56 research outputs found

    Praćenje promene broja bakterija familije enterobacteriaceae u pastrmci i odrescima šarana upakovanim u vakuum i modifikovanu atmosferu

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    Kvar ribe može se definisati kao bilo koja promena u mesu ribe koja proizvod čini neprihvatljivim za ljudsku ishranu i najčešće nastaje kao rezultat rasta mikroorganizama. Od toga koji su mikroorganizmi najzastupljeniji u ribi u trenutku ulova u velikoj meri zavisi i kolika će biti njena održivost tokom skladištenja. Bakterije koje pripadaju familiji Enterobacteriaceae su fakultativni anaerobi, gram negativni i katalaza pozitivni mikroorganizmi. Ovoj familiji pripadaju sledeći rodovi: Salmonelle, Escherichia, Proteus, Shigella, Serratia, Citrobacter, Klebsiella, Enterobacter i Erwinia, a neki od njih su izraziti patogeni i izazivači velikog broja različitih oboljenja kod ljudi, kao što su septikemija, pneumonija, meningitis, infekcije urinarnog trakta, bolesti organa za varenje i mnogih drugih bolesti. Široko su rasprostranjeni u spoljašnjoj sredini, a neki su saprofitski stanovnici digestivnog trakta. Cilj ovog eksperimenta je bio da se ispita rast bakterija familije Enterobacteriaceae u svežoj pastrmci i odrescima šarana upakovanim u vakuum i modifikovanu atmosferu. Uzorci su podeljeni u tri grupe. Grupa I je upakovana u modifikovanu atmosferu sa odnosom gasova 60%CO2 i 40%N2, grupa II je upakovana u modifikovanu atmosferu sa 40%CO2 i 60%N2 dok je III grupa upakovana u vakuum. Odnos gas/uzorak u pakovanju bio je 2:1. Svi uzorci su skladišteni pri istovetnim uslovima na temperaturi od +3˚C. Određivanje broja bakterija familije Enterobacteriaceae prema ISO 21528 -2:2004 obavljeno je 0, 7. i 14. dana skladištenja. U pastrmci i odrescima šarana upakovanim u modifikovanu atmosferu sa 60%CO2 i 40% N2 (I grupa), rast ukupnog broja enterobakterija bio je sporiji nego u pastrmci i odrescima šarana upakovanim u modifikovanu atmosferu sa 40%CO2 i 60%N2 (II grupa) ili pak u vakuum (III grupa). Ovo se može objasniti antimikrobnim dejstvom ugljen-dioksida, koji je procentualno najzastupljeniji u smeši gasova u koju su upakovani uzorci I grupe kao i činjenicom da ugljen-dioksid deluje inhibitorno pre svega na gram-negativne bakterije, kakvi i jesu mikroorganizmi iz familije Enterobacteriaceae. Najveću stopu rasta imale su enterobakterije u pastrmci i odrescima šarana III grupe tj. u uzorcima upakovanim u vakuum. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na sposobnost Enterobacteriaceae da rastu u anaerobnim uslovima, na temperaturi frižidera u proizvodima upakovanim u vakuum. Modifikovana atmosfera smanjuje ukupan broj enterobakterija, a najniža vrednost je dobijena kod odrezaka šarana upakovanih u modifikovanu atmosferu sa 60%CO2 i 40%N2

    The effect of resistance training programs on lean body mass in postmenopausal and elderly women: a meta-analysis of observational studies

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    Aging and menopause are associated with morphological and functional changes which may lead to loss of muscle mass and therefore quality of life. Resistance training (RT) is an effective training mode to increase muscle mass. We reviewed the existing literature to identify studies implementing RT protocols and evaluating muscle hypertrophy exclusively in healthy, postmenopausal and elderly women. Participants’ age range was comprised between 50 and 80 years. The primary outcome observed was muscle hypertrophy. Fat mass was also evaluated, if available. PubMed and Web of Science were the screened database, and original articles written in English and published from 2000 up to 2020 were included. 26 articles were considered eligible and included. Quality assessment revealed a “moderate quality” of the included studies, however the majority of studies was able to reach level 4 of evidence and on overall grade of recommendation C. In total, data from 745 female participants subjected to different forms of resistance training were considered. Heterogeneity across studies was present regarding study design, intervention length (mean 16 weeks), training frequency (3 d/w), no. of exercises (n = 7.4) and participants’ age (65.8 ± 4.9 years). Small-to-moderate significant increases (k = 43; SMD = 0.44; 95% CI 0.28; 0.60; p < 0.0001) of lean body mass were observed in post-menopausal and elderly women, regardless of age, intervention period, weekly training frequency and no. of exercises. No effects were noted for fat mass (k = 17; SMD = 0.27; 95% CI − 0.02; 0.55; p = 0.07). Studies need to concentrate on providing information regarding training parameters to more effectively counteract the effects of aging and menopause on skeletal muscle mass

