9 research outputs found


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    The easier use of the internet increases the use of social media and the risk of exposure to cyberbullying among adolescents. The purpose of this study was to explain the relationship of cyberbullying to self-esteem and adolescent anxiety. This research method is cross sectional. The research population is adolescents in Surabaya, East Java. The sampling used was a purposive sampling of 120 adolescents. Demographic data obtained are age, gender and number of social media. The independent variable is cyber bullying while the dependent variable is self-esteem and anxiety. Statistical test used chi-square. The result of the p-value is 0.577 indicating that there is an insignificant relationship between cyberbullying and self-esteem. The p-value of 0.022 indicates that there is a significant relationship between cyberbullying and anxiety. Adolescents need to get assistance in the use of social media to reduce the negative impact of cyberbullying. 


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    The government issued an online learning model policy as an effort to minimize the transmission of COVID-19 in children. However, the transmission of COVID-19 is still affecting children. To prevent the spread of the virus with the immune system through a balanced nutritional lifestyle. The purpose of this community service (PKM) is to provide education on a healthy diet for children in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic using comics and nutrition cards. Location of PKM activities at UPT SD Negeri 314 Gresik with due observance of strict health protocols. The PKM method uses a Community Based Research (CBR) approach through education and nutrition card games. Final evaluation of the PKM program by comparing the pre-test and post-test scores on knowledge about balanced nutrition. The results of PKM, there are 69 students (33 male students and 36 female students) where there is a difference in knowledge p = 0.000 (p <0.05) before and after education. Empowerment of elementary school students through education about a healthy diet and balanced nutrition can be an effort to increase body resistance in the pandemic era


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    Introduction: Stroke included into the blood vessel disease. Stroke is the leading cause ofcommunication disorder that aphasia and dysarthria. Speech therapy is absolutely necessary to overcome communication disorders. Family empowerment through health education is very important to optimize speech therapy. This study aimed to determine the influence of health education with booklets on knowledge and attitudes of families of stroke on speech therapy at IRNA Seruni A Hospital Dr. Soetomo Surabaya. Method: The design of this study is pre-experimental with intervention Health education use booklet, design were analyzed by Wilcoxon sign rank test. The population in this study were all cases of stroke. The sampel in this study were the patient’s familiy with aphasia five person and dysartria 11 person who taken by consecutive sampling. Independent variables was health education with booklet media and dependent variable were the knowledge and attitude.Result: The results showed that the health education with booklet media about speech therapyhas significant influence to improve the knowledge (aphasia p = 0,038; dysartria p = 0,003) dan attitude (aphasiap = 0,042; dysartriap = 0,003)..Instrument use questionare. Discussion: It can be concluded that health education with booklet media on speech therapyhas influence in increasing of knowledge and attitudes of families on speech therapy. therefore, for future research needs to do research on the effect of health education with booklet media on behavior / psychomotor family of speech therapy

    The Correlation between Healthcare Workers’ Support and Compliance of COVID-19 Health Protocol Implementation in The Community

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    Background: The compliance of COVID-19 health protocol implementation in the community is one of the steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the support of healthcare workers and the compliance with implementing COVID-19 health protocol in society. Methods: This research used a quantitative design with a cross-sectional approach. This research was conducted on society in Mojo Village, Gubeng District, Surabaya. The number of samples was 400 respondents with the cluster sampling technique. The results were analyzed using descriptive analysis and logistic regression test with a significance value of p ≤ 0.05. Results: Statistical tests showed that there was a relationship between the support of health workers and the compliance with implementing the COVID-19 health protocol in society with a significant value of emotional support (p=0.040), informational support (p=0.003), instrumental support (0.000), and appraisal support (0.011). These results indicated that instrumental support had the most influence on the level of compliance in implementing the COVID-19 health protocol in the community. Conclusions: The compliance with implementing the COVID-19 health protocol in the community is related to the emotional support, information support, instrumental support, and appreciation support of healthcare workers

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Index Card Match Terhadap Penguasaan Mufradat Siswa Madrasah Diniyah Bahrul Ulum Coban Blimbing Wonorejo

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    The problem that exists in the Madrasah Diniyah Bahrul Ulum Coban Blimbing is the idea that there are still numerous students think that learning is a boring and monotonous lesson that results in students becoming less proficient in the material, especially in mastering vocabulary. Researchers tried to solve the problem using an index card match learning model. This study aims to determine the influence of the student's knowledge of vocabulary of the index card match learning model of Madrasah Diniyah Bahrul Ulum Coban Blimbing Wonorejo. This type of study uses experimental quantitative trials with a pre-trial and post-trial design. Observation, testing, and publishing will be used as survey methodologies.This study can be known using normally distributed data, with a value of 0.546 > 0.05 on the initial test or pre-test and a value of 0.209 > 0.05 on the final test or post-test. And the paired sample t test averaged 69.75 and the deviation was 19,226 while the post-test average was 74.00 and the deviation was 20,170. In light of all this, it can be stated that the use of the Index Card Match Learning Model have improved improving the mastery of vocabulary of Madrasah Diniyah Bahrul Ulum students

    Penguatan PHBS plus dalam upaya pencegahan penyakit tropis dan Covid-19 di Tambakwedi Surabaya Jawa Timur

