26 research outputs found


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    Nuorten vähäiseen liikkumiseen on pyritty tarttumaan monin keinoin. Monissa hyvinvoinnin edistämiseen pyrkivissä interventioissa pyritään muuttamaan kohderyhmän käsityksiä tai taitoja elintapamuutoksen aikaansaamiseksi. Usein oletetaan, että interventioiden kohteet ymmärtävät sanoman ja viestit samoin kuin suunnittelijat ovat ne tarkoittaneet. Olisi kuitenkin tärkeää myös empiirisesti tutkia, miten kohderyhmä havaitsee liikunnan edistämisen toimenpiteet ja viestit. Tässä tutkimuksessa arvioidaan Let’s Move It -liikuntaintervention vastaanottoa vähän liikkuvien datanomiopiskelijoiden joukossa. Ohjelman tavoitteena oli mm. tiedon, motivaation ja taitojen lisäämisen sekä ympäristömuutosten kautta lisätä liikuntaa erityisesti vähän liikkuvien nuorten osalta ja vähentää passiivista aikaa. Tämä ryvässatunnaistetun vaikuttavuustutkimuksen ensimmäisessä tutkimuskohortissa toteutettu osatutkimus pyrki selvittämään, miten ryhmätapaamisiin osallistuneet nuoret ovat ymmärtäneet intervention tavoitteet ja viestit. Puolistrukturoidut haastattelut (n=14, kaksi ryhmä- ja kahdeksan yksilöhaastattelua) analysoitiin kirjaimellisen ja tulkitsevan luennan kautta hyödyntäen laadullisen asennetutkimuksen näkökulmaa. Haastatteluaineistosta selvisi, että haastateltujen liikuntaa koskevat asenteet ovat joko säilyneet myönteisinä tai parantuneet. Merkittävä enemmistö haastatteluvirikkeisiin saaduista responsseista oli sävyltään positiivisia, tosin varauksellisiakin kommentteja ilmeni. Innostuneimman vastaanoton saivat mm. viesti siitä, että vähäkin liikkeen lisääminen on parempi kuin ei mitään, liikuntakokeilut, ”SMART”-tavoitteen asettelun ja suunnittelun taidot sekä uusi tieto istumisen vähentämisen haitoista. Vaikka joidenkin opiskelijoiden puheessa ilmeni tulkinta, että interventio oli vaikuttanut sekä ajatuksiin että arjen liikkumiseen, osa ei kokenut intervention tavoitteiden siirtyneen käytännöksi. Käsittelemme tällaisen lähestymistavan mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita interventioevaluaatiossa. Avainsanat: interventiouskollisuus, vastaanottotutkimus, nuoret, laadullinen asennetutkimusPeer reviewe

    Recess physical activity and school-related social factors in Finnish primary and lower secondary schools : cross-sectional associations

