic cultures in the chocolate composition, an additional dispersed phase is introduced, which can influence the microstructure and cause a change in appearance - colour, texture, melting and rheological properties of the product. In addition, some studies suggest the possibility of an interaction between probiotic microorganisms and polyphenol components in food containing them, which may lead to a change of its antioxidant capacity. In order to establish the extent to which the incorporation of probiotics affect the dominant characteristics of different types of chocolate, an examination of their sensory, antioxidant and rheological properties was carried out immediately after production (0-30 days) and during storage of 90, ie 180 days. With the aim of determination of all factors that may affect the functionality of chocolate with probiotics, the analysis of used packaging materials, which included testing of physical-mechanical and barrier properties, were also conducted. In particular, the freeze-dried probiotic strains Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFMĀ® and Bifidobacterium lactis HN019, as well as DUOLAC MIX L3 - microencapsulated mixture of three probiotic cultures: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus thermophilus and Bifidobacterium breve, were added into chocolates of different composition (milk, dark with 44% and dark with 75% cocoa solids)..

    Termo-mehanička i senzorna svojstva pŔeničnog i ražanog hleba pripremljenih sa različitim koncentracijama aditiva

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    The effects of different concentrations of complex additive containing emulsifiers, oxido-reductive substances and enzymes, on the rheological conditions of dough and sensory properties of three groups of bread were investigated. The dough obtained from mixed wheat and rye flours had the best initial quality and the lowest degree of protein network weakening. The best expected baking properties were shown by the white wheat flour due to the least damage of its starch. The use of the additive had an effect on the absorption of water and on the majority of S-values of all sorts of flour. The amount of additive had a significant effect on the sensory properties of wheat bread crumb texture. Also, storage duration significantly affected (p lt 0.01) the sensory properties of integral wheat bread aroma-taste and the weighted mean score. The interaction of these two factors had no significant effect on any of sensory properties of the investigated groups of bread.Primenom klasičnih reoloÅ”kih metoda moguće je ispitati kvalitet braÅ”na i njegovu pogodnost za specifične namene, uglavnom na bazi osobina proteina i skorba. Upotrebom savremenih uređaja simuliraju se procesi koji se odvijaju tokom proizvodnje hleba i dobija se niz informacija o fizičkim parametrima testa (apsorpcija vode, razvoj i stabilnost testa, mehanička i termička razgradnja proteinske mreže), stanju skroba u testu (nivo želatinizacije, amilolitička aktivnost, stabilnost pri kuvanju) uz značajno skraćen postupka ispitivanja. U ovom radu, ispitivani su efekti različitih koncentracija kombinovanog aditiva na reoloÅ”ka svojstva testa i senzorne osobine tri grupe hleba. Najbolji početni kvalitet i najniži stepen slabljenja proteinske mreže je uočen kod testa dobijenog iz meÅ”avine pÅ”eničnog i ražanog braÅ”na. Najbolja očekivana pecivna svojstva imalo je belo pÅ”enično braÅ”no, zbog najmanjeg oÅ”tećenja skroba. Upotreba aditiva uticala je na apsorpciju vode i na većinu C-vrednosti svih vrsta braÅ”na. Koncentracija aditiva imala je značajan uticaj na senzorno svojstvo teksture, tj, mrvljivost pÅ”eničnog hleba. Vreme skladiÅ”tenja je veoma značajno (p lt 0,01) uticalo na senzorna svojstava arome tj. ukusa integralnog pÅ”eničnog hleba i statistički značajno na ponderisanu srednju vrednost ocene ovog hleba. Interakcija ova dva faktora nema statistički značajan uticaj na bilo koje od senzornih svojstava ispitivanih grupa hleba

    Contribution of Osmotically Dehydrated Wild Garlic on Biscuits' Quality Parameters

