81 research outputs found

    Higher-loop integrated negative geometries in ABJM

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    In the three-dimensional N=6{\cal N}=6 Chern-Simons matter (ABJM) theory, the integrand for the logarithm of the scattering amplitude admits a decomposition in terms of negative geometries, which implies that all the infrared divergences concentrate in the last loop integration. We compute the infrared-finite functions that arise from performing a three-loop integration over the four-loop integrand for the logarithm of the four-point amplitude, for which we use the method of differential equations. Our results provide a direct computation of the four-loop cusp anomalous dimension of the theory, in agreement with the current all-loop integrability-based proposal. We find an apparent simplicity in the leading singularities of the integrated results, provided one works in the frame in which the unintegrated loop variable goes to infinity. Finally, our results suggest an alternating sign pattern for the integrated negative geometries in the Euclidean region.Comment: 26 page

    Integrable Wilson loops in ABJM: a YY-system computation of the cusp anomalous dimension

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    We study the integrability properties of Wilson loops in the N=6{\cal N}=6 three-dimensional Chern-Simons-matter (ABJM) theory. We begin with the construction of an open spin chain that describes the anomalous dimensions of operators inserted along the contour of a 1/2 BPS Wilson loop. Moreover, we compute the all-loop reflection matrices that govern the interaction of spin-chain excitations with the boundary, including their dressing factors, and we check them against weak- and strong-coupling results. Furthermore, we propose a YY-system of equations for the cusped Wilson line of ABJM, and we use it to reproduce the one-loop cusp anomalous dimension of ABJM from a leading-order finite-size correction. Finally, we write a set of BTBA equations consistent with the YY-system proposal.Comment: 44 pages, 2 figures; v2: clarifications added and typos corrected. Version to appear in JHE

    Cirugía de rescate (reubicación quirúrgica) en segundos molares inferiores impactados

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    La impactación de los segundos molares inferiores es una complicación de la erupción dentaria muy infrecuente, dado que su incidencia se cifra de un 0,03 a un 0,21 %. Se ha detectado en mayor frecuencia de forma unilateral que bilateral y es más usual en mandíbula que en maxilar. Presenta una ligera predicción por el sexo masculino, y la inclinación mesial es la más habitual. Se han publicado una amplia variedad de aproximaciones terapéuticas, fundamentalmente apelando a técnicas quirúrgicas únicas o ayudadas de técnicas ortodóncicas, con el objeto de llevar al diente a su correcta posición, y que se engloban bajo el concepto de cirugía de rescate. En los casos resueltos con una reubicación del diente impactado, la extracción profiláctica del germen se ha propugnado como obligatoria. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 12 años y 6 meses derivado al Master de Cirugía Bucal de la Universidad de Sevilla por presentar falta de erupción del segundo molar inferior izquierdo. El paciente fue derivado por su ortodoncista, quien detecta la impactación del diente, antes de iniciar el tratamiento ortodóncico. Dicho compañero nos indica que, si es posible, no extraigamos el germen del tercer molar, pues prevé que será viable su erupción en el futuro (dispondrá de espacio en la arcada suficiente). Medidos los espacios de que disponemos, decidimos intentar la reubicación del diente impactado sin extraer el germen del cordal, que se llevó a cabo de forma exitosa.The impaction of lower second molars, given that its incidence is 0.03 to 0.21%, is a rare complication in tooth eruption. It has been detected more often in unilateral form than bilateral and is more common in the mandible than in the maxillary. It has a slight predilection for males, and mesial inclination is more usual. A wide variety of therapeutic approaches have been published, basically referring to surgical techniques, independent or complemented by means of orthodontic technical aids, with the aim of placing the tooth in the correct position, and which are encompassed under the concept of surgical rescue. In cases resolved with repositioning of an impacted tooth, prophylactic root extraction has been proposed as obligatory. We present a case of a 12 and a half year old patient referred to the University of Seville due to non-eruption of the left lower second molar. The patient was referred by her orthodontist, who detected the impaction before starting orthodontic treatment. The orthodontist requested that, if it was possible, we did not extract the root of the third molar, because its eruption would be feasible in the future (there would be sufficient space in the arch). The spaces available were measured and we decided to attempt the repositioning of the impacted tooth without extracting the root of the wisdom tooth, which was carried out successfully

    Inferior Alveolar Nerve Paresthesia After Overfilling of Endodontic Sealer Into the Mandibular Canal

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    The present study describes a case of endodontic sealer(AH Plus) penetration within and along the mandibular canal from the periapical zone of a lower second molar after endodontic treatment. The clinical manifestations comprised anesthesia of the left side of the lower lip, paresthesia and anesthesia of the gums in the third quadrant, and paresthesia and anesthesia of the leftmental nerve, appearing immediately after endodontic treatment. The paresthesia and anesthesia of the lip and gums were seen to decrease, but the mental nerve paresthesia and anesthesia persisted after 3.5 years. This case illustrates the need to expend great care with all endodontic techniques when performing nonsurgical root canal therapy, especially when the root apices are in close proximity to vital anatomic struc tures such as the inferior alveolar cana

    Problematic social situations for peer-rejected students in the first year of elementary school

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    This study examined the social situations that are problematic for peer-rejected students in the first year of elementary school. For this purpose, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on the Taxonomy of Problematic Social Situations for Children (TOPS, Dodge et al., 1985) in 169 rejected pupils, identified from a sample of 1457 first-grade students (ages 5–7) enrolled in 62 classrooms of elementary school. For each rejected student, another student of average sociometric status of the same gender was selected at random from the same classroom (naverage = 169). The model for the rejected students showed a good fit, and was also invariant in the group of average students. Four types of situations were identified in which rejected students have significantly more difficulties than average students. They are, in descending order: (a) respect for authority and rules, (b) being disadvantaged, (c) prosocial and empathic behavior, and (d) response to own success. Rejected boys have more problems in situations of prosociability and empathy than girls. The implications concerning the design of specific programs to prevent and reduce early childhood rejection in the classroom are discussed.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad EDU2012-35930Universitat Jaume I P1-1A2012-0

    Rescue surgery (surgical repositioning) of impacted lower second molars

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    La impactación de los segundos molares inferiores es una complicación de la erupción dentaria muy infrecuente, dado que su incidencia se cifra de un 0,03 a un 0,21 %. Se ha detectado en mayor frecuencia de forma unilateral que bilateral y es más usual en mandíbula que en maxilar. Presenta una ligera predicción por el sexo masculino, y la inclinación mesial es la más habitual. Se han publicado una amplia variedad de aproximaciones terapéuticas, fundamentalmente apelando a técnicas quirúrgicas únicas o ayudadas de técnicas ortodóncicas, con el objeto de llevar al diente a su correcta posición, y que se engloban bajo el concepto de cirugía de rescate. En los casos resueltos con una reubicación del diente impactado,la extracción profiláctica del germen se ha propugnado como obligatoria. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 12 años y 6 meses derivado al Master de Cirugía Bucal de la Universidad de Sevilla por presentar falta de erupción del segundo molar inferior izquierdo. El paciente fue derivado por su ortodoncista, quien detecta la impactación del diente, antes de iniciar el tratamiento ortodóncico.Dicho compañero nos indica que, si es posible, no extraigamos el germen del tercer molar, pues prevé que será viable su erupción en el futuro (dispondrá de espacio en la arcada suficiente). Medidos los espacios de que disponemos, decidimos intentar la reubicación del diente impactado sin extraer el germen del cordal, que se llevó a cabo de forma exitosa.The impaction of lower second molars, given that its incidence is 0.03 to 0.21%, is a rare complication in tooth eruption. It has been detected more often in unilateral form than bilateral and is more common in the mandible than in the maxillary. It has a slight predilection for males, and mesial inclination ismore usual. A wide variety of therapeutic approaches have been published,basically referring to surgical techniques, independent or complemented by means of orthodontic technical aids, with the aim of placing the tooth in the correct position, and which are encompassed under the concept of surgical rescue.In cases resolved with repositioning of an impacted tooth, prophylactic root extraction has been proposed as obligatory.We present a case of a 12 and a half year old patient referred to the University of Seville due to non-eruption of the left lower second molar.The patient was referred by her orthodontist, who detected the impaction before starting orthodontic treatment. The orthodontist requested that, if it was possible, we did not extract the root of the third molar, because its eruption would be feasible in the future (there would be sufficient space in the arch). The spaces available were measured and we decided to attempt the repositioning of the impacted tooth without extracting the root of the wisdom tooth, which was carried out successfully

