97 research outputs found

    The Effect of Limiting Auditors' Liability on Audit Quality

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    The need for uniform financial information has brought about efforts to harmonise accounting and audit regulation in the European Union. The European Commission has recommended that the EU member states should limit the civil liability of statutory auditors. It is argued that limiting auditors’ liability could lead to lower audit quality as a result of smaller liability risk. It is also argued that Big 4 auditors produce more consistent audit quality than other auditors regardless of legal environment, meaning that limiting the liability affects the audit quality produced by Big 4 auditors less than other auditors. This study examines the effect of the existence of a liability cap for statutory auditors on audit quality measured by the magnitude of earnings management. Abnormal working capital accruals are used for estimating earnings manipulation. The effect of a liability cap is also examined by comparing companies audited by Big 4 auditors to those that are not. The study examines the financial data from 2008 of 1,174 listed companies in six European countries. The results of univariate and multivariate analyses provide no evidence that the existence of a liability cap affects audit quality as measured by the magnitude of earnings management or that this effect differs between companies audited by Big 4 auditors and non-Big 4 auditors.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    The effect of limiting statutory auditors’ civil liability on financial reporting quality : Empirical evidence on liability caps and earnings management in Europe

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    The European Commission has recommended that EU member states limit the civil liability of statutory auditors. This paper examines the effect of the existence of a liability cap on financial reporting quality, which is measured by the magnitude of earnings management in audited financial statements. The results from a sample of 1,306 listed companies in six European countries in 2008 indicate that liability caps lead to lower financial reporting quality when a large company is audited by a non-Big 4 auditor. This is consistent with that large companies are more likely to be affected than small and medium size companies because of the fixed threshold nature of the liability caps. As to the auditor type, the findings are consistent with earlier research on the effects of auditor type on financial reporting quality. The findings should be useful when assessing the implications of introducing similar liability limitations.©2015 The Nordic Journal of Business.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    Kaupunkiseutujen yhdyskuntarakenne maakuntakaavoissa – Arviointi valtakunnallisten alueidenkäyttötavoitteiden vaikuttavuuden kannalta

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    Selvityksessä on analysoitu sitä, missä määrin ja millä tavoin yhdyskuntarakennetta koskevat valtakunnalliset alueidenkäyttötavoitteet toteutuvat kaupunkiseutujen maakuntakaavoissa. Tarkastelussa olivat mukana valtakunnallisten alueidenkäyttötavoitteiden velvoitteet yhdyskuntarakenteen eheyttämisestä, henkilöautoliikenteen tarvetta vähentävästä liikennejärjestelmästä sekä palvelujen saatavuutta edistävästä keskusjärjestelmästä ja palveluverkosta. Selvitys on laadittu maakuntakaavoituksen kehittämiseksi ja sitä koskevan ohjauksen tehostamiseksi. Selvityksen perustana on ollut 16 kaupunkiseudun maakuntakaavan analysointi. Raportti sisältää tarkastelujen yhteenvedon ja johtopäätökset sekä tekijöiden suositukset tulevaa maakuntakaavoitusta silmällä pitäen. Raportti tarjoaa myös virikkeeksi liitteenä olevan kuvitteellisen Jossikkalan kaupunkiseudun maakuntakaavaan, joka on laadittu yhdyskuntarakennetavoitteiden edistämiseksi selvityksen johtopäätösten ja suositusten sekä hyvien esimerkkien pohjalta

    Library Performance Index (ILP) : Multi-Factor Library Performance Evaluation

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    The Library Performance Index (ILP) is a composite index combining several indicators (sub-indices) derived from complementary views on library services and processes. At the ILP level, the composite index approach enables us to evaluate a complex phenomenon by grouping relevant factors, computing sub-indices of the groups, and computing a weighted sum of those with coefficients assigned by experts. We also apply the composite index approach at the group level, combining the values of the factors within a given group. Such factors can be statistics (e.g., the number of loans), opinions of library professionals (e.g., weighting the attributes of the sub-indices) and opinions of library customers (e.g., results from user surveys). By capturing multiple ‘dimensions’ of library performance, the ILP can be a valuable and effective tool. We illustrate the approach by dividing a number of library performance-related factors into four groups and computing their respective sub-indices: User Experience Index (IUX), Core Processes Index (ICP), Input Index (IIP), Use of Services Index (IUS). Each sub-index was discussed and defined in a dedicated workshop with library directors, developers, and finally the sub-indices were combined to the ILP. While opinions may vary on the contribution of specific factors to the overall library performance evaluation, our primary goal was to demonstrate the flexibility of the composite index-based approach.Peer reviewe

