4,352 research outputs found

    Heavy quark medium polarization at next-to-leading order

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    We compute the imaginary part of the heavy quark contribution to the photon polarization tensor, i.e. the quarkonium spectral function in the vector channel, at next-to-leading order in thermal QCD. Matching our result, which is valid sufficiently far away from the two-quark threshold, with a previously determined resummed expression, which is valid close to the threshold, we obtain a phenomenological estimate for the spectral function valid for all non-zero energies. In particular, the new expression allows to fix the overall normalization of the previous resummed one. Our result may be helpful for lattice reconstructions of the spectral function (near the continuum limit), which necessitate its high energy behaviour as input, and can in principle also be compared with the dilepton production rate measured in heavy ion collision experiments. In an appendix analogous results are given for the scalar channel.Comment: 43 pages. v2: a figure and other clarifications added, published versio

    A way to estimate the heavy quark thermalization rate from the lattice

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    The thermalization rate of a heavy quark is related to its momentum diffusion coefficient. Starting from a Kubo relation and using the framework of the heavy quark effective theory, we argue that in the large-mass limit the momentum diffusion coefficient can be defined through a certain Euclidean correlation function, involving color-electric fields along a Polyakov loop. Furthermore, carrying out a perturbative computation, we demonstrate that the spectral function corresponding to this correlator is relatively flat at small frequencies. Therefore, unlike in the case of several other transport coefficients, for which the narrowness of the transport peak makes analytic continuation from Euclidean lattice data susceptible to severe systematic uncertainties, it appears that the determination of the heavy quark thermalization rate could be relatively well under control.Comment: 17 pages. v2: clarifications and references added, published versio

    Application of a Linear Center Identification Scheme to Deterministic Polar Positioning

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    In a number of manufacturing applications, parts of circular cross-section must be centered for optimal processing or measurement. However, part form is never perfect, making accurate determination of the “centered” state of a part difficult. Imperfect inputs to the manufacturing process such as rough-processed parts, deformation due to heat treatment, or raw formed materials present difficulty in centering by the traditional manual method. This paper presents a filtering and quantification technique for identifying the true center of an imperfect round part through isolation of the lowest polar frequency component. A low-cost device is presented that centers parts based on this frequency domain identification of center

    The ultraviolet limit and sum rule for the shear correlator in hot Yang-Mills theory

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    We determine a next-to-leading order result for the correlator of the shear stress operator in high-temperature Yang-Mills theory. The computation is performed via an ultraviolet expansion, valid in the limit of small distances or large momenta, and the result is used for writing operator product expansions for the Euclidean momentum and coordinate space correlators as well as for the Minkowskian spectral density. In addition, our results enable us to confirm and refine a shear sum rule originally derived by Romatschke, Son and Meyer.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures. v2: small clarifications, one reference added, published versio

    A non-perturbative contribution to jet quenching

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    It has been argued by Caron-Huot that infrared contributions to the jet quenching parameter in hot QCD, denoted by qhat, can be extracted from an analysis of a certain static-potential related observable within the dimensionally reduced effective field theory. Following this philosophy, the order of magnitude of a non-perturbative contribution to qhat from the colour-magnetic scale, g^2T/pi, is estimated. The result is small; it is probably below the parametrically perturbative but in practice slowly convergent contributions from the colour-electric scale, whose all-orders resummation therefore remains an important challenge.Comment: 4 pages. v2: clarifications, published versio

    Quark mass thresholds in QCD thermodynamics

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    We discuss radiative corrections to how quark mass thresholds are crossed, as a function of the temperature, in basic thermodynamic observables such as the pressure, the energy and entropy densities, and the heat capacity of high temperature QCD. The indication from leading order that the charm quark plays a visible role at surprisingly low temperatures, is confirmed. We also sketch a way to obtain phenomenological estimates relevant for generic expansion rate computations at temperatures between the QCD and electroweak scales, pointing out where improvements over the current knowledge are particularly welcome.Comment: 14 pages. v2: minor additions and clarifications; published versio

    Accumulation of malto-oligosaccharides in the syncytiotrophoblastic cells of first-trimester human placentas

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    A cell-surface microvillar fraction that was isolated from the syncytiotrophoblastic cells of first-trimester human placentas was found to contain very high concentrations (890 +/- 32 microgram of hexose/mg of protein) of a class of low-molecular-weight oligosaccharides that were comprised entirely of glucose. T.l.c. and gel filtration showed that the saccharides contained from one to six glucose residues. The structures of the most prominent members of the series, a tetra- and a tri-saccharide, were determined. The anomeric configuration of the glucose residues was alpha, and methylation linkage analysis gave terminal and 4-linked hexose residues. These malto-oligosaccharides contained one reducing terminus per molecule, indicating that they were free and not bound to other structural elements of the cells. Within the placenta they appeared to be concentrated in the first-trimester trophoblastic cells, since crude membrane and particulate fractions isolated from either term trophoblastic cells or cultured placental fibroblasts did not contain detectable amounts of glucose oligomers. This series of oligosaccharides was similar to the products that are formed when glycogen is degraded by alpha-amylase in liver homogenates and may be indicative of a similar, highly active enzymic reaction closely associated with the brush border of the syncytiotrophoblastic cells of the first-trimester human placenta. Although the role of these oligosaccharides remains obscure they are probably involved in foetal metabolism

    Gauge Dependence of the High-Temperature 2-Loop Effective Potential for the Higgs Field

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    The high-temperature limit of the 2-loop effective potential for the Higgs field is calculated from an effective 3d theory, in a general covariant gauge. It is shown explicitly that a gauge-independent result can be extracted for the equation of state from the gauge-dependent effective potential. The convergence of perturbation theory is estimated in the broken phase, utilizing the gauge dependence of the effective potential.Comment: 13 LaTeX-pages + 2 ps-figure (Instructions added to uudecode the ps-file.

    Meson Correlation Function and Screening Mass in Thermal QCD

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    Analytical results for the spatial dependence of the correlation functions for all meson excitations in perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics, the lowest order, are calculated. The meson screening mass is obtained as a large distance limit of the correlation function. Our analysis leads to a better understanding of the excitations of Quark Gluon Plasma at sufficiently large temperatures and may be of relevance for future numerical calculations with fully interacting Quantum Chromodynamics.Comment: 11 page