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    [Bahasa]: Indonesia merupakan negara tropis dan selalu menghadapi permasalahan kesehatan yaitu penyakit tropis meliputi; demam berdarah dengue, leptospirosis, tuberkulosis paru dan kusta. Selain itu saat ini wabah COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease) telah dilaporkan masuk ke Indonesia. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan, pemahaman dan keterampilan tindakan tentang penguatan PHBS (Pola Hidup Bersih dan Sehat) Plus dalam upaya pencegahan penyakit tropis dan COVID-19 di Tambak Wedi Surabaya. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah, diskusi, simulasi dan dilakukan pre-test, post-test serta wawancara beberapa peserta. Materi ceramah yang diberikan yaitu definisi penyakit, tanda gejala, cara mencegah, pertolongan pertama pada penyakit tropis, COVID-19, definisi, indikator dan tujuan PHBS. Materi simulasi yang diberikan yaitu cuci tangan enam langkah dan etika batuk bersin yang benar. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan, pemahaman dan keterampilan tindakan terhadap materi penyakit tropis, COVID-19, PHBS Plus, cuci tangan 6 langkah dan etika batuk bersin yang tepat. Peningkatan terjadi signifikan pada kategori pemahaman dan pengetahuan tentang materi dengan kategori baik yaitu pre-test 25%, meningkat menjadi 65% saat post-test. Hasil post-test tindakan menunjukkan mayoritas peserta yaitu 85% mampu melakukan tindakan cuci tangan enam langkah yang benar dan etika batuk bersin yang tepat. Hasil wawancara ke beberapa peserta menunjukkan peserta memiliki tambahan wawasan dan metode yang diterapkan sangat efektif untuk melatih keterampilan peserta dalam cuci tangan dan etika batuk bersin yang benar. Kata Kunci: penyakit tropis, COVID-19, PHBS Plus [English]: Indonesia is a tropical region and usually faces tropical diseases every year, such as dengue hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, and leprosy. Besides, the COVID-19 outbreak has reached Indonesia. This community service aims to increase peoples’ knowledge, understanding, and action skills about strengthening PHBS Plus (Clean and Healthy Lifestyle) to prevent tropical diseases and COVID-19 in Tambak Wedi Surabaya. The methods used were lecturing, discussion, and simulation. Pre-test and post-test were administered as a form of program evaluation along with interviews with some participants. The lecturing content was about tropical diseases from definitions to the first aids of the diseases, COVID-19, and PHBS (definitions, indicators, and goals). In the simulation, the participants practiced six handwashing steps and the correct ethics of coughing and sneezing. The results showed an increase in the participants’ knowledge, understanding, and acting skills on tropical diseases, COVID-19, PHBS Plus, six-step washing hands, and the proper ethics of coughing and sneezing. The participants’ knowledge and understanding saw a 40% rise, from 25% in the pre-test to 65% in the post-test. Also, 85% of the participants were able to carry out the proper six steps of washing hands and the ethics of coughing and sneezing in the post-test. The results of the interview reveal that they had additional insights; thus, the methods were very effective in practicing the skills of participants in hand washing and the correct etiquette of coughing. Keywords: tropical disease, COVID-19, PHBS Plu

    Mengenal Lebih Dekat Diabetes Mellitus Pada Pasien dan Keluarga di Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Surabaya

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    Diabetes Mellitus merupakan penyakit menahun yang ditandai dengan kadar gula darah melebihi normal yang dapat dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor. Ketidakpatuhan pasien dalam melakukan tatalaksana diabetes akan memberikan dampak negatif yang sangat besar meliputi peningkatan biaya kesehatan dan komplikasi diabetes. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada pasien dan keluarga mengenai penyakit diabetes beserta tatalaksana terapi serta diet.  Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berupa penyuluhan kepada pasien dan keluarga mengenai pentingnya kepatuhan perawatan dan tatalaksana penyakit diabetes di Rumah Sakit Pendidikan Surabaya. Berdasarkan hasil data kuisioner yang telah dianalisis dapat disimpulkan pada awalnya peserta penyuluhan memiliki pengetahuan yang minim tentang wawasan mengenai diabetes serta terapi yang dapat dilakukan. Setelah dilakukan penyuluhan terlihat adanya peningkatan wawasan serta keinginan pasien dan keluarga untuk meningkatkan kesehata

    Family caregivers’ perspective of caring for cancer patients during radiotherapy: a qualitative study

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    Objective: To explore the perspective of family caregivers of cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy.   Method: The descriptive, qualitative study was conducted at the Indonesia Cancer Foundation, Surabaya, Indonesia, in July and August 2019, and comprised family caregivers of cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. Data was collected using in-depth semi-structured interviews which were recorded, transcribed and analysed using conventional content analysis.   Results: Of the 26 caregivers aged 24-65 years, 16(62%) were men, 19(73%) were married, and 14(56%) had close relationships with the patients. Among the patients, 4(15.4%) had breast cancer, 2(7.6%) had nasopharyngeal cancer and 20(77%) had cervical cancer. The themes identified were uncertainty, disintegration and burden.     Conclusion: Caregivers of cancer patients tended to have both physical and emotional challenges.   Keywords: Caregivers, Adaptation, Psychological, Neoplasms, Cancer, Radiotherapy