13 research outputs found

    Die 17ß-Hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase 4 in der gesunden BrustdrĂŒse - Expression von Östrogen- und Progesteronrezeptoren in der gesunden BrustdrĂŒse

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    Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es zu untersuchen, ob die AktivitĂ€t der 17ß-Hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase 4 (ein Enzym, das die Umwandlung von Östradiol in Östron katalysiert) in gesunden BrusdrĂŒsenepithelzellen der Frau menstruationszyklusabhĂ€ngig variiert und ob orale Kontrazeptiva Änderungen hervorrufen. Die 17ß-Hydroxysteroiddehydrogenasen reprĂ€sentieren eine Gruppe von mehreren Isoenzymen, welche vor allem Östrogene und Androgene umsetzen. 17ß-HSD 4, die als steroidumsetztendes Enzym identifiziert wurde, konnte immunhistochemisch in DrĂŒsenepithelien und biochemisch generell im Brustgewebe nachgewiesen werden. Weiterhin wurde geprĂŒft, ob ein Zusammenhang zwischen der Expression von Progesteron- und Östrogenrezeptoren in BrustdrĂŒsengewebe und Verlauf des weiblichen Zyklus besteht und ob sich Unterschiede durch die Einnahme oraler Antikonzeption ergeben. FĂŒr unsere Studie untersuchten wir BrustdrĂŒsengewebe von 47 prĂ€menopausalen Frauen, die sich einer Mammareduktionsplastik unterzogen. Da wir postoperativ eine Zyklusananmese erhoben, konnten wir den Tag der Operation entweder der follikulĂ€ren oder lutealen Menstruationszyklusphase zuordnen. Die 17ß-Hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase 4 ließ sich immunhistochemisch mit zwei verschiedenen monoklonalen Antikörpern in den GĂ€ngen und Tubuloalveoli des normalen BrustdrĂŒsenepithels nachweisen. AngefĂ€rbt haben sich zytoplasmatische granulĂ€re Strukturen in DrĂŒsenepithelzellen und in Myoepithelzellen. Wir stellten leicht unterschiedliche Tendenzen in der SignalstĂ€rke der Expression von 17ß-HSD 4 mit dem Menstruationszyklus fest. Auch bei Einnahme oraler Kontrazeptiva ergaben sich leicht unterschiedliche Tendenzen in der SignalstĂ€rke der Expression von 17ß-HSD 4. Man sah die Tendenz einer höheren 17ß-HSD 4 FĂ€rbe-IntensitĂ€t in der follikulĂ€ren Phase und die Einnahme oraler Kontrazeptiva bewirkte eine niedrigere 17ß-HSD 4 FĂ€rbe-IntensitĂ€t in der lutealen und eine höhere in der follikulĂ€ren Phase. Expressionsstudien mit mRNA ergaben keine ZyklusabhĂ€ngigkeit der 17ß-HSD 4. Die Ergebnisse geben keine klare Aussage darĂŒber, ob 17ß-HSD 4 primĂ€r mit dem Umsatz von Östrogenen betraut ist, oder ob die Hauptfunktionen in FettsĂ€ure- und GallensĂ€uremetabolismus liegen, Funktionen, die das Enzym auch ausĂŒben kann. Insgesamt war die Östrogen-und Progesteronrezeptorexpression in der follikulĂ€ren Phase geringfĂŒgig höher als in der lutealen Phase. Es ergaben sich Unterschiede in der Expression von Östrogen- und Progesteronrezeptoren durch orale Antikonzeption. Frauen die die „Pille“ regelmĂ€ĂŸig einnehmen, zeigten in beiden Phasen (luteal und follikulĂ€r) eine geringere Expression von Östrogen-und Progesteronrezeptoren als bei Frauen die keine Hormone einnehmen. Alle Unterschiede waren jedoch statistisch nicht signifikant

    Mitotic Spindle Orients Perpendicular to the Forces Imposed by Dynamic Shear

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    Orientation of the division axis can determine cell fate in the presence of morphogenetic gradients. Understanding how mitotic cells integrate directional cues is therefore an important question in embryogenesis. Here, we investigate the effect of dynamic shear forces on confined mitotic cells. We found that human epithelial cells (hTERT-RPE1) as well as MC3T3 osteoblasts align their mitotic spindle perpendicular to the external force. Spindle orientation appears to be a consequence of cell elongation along the zero-force direction in response to the dynamic shear. This process is a nