47 research outputs found

    Live imaging molecular changes in junctional tension upon VE-cadherin in zebrafish

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    Forces play diverse roles in vascular development, homeostasis and disease. VE-cadherin at endothelial cell-cell junctions links the contractile acto-myosin cytoskeletons of adjacent cells, serving as a tension-transducer. To explore tensile changes across VE-cadherin in live zebrafish, we tailored an optical biosensor approach, originally established in vitro. We validate localization and function of a VE-cadherin tension sensor (TS) in vivo. Changes in tension across VE-cadherin observed using ratio-metric or lifetime FRET measurements reflect acto-myosin contractility within endothelial cells. Furthermore, we apply the TS to reveal biologically relevant changes in VE-cadherin tension that occur as the dorsal aorta matures and upon genetic and chemical perturbations during embryonic development

    Junction-based lamellipodia drive endothelial cell rearrangements in vivo via a VE-cadherin-F-actin based oscillatory cell-cell interaction

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    Angiogenesis and vascular remodeling are driven by extensive endothelial cell movements. Here, we present in vivo evidence that endothelial cell movements are associated with oscillating lamellipodia-like structures, which emerge from cell junctions in the direction of cell movements. High-resolution time-lapse imaging of these junction-based lamellipodia (JBL) shows dynamic and distinct deployment of junctional proteins, such as F-actin, VE-cadherin and ZO1, during JBL oscillations. Upon initiation, F-actin and VE-cadherin are broadly distributed within JBL, whereas ZO1 remains at cell junctions. Subsequently, a new junction is formed at the front of the JBL, which then merges with the proximal junction. Rac1 inhibition interferes with JBL oscillations and disrupts cell elongation-similar to a truncation in ve-cadherin preventing VE-cad/F-actin interaction. Taken together, our observations suggest an oscillating ratchet-like mechanism, which is used by endothelial cells to move over each other and thus provides the physical means for cell rearrangements

    Nppa and Nppb act redundantly during zebrafish cardiac development to confine AVC marker expression and reduce cardiac jelly volume

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    () and () form a gene cluster with expression in the chambers of the developing heart. Despite restricted expression, a function in cardiac development has not been demonstrated by mutant analysis. This is attributed to functional redundancy however their genomic location has impeded formal analysis. Using genome-editing, we generated mutants for and and found single mutants indistinguishable from wildtype whereas / double mutants display heart morphogenesis defects and pericardial oedema. Analysis of atrioventricular canal (AVC) markers show expansion of , and expression into the atrium of double mutants. This expanded expression correlates with increased extracellular matrix in the atrium. Using a biosensor for Hyaluronic acid to measure the cardiac jelly (cardiac extracellular matrix), we confirm cardiac jelly expansion in / double mutants. Finally, knockdown rescues the expansion of expression and cardiac jelly in double mutants. This definitively shows that and function redundantly during cardiac development to restrict gene expression to the AVC, preventing excessive cardiac jelly synthesis in the atrial chamber

    Targeted Inhibition of miRNA Maturation with Morpholinos Reveals a Role for miR-375 in Pancreatic Islet Development

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    Several vertebrate microRNAs (miRNAs) have been implicated in cellular processes such as muscle differentiation, synapse function, and insulin secretion. In addition, analysis of Dicer null mutants has shown that miRNAs play a role in tissue morphogenesis. Nonetheless, only a few loss-of-function phenotypes for individual miRNAs have been described to date. Here, we introduce a quick and versatile method to interfere with miRNA function during zebrafish embryonic development. Morpholino oligonucleotides targeting the mature miRNA or the miRNA precursor specifically and temporally knock down miRNAs. Morpholinos can block processing of the primary miRNA (pri-miRNA) or the pre-miRNA, and they can inhibit the activity of the mature miRNA. We used this strategy to knock down 13 miRNAs conserved between zebrafish and mammals. For most miRNAs, this does not result in visible defects, but knockdown of miR-375 causes defects in the morphology of the pancreatic islet. Although the islet is still intact at 24 hours postfertilization, in later stages the islet cells become scattered. This phenotype can be recapitulated by independent control morpholinos targeting other sequences in the miR-375 precursor, excluding off-target effects as cause of the phenotype. The aberrant formation of the endocrine pancreas, caused by miR-375 knockdown, is one of the first loss-of-function phenotypes for an individual miRNA in vertebrate development. The miRNA knockdown strategy presented here will be widely used to unravel miRNA function in zebrafish

