121 research outputs found

    Transgene inheritances and genetic similarities of near isogenic lines of genetically modifi ed common beans

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a herança e a estabilidade de transgenes de uma linhagem de feijoeiro-comum com expressão dos genes rep-trap-ren, do Bean golden mosaic virus, e do gene bar. Foram realizados cruzamentos entre a linhagem transgênica e quatro cultivares comerciais de feijão, seguidos de quatro retrocruzamentos. As progênies de cada cruzamento foram avaliadas quanto à presença dos transgenes, com aplicação do glifosinato de amônia nas folhas e por meio da reação da polimerase em cadeia com uso de oligonucleotídeos específicos. O vírus do mosaico comum necrótico do feijoeiro, Bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV), foi inoculado mecanicamente nas gerações avançadas. Os transgenes foram herdados em padrão mendeliano nos quatro cruzamentos estudados. As linhagens analisadas apresentaram cerca de 80% das características do parental recorrente, conforme determinado por análises com uso de marcadores de DNA, além de manter caracteres importantes, tais como resistência ao BCMNV. A presença do transgene não causou efeitos indesejáveis que pudessem ser detectados nas progênies avaliadas.The objective of the present work was to determine the inheritance and stability of transgenes of a transgenic bean line expressing the genes rep-trap-ren from Bean golden mosaic virus and the bar gene. Crosses were done between the transgenic line and four commercial bean cultivars, followed by four backcrosses to the commercial cultivars. Progenies from each cross were evaluated for the presence of the transgenes by brushing the leaves with glufosinate ammonium and by polymerase chain reaction using specific oligonucleotides. Advanced generations were rub-inoculated with an isolate of Bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV). The transgenes were inherited consistently in a Mendelian pattern in the four crosses studied. The analyzed lines recovered close to 80% of the characteristics of the recurrent parent, as determined by the random amplified DNA markers used, besides maintaining important traits such as resistance to BCMNV. The presence of the transgene did not cause any detectable undesirable effect in the evaluated progenies

    Development of chia plants in field conditions at different sowing-date

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    The objective of this study was to characterize the development of chia plants sown at different dates, and to determine the relation between the duration of the development cycle and the final number of leaves and the leaf appearance rate on the main stem. A field experiment was conducted in the agricultural year of 2016/2017 in five sowing dates (09/22/16, 10/28/16, 01/03/17, 02/08/17 and 03/24/17) in the edaphoclimatic conditions of the central region of the RS, Brazil. A randomized block design with four replicates was used. For each sowing date, the duration of the vegetative and reproductive phases in days and in °C day (Tb = 11 °C), the final number of leaves and the phyllochron of the main stem were determined. The duration of the vegetative phase of chia plants in days and in ºC day varies between the sowing dates, with shorter duration in late sowings in response to the photoperiod reduction. The vegetative phase represents the largest part of the total development cycle in early sowing dates, being overcome by the reproductive phase in late sowing dates (02/08/17 and 03/24/17). The phyllochron for chia varies from 36.23 (very late sowing) to 59.88 ºC day (early sowing). Later sowing has a smaller final number of leaves accumulated in the main stem due to the shorter duration of the vegetative phase.The objective of this study was to characterize the development of chia plants sown at different dates, and to determine the relation between the duration of the development cycle and the final number of leaves and the leaf appearance rate on the main stem. A field experiment was conducted in the agricultural year of 2016/2017 in five sowing dates (09/22/16, 10/28/16, 01/03/17, 02/08/17 and 03/24/17) in the edaphoclimatic conditions of the central region of the RS, Brazil. A randomized block design with four replicates was used. For each sowing date, the duration of the vegetative and reproductive phases in days and in °C day (Tb = 11 °C), the final number of leaves and the phyllochron of the main stem were determined. The duration of the vegetative phase of chia plants in days and in ºC day varies between the sowing dates, with shorter duration in late sowings in response to the photoperiod reduction. The vegetative phase represents the largest part of the total development cycle in early sowing dates, being overcome by the reproductive phase in late sowing dates (02/08/17 and 03/24/17). The phyllochron for chia varies from 36.23 (very late sowing) to 59.88 ºC day (early sowing). Later sowing has a smaller final number of leaves accumulated in the main stem due to the shorter duration of the vegetative phase

    Psychosocial rehabilitation according to drug consumers' perspective

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    Objective: To reveal the perception on psychosocial rehabilitation by users from a Psychosocial Care Center for Alcohol and other Drugs. Method: This is a phenomenological study, based on Maurice Merleau-Ponty's approach, developed with nine members of a Caps ad from a municipality of Bahia. The experiential descriptions were produced by the Focus Group technique in the Caps ad and later, for clarity, submitted to the technique of Analytical Ambiguity. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, under protocol No. 111/2011. Results: It was evident that drug users recognize psychosocial rehabilitation as a relevant strategy for the process of social reintegration. Conclusion: This strategy should be valued by health professionals keeping in mind the enhancing the esteem and the potential of drug users

    Tolerância de cultivares de soja ao estresse por alagamento em estádios de crescimento vegetativo

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the tolerance of soybean (Glycine max) cultivars to flooding stress at different growth stages. The experiment was arranged in a 2x2x5 factorial arrangement, with two sowing dates (October and November), two soybean cultivars (TECIRGA 6070RR and NA 5909 RG), and five growth stages (SE–EM, EM–VC, VC–V2, V2–V4, and V6–V8) in the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 crop years. The experimental design was completely randomized with four replicates. For both evaluated soybean cultivars, the growth stage most sensitive to soil flooding was SE–EM. After seedling emergence, the highest reductions in leaf area and shoot dry matter were observed in the V2–V4 stage, regardless of cultivar, sowing date, and crop year. From the V4 stage onwards, soybean shows a higher tolerance to flooding conditions. However, after seedling emergence, the TECIRGA 6070RR cultivar has a higher tolerance to flooding stress than NA 5909 RG. Sowing in October tends to reduce the impact of flooding stress on the plants.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a tolerância de cultivares de soja (Glycine max) ao estresse por alagamento, em diferentes estádios de crescimento. O experimento foi realizado em arranjo fatorial 2x2x5, com duas épocas de semeadura (outubro e novembro), duas cultivares de soja (TECIRGA 6070RR e NA 5909 RG) e cinco fases de desenvolvimento (SE–EM, EM–VC, VC–V2, V2–V4 e V6–V8), nos anos agrícolas 2018/2019 e 2019/2020. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com quatro repetições. Para ambas as cultivares avaliadas, o estádio de crescimento mais sensível ao alagamento do solo foi o SE–EM. Após a emergência das plântulas, as maiores reduções de área foliar e matéria seca de brotos foram observadas no estádio V2–V4, independentemente de cultivar, época de semeadura e ano agrícola. A partir do estádio V4, a soja apresenta maior tolerância às condições de alagamento. No entanto, após a emergência das plântulas, a cultivar TECIRGA 6070RR apresenta maior tolerância ao estresse por inundação do que a NA 5909 RG. A semeadura em outubro tende a reduzir o impacto do estresse por inundação nas plantas

    Clinical performance of an infliximab rapid quantification assay

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    Background: Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)-based algorithms can be used to guide infliximab (IFX) adjustments in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. This study aimed to explore a rapid IFX-quantification test from a clinical perspective. Methods: This manuscript describes a prospective cohort study involving 110 ulcerative colitis (UC) patients on the maintenance phase of IFX. IFX trough levels were quantified using a rapid quantification assay and a commonly-used reference kit. Results: Irrespective of the assay used to measure IFX, its through levels were statistically different between patients with and without endoscopic remission (Mayo endoscopic score = 0), as well as between patients stratified by their faecal calprotectin (FC) levels. Despite the fact that the two methods correlated well with each other [Spearman's rank correlation coefficient = 0.843, p < 0.001; intraclass correlation coefficients = 0.857, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.791-0.903], there was a discernible systematic variation; values obtained with the reference kit were on average 2.62 units higher than those obtained with the rapid assay. Notwithstanding, 3 mu g/ml was shown to be an acceptable cut-off to assess endoscopic status and inflammatory burden levels using both assays. The percentage of patients that had a positive outcome when the IFX concentration measured by the rapid assay ranked above 3 mu g/ml was 88% both for a Mayo endoscopic score <= 1 and for an FC concentration <250 mu g/g. Conclusions: Based on this study, we concluded that using the rapid IFX assessment system with a 3 mu g/ml threshold is a reliable alternative to the time-consuming enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays in patients on the maintenance phase of IFX.Portuguese IBD Group (GEDII, Grupo de Estudo da Doenca Inflamatoria Intestinal)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Soluble human Suppression of Tumorigenicity 2 is associated with endoscopic activity in patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis treated with golimumab

