54 research outputs found

    Membrane-mediated interactions

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    Interactions mediated by the cell membrane between inclusions, such as membrane proteins or antimicrobial peptides, play important roles in their biological activity. They also constitute a fascinating challenge for physicists, since they test the boundaries of our understanding of self-assembled lipid membranes, which are remarkable examples of two-dimensional complex fluids. Inclusions can couple to various degrees of freedom of the membrane, resulting in different types of interactions. In this chapter, we review the membrane-mediated interactions that arise from direct constraints imposed by inclusions on the shape of the membrane. These effects are generic and do not depend on specific chemical interactions. Hence, they can be studied using coarse-grained soft matter descriptions. We deal with long-range membrane-mediated interactions due to the constraints imposed by inclusions on membrane curvature and on its fluctuations. We also discuss the shorter-range interactions that arise from the constraints on membrane thickness imposed by inclusions presenting a hydrophobic mismatch with the membrane.Comment: 38 pages, 10 figures, pre-submission version. In: Bassereau P., Sens P. (eds) Physics of Biological Membranes. Springer, Cha

    Lipid-mediated interactions between intrinsic membrane proteins: a theoretical study based on integral equations.

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    This study of lipid-mediated interactions between proteins is based on a theory recently developed by the authors for describing the structure of the hydrocarbon chains in the neighborhood of a protein inclusion embedded in a lipid membrane [LagĂŒe et al., Farad. Discuss. 111:165-172, 1998]. The theory involves the hypernetted chain integral equation formalism for liquids. The exact lateral density-density response function of the hydrocarbon core, extracted from molecular dynamics simulations of a pure dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine bilayer based on an atomic model, is used as input. For the sake of simplicity, protein inclusions are modeled as hard repulsive cylinders. Numerical calculations were performed with three cylinder sizes: a small cylinder of 2.5-A radius, corresponding roughly to an aliphatic chain; a medium cylinder of 5-A radius, corresponding to a alpha-helical polyalanine protein; and a large cylinder of 9-A radius, representing a small protein, such as the gramicidin channel. The calculations show that the average hydrocarbon density is perturbed over a distance of 20-25 A from the edge of the cylinder for every cylinder size. The lipid-mediated protein-protein effective interaction is calculated and is shown to be nonmonotonic. In the case of the small and the medium cylinders, the lipid-mediated effective interaction of two identical cylinders is repulsive at an intermediate range but attractive at short range. At contact, there is a free energy of -2k(B)T for the 2.5-A-radius cylinder and -9k(B)T for the 5-A-radius cylinder, indicating that the association of two alpha-helices of both sizes is favored by the lipid matrix. In contrast, the effective interaction is repulsive at all distances in the case of the large cylinder. Results were obtained with two integral equations theories: hypernetted chain and Percus-Yevick. For the two theories, all results are qualitatively identical

    Lipid-mediated interactions between intrinsic membrane proteins: dependence on protein size and lipid composition.

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    The present study is an application of an approach recently developed by the authors for describing the structure of the hydrocarbon chains of lipid-bilayer membranes (LBMs) around embedded protein inclusions ( Biophys. J. 79:2867-2879). The approach is based on statistical mechanical integral equation theories developed for the study of dense liquids. First, the configurations extracted from molecular dynamics simulations of pure LBMs are used to extract the lateral density-density response function. Different pure LBMs composed of different lipid molecules were considered: dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine (DOPC), palmitoyl-oleoyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC), dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), and dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC). The results for the lateral density-density response function was then used as input in the integral equation theory. Numerical calculations were performed for protein inclusions of three different sizes. For the sake of simplicity, protein inclusions are represented as hard smooth cylinders excluding the lipid hydrocarbon core from a small cylinder of 2.5 A radius, corresponding roughly to one aliphatic chain, a medium cylinder of 5 A radius, corresponding to one alpha-helix, and a larger cylinder of 9 A radius, representing a small protein such as the gramicidin channel. The lipid-mediated interaction between protein inclusions was calculated using a closed-form expression for the configuration-dependent free energy. This interaction was found to be repulsive at intermediate range and attractive at short range for two small cylinders in POPC, DPPC, and DMPC bilayers, whereas it oscillates between attractive and repulsive values in DOPC bilayers. For medium size cylinders, it is again repulsive at intermediate range and attractive at short range, but for every model LBM considered here. In the case of a large cylinder, the lipid-mediated interaction was shown to be repulsive for both short and long ranges for the DOPC, POPC, and DPPC bilayers, whereas it is again repulsive and attractive for DMPC bilayers. The results indicate that the packing of the hydrocarbon chains around protein inclusions in LBMs gives rise to a generic (i.e., nonspecific) lipid-mediated interaction which favors the association of two alpha-helices and depends on the lipid composition of the membrane

