1,514 research outputs found

    Individual planning starts at school. Tools and practices promoting autonomy and supporting transition to work for adolescents with autism spectrum disorder

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    There is an increasing need for effective services and strategies to favor the transition from school to post-school/working experience for individuals with disabilities and specifically with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Post-school options are still limited, and most adults with ASD struggle in finding adequate and stable job opportunities. This work analyzes the increasing number of laws issued in Italy in the last decades in order to improve social and working inclusion. The central role of the individual educational planning (IEP) as part of the broader individual project is discussed. Also the potential of pathways for transversal skills and orientation for future employment outcomes is taken into consideration. Good practices promoting autonomy and supporting transition to work starting from school years are reviewed. The international literature shows different models and tools, which could be applied to the Italian school. The COMPASS consultancy model could favor the achievement of individualized transition IEP goals. Peer mediated intervention could improve social skills, a core weakness in ASD, though a central element for success in the workplace. Another key element is the parental involvement in the construction of the future of their children with ASD

    Development of a new screening tool for cyber pornography. Psychometric properties of the Cyber Pornography Addiction Test (CYPAT)

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    Objective: Internet pornography addiction typically involves viewing, downloading and trading online pornography or engagement in adult fantasy role-play. There are some well-validated inventories measuring perceived addiction to internet pornography but these instruments are often too long for a functionally use and fast scoring. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the cyber pornography addiction test (CYPAT), a new, brief, screening measure for assessing cyber pornography.Method: Participants of this study completed the CYPAT, the CPUI, the TAS-20 and the FACES-IV. Descriptive statistics were calculated and Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were applied.Results: Cronbach's alpha coefficient suggested excellent reliability of the measure. Results of this study revealed also good construct, convergent and divergent validity.Conclusions: CYPAT is a brief self-report screening scale composed of 11 items scored on a five-point Likert scale with good psychometrics properties. The implications of these findings for future theoretical and empirical research in this field are discusse

    PEG reimplantation after Buried Bumper Syndrome: a case report

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    Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) is the method of choice to provide long-term enteral nutrition for patients with impossibility to be fed orally. Although it is considered a routine and safe procedure, potential complications exist, which are generally classified into three major categories: endoscopic technical difficulties, PEG procedure-related complications and late complications associated with PEG tube use, such as buried bumper syndrome (BBS). BBS is a potentially life-threatening complication, occurring in 0.3% to 2.5% of cases. Additional complications related to BBS may present, such as wound infection, peritonitis, and necrotizing fasciitis. Once resolved the acute complication, an adequate feeding method should be prompted for the patient, among whom PEG remains of choice. After tissue inflammation, fibrosis may prevent a standard endoscopic procedure for the new implantation, therefore endoscopists should modulate procedures to obtain successful and safe results. A combined surgical-and endoscopic strategy could resolve implantation difficulties ensuring a safe and simple procedure. We present here a case of BBS complicated with abdominal wall cellulitis in a paraplegic 35-year-old-man who was admitted to our hospital. (www.actabiomedica.it)

    Effect of broiler breast abnormality and freezing on meat quality and metabolites assessed by 1H-NMR spectroscopy

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    ABSTRACT The present study aimed at investigating the impact of the current growth-related abnormalities (White-Striping—WS, Wooden Breast—WB, and Spaghetti Meat—SM) affecting broilers Pectoralis major muscles on the main quality traits, the oxidative stability of both the lipid and protein fraction as well as the water mobility assessed in fresh and frozen/thawed meat. In addition, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy (1 H-NMR) was applied to quantify free amino acids, histidine-containing dipeptides and metabolites involved in energy-generating pathways. Overall, the occurrence of WS, WB, and SM abnormalities remarkably affected the quality traits (pH, color, and water holding capacity) and oxidative stability of the meat, with the WB condition leading to the most detrimental effects. However, overall, freezing and subsequent thawing only partially worsened the aforementioned traits. Significant variations in free amino acids and histidine-containing dipeptides were found between abnormal muscles and their unaffected counterpart by 1 H-NMR spectroscopy and, aside from the occurrence of muscular defects, their content was remarkably reduced in frozen/thawed meat. The findings obtained by analyzing the metabolites through 1 H-NMR spectroscopy allowed to advance the knowledge concerning the impact of freezing and subsequent thawing on meat quality traits and provided useful information concerning the underlying mechanisms responsible for the development of WS, WB, and SM abnormalities in broilers

    Application of imaging guidelines in patients with foreign body ingestion or inhalation: literature review

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    Ingestion, inhalation, and insertion of foreign bodies (FBs) are very common clinical occurrences. In any case, early diagnosis and prompt management are mandatory to avoid severe and life-threatening complications. Radiologists have an important role in revealing the presence, dimension, nature, and relationship with anatomical structures of a FB; selecting the most appropriate imaging modality; and enabling the best therapeutic choice. This review article focuses on the most frequent FBs ingested, inhaled, and inserted and presents the different tests and investigations to provide a correct radiological approach