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    Suppressor of Tumorigenicity 2 (ST2) is an IL33 receptor detected in the mucosa and serum of ulcerative colitis (UC) patients. We evaluated soluble ST2 (sST2) as a surrogate biomarker of disease outcome and therapeutic response, in moderate-to-severe UC patients treated with golimumab.Agência financiadora Merck Sharp and Dohme, Lda, Portugal MK8259-22info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Terapia comunitária como estratégia de promoção da saúde mental de docentes na pandemia de COVID-19

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    Objetivo: Compreender a percepção de docentes universitários sobre a Terapia Comunitária Integrativa como estratégia de promoção da saúde mental.Métodos: Pesquisa qualitativa, fenomenológica e interventiva, realizada com docentes do curso de Enfermagem da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, Jequié, Bahia, Brasil. As descrições vivenciais foram produzidas mediante entrevista fenomenológica, cujo material resultante foi analisado com base na técnica Analítica da Ambiguidade.Resultados: As Docentes expressaram carência de interação entre elas, fato que tem se constituído uma realidade no cotidiano da vida acadêmica e que se agravou na emergência da pandemia da COVID-19. Nesse contexto, as rodas de Terapia Comunitária em ambientevirtual se mostraram eficazes ao compartilhamento de demandas psicossociais e físicas, bem como à discussão coletiva de situações-problema e a busca de soluções conjuntas. Conclusão: O Estudo evidencia o potencial da Terapia Comunitária como prática integrativa e complementar ao modelo de atenção à saúde pública brasileiro.Palavras-chave: Docentes. Saúde mental. Promoção da saúde. Terapias complementares. Infecções por Coronavirus

    Nurses' professional satisfaction in primary health care : the case of Barcelos/Barcelinhos Health Centre