    tRNAGlu increases the affinity of glutamyl-tRNA synthetase for its inhibitor glutamyl-sulfamoyl-adenosine, an analogue of the aminoacylation reaction intermediate glutamyl-AMP: mechanistic and evolutionary implications.

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    For tRNA-dependent protein biosynthesis, amino acids are first activated by aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) yielding the reaction intermediates aminoacyl-AMP (aa-AMP). Stable analogues of aa-AMP, such as aminoacyl-sulfamoyl-adenosines, inhibit their cognate aaRSs. Glutamyl-sulfamoyl-adenosine (Glu-AMS) is the best known inhibitor of Escherichia coli glutamyl-tRNA synthetase (GluRS). Thermodynamic parameters of the interactions between Glu-AMS and E. coli GluRS were measured in the presence and in the absence of tRNA by isothermal titration microcalorimetry. A significant entropic contribution for the interactions between Glu-AMS and GluRS in the absence of tRNA or in the presence of the cognate tRNAGlu or of the non-cognate tRNAPhe is indicated by the negative values of -TΔSb, and by the negative value of ΔCp. On the other hand, the large negative enthalpy is the dominant contribution to ΔGb in the absence of tRNA. The affinity of GluRS for Glu-AMS is not altered in the presence of the non-cognate tRNAPhe, but the dissociation constant Kd is decreased 50-fold in the presence of tRNAGlu; this result is consistent with molecular dynamics results indicating the presence of an H-bond between Glu-AMS and the 3'-OH oxygen of the 3'-terminal ribose of tRNAGlu in the Glu-AMS‱GluRS‱tRNAGlu complex. Glu-AMS being a very close structural analogue of Glu-AMP, its weak binding to free GluRS suggests that the unstable Glu-AMP reaction intermediate binds weakly to GluRS; these results could explain why all the known GluRSs evolved to activate glutamate only in the presence of tRNAGlu, the coupling of glutamate activation to its transfer to tRNA preventing unproductive cleavage of ATP

    Efficient Restoration of the Dystrophin Gene Reading Frame and Protein Structure in DMD Myoblasts Using the CinDel Method

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    The CRISPR/Cas9 system is a great revolution in biology. This technology allows the modification of genes in vitro and in vivo in a wide variety of living organisms. In most Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) patients, expression of dystrophin (DYS) protein is disrupted because exon deletions result in a frame shift. We present here the CRISPR-induced deletion (CinDel), a new promising genome-editing technology to correct the DMD gene. This strategy is based on the use of two gRNAs targeting specifically exons that precede and follow the patient deletion in the DMD gene. This pair of gRNAs induced a precise large additional deletion leading to fusion of the targeted exons. Using an adequate pair of gRNAs, the deletion of parts of these exons and the intron separating them restored the DMD reading frame in 62% of the hybrid exons in vitro in DMD myoblasts and in vivo in electroporated hDMD/mdx mice. Moreover, adequate pairs of gRNAs also restored the normal spectrin-like repeat of the dystrophin rod domain; such restoration is not obtained by exon skipping or deletion of complete exons. The expression of an internally deleted DYS protein was detected following the formation of myotubes by the unselected, treated DMD myoblasts. Given that CinDel induces permanent reparation of the DMD gene, this treatment would not have to be repeated as it is the case for exon skipping induced by oligonucleotides

    Temperature-dependence of Glu-AMS binding to GluRS.

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    <p>Integrated ITC curves of Glu-AMS (90 ΌM) binding to GluRS (9 ΌM) at different temperatures; 20°C (circles), 30°C (upside-down triangles), 37°C (squares).</p
