164 research outputs found

    Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Performance Analysis of the Ultra-Compact Combustor

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    The AFIT Combustion Optimization and Analysis Laser (COAL) lab’s modular design and state-of-the-art diagnostic systems make it a flexible and important facility for the analysis of combustion processes. The objectives of the current research are to install several enhancements in the lab, validate the laser diagnostic system, characterize the igniter for AFIT’s Ultra-Compact Combustor (UCC) sections, and perform a non-intrusive laser diagnostic, performance, and high-speed video analysis of a flat-cavity UCC section. Validation of the laser system was accomplished using OH Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) in a laminar hydrogen-air flame produced by a Hencken burner. Results are compared to previous research to show improvements. Both ratios of intensities and excitation scans in the OH (A-X) (1-0) electronic transition system are used to measure temperature and species concentrations. Igniter characterization was accomplished using open-air flammability and flame height observations to select an anticipated operating condition. That condition was validated by attaching the igniter to the UCC section and observing its performance. An operating procedure is recommended. A PLIF flame location study using optically-clear quartz windows on the combustor was performed in the cavity-vane area. Performance measurements and high-speed video footage were also acquired in order to analyze the system. Results are compared to previous experimental and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) research. Future work will include instantaneous two-color PLIF and other laser diagnostic studies of several different locations inside AFIT’s flat- and curved-cavity UCC sections

    A First Step in Form-Based Category Abstraction by 12-Month-Old Infants

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    The present experiments investigate how young language learners begin to acquire form-based categories and the relationships between them. We investigated this question by exposing 12-month-olds to auditory structure of the form aX and bY (infants had to learn that a-elements grouped with Xs and not Ys). Infants were then tested on strings from their training language versus strings from the other language using a preferential-listening procedure. Importantly, the X and Y elements were new at test, requiring infants to generalize to novel pairings. We also manipulated the probability of encountering grammatical structures of the training language by mixing strings from two artificial languages according to 83/17 and 67/33 percentage ratios in Experiment 2. Experiment 1 shows that 12-month-olds are capable of forming categories of X- and Y-elements based on a shared feature and, furthermore, form associations between particular a- and b-elements and these categories. Experiment 2 shows that learning was sustained even when 17% of instances from another language were present during training. However, infants failed to generalize when exposed to a larger percentage of strings from another language. The findings demonstrate that the first step of form-based category abstraction (the ability to generalize based on marker-feature pairings) is in place by 12 months of age

    Топос дитинства у поезії Мозеса Розенкранца

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    The subject of this article is to study the literary space of childhood in the lyrical works of Moses Rosenkranz. The poems “Geburtspunkt” (“Birthplace”), “Meine Dörfer” (“My Villages”), “Auf der Weide” (“In the Pasture”), “Erinnerung” (“Memory”), “Nachts am Fenster” (“At Night by the Window”), “Der Bach” (“Stream”), “Die Liebe im Dorf” (“Village Love”), “Sonntag” (“Sunday”), “Tiefer Zug” (“Deep Mark”) from collection “Bukowina. Gedichte 1920–1997” have become the basis for the study of images and motifs traditionally associated with childhood – home, parents, garden, village, the theme of memory, motif of the lost paradise and ways of their literary actualization. The article attempts to determine the features of the topos of childhood in the lyrics of Moses Rosenkranz: the insecurity of the childhood from the destructive power of the adult world, the special importance of the theme of the lost paradise, which exposes the conflict of the adult and child worlds, the idyllic chronotope traditionally associated with the theme of childhood. In the course of this study, it has been found that Bukovinian images and motifs are key in the poetic work of Moses Rosenkranz. The land where he was born and spent his childhood and youth is portrayed by the author in his lyrical works with particular warmth and tenderness. Even being far fromBukovina, the author did not forget his country and imprinted his image in poems. The space of Rosenkranz's childhood is full of idyll and harmony, though he had been impressed by the brutality of the adult world in the childhood. Moses Rosenkranz's favorite character is a simple peasant with his traditions, misfortunes and hopes.Предметом данной статьи является исследование художественного пространства детства в лирических сочинениях Мозеса Розенкранца. На примере поэзий „Geburtspunkt” („Место рождения”), „Meine Dörfer” („Мои села”), „Auf der Weide” („На пастбище”), „Erinnerung” („Воспоминание”), „Nachts am Fenster” („Ночью возле окна”), „Der Bach” („Ручей”), „Die Liebe im Dorf” („Деревенская любовь”), „Sonntag” („Воскресенье”), „Tiefer Zug” („Глубокий след”), вошедших в сборник „Bukowina. Gedichte 1920–1997”, здесь исследуются образы и мотивы, традиционно связанные с детством, – родители, дом, сад, деревня, тема памяти, мотив потерянного рая и способы художественной актуализации этих парадигм. Определены особенности топоса детства в лирике Мозеса Розенкранца: незащищенность мира детства от разрушительной силы мира взрослых, особенное значение темы потерянного рая, которая обнажает конфликт взрослого и детского миров, идиллический хронотоп, преимущественно ассоциируемый с темой детства. Буковинские образы и мотивы в поэтическом творчестве Мозеса Розенкранца предстают ключевыми.Досліджується художній простір дитинства у ліричних творах Мозеса Розенкранца. На прикладі поезій „Geburtspunkt” („Місце народження”), „Meine Dörfer” („Мої села”), „Auf der Weide” („На вигоні”), „Erinnerung” („Спогад”), „Nachts am Fenster” („Вночі біля вікна”), „Der Bach” („Струмок”), „Die Liebe im Dorf” („Сільська любов”), „Sonntag” („Неділя”), „Tiefer Zug” („Глибокий слід”), що вміщені у збірку „Bukowina. Gedichte 1920–1997”, аналізуються образи і мотиви, традиційно пов’язані з дитинством, – батьки, дім, сад, село, тема пам’яті, мотив втраченого раю та способи їхньої художньої актуалізації. Визначено особливості топосу дитинства в ліриці Мозеса Розенкранца: незахищеність світу дитинства від руйнівної сили світу дорослих, особливе значення теми втраченого раю, що викриває конфлікт дорослого та дитячого світів, ідилічний хронотоп, що переважно асоціюється з темою дитинства. Буковинські образи і мотиви постають ключовими у поетичній творчості Мозеса Розенкранца