    Innovatieproject Hondsbossche Duinen : Eindrapportage, definitief 01

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    In 2015 is de Hondsbossche en Pettemer Zeewering (HPZ) versterkt met 35 miljoen kubieke meter zand. Dit gebied heet nu de ‘Hondsbossche Duinen (HD)’. Het ontwerp bestaat uit een zachte ondiepe vooroever (strand) met verschillende soorten duinhabitats. Deze gekoppelde systemen voorzien in de primaire veiligheid en realiseren tegelijkertijd de gevraagde ruimtelijke kwaliteit. Hiermee is de aanleg van de Hondsbossche Duinen een mooi voorbeeld van ‘Bouwen met Natuur’. Deze methode is niet vanzelfsprekend, en het is daarom van belang om te meten of de werking van het ontwerp overeenkomt met de verwachtingen. Het opzetten van een aan de HPZ gekoppeld innovatieproject heeft ons in staat gesteld om te leren in hoeverre we in staat zijn vooraf geformuleerde (natuurlijke) ontwerpdoelstellingen daadwerkelijk te realiseren. Dit type inzichten is onontbeerlijk voor een snellere, betere en goedkopere uitvoering van volgende versterkingsprojecten en het beheer van gerealiseerde projecte

    SoxF factors induce Notch1 expression via direct transcriptional regulation during early arterial development.

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    Arterial specification and differentiation are influenced by a number of regulatory pathways. While it is known that the Vegfa-Notch cascade plays a central role, the transcriptional hierarchy controlling arterial specification has not been fully delineated. To elucidate the direct transcriptional regulators of Notch receptor expression in arterial endothelial cells, we used histone signatures, DNaseI hypersensitivity and ChIP-seq data to identify enhancers for the human NOTCH1 and zebrafish notch1b genes. These enhancers were able to direct arterial endothelial cell-restricted expression in transgenic models. Genetic disruption of SoxF binding sites established a clear requirement for members of this group of transcription factors (SOX7, SOX17 and SOX18) to drive the activity of these enhancers in vivo Endogenous deletion of the notch1b enhancer led to a significant loss of arterial connections to the dorsal aorta in Notch pathway-deficient zebrafish. Loss of SoxF function revealed that these factors are necessary for NOTCH1 and notch1b enhancer activity and for correct endogenous transcription of these genes. These findings position SoxF transcription factors directly upstream of Notch receptor expression during the acquisition of arterial identity in vertebrates.This work was supported by the National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia (NHMRC) (APP1107643); The Cancer Council Queensland (1107631) (M.Fran.); the Australian Research Council Discovery Project (DP140100485) and a Career Development Fellowship (APP1111169) (M.Fran.); the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research (M.Frit., A.N., I.R., S.D.V.); the Medical Research Council (MR/J007765/1) (K.L., G.B.-G., S.D.V.); the Fondazione Cariplo (2011-0555) (M.B., B.H., M.Fran.); and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/L020238/1) (A.N., K.L., G.B.-G., S.D.V.)

    Genetics of congenital heart defects: A candidate gene approach

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    By using a candidate gene approach, we have identified novel single-nucleotide polymorphisms specific to patients diagnosed with atrioventricular valve and septum defects. Here we discuss how the gene products, in which these polymorphisms were found, functionally interact to regulate endocardial cushion formation during embryo development. These findings support a model in which mutations in different genes but regulating the same process can cause or make one more susceptible to developing atrioventricular valve and septum defects. © 2010 Elsevier Inc