112 research outputs found

    Inclusive and Sustainable Management of Suboptimal Lands for Productive Agriculture in Indonesia

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    There are uncountable research activities and technology development efforts have been carried out in Indonesia; however, very limited economically and/or socially beneficial technologies have been created. Very few indigenous technologies have been used in producing goods and providing services, including in agricultural sector. This problem is rooted on facts that most of the technologies developed are not relevant to real needs and/or problems of domestic farmers. Even if the technologies are substantially relevant; in many cases, they are not finacially affordable by domestic farmers, do not significantly increase profit if used, and/or less competitive compared to similar available technologies in the market. Limited availability of resources, at present and even more scarse in the future, elevates expectation on technology to contribute in establishing inclusive, productive, and sustainable agricultural development. To assure that developed technology will be relevant to the needs and contribute to agricultural development, farmers ought to be play significant active roles during priority setting, planning, and developing the technology. The real issues at present are increase in food demand as consequence of population growth and conversion of arable lands for uses in other sectors. These trends have led to intensifying agricultural activities on suboptimal lands. Efforts to increase agricultural productivity in suboptimal lands should not jeopardize sustainable function of the ecosystem and participation of local farmers. Sustainability and inclusivity should be maintained while increasing productivity. Traditional knowledge and local wisdom have to be treated as reference for developing technology for establishing productive agriculture on suboptimal lands

    OLERIKULTUR URBAN: Kontribusi untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Pangan Nabati untuk Masyarakat Perkotaan

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    Lakitan B. 2021. URBAN OLERICULTURE: Contribution to increase vegetable production for urban community. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang 20 Oktober 2021. pp. 1-10.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI).Population increase directly affects food demand. Since the increase will be concentrated in urban area, this trend should be appropriately responded by intensifying urban agriculture activities. Urban agriculture characterized with limited availability of agricultural land but better infrastructure than rural area. Urban dwellers are also more prepared to adopt advanced agricultural technology and have better access to financial sources. Technology-wise, hydroponics and vertical agriculture have been practiced by urban farmers. Besides for food production, urban agriculture gives other benefits, including aesthetics and better quality of local environment. In major city, green wall and green roof have been developed at tall buildings. Vegetables and ornamental plants are the most commonly used in urban area. In some developed countries, indoor vegetable cultivation has been practiced using artificial lightings and large scale plant factories had employed automation system using artificial intelligence technology. Regardless of rapid development on agricultural technology, the selected technology for local application should consider availability of local natural resources and financial capacity of native farmers. Intensification of urban and peri-urban agricultural activities is not expected to fully meet total urban food demand. Therefore, conventional agriculture in rural area is still strongly needed

    Budi daya Terapung Tanaman Sawi Hijau dengan Perbedaan Dosis Pupuk NPK, Ukuran Polibag, dan Waktu Pemupukan

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    Cultivation of mustards green on floating raft is one of alternative cultivations which is applied by traditional farmers during flooding period in Riparian Wetland. The cultivation will increase Cropping Index and farmer’s income. The objective of this research is to evaluate growth and yield of mustards green on floating cultivation with the application of different NPK doses, polybag sizes, and fertilization times to find cultivation of mustards green which effective and efficient. This research was conducted on October 2016–February 2017 in Jakabaring Facility (104°46’44” E; 3°01’35” S) and Kimia Hasil Pertanian (LKHP) Laboratory, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang. This research consisted of two steps. The first experiment used a completely randomized design with four doses of NPK (16:16:16) namely 0 (control), 5, 10, and 15 g plant-1. The second experiment used a Split Plot Design consisted of two factors namely polybag size (A1 and A2) and fertilization time (F1, F2, and F3). The result of the first experiment showed that utilization three doses of NPK significantly increased shoot length, number of leaves, and fresh weight compared control. The second experiment showed that polybag size and fertilization time did not significantly affect growth and yield parameters. Utilization of 5 g plant-1 of NPK on 1 week after transplanting (WAT) which used polybag size of 30 x 30 cm on growing media consisted of soil, manure, and rice husk (1:1:1/v:v:v) produced an effective and efficient cultivation of mustards green.   Keywords: fertilizing, floating cultivation, green mustard, NP

    Connecting all the dots: Identifying the “actor level” challenges in establishing effective innovation system

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    a b s t r a c t Establishing an effective innovation system is a gigantic effort for Indonesia and surely will face many and diverse challenges. The challenges can be found at all three levels (core, ecosystem, and anatomy) within the innovation system. At the core level, communication and interaction between domestic technology developers and users have to be intensified. At the ecosystem level, it is more complicated for creating a favorable atmosphere for nurturing an effective and productive innovation system which will significantly contribute to economic growth and social welfare improvement. Hard challenges at the ecosystem level are to harmonize all regulations and public policies such that they are more in favor of innovation system development; and to synchronize prioritized programs and activities of all related public and private institutions. Deeper insight into each actor of innovation system and the challenges faced is required for advancing innovation. This analysis uses case methodology to identify these challenges. Scientific collaboration among technology developers is low; therefore, it could cause inefficient use of national R&D budget. In-house R&D activities and technology absorptive capacity of domestic industries are also low. Finally, the role of an intermediation agency is not yet significant

    Effects of shading on the growth of the purple pakchoy (Brassica rapa var. Chinensis) in the urban ecosystem

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    Received: June 21st, 2022 ; Accepted: September 4th, 2022 ; Published: September 12th, 2022 ; Correspondence: [email protected] green spaces in urban area can be utilized in many ways. Recently, more of the open spaces have been cultivated for vegetable production, gradually shifted from aesthetical purpose to the need for fresh healthy foods. Urban vegetable farming can be conventionally practiced on a limited backyard. Our research was aimed to assess the effects of shading treatments on growth and yield of purple pakchoi (Brassica rapa var. chinensis). The research was arranged based on the randomized block design with 4 levels of shading treatment. The results showed that shading treatments at 0%, 45%, 55%, and 80% significantly affected morphological growth traits, including plant height, number of leaf, lengths of petiole, length of leaf midrib, width of leaf blade, canopy diameter, and leaf SPAD index, total leaf fresh and dry weights, total fresh and dry roots, and lengths of stem; but did not significantly affect the leaf thickness. In all affected traits, heavier shading inhibited growth, confirming that the purple pakchoi prefers full sunlight. The leaf of purple pakchoi reached its maximum size at less than 14 days counted from the first day of leaf blade was fully unfolded. Purple pakchoi can be harvested at 35 days after transplanting. The accurate leaf area estimation in purple pakchoi can be achieved by using LW as predictor and calculated using the power regression (R² = 0.9806)

    Perubahan Morfofisiologis Tanaman Terung pada Kondisi Muka Air Tanah Dangkal dan Tergenang di Fase Generatif

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    Under suboptimal conditions, plants generally respond differently to survive. Plant responses include changes in morphology, anatomy, and physiology. This study aimed to investigate the response of eggplant to lack of oxygen due to shallow water table and waterlogging in the generative stage and explored their adaptability to be cultivated in riparian wetlands. This research was conducted from October 2017 to January 2018 in an experimental pond in the village of Demang Lebar Daun Palembang and at the Postgraduate Integrated Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University, Palembang. This study used a randomized block design with a shallow water table and waterlogging treatments: control (field capacity), water tables of 13 cm, 8 cm, and 3 cm below the soil surface (bss), and waterlogging 2 cm above the soil surface. The results showed that the water table 3 cm bss and waterlogging decreased the relative rate of leaf expansion, specific leaf fresh weight, and specific leaf water content. On the sixth day of the waterlogging treatment, the chlorophyll content decreased by 31.29%. On the other hand, the proline content in the leaves reached the highest level of concentration. After the sixth day, the chlorophyll content increased while the proline content decreased, and the eggplant recovered. Water table 3 cm bss and waterlogging caused the formation of aerenchyma tissue in the roots, which started one day after the treatment. Eggplant is an adaptive crop with a fairly high tolerance for shallow water tables and waterlogging.   Keywords: adaptation, aerenchyma, proline, riparian wetland, toleranc