    Vaihtoehtoisten opetusmenetelmien käyttö insinöörikoulutuksessa

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    Kehittämishankkeessa selvitettiin, miten lähiopetus on muuttunut Saimaan ammattikorkeakoulun Lappeenrannan tekniikan yksikössä 1997 - 2007 lisäksi tutkittiin vastaako ammatillinen koulutus työelämän tarpeita eli miten työelämätarpeet kyseisenä aikana ovat muuttuneet. Tutkimus toteutettiin toimintatutkimuksena ja aineistoa kerättiin Webropol-kyselyillä sekä henkilöhaastatteluilla. Selvitystyötä varten laadittiin kolme kyselyä ja tutustuttiin olemassa oleviin hankkeisiin (INSSI-Hanke, TEK: Osaamista oppimalla -projekti, Suomi tarvitsee maailman parasta insinööriosaamista ja Elinkeinoelämän keskusliitto: Teknillinen korkeakoulutus tehokkaaksi, laadukkaaksi ja kestäväksi) sekä muutokseen, joka aiheuttaa epävarmuutta. Kyselyt tehtiin Webropol-kyselyinä, joista ensimmäinen oli yrityselämän edustajille. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko opinnoista ollut hyötyä työtehtävistä suoriutumiselle vai onko tarvittu lisäkoulutusta. Toinen kysely tehtiin nykyisille opiskelijoille ja opettajille. Tämän kyselyn tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitkä käytössä olevista opetusmenetelmistä antavat parhaan oppimismenestyksen niin opiskelijoiden kuin opettajien mielestä. Kolmannen kyselyn tarkoituksena oli selvittää uusien opiskelijoiden oppimistapoja, ennakkokäsityksiä opetusmenetelmistä sekä motivaatiota opiskella. Kyselyiden perusteella voidaan todeta, että työelämässä ollaan tyytyväisiä saatuun koulutustasoon. Yhteiskunnassa tapahtuneet muutokset ovat muuttaneet myös vaatimustasoa erilaisissa työtehtävissä, mikä näkyy lisäkoulutustarpeena. Toisaalta laman ja taantuman aikana hakeudutaan kouluttautumaan, jos töitä ei ole. Nykypäivänä vaaditaan uusien opetusmenetelmien käyttöönottoa, mutta tämänkin tutkimuksen perusteella on havaittavissa perinteisten opetusmenetelmien arvostus opettajien ja etenkin opiskelijoiden keskuudessa. Esimerkiksi virtuaaliopetus tämän tutkimuksen mukaan ei ollut kovin arvostettua, mikä voi johtua siitä, että sen käyttö on vähäistä ja menetelmä ei ole vielä riittävän kehittynyt. Mikäli uusia opetusmenetelmiä otetaan käyttöön, on niiden kehittämiseen varattava riittävästi resursseja

    Towards the Multidimensional Measurement of Library Performance : User Experience Index

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    The User Experience Index (IUX) is a composite index aimed to measure the overall user experience of services supplied by a library. The user satisfaction is evaluated by calculating the sum of the selected attributes coming from the (scaled) responses to user surveys and weighted by the coefficients assigned by experts. The reason for using the composite index approach is to capture the aggregate effect of multiple factors influencing the overall user experience. The attributes of the IUX were derived from the responses to the National User Survey conducted in Finland over several years in the same format. Altogether seven attributes were selected. The weights of these attributes in relation to each other were defined in a library directors' workshop. The proposed composite index allows the libraries to follow a long-term development of the selected attributes through a single number encompassing their aggregate effect. At the same time, analysis of the individual attributes of the composite index can reveal components of the user experience that require special attention.Peer reviewe

    Structural characteristics and predicted functional capacities of epaxial muscles in chondrodystrophic and non-chondrodystrophic dogs with and without suspected intervertebral disc herniation- a preliminary study