    Ways of Expressing Verbal Aggression in Egyptian Arabic

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    The paper is focused on the рhenomenon of abuse words in Egyptian dialect of Arabic (EA). Being tabooed not only in media but in everyday life, different types of obscene words are still being widely used by native speakers. A particular attention is paid to the typologization of invectives in Egyptian Arabic. This paper examines the expressive functions of offensive language. The data is based on a corpus of 114 tweets collected from the Twitter website and 98 YouTube comments from Egyptian users writing in colloquial Arabic. In general, swearing as a language phenomenon can tell about some national traits associated with a particular nation. They can be caused by various factors, which makes it an interesting field for research

    Time Delayed Protein Complementation

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    The time delayed complementation of plant proteins was tested in weanling Sprague-Dawley male rats by measuring growth rates as well as plasma and tissue free amino acids. Diets of pinto beans with rice, corn or wheat were pair-fed in combination or alternating 4 times a day at 6 and 11 am, and 4 and 9 pm for 4 weeks. Plasma, liver and muscle samples were obtained 2 hours postprandial, a time determined most suitable for sacrifice, and analyzed for free amino acids via ion-exchange chromatography. There were no significant differences in growth of rats fed combination or alternating diets.during week 3 and 4 with the exception of the limiting corn-bean combination and alternating diets in week four. Step-wise multiple regression of the data show plasma free amino acids most correlated to growth included asparagine, 15.1% contribution; and arginine, tyrosine, histidine, 1- methylhistidine and cystathionine, each contributing \u3c5%. The following amino acids were negatively correlated with growth: threonine, 29.2%; and leucine, phosphoethanolamine, taurine and serine \u3c6.5%. This study confirms previous work in this laboratory which suggested that vegetable proteins fed 5 hours apart in combined or alternating fashion had equal growth promoting capacity. Contrary to expectations, the limiting amino acids in these diets -- methionine, lysine and tryptophan -- were not the postprandial plasma amino acids most related to growth rate. More study is necessary to correlate the limiting amino acids in proteins and tissue free amino acids with the growth rate of the rat

    Deficits in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders When Processing Multiple Objects in Dynamic Scenes

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    People with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) process visual information in a manner that is distinct from typically developing individuals. They may be less sensitive to people\u27s goals and, more generally, focus on visual details instead of the entire scene. To examine these differences, people with and without ASD were asked to detect changes in dynamic scenes with multiple elements. Participants viewed a brief video of a person or an inanimate object (the figure ) moving from one object to another; after a delay, they reported whether a second video was the same or different. Possible changes included the figure, the object the figure was moving from, or the object the figure was moving toward (the goal ). We hypothesized that individuals with ASD would be less sensitive to changes in scenes with people, particularly elements that might be the person\u27s goal. Alternately, people with ASD might attend to fewer elements regardless of whether the scene included a person. Our results indicate that, like controls, people with ASD noticed a change in the goal object at the end of a person\u27s movement more often than the object at the start. However, the group with ASD did not undergo the developmental improvement that was evident typically when detecting changes in both the start and end objects. This atypical development led to deficits in adults with ASD that were not specific to scenes with people or to goals. Improvements in visual processing that underlie mature representation of scenes may not occur in ASD, suggesting that late developing brain processes are affected

    Report of Legal Aid Committee

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    Fluorescent Mueller-matrix polarimetry of biological tissues in differentiation of benign and malignant tumors

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    The work is aimed at investigation of diagnostic efficiency provided by a new azimuthally stable Mueller-matrix method for analyzing laser fluorescence coordinate distributions characterizing biological tissue histological sections. A new model of generalized optical anisotropy of biological tissues containing protein networks has been proposed in order to ascertain the processes of laser autofluorescence. The influence of complex mechanisms of both phase anisotropy (linear birefringence and optical activity) and linear (circular) dichroism was taken into account. The interrelations between the azimuthally stable Mueller-matrix elements characterizing laser autofluorescence and different mechanisms of optical anisotropy have been determined. The statistic analysis of coordinate distributions of these Mueller-matrix rotation invariants has been offered. Thereupon the quantitative criteria (statistic moments of the 1st to 4th orders) of differentiation of histological sections of uterus wall tumor – group 1 (dysplasia) and group 2 (adenocarcinoma) have been estimated