    Factors influencingmicrobial transmission in a meat processing plant

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    The review paper examines the main risk factors for microbial contamination of meat at different stages of its processing. Particular emphasis has been placed on primary animal processing being the most hazardous in terms of microbial contamination of meat. Carcass cross-contamination most frequently occurs during skinning and evisceration since hides and the digestive tract are the primary sources of microbial pathogens. It is necessary to observe stringent sanitary and hygienic rules when performing these operations. Continuous cold chain management along all following stages of meat processing and control of the sanitary status of cold chambers during meat storage are of extreme importance. An increase in the microbial counts due to the high number of manual operations was observed during meat cutting, boning, and trimming. Subsequent stages of meat processing, including mincing, curing, the addition of spices, also promote significant microbial growth. Strict control regarding detection of dangerous pathogens, especially L. monocytogenes, is needed at this stage. In general, to minimize problems linked with meat and meat product safety, it is necessary to take timely measures on sanitary treatment of meat processing facilities, including the prevention of biofilm formation

    Multicriteria Decision Analysis and Group Decision-Making to Select Stand-Level Forest Management Models and Support Landscape-Level Collaborative Planning

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    Forest management planning is a challenge due to the diverse criteria that need to be considered in the underlying decision-making process. This challenge becomes more complex in joint collaborative management areas (ZIF) because the decision now may involve numerous actors with diverse interests, preferences, and goals. In this research, we present an approach to identifying and quantifying the most relevant criteria that actors consider in a forest management planning process in a ZIF context, including quantifying the performance of seven alternative stand-level forest management models (FMM). Specifically, we developed a combined multicriteria decision analysis and group decision-making process by (a) building a cognitive map with the actors to identify the criteria and sub-criteria; (b) structuring the decision tree; (c) structuring a questionnaire to elicit the importance of criteria and sub-criteria in a pairwise comparison process, and to evaluate the FMM alternatives; and (d) applying a Delphi survey to gather actors’ preferences. We report results from an application to a case study area, ZIF of Vale do Sousa, in North-Western Portugal. Actors assigned the highest importance to the criteria income (56.8% of all actors) and risks (21.6% of all actors) and the lowest to cultural services (27.0% of all actors). Actors agreed on their preferences for the sub-criteria of income (diversification of income sources), risks (wildfires) and cultural services (leisure and recreation activities). However, there was a poor agreement among actors on the subcriteria of the wood demand and biodiversity criteria. For 27.0% of all actors the FMM with the highest performance was the pedunculate oak and for 43.2% of all actors the eucalypt FMM was the least preferable alternative. The findings indicate that this approach can support ZIF managers in enhancing forest management planning by improving its utility for actors and facilitating its implementationinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Anthropometric characteristics and vertical jump abilities by player position and performance level of junior female volleyball players

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    Although absolute jump heights should be considered an important factor in judging the performance requirements of volleyball players, limited data is available on age-appropriate categories. The purpose of this study is to determine the differences in specific anthropometric characteristics and jumping performance variables in under 1219 female volleyball players in rela-tion to playing position and performance level. The sample of subjects consisted of 354 players who prepared for the U19 Women\u2019s Volleyball European Championship 2020 (17.4 \ub1 0.8 years, 1.81 \ub1 0.07 m, 67.5 \ub1 7.1 kg). Playing positions analyzed were setters (n = 55), opposites (n = 37), middle blockers (n = 82), outside hitters (n = 137), and liberos (n = 43). The results showed player position differences in every performance level group in variables of body height, spike, and block jump. Observed differences are a consequence of highly specific tasks of different positions in the composition of the team. Players of different performance levels are significantly different, with athletes of higher-ranked teams achieving better results. The acquired data could be useful for the selection and profiling of young volleyball players

    Field-based tests for the assessment of physical fitness in children and adolescents practicing sport: A systematic review within the ESA program