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    Abstract Background Participation in physical activities provides students with opportunities for social interaction and social skills development. The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations of students&#8217; recess physical activity with school-related social factors. Methods Data were collected in 19 schools countrywide in autumn 2010, and 1463 students from grades 4 and 5 (primary school) and from grades 7 and 8 (lower secondary school) completed an anonymous questionnaire. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to investigate whether self-reported physical activity at recess was associated with peer relationships at school, relatedness to school and school climate. Analyses were adjusted for self-reported overall physical activity and conducted for primary and lower secondary schools. Multi-group analysis was used to test sex differences among the associations. Results In primary school, physical activity at recess was positively associated with peer relationships at school (boys: b = 0.17, p = 0.007 and girls: b = 0.21, p &lt;0.001), relatedness to school (boys: b = 0.18, p = 0.002 and girls: b = 0.24, p &lt;0.001) and school climate (girls: b = 0.17, p = 0.001), after adjusting for overall physical activity. In lower secondary school, physical activity at recess was positively associated with peer relationships at school (boys: b = 0.09, p = 0.006 and girls: b = 0.12, p = 0.010) but not with other school-related social factors. No sex differences were observed in these associations. Conclusions Our results suggest that students&#8217; participation in physical activities during school recess is positively associated with students&#8217; school-related social factors. In the future, it would be worthwhile to study how physical activity at recess should be organised in order to support the development of school-related social factors.Background: Participation in physical activities provides students with opportunities for social interaction and social skills development. The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations of students’ recess physical activity with school-related social factors. Methods: Data were collected in 19 schools countrywide in autumn 2010, and 1463 students from grades 4 and 5 (primary school) and from grades 7 and 8 (lower secondary school) completed an anonymous questionnaire. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to investigate whether self-reported physical activity at recess was associated with peer relationships at school, relatedness to school and school climate. Analyses were adjusted for self-reported overall physical activity and conducted for primary and lower secondary schools. Multi-group analysis was used to test sex differences among the associations. Results: In primary school, physical activity at recess was positively associated with peer relationships at school (boys: b = 0.17, p = 0.007 and girls: b = 0.21, p <0.001), relatedness to school (boys: b = 0.18, p = 0.002 and girls: b = 0.24, p <0.001) and school climate (girls: b = 0.17, p = 0.001), after adjusting for overall physical activity. In lower secondary school, physical activity at recess was positively associated with peer relationships at school (boys: b = 0.09, p = 0.006 and girls: b = 0.12, p = 0.010) but not with other school-related social factors. No sex differences were observed in these associations. Conclusions: Our results suggest that students’ participation in physical activities during school recess is positively associated with students’ school-related social factors. In the future, it would be worthwhile to study how physical activity at recess should be organised in order to support the development of school-related social factors.peerReviewe

    Feasibility of a Responsibility-Based Leadership Training Program for Novice Physical Activity Instructors

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    Most coaches and instructors would like to teach more than just sport skills to their athletes and children. However, to promote athletes' or children's holistic development and teach them to take responsibility and lead, requires the coaches and instructors to first master the skills themselves. Therefore, feasible, high quality leadership training programs where coaches and physical activity instructors are taught to teach and share leadership are needed. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the feasibility of a leadership training program to optimize it and to determine whether to proceed with its evaluation. In the leadership training program, eight Finnish novice physical activity instructors, aged 18 to 22, were taught to promote positive youth development, personal and social responsibility, and shared leadership in a physical activity context. The participants had minimal to no leadership training or experience. The training program consisted of seven meetings totaling 20 h. Helllison's teaching personal and social responsibility (TPSR) model was the theoretical and practical framework of the training program. Feasibility of the leadership training program was evaluated across four domains of an evidence-based framework: demand, practicality, acceptability, and implementation fidelity. Data of the current complex intervention were collected with application videos, questionnaires, researcher's log, lesson plans, video recordings, and a semi-structured focus group interview. The quantitative data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the qualitative data using deductive and inductive content analysis. There was a demand for the leadership training program. The training program was perceived as practical and highly acceptable by the novice instructors and the trainers, and implemented with fidelity, indicating high overall feasibility. No implementation issues were found. Consequently, the current leadership training program has a high probability of efficacy and can be accepted for further evaluation.Peer reviewe

    Ameba pulpetissa : koulun arkikulttuurin jännitteitä

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    Koulukuvia : koulu nuorten kokemistilana

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    Lapin Liikunta Barents Urheilun koordinoijana

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    Päällekkäisjäsenyydet liikunnan ja urheilun organisaatioverkostossa

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    Interlocking directorates in sportsorganization networkFocus in this article is on interlocking directorates in sports organization network. The aimis to study the networks´ structure and how ithas changed during the time period 1993–2014.The data consists of central organizations boardsand states sport policy working groups (n=121).The data have been analysed in Ucinet-networkprogram. Results indicates that power-elite havecome narrow year by year, but there´s seven organization which have been in central positionin every decade. The conclusion is, that in thesports organization network, there have beenat the same both momentariness and perfusion,but the power-elite have been narrow and stable