263 research outputs found

    Speeding up active mesh segmentation by local termination of nodes.

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    This article outlines a procedure for speeding up segmentation of images using active mesh systems. Active meshes and other deformable models are very popular in image segmentation due to their ability to capture weak or missing boundary information; however, where strong edges exist, computations are still done after mesh nodes have settled on the boundary. This can lead to extra computational time whilst the system continues to deform completed regions of the mesh. We propose a local termination procedure, reducing these unnecessary computations and speeding up segmentation time with minimal loss of quality

    Computational modelling of the cerebral cortical microvasculature: Effect of x-ray microbeams versus broad beam irradiation.

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    Microbeam Radiation Therapy is an innovative pre-clinical strategy which uses arrays of parallel, tens of micrometres wide kilo-voltage photon beams to treat tumours. These x-ray beams are typically generated on a synchrotron source. It was shown that these beam geometries allow exceptional normal tissue sparing from radiation damage while still being effective in tumour ablation. A final biological explanation for this enhanced therapeutic ratio has still not been found, some experimental data support an important role of the vasculature. In this work, the effect of microbeams on a normal microvascular network of the cerebral cortex was assessed in computer simulations and compared to the effect of homogeneous, seamless exposures at equal energy absorption. The anatomy of a cerebral microvascular network and the inflicted radiation damage were simulated to closely mimic experimental data using a novel probabilistic model of radiation damage to blood vessels. It was found that the spatial dose fractionation by microbeam arrays significantly decreased the vascular damage. The higher the peak-to-valley dose ratio, the more pronounced the sparing effect. Simulations of the radiation damage as a function of morphological parameters of the vascular network demonstrated that the distribution of blood vessel radii is a key parameter determining both the overall radiation damage of the vasculature and the dose-dependent differential effect of microbeam irradiation

    Long-term imaging of the photosensitive, reef-building coral Acropora muricata using light-sheet illumination

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Laissue, P. P., Roberson, L., Gu, Y., Qian, C., & Smith, D. J. Long-term imaging of the photosensitive, reef-building coral Acropora muricata using light-sheet illumination. Scientific Reports, 10(1), (2020):10369, doi:10.1038/s41598-020-67144-w.Coral reefs are in alarming decline due to climate emergency, pollution and other man-made disturbances. The numerous ecosystem services derived from coral reefs are underpinned by the growth and physical complexity of reef-forming corals. Our knowledge of their fundamental biology is limited by available technology. We need a better understanding of larval settlement and development, skeletogenesis, interactions with pathogens and symbionts, and how this biology interacts with environmental factors such as light exposure, temperature, and ocean acidification. We here focus on a fast-growing key coloniser, Acropora muricata (Linnaeus, 1758). To enable dynamic imaging of this photosensitive organism at different scales, we developed light-sheet illumination for fluorescence microscopy of small coral colonies. Our approach reveals live polyps in previously unseen detail. An imaging range for Acropora muricata with no measurable photodamage is defined based upon polyp expansion, coral tissue reaction, and photobleaching. We quantify polyp retraction as a photosensitive behavioural response and show coral tissue rupture at higher irradiance with blue light. The simple and flexible technique enables non-invasive continuous dynamic imaging of highly photosensitive organisms with sizes between 1 mm3 and 5 cm3, for eight hours, at high temporal resolution, on a scale from multiple polyps down to cellular resolution. This live imaging tool opens a new window into the dynamics of reef-building corals.This work was made possible through a Royal Society Research Grant [RG120274], an innovation voucher from the University of Essex [DBF6000], a Royal Society Industry Fellowship [IF150018] and two Whitman Center Fellowships from the Marine Biological Laboratory (Woods Hole, USA) to PPL. PPL would like to thank Russell Smart for aquarium maintenance and Tony Jordan for production of customised parts. PPL also thanks the open-source communities OpenSPIM and µManager for support, as well as Cairn Research, 89North, Nikon Instruments UK, Alex Gardiol from Olympus Keymed UK, and Scott Young, Matt Preston and Daniel Croucher from Teledyne Photometrics for equipment loans. PPL is grateful to Amy Gladfelter, Hari Shroff, Abhishek Kumar, Louis Kerr, Philip M. Mullineaux, Marino Exposito-Rodriguez and Jean A. Laissue for support and critical discussions

    MOSFET dosimetry for microbeam radiation therapy at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

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    Preclinical experiments are carried out with ~20–30 μm wide, ~10 mm high parallel microbeams of hard, broad-‘‘white’’-spectrum x rays (~50–600 keV) to investigate microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) of brain tumors in infants for whom other kinds of radiotherapy are inadequate and/or unsafe. Novel physical microdosimetry (implemented with MOSFET chips in the ‘‘edge-on’’ mode) and Monte Carlo computer-simulated dosimetry are described here for selected points in the peak and valley regions of a microbeam-irradiated tissue-equivalent phantom. Such microbeam irradiation causes minimal damage to normal tissues, possible because of rapid repair of their microscopic lesions. Radiation damage from an array of parallel microbeams tends to correlate with the range of peak-valley dose ratios (PVDR). This paper summarizes comparisons of our dosimetric MOSFET measurements with Monte Carlo calculations. Peak doses at depths \u3c22 mm are 18% less than Monte Carlo values, whereas those depths \u3e22 mm and valley doses at all depths investigated (2 mm–62 mm) are within 2–13% of the Monte Carlo values. These results lend credence to the use of MOSFET detector systems in edge-on mode for microplanar irradiation dosimetry

    Speeding Up Active Mesh Segmentation by Local Termination of Nodes

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    This article outlines a procedure for speeding up segmentation of images using active mesh systems. Active meshes and other deformable models are very popular in image segmentation due to their ability to capture weak or missing boundary information; however, where strong edges exist, computations are still done after mesh nodes have settled on the boundary. This can lead to extra computational time whilst the system continues to deform completed regions of the mesh. We propose a local termination procedure, reducing these unnecessary computations and speeding up segmentation time with minimal loss of quality

    MOSFET dosimetry for microbeam radiation therapy at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility

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    Preclinical experiments are carried out with ~20–30 μm wide, ~10 mm high parallel microbeams of hard, broad-‘‘white’’-spectrum x rays (~50–600 keV) to investigate microbeam radiation therapy (MRT) of brain tumors in infants for whom other kinds of radiotherapy are inadequate and/or unsafe. Novel physical microdosimetry (implemented with MOSFET chips in the ‘‘edge-on’’ mode) and Monte Carlo computer-simulated dosimetry are described here for selected points in the peak and valley regions of a microbeam-irradiated tissue-equivalent phantom. Such microbeam irradiation causes minimal damage to normal tissues, possible because of rapid repair of their microscopic lesions. Radiation damage from an array of parallel microbeams tends to correlate with the range of peak-valley dose ratios (PVDR). This paper summarizes comparisons of our dosimetric MOSFET measurements with Monte Carlo calculations. Peak doses at depths \u3c22 mm are 18% less than Monte Carlo values, whereas those depths \u3e22 mm and valley doses at all depths investigated (2 mm–62 mm) are within 2–13% of the Monte Carlo values. These results lend credence to the use of MOSFET detector systems in edge-on mode for microplanar irradiation dosimetry
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