    Unusual sub-genus associations of fecal Prevotella and Bacteroides with specific dietary patterns

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    Background: Diet has a recognized effect in shaping gut microbiota. Many studies link an increase in Prevotella to high-fibre diet, while Bacteroides abundance is usually associated with the consumption of animal fat and protein-rich diets. Nevertheless, closely related species and strains may harbour different genetic pools; therefore, further studies should aim to understand whether species of the same genus are consistently linked to dietary patterns or equally responsive to diet variations. Here, we used oligotyping of 16S rRNA gene sequencing data to exploit the diversity within Prevotella and Bacteroides genera in faecal samples of omnivore and non-omnivore subjects from a previously studied cohort. Results: A great heterogeneity was found in oligotype composition. Nevertheless, different oligotypes within the same genus showed distinctive correlation patterns with dietary components and metabolome. We found that some Prevotella oligotypes are significantly associated with the plant-based diet but some are associated with animal-based nutrients, and the same applies to Bacteroides. Therefore, an indiscriminate association of Bacteroidetes genera with specific dietary patterns may lead to an oversimplified vision that does not take into account sub-genus diversity and the different possible responses to dietary components. Conclusions: We demonstrated that Prevotella and Bacteroides oligotypes show distinctive correlation patterns with dietary components and metabolome. These results substantiate a current oversimplification of diet-dependent microbe-host associations and highlighted that sub-genus differences must be taken into account when planning gut microbiota modulation for health benefits

    Radiogenomics in clear cell renal cell carcinoma: correlations between advanced CT imaging (texture analysis) and microRNAs expression

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    Purpose: A relevant challenge for the improvement of clear cell renal cell carcinoma management could derive from the identification of novel molecular biomarkers that could greatly improve the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment choice of these neoplasms. In this study, we investigate whether quantitative parameters obtained from computed tomography texture analysis may correlate with the expression of selected oncogenic microRNAs. Methods: In a retrospective single-center study, multiphasic computed tomography examination (with arterial, portal, and urographic phases) was performed on 20 patients with clear cell renal cell carcinoma and computed tomography texture analysis parameters such as entropy, kurtosis, skewness, mean, and standard deviation of pixel distribution were measured using multiple filter settings. These quantitative data were correlated with the expression of selected microRNAs (miR-21-5p, miR-210-3p, miR-185-5p, miR-221-3p, miR-145-5p). Both the evaluations (microRNAs and computed tomography texture analysis) were performed on matched tumor and normal corticomedullar tissues of the same patients cohort. Results: In this pilot study, we evidenced that computed tomography texture analysis has robust parameters (eg, entropy, mean, standard deviation) to distinguish normal from pathological tissues. Moreover, a higher coefficient of determination between entropy and miR-21-5p expression was evidenced in tumor versus normal tissue. Interestingly, entropy and miR-21-5p show promising correlation in clear cell renal cell carcinoma opening to a radiogenomic strategy to improve clear cell renal cell carcinoma management. Conclusion: In this pilot study, a promising correlation between microRNAs and computed tomography texture analysis has been found in clear cell renal cell carcinoma. A clear cell renal cell carcinoma can benefit from noninvasive evaluation of texture parameters in adjunction to biopsy results. In particular, a promising correlation between entropy and miR-21-5p was found

    Epithelial to mesenchymal transition: A challenging playground for translational research. current models and focus on TWIST1 relevance and gastrointestinal cancers

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    Resembling the development of cancer by multistep carcinogenesis, the evolution towards metastasis involves several passages, from local invasion and intravasation, encompassing surviving anoikis into the circulation, landing at distant sites and therein establishing colonization, possibly followed by the outgrowth of macroscopic lesions. Within this cascade, epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT) works as a pleiotropic program enabling cancer cells to overcome local, systemic, and distant barriers against diffusion by replacing traits and functions of the epithelial signature with mesenchymal‐like ones. Along the transition, a full‐blown mesenchymal phenotype may not be accomplished. Rather, the plasticity of the program and its dependency on heterotopic signals implies a pendulum with oscillations towards its reversal, that is mesenchymal to epithelial transition. Cells in intermixed E⇔M states can also display stemness, enabling their replication together with the epithelial reversion next to successful distant colonization. If we aim to include the EMT among the hallmarks of cancer that could modify clinical practice, the gap between the results pursued in basic research by animal models and those achieved in translational research by surrogate biomarkers needs to be filled. We review the knowledge on EMT, derived from models and mechanistic studies as well as from translational studies, with an emphasis on gastrointestinal cancers (GI)