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    Wild garlic generally improves strengths and regenerates the body and also helps in the treatment of various diseases. In this study the contribution of wild garlic osmotic dehydration process in sugar beet molasses on biscuits' quality parameters is investigated. Presented results showed that addition of osmotically dehydrated wild garlic in molasses impoved textural characteristics of biscuits by lowering hardness and increasing fracturability and also changed colour characteristics of biscuits. Chemical composition of biscuits with added osmotically dehydrated wild garlic was improved in comparison to the biscuits with added fresh wild garlic, where proteins, total sugars, celulose and ash compositions were increased in amounts of 1.86, 3.2, 15.8 and 5.76 % respectively. Addition of osmodehydrated wild garlic had provided higher Zn, Cu and Fe biscuits' content in comparison to the addition of fresh wild garlic, in amounts of 2.75, 15.33 and 15.84 % respectively. Developed mathematical models of biscuits quality parameters were statistically significant, while predicted and observed responses corresponded very well. In effort of obtaining new types of products, new application of known ingredients was proposed, allowing incorporation of sugar beet molasses' rich nutrient content in wheat products formulation

    Investigations of Bread Production with Postponed Staling Applying Instrumental Measurements of Bread Crumb Color

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    Crumb color quality characteristics of bread of different compositions (whole grain, rye, barley and diet bread) at 24 hours intervals during three days after bread preparation were investigated by means of a MOM-color 100 tristimulus photo colorimeter, in CIE, CIELab, ANLAB and Hunter systems. The highest value of average reflectance y (%) was found for barley bread (immediately after preparation), so that can be said that this sample was ā€œconditionallyā€ the lightest. The lowest values of y (%) were found for diet bread, so that it can be considered as the ā€œconditionallyā€ the darkest product. Colors of all investigated bread samples were lighter after three days of keeping compared to day 0. Changes of average reflectance of bread samples packed in polyethylene packaging with keeping time can be described by linear equation (correlation coefficient 0.99). The dominant wavelength of barley and diet bread confirm the presence of yellow pigment. Color qualities of the mentioned kinds of bread depend on processes during bread staling and raw material composition of bread (flour). Color quality measurements can be used as easy auxiliary method for screening in the development of slower staling bread

    Sensory Properties and Color Measurements of Dietary Chocolates with Different Compositions During Storage for Up to 360 Days

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    In this work sensory characteristics (appearance ā€“ color, brilliance, shape and surface; texture ā€“ structure, break, firmness and chewiness; aroma ā€“ odor and taste) of dietary chocolates of different compositions were evaluated, in parallel with color parameter measurements. Color was determined instrumentally on the top and bottom surfaces, using a ā€œMINOLTAā€ Chroma meter CR 400 thristimulus colorimeter. Sensory evaluation was performed by a group of experienced panelists immediately after the production (0 ā€“ 30 days), and then after 90, 180, 270 and 360 days of storage under ambient conditions (t = 18 ā€“ 20Ā°C). Results were statistically analyzed by the two-factorial analysis of variance (MANOVA) and with the LSD ā€“ test. It was concluded that the storage time up to one year had statistically highly significant (p < 0.01) effects on the sensory attributes of chocolate, as well as on instrumentally measured color parameters

    Sensory Evaluation of Pralines Containing Different Honey Products

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    In this study, pralines manufactured by hand were evaluated sensorially. These pralines were obtained from dark chocolate containing 60% cocoa components, filled with Apis mellifera carnica Poll drone larvae, blossom honey and a blossom honey/pollen mixture from the protected region of Stara Planina-Eastern Serbia (a specific botanical region). The objectives of this study were investigations related to the use of sensory analysis for quality assessment of new functional products with potential benefits for human health, in particular of desserts based on dark chocolate pralines filled with different bee products characterized by a specific botanical and geographic origin, as well as of their storage properties and expected shelf life. Sensory quality (appearance, texture, odor and taste were evaluated by a group of experienced panelists immediately after the production (day 0), and then after 30, 90 and 180 days of storage under ambient conditions (temperature 18ā€“20 Ā°C). The results were statistically analyzed by the two-factorial analysis of variance (MANOVA) and with the LSD-test. It is possible to conclude that the storage time and composition of dark chocolate pralines containing different honey-bee products have statistically highly significant (p < 0.01) influence on the sensorially evaluated properties of pralines

