1,805 research outputs found

    Cost-effectiveness of management strategies for acute urethritis in the developing world.

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    OBJECTIVE: To recommend a cost-effective approach for the management of acute male urethritis in the developing world, based on the findings of a theoretical study. METHODS: A model was developed to assess the cost-effectiveness of three urethritis management strategies in a theoretical cohort of 1000 men with urethral syndrome. (1) All patients were treated with cefixime and doxycycline for gonococcal urethritis (GU) and nongonococcal urethritis (NGU), respectively, as recommended by WHO. (2) All patients were treated with doxycycline for NGU; treatment with cefixime was based on the result of direct microscopy of a urethral smear. (3) All patients were treated with cotrimoxazole or kanamycin for GU and doxycycline for NGU. Cefixime was kept for patients not responding to the first GU treatment. Strategy costs included consultations, laboratory diagnosis (where applicable) and drugs. The outcome was the rate of patients cured of urethritis. Cost-effectiveness was measured in terms of cost per cured urethritis. RESULTS: Strategy costs in our model depended largely on drug costs. The first strategy was confirmed as the most effective but also the most expensive approach. Cefixime should cost no more than US1.5forthestrategytobethemostcosteffective.Thesecondstrategysavedmoneyanddrugsbutprovedavaluablealternativeonlywhenlaboratoryperformancewasoptimal.Thethirdstrategywithcotrimoxazolewastheleastexpensivebutalowfollowupvisitrate,poortreatmentcomplianceorlowerdrugefficacylimitedeffectiveness.Maximizingcompliancebyreplacingcotrimoxazolewithsingledosekanamycinhadthesinglegreatestimpactontheeffectivenessofthethirdstrategy.CONCLUSION:OurmodelsuggestedthatacosteffectiveapproachwouldbetotreatgonorrhoeawithasingledoseantibioticselectedfromlocallyavailableproductsthatcostnomorethanUS 1.5 for the strategy to be the most cost-effective. The second strategy saved money and drugs but proved a valuable alternative only when laboratory performance was optimal. The third strategy with cotrimoxazole was the least expensive but a low follow-up visit rate, poor treatment compliance or lower drug efficacy limited effectiveness. Maximizing compliance by replacing cotrimoxazole with single-dose kanamycin had the single greatest impact on the effectiveness of the third strategy. CONCLUSION: Our model suggested that a cost-effective approach would be to treat gonorrhoea with a single-dose antibiotic selected from locally available products that cost no more than US 1.5

    Aplikasi Manajemen Trafik BTS CDMA Telkom Flexi

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    Tugas akhir akhir ini membahas tentang suatu analisis manajemen trafik voice yang dilakukan pada BTS CDMA Telkom Flexi. Setiap gangguan trafik yang terjadi dapat menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan kualitas layanan, sehingga melihat pentingnya peranan trafik BTS maka diperlukan suatu perangkat lunak untuk menentukan trafik BTS. Penulis akan merancang sebuah aplikasi manajemen trafik BTS menggunakan formula performansi trafik voice. Aplikasi yang dibuat akan diakses secara lokal sedangkan implementasinya menggunakan jaringan intranet. Dari hasil perancangan akan menghasilkan perangkat lunak yang bisa digunakan untuk menganalisis trafik BTS

    Design of temperature control of power electronic element of device for radio transmission

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    Tato práce se zabývá řešením problému přehřívání výkonových zařízení pro radiový přenos, konkrétně vysílacích elektronek, které často dosahují při maximálním provozu příliš vysokých teplot. Jedná se o návrh regulace teploty na tomto zařízení.This work deals with the problem of overheating power devices for radio transmission, namely transmitting vacuum tubes, which often reach a high temperature by the maximum operating of this. This is the design of temperature control for this device.

    3D Shape Classification and Retrieval Using Heterogenous Features and Supervised Learning

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    Content-based 3D model retrieval (CB3DMR) aims at augmenting the text-based search with the ability to search 3D data collections by using examples, sketches, as well as geometric and structural features..


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    Abstrak: Kegiatan pelatihan ini bertujuan meningkatkan pemahaman dan sebagai upaya dalam membantu mahasiswa untuk membuat referensi yang cepat dan efektif dan cara mensitasi tulisan pada jurnal atau penelitian. Kegitan ini melibatkan 251 orang Mahasiswa Semester VII dari Fakultas Ekonomi yang mendaftarkan diri secara gratis. Peserta merupakan mahasiswa yang berada pada tahap penyusunan proposal penelitian dan skripsi. Pengukuran pemahaman mahasiswa setelah mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket/kuisioner. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di Laboratorium Fakultas Ekonomi selama 1 minggu, dari tanggal 11 sampai dengan 16 Oktober 2021. Kegiatan pelatihan ini menggunakan Software Endnote Versi X7. Hasil kegiatan menunjukan bahwa mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Flores mampu untuk membuat daftar referensi dan mensitasi pada tugas akhir yang akan dikerjakan. Pengukuran pemahaman mahasiswa yang berkaitan dengan Pemahaman sitasi dan bibliografi sebesar 91 persen, cara mengkoleksi referensi 90 persen, sitasi pada microsoft word 92 persen, dan mendesain gaya luaran (format sitasi) sebesar 92 persen semua item pengukuran mahasiswa sudah sangat paham dalam menggunakan aplikasi Endnote.Abstract: This training activity aims to increase understanding and as an effort to help students make quick and effective references and how to cite writings in journals or research. This activity involved 251 Semester VII students from the Faculty of Economics who registered for free. Participants are students who are in the stage of preparing research proposals and theses. Measurement of student understanding after participating in training activities is carried out using a questionnaire/questionnaire. This activity is carried out at the Laboratory of the Faculty of Economics for 1 week, from October 11 to 16, 2021. This training activity uses Endnote Software Version X7. The results of the activity showed that students of the Faculty of Economics, University of Flores were able to make a list of references and cite the final project to be done. The measurement of student understanding related to citation and bibliographic understanding is 91 percent, how to collect references is 90 percent, citations on Microsoft Word are 92 percent, and designing the output style (citation format) is 92 percent. All student measurement items are very familiar with using the Endnote application