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    RESUMO - Introdução: A satisfação profissional tem sido, nas últimas décadas, encarada como condição importante, se não mesmo essencial, para lograr melhorar o funcionamento de empresas e demais organizações. Este estudo teve como objectivo conhecer as principais razões que condicionam a satisfação profissional dos enfermeiros que actuam nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários (CSP), nomeadamente no Centro de Saúde (CS) de Barcelos/Barcelinhos. Material e métodos: A investigação, que decorreu entre Março e Dezembro de 2006, baseou-se numa abordagem metodológica do tipo quantitativo e descritivo, recorrendo-se ao questionário elaborado por Graça1 e validado para a realidade dos CS portugueses. A população alvo era constituída por 75 enfermeiros que exerciam funções no referido CS e o apuramento dos resultados foi realizado de acordo com as orientações metodológicas do autor do questionário. Para a análise estatística recorreu-se à aplicação informática SPSS® 13.0 e, como estratégia para a exploração das relações entre as diferentes variáveis, utilizaram-se os testes qui-quadrado e ANOVA (teste paramétrico de análise de variância). Resultados: Os resultados indicam que: (i) os enfermeiros do CS de Barcelos/Barcelinhos estão satisfeitos com as interacções humanas positivas que se estabelecem com os utentes e insatisfeitos com as recompensas que recebem pelas funções que exercem; (ii) estes enfermeiros, principalmente aqueles que trabalham nas extensões, não se sentem adequadamente protegidos contra os riscos profissionais de natureza física, química e/ou biológica, a que estão expostos nem tão pouco consideram existir uma política efectiva de protecção da saúde e da segurança dos profissionais que ali trabalham; (iii) os enfermeiros com cargos acrescidos, que exigem deles outras competências, responsabilidades de decisão e uma maior especificidade no trabalho, apresentam maior satisfação profissional e uma menor disposição para deixar o seu trabalho; e, por fim, (iv) a precariedade da situação laboral dos enfermeiros contratados transforma-se num importante factor de insatisfação profissional. Conclusões: Neste caso em concreto, verifica-se que os factores que condicionam positivamente os níveis de satisfação laboral dos enfermeiros estão intimamente ligados às relações que encetam com os utentes aos quais prestam cuidados. Em contrapartida, os factores que influenciam negativamente os índices de satisfação profissional dizem respeito à actual política laboral que, face à actual conjuntura económica nacional, tem restringido o acesso dos enfermeiros a vínculos de longo prazo e reduzidos aumentos salariais.ABSTRACT - Introduction: Professional satisfaction has been seen, in recent decades, as an important condition, if not essential, to achieve the improvement of the functioning of companies and other organizations. This study aimed to know the main determinants of professional satisfaction of nurses who work in Primary Health Care (CSP), namely, in Barcelos/ Barcelinhos Health Centre (CS). Methods: Field work was carried out between March and December 2006, based on a quantitative methodological approach and descriptive analysis, through a questionnaire on job satisfaction, designed by Graça1, and validated for the Portuguese Health Centres reality. The target population was composed by 75 nurses working in the aforesaid Health Centre. Data treatment followed the methodological orientations of the questionnaire’s author. SPSS® 13.0 was used for statistical analysis, including tests qui-square and ANOVA to explore the relations between the different variables. Results: The results show that: (i) nurses working in Barcelos/Barcelinhos Health Centre are satisfied with positive human interplay establish with the patients and dissatisfied with their payment; (ii) nurses, principally those who work in extensions, don’t feel properly protected against physical, chemical, biological, and/or psychosocial risk factors that they are exposed at work in the absence of an effective occupational health and safety management system; (iii) nurses with increased duties, that require them other competences, decision responsibilities and larger specification in their work, present greater professional satisfaction and less disposition to leave their work; (iv) precarious employment in Primary Health Care is another important factor of professional dissatisfaction. Conclusions: In this specific case, we verify that the factors that positively influence job satisfaction in primary health care nursing are intimately connected to the professional/ client relationship. On the other hand, the factors that negatively influence professional satisfaction index are related with the ongoing labour policy and the present national economic situation, both factors severely limiting National Health Service human resources development.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Reabilitação psicossocial segundo a perspectiva de consumidores de drogas Psychosocial rehabilitation according to drug consumers’ perspective

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    RESUMO: Objetivo: Desvelar a percepção de usuários de um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial Álcool e outras Drogas sobre a reabilitação psicossocial.Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo fenomenológico, fundamentado na abordagem de Maurice Merleau-Ponty, desenvolvido com nove usuários de um Caps ad de um município do interior da Bahia. As descrições vivenciais foram produzidas por meio da técnica de Grupo Focal, no próprio Caps ad e posteriormente, para compreensão, submetidos à técnica Analítica da Ambiguidade.O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa, sob o protocolo nº 111/2011. Resultados: Evidenciou-se que os consumidores de drogas reconhecem a reabilitação psicossocial como estratégia relevante para o processo de reinserção social. Conclusão:Essa estratégia deve ser valorizada pelos profissionais de saúde com vista à valorização das potencialidades do consumidor de drogas.  Objective: To reveal the perception of users of a Psychosocial Care Center for Alcohol and other Drugs on psychosocial rehabilitation. Method: This is a phenomenological study, based on Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s approach, developed with nine members of an Caps ad of a municipality of Bahia. The experiential descriptions were produced by the Focus Group technique in the Caps ad and later, to understanding, submitted to the technique of Analytical Ambiguity. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, under protocol number 111/2011. Results: It was evident that drug users recognize the psychosocial rehabilitation as a relevant strategy for the process of social reintegration. Conclusion: This strategy should be valued by health professionals for recovery and drug consumer potential