    Salvia hispanica L. - potencijalna sirovina za dobijanje nutritivno vrednog ulja

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    Salvia hispanica L., commonly known as chia, is pseudocereal present on the market in the form of seeds, which are sold in health food stores and usually are imported, as they are not grown commercially in our country. Chia originates from South America where it is grown for centuries and used as food, and is particularly distinctive and important because of essential Ļ‰-3, Ī±-linolenic fatty acid content. Chia seeds oil contains up to 69.3 g/100 g of Ī±-linolenic acid, which makes it the richest source of these fatty acids, compared to camelina (false flax) oil (Camelina sativa L.), containing 36 g/100 g, perilla oil (Perilla frutescens L.) with amount of 53 g/100 g and flaxseed oil (Linum usitatissimum L.) containing 57 g/100 g of Ī±-linolenic fatty acid. The total oil content in the chia seeds can be up to 38.6 g/100 g. Also, the chia seeds are characterized by a high amount of protein (19-27 g/100 g), as well as dietary fiber (30 g/100 g).Salvia hispanica L. poznatija pod imenom čia je pseudožitarica koja je prisutna na naÅ”em tržiÅ”tu u vidu semenki koje se prodaju u radnjama zdrave hrane i najčeŔće potiču iz uvoza, jer se čia kod nas komercijalno ne uzgaja. Čia vodi poreklo iz Južne Amerike gde se već vekovima gaji i koristi u ishrani, a ono Å”to je posebno čini važnom jeste sadržaj esencijalne Ļ‰-3 masne kiseline, Ī±-linolenske. Ulje semenki čie sadrži i do 69,3 g/100 g Ī±-linolenske kiseline, Å”to je čini najbogatijim izvorom ove masne kiseline, u poređenju sa uljem semenki divljeg lana (Camelina sativa L.) koje sadrži 36 g/100 g, perila ulja (Perilla frutescens L.) sa 53 g/100 g i uljem semenki lana (Linum usitatissimum L.) koje sadrži 57 g/100 g Ī±-linolenske kiseline. Sadržaj ulja u semenkama čie može biti i i do 38,6 g/100 g semena. Takođe, semenke karakteriÅ”e visok sadržaj proteina (19-27 g/100 g) i dijetetskih vlakana (do 30 g/100 g)

    Synergistic effect of three encapsulated strains of probiotic bacteria on quality parameters of chocolates with different composition

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    Among the carriers of probiotic bacteria in the field of non-dairy foods, chocolate is one of the most appealing. Following the contemporary trend impelled with better efficiency, a compilation of three pro biotic strains microencapsulated together was incorporated in milk, semisweet and dark chocolates. The determination of viability revealed that bifidobacteria (BB) were less durable than lactobacilli (LA) and streptococci (ST), but the total cell number was high (9-8 log cfu/g) during 360 days, at both tested temperatures. The main objective was to examine the effects of probiotics on the sensory and rheological properties of various types of produced chocolates, as well as to test the suitability of used packaging materials. The obtained data showed that all evaluated samples exhibited excellent sensory quality and, among rheological parameters, yield value was more affected than the viscosity. Seal defect (leakage) of the primary packaging material assumable contributed to the decline of viable probiotic cells

    Influence of chia seeds (Salvia hispanica L.) and extra virgin olive oil addition on nutritional properties of salty crackers

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    This research was aimed to establish the optimum formulation of crackers based on buckwheat and rye flour, chia seed and extra virgin olive oil and subsequently examine the nutritional value of final products. The addition of chia seeds significantly affected the content of alpha-linolenic fatty acid, influencing the nutritional value of crackers, which led to the remarkable reduction in the omega-6/omega-3 ratio in both rye (2.5:1) and buckwheat crackers (2.4:1). Most of the amino acids (except serine, alanine, cystine) were not significantly (p lt 0.05) affected by the share of chia seeds, as well as the type of flour used. Due to high dietary fiber and protein content, the investigated cracker may have a claim "source of fiber" and "source of protein". Sensory evaluation of crackers showed that all examined samples of crackers exhibited excellent quality, implying that the presence of chia did not diminish, but rather improved some sensory attributes, such as texture