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    Epaxial muscle atrophy is related to spinal diseases in dogs. However, the influence of intervertebral disc herniation (IVDH) on the functional capacity of epaxial muscles has not been investigated. We aimed to estimate force and power-generating capacity of epaxial muscles in chondrodystrophic Dachshunds and non-chondrodystrophic Border terriers bred for similar purposes. Further we aimed to compare these features in Dachshunds with and without IVDH. Cadavers of Dachshunds (n = 16) and Border terriers (n = 7) were investigated with MRI. In the absence of clinical information, MRI findings were used to categorize the Dachshunds into affected (n = 8) and non-affected (n = 8). Epaxial muscle mass, muscle belly length, fascicle length, architectural index and physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) were obtained through dissections, pain and exercise history through questionnaires. Difference between groups and effect of covariates were assessed with ANCOVA models. Dachshunds had greater muscle mass in M. splenius, M. longissimus capitis and M. iliocostalis thoracis (all PPeer reviewe

    Ranking of physiotherapeutic evaluation methods as outcome measures of stifle functionality in dogs

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    BACKGROUND: Various physiotherapeutic evaluation methods are used to assess the functionality of dogs with stifle problems. Neither validity nor sensitivity of these methods has been investigated. This study aimed to determine the most valid and sensitive physiotherapeutic evaluation methods for assessing functional capacity in hind limbs of dogs with stifle problems and to serve as a basis for developing an indexed test for these dogs. A group of 43 dogs with unilateral surgically treated cranial cruciate ligament deficiency and osteoarthritic findings was used to test different physiotherapeutic evaluation methods. Twenty-one healthy dogs served as the control group and were used to determine normal variation in static weight bearing and range of motion. The protocol consisted of 14 different evaluation methods: visual evaluation of lameness, visual evaluation of diagonal movement, visual evaluation of functional active range of motion and difference in thrust of hind limbs via functional tests (sit-to-move and lie-to-move), movement in stairs, evaluation of hind limb muscle atrophy, manual evaluation of hind limb static weight bearing, quantitative measurement of static weight bearing of hind limbs with bathroom scales, and passive range of motion of hind limb stifle (flexion and extension) and tarsal (flexion and extension) joints using a universal goniometer. The results were compared with those from an orthopaedic examination, force plate analysis, radiographic evaluation, and a conclusive assessment. Congruity of the methods was assessed with a combination of three statistical approaches (Fisher’s exact test and two differently calculated proportions of agreeing observations), and the components were ranked from best to worst. Sensitivities of all of the physiotherapeutic evaluation methods against each standard were calculated. RESULTS: Evaluation of asymmetry in a sitting and lying position, assessment of muscle atrophy, manual and measured static weight bearing, and measurement of stifle passive range of motion were the most valid and sensitive physiotherapeutic evaluation methods. CONCLUSIONS: Ranking of the various physiotherapeutic evaluation methods was accomplished. Several of these methods can be considered valid and sensitive when examining the functionality of dogs with stifle problems

    Intervertebral disc disease in Dachshunds radiographically screened for intervertebral disc calcifications

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    Abstract Background Intervertebral disc disease (IDD) is a very common neurological disease, Dachshunds being the breed most often affected. In this breed, IDD has a hereditary background and is associated with intervertebral disc calcification (IDC), an indicator of severe intervertebral disc degeneration. In Finland, spinal radiography is used, when screening for IDC before breeding Dachshunds. We evaluated the association between IDC and IDD in Finnish Dachshunds radiographically screened for IDC. A questionnaire was sent to owners of 193 radiographically screened Dachshunds aged at least ten years. Clinical signs indicative of IDD were compared with IDC grade (grade 0 = no calcifications, grade 1 = 1 – 2 calcifications, grade 2 = 3 – 4 calcifications and grade 3 = 5 or more calcifications) and with age at the time of the radiographic examination. The diagnosis of IDD was confirmed by a veterinarian. Results IDD was common in the study population with 31% of dogs being affected. IDD and IDC were clearly connected (P < 0.001); IDD was rare in dogs with no calcifications (grade 0) and common in dogs with severe IDC (grade 3). The IDC grade was strongly positively associated with frequency of back pain periods (P < 0.001), and dogs with IDC grade 3 had frequent periods of pain. Reluctance to jump onto a sofa had a strong positive association with back pain. No association existed between age of the dog at the time of the radiographic examination and clinical signs indicative of IDD. Conclusions Radiographically detected IDC and IDD are common in Finnish Dachshunds and are strongly associated with one another. Spinal radiography is an appropriate screening tool for breeders attempting to diminish IDC and IDD in Dachshunds. A breeding program that screens dogs and selects against IDC can be expected to reduce the occurrence of IDD in future. Twenty-four to 48 months of age is a suitable age for screening