    Effects of Water Table, Population Density and Transplanting Time on Vegetative Growth of Black Sticky Rice at Floating Seedbed Method

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    Ria RP, Lakitan B, Negara ZP. 2020. Effects of water table, seedling density and transplanting time on vegetative growth of black sticky rice at floating seedbed. Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal : Journal of Suboptimal Lands  9(2): 167-174.Study on black sticky rice cultivation in South Sumatera is seldom carry out. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of water table and population density on the growth of rice during seedling preparation at floating seedbed; furthermore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of transplanting time on vegetative growth of black sticky rice. The research was started in May 2018 in Palembang. Black sticky variety used in this research was Toraja variety. The raft used is made from 1,5 l plastic bottles which are arranged to reach  2x1 meters in size. This study was conducted by two stages. The first stage was for water table and population density treatments laid on split plot design. The second stage was for transplanting time utilizing completely randomized factorial design. Statistically, results showed water table and population density significantly influensced root length of black sticky rice and transplanting time 14 DAS haad an effect on the leaf length , leaf width and leaf area

    Strategi Jalur-Ganda dalam Pemajuan Pertanian Indonesia: Memfasilitasi Generasi Milenial dan Menyejahterakan Petani Kecil

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    Lakitan B. 2019. Double track strategy for agriculture development in indonesia: facilitating millennial generation and improving livelihood of smallholder farmers. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal 2019, Palembang  4-5 September 2019. pp. 1-8. Palembang: Unsri Press.Agricultural development in Indonesia has not been able to solve two main fundamental problems. Firstly, advancement of agricultural technology failed to significantly improve livelihood of smallholder farmers; instead, it creates wider gap between developed technology and farmer’s adoption capacity. Secondly, educated young generation who has capacity to employ sophisticated technologies has not interested to work in agriculture sector. In 2018, there were 38.7 million farmers in Indonesia, where as 88.27 percent of them were categorized as informal workers. This number was about one third of total Indonesian workers. They could be time bombs if they are not treated wisely. Their livelihoods should be appropriately improved. The efforts require availability of relevant, affordable, and profitable agricultural technologies. Meanwhile, at present, only few of the millennials interested to work in agriculture sector. This small group of millennial farmers should be encouraged to stay in agriculture, in order to motivate more young generation to follow them. Urban and peri-urban agriculture based on relevant technologies seems to fit well with millennial farmers.Keywords: agricultural development, millennial farmers, welfare of farmers, urban agriculture

    Tiller Size and Water Table Effects in Celery Growth on Floating Cultivation System

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    Jaya KK, Lakitan B, Bernas SM. 2020. Tiller size and water table effects in celery growth on floating cultivation system. Jurnal Lahan Suboptimal : Journal of Suboptimal Lands 9(2): 184-191.Riparian wetland is highly available and potential suboptimal lands for an alternative solution in extending agricultural activity, but several constrains need to be resolved. The objective of this study was to improve the diversification of vegetables for increasing riparian wetland with utilizing floating cultivation system. This study was conducted From November until December 2019 in Jakabaring (104°46’4†E; 3°01’35†S) Palembang. The design of experiments used in this study was arranged in split plot-completely randomized design with 2 factors (main plot and sub-plot). Main plot was the height of water table, namely: R1 (1 cm upper raft surface), R5 (5 cm upper raft surface), and R10 (10 cm upper raft surface). Sub-plot was the size of celery tiller, i.e., B1 (big size) and B2 (small size). Each combination treatment consisted of five replication. Results showed that there was no any significant effect on water table and tiller size combination treatments in all observed variables, such as: plant height, leaf area, number of petioles, root length, fresh weight, and dry weight of shoot and roots. But, root length was significant different in water table treatment. Therefore, cultivated celery using floating culture system from tiller of parent plants can be an alternative to increase agriculture activity by shortening the planting period to increase vegetable diversification in riparian wetland
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