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    High levels of physical fitness (PF) can positively affect both health and cognitive function, thus monitoring its levels in youth can help increase health and quality of life in adult populations later on. This systematic review aims to identify PF field-based tests used in young European populations practicing sport to find tools that are adequate for the considered target involving a new battery within the Enriched Sport Activities (ESA) project. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement was followed. In the 83 identified articles, the main tests used were: vertical/horizontal jumps (for muscular strength/power); push-ups, running at maximum effort, sit-ups (for muscular strength/endurance); multistage non-intermittent and intermittent tests (for aerobic endurance); sit and reach (for flexibility); sprinting and agility T-tests (for speed and agility, respectively); 10 x 5 m shuttle run (SR) (for both speed and agility). Few studies assessed coordination, reaction time, power, and balance. Although the selected tests are widely used and validated, they do not determine all PF aspects and do not reflect sport-specific features. A final decision was made for the inclusion of the following tests: standing broad jump, seated medicine ball throw, 20 m SR test, 30 m sprint, Illinois test, and a new test, i.e., the crunning test, to assess different skill-related components at once. The use of this combination of tests allows for the assessment of all PF components and can help planning eective training programs and cultivate sporting talent

    Isokinetic profile of Elite Serbian female judoists

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    Elite judo athletes undergo vigorous training to achieve outstanding results. In pursuit of achieving competitive success, the occurrence of injuries amongst judo athletes is not rare. The study aimed to perform a knee flexors and extensors isokinetic torque analysis in elite female judo athletes. Fifty\u2010eight elite female judo athletes of the Serbian national team (21.02 \ub1 3.11 years; 62.36 \ub1 11.91 kg, 165.04 \ub1 10.24 cm, training experience 12.72 \ub1 2.98 years) volunteered to participate in this study. The range of motion (ROM) was set at 90\u2070. Testing was performed in a concentric\u2013concentric mode for the testing speed of 60 \u2070/s. Five maximal voluntary contractions of knee extensors and knee flexors muscle groups were measured for both legs. The obtained data showed a statistically significant difference in absolute torque values among different categories as heavier athletes demonstrated higher values. Post hoc analysis showed a significant difference between weight categories, as heavier athletes demonstrated higher values, while no significant differences in normalized torque values for different weight categories were observed. The implementation of new elements and training modalities may improve performance and prevent lateral asymmetry, thus reducing the risk of injury

    Spectral and morphological analysis of the remnant of Supernova 1987A with ALMA & ATCA

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    We present a comprehensive spectral and morphological analysis of the remnant of Supernova (SN) 1987A with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The non-thermal and thermal components of the radio emission are investigated in images from 94 to 672 GHz (λ\lambda 3.2 mm to 450 μ\mum), with the assistance of a high-resolution 44 GHz synchrotron template from the ATCA, and a dust template from ALMA observations at 672 GHz. An analysis of the emission distribution over the equatorial ring in images from 44 to 345 GHz highlights a gradual decrease of the east-to-west asymmetry ratio with frequency. We attribute this to the shorter synchrotron lifetime at high frequencies. Across the transition from radio to far infrared, both the synchrotron/dust-subtracted images and the spectral energy distribution (SED) suggest additional emission beside the main synchrotron component (Sνν0.73S_{\nu}\propto\nu^{-0.73}) and the thermal component originating from dust grains at T22T\sim22 K. This excess could be due to free-free flux or emission from grains of colder dust. However, a second flat-spectrum synchrotron component appears to better fit the SED, implying that the emission could be attributed to a pulsar wind nebula (PWN). The residual emission is mainly localised west of the SN site, as the spectral analysis yields 0.4α0.1-0.4\lesssim\alpha\lesssim-0.1 across the western regions, with α0\alpha\sim0 around the central region. If there is a PWN in the remnant interior, these data suggest that the pulsar may be offset westward from the SN position.Comment: ApJ accepted. 21 pages, emulateapj. References update

    Dust Production and Particle Acceleration in Supernova 1987A Revealed with ALMA

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    Supernova (SN) explosions are crucial engines driving the evolution of galaxies by shock heating gas, increasing the metallicity, creating dust, and accelerating energetic particles. In 2012 we used the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array to observe SN 1987A, one of the best-observed supernovae since the invention of the telescope. We present spatially resolved images at 450um, 870um, 1.4mm, and 2.8mm, an important transition wavelength range. Longer wavelength emission is dominated by synchrotron radiation from shock-accelerated particles, shorter wavelengths by emission from the largest mass of dust measured in a supernova remnant (>0.2Msun). For the first time we show unambiguously that this dust has formed in the inner ejecta (the cold remnants of the exploded star's core). The dust emission is concentrated to the center of the remnant, so the dust has not yet been affected by the shocks. If a significant fraction survives, and if SN 1987A is typical, supernovae are important cosmological dust producers.Comment: ApJL accepte