    Peer rejection and social behaviour in the classroom perceived by their teachers

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    Comunicación presentada en el Simposio “El rechazo entre iguales: Contextos y situaciones sociales”, coordinado por F. J. García Bacete, duranrre el VI Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación (CIPE VI), celebrado en Valladolid (España) del 29 de marzo al 1 de abril 2011.Las relaciones sociales tienen un alto impacto en el desarrollo personal, en especial en los momentos iniciales, y en donde el entorno escolar es uno de los más importantes para los niños y niñas. El tipo y calidad de esas relaciones tiene implicaciones que sobrepasan el ámbito escolar, tanto presente como futuro. Lo habitual es que se establezcan relaciones aceptables, en diferente intensidad, con la mayoría a la vez que se producen relaciones más intensas y recíprocas con otros. Son los que Coie, Dodge y Coppotelli denominan como tipo sociométrico “medio”, y que se estima que son el 60/65% de los integrantes del grupo. Sin embargo, hay otros que no son aceptados por gran parte de sus compañeros, sino directamente “rechazados” (10/12% aproximadamente). El perfil del alumnado en situación de rechazo es mayoritariamente varón (relación de 3/1 respecto a las mujeres), caracterizado por la inmadurez, ansiedad e incluso agresividad o aislamiento, dificultades de gestión emocional y en interpretación de las señales sociales, con escasas conductas de ayuda hacia los demás. Es un alumnado que suele tener dificultades para desenvolverse socialmente. Sin embargo no lo hace de la misma manera ya que en el ámbito escolar se producen multitud de situaciones diferentes. Es por ello que nuestro objetivo se centra en conocer aquellas situaciones sociales en las que el alumnado en situación de rechazo presenta más dificultades con la finalidad posterior de diseñar y proporcionar intervenciones más específicas. La muestra está formada por 217 niños y niñas (116 medios y 101 rechazados) de 35 aulas de primero de Educación Primaria de 15 centros educativos de cuatro comunidades autónomas. Como instrumento de recogida de datos se ha utilizado el Taxonomy of Problem Situations (TOPS, de Dodge et al, 1985). Es un cuestionario formado por 44 ítems tipo Likert que mide, mediante la cumplimentación por parte del profesorado, el grado de dificultad que presenta cada alumno en seis situaciones sociales: (a) entrada en el grupo de iguales; (b) respuesta a la provocación; (c) respuesta al fracaso; (d) respuesta al éxito; (e) expectativas sociales de los iguales; y (f) expectativas del profesor. Como resultados más significativos nos encontramos con diferencias estadísticamente significativas en todas las dimensiones antes mencionadas, con mayores dificultades por parte del alumnado rechazado que de los medios. Sin embargo, no se encuentran evidencias de que el género sea una variable moduladora.Social relations have a high impact on personal development, especially in the initial moments, where the school environment is one of the most important for children. The type and quality of these relationships has implications that go beyond the school environment, both present and future. Usually, the relationships established will be, in different intensity, acceptable to most while more intense and reciprocal relationships with other are produced. Are those that Coie, Dodge and Coppotelli called as sociometric “medium” type and it’s estimated to be 60/65% of the group members. However, there are others who aren’t accepted by most of their peers, but directly “rejected”. The profile of students in a position of rejection is mostly male (ratio of 3 / 1 for women), characterized by immature, anxiety and even aggressiveness or isolation, emotional management difficulties, interpretation of social cues and poor behavior of helping others. They are students that often have difficulties to function socially. However they don’t handle it in the same way because many different situations are produced in the school. That’s why our aim is focused on knowing those social situations in which students in position of rejection have more difficulties in order to design and provide more specific interventions. The sample consisted 217 children (116 medium and 101 rejected) attending first-grade of primary school from 35 different classes of 15 centers in four autonomous regions. Taxonomy of Problem Situations (TOPS, de Dodge et al, 1985) was used as data collection instrument. It’s a questionnaire, filled out by teachers, consisting of 44 Likert-type items measuring the degree of difficulty of each student in six social situations: (a) peer gropu entry; (b) response to peer provocation; (c) response to failure; (d) response to success; (e) social expectations; (f) teacher expectations. As the most significant results we have found statistically significant differences in all dimensions above, with rejected students showing greater difficulties than medium. However, It hasn't been found evidences that gender may be a moderator variable

    Friends of the rejected girls and boys. An analysis of behavioral similarity

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    En este trabajo se presenta una primera aproximación al análisis de las relaciones de amistad recíprocas de niños y niñas en situación de rechazo al comienzo de la escolarización primaria. El eje central del trabajo es confirmar la hipótesis de la similitud conductual de las amistades contrastando una muestra de 111 niños rechazados y 111 niños promedios. Las variables de conducta social que se utilizan para estudiar la similitud en la conducta son habilidades sociales, agresión directa, agresión social, hiperactividad y retraimiento. Casi una tercera parte de los niños rechazados no tienen relación recíproca de amistad. Los amigos de los rechazados tienen puntuaciones más bajas en habilidades sociales y más altas en todas las dificultades conductuales. Entre los promedios de contraste también se encuentra relación entre la propia conducta y la de los amigos, aunque no para todas las variables. Existe una relación significativa entre la conducta social negativa de los niños y niñas rechazados y sus amigos. La hipótesis de la homofilia conductual se confirma, no así la segunda hipótesis formulada que hace referencia a una mayor similitud conductual entre los rechazados y sus amigos.This work carries out a first approach to analyzing the relations of reciprocal friendship of children in situations of rejection at the beginning of primary education. The focus is to verify the hypothesis of behavioral similarity among friends, by contrasting a sample of 111 sociometrical average children with 111 rejected children. The variables of social behavior that are used to study the behavioral similarity are social skills, direct aggression, social aggression, hyperactivity and withdrawal. Nearly a third of the rejected children have no one single mutual friendship. The scores of the friends of the rejected children are lower at social skills and higher at all the behavioral difficulties. Among the average children used for the comparison, some correlations between one’s own behavior and that of friends were also found, but not in all the variables. There is a significant correlation between the negative social behavior of the rejected children and that of their friends. The hypothesis of behavioral homophily is verified, but not the second stated hypothesis which refers to a greater behavioral similarity between the rejected children and their friends.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad EDU2012-35930Plan de Promoción de la Investigación de la Universitat Jaume I P1-1A2012-0

    Targeted Therapies in Sarcomas: Challenging the Challenge

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    Sarcomas are a heterogeneous group of mesenchymal malignancies that very often lead to death. Nowadays, chemotherapy is the only available treatment for most sarcomas but there are few active drugs and clinical results still remain very poor. Thus, there is an imperious need to find new therapeutic alternatives in order to improve sarcoma patient's outcome. During the last years, there have been described a number of new molecular pathways that have allowed us to know more about cancer biology and tumorigenesis. Sarcomas are one of the tumors in which more advances have been made. Identification of specific chromosomal translocations, some important pathways characterization such as mTOR pathway or the insulin-like growth factor pathway, the stunning development in angiogenesis knowledge, and brand new agents like viruses have lead to the development of new therapeutic options with promising results. This paper makes an exhaustive review of preclinical and clinical evidence of the most recent targeted therapies in sarcomas and provides a future view of treatments that may lead to improve prognosis of patients affected with this disease

    Peer reputation of rejected boys and rejected girls

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    Comunicación presentada en el Simposio “El rechazo entre iguales: Contextos y situaciones sociales”, coordinado por F. J. García Bacete, duranrre el VI Congreso Internacional de Psicología y Educación (CIPE VI), celebrado en Valladolid (España) del 29 de marzo al 1 de abril 2011.VI Congreso Internacional de Psicología y EducaciónEl presente estudio trata de describir la reputación conductual asociada al rechazo entre iguales, y analizar las diferencias reputacionales entre niños rechazados y niñas rechazadas. Para ello se estudió a una muestra de 809 niños y niñas escolarizados en 35 aulas de 1º de Primaria, ubicadas en 15 colegios públicos de las provincias de Castellón, Sevilla, Valladolid y Palma de Mallorca. Se identificó al 13,7% de la muestra como rechazados-as (71 niños y 40 niñas). Los instrumentos utilizados fueron un Cuestionario de Nominaciones Sociométricas desarrollado por el propio grupo de investigación (GREI, 2010), y una versión adaptada del Extended Class Play de Wojslawowicz, Rubin, Burguess, Booth-LaForce & Rose-Krasnor (2006), que identifica seis factores reputacionales: Sociabilidad, Agresividad Directa, Agresividad Relacional, Hiperactividad/Disrupción, Timidez/Retraimiento y Exclusión/Victimización. Los resultados mostraron diferencias reputacionales entre niños y niñas rechazados en los factores de Agresión Directa, Agresión Relacional, Hiperactividad y Exclusión, diferencias que reproducen las que se encuentran en el grupo de niños y niñas promedios. El análisis de estos cuatro grupos de comparación mostró complejas relaciones entre el sexo, el estatus y las dimensiones reputacionales.This study aims to describe the peer reputation associated with peer rejection, and analyze the reputational differences between rejected boys and rejected girls. The sample consists on 809 school children in 35 classrooms of 1 Elementary, located in 15 public schools in the provinces of Castellon, Sevilla, Valladolid and Palma de Mallorca. It was identified 13,7% of the sample as rejected (71 boys and 40 girls). The instruments used were a questionnaire of Sociometric Nominations developed by the research group, and an adapted version of the Extended Class Play by Wojslawowicz et al. (2006), which identifies six reputational factors: Competition Social Aggression Direct, Relational Agression, Hyperactivity / disruption, Shyness / Withdrawal and Exclusiom / Victimization. The results showed differences between boys and girls reputational rejected factors direct aggression, relational aggression, hyperactivity and Exclusion, which reproduce the differences found in the group of average children. The analysis of these four comparison groups showed complex relationships between gender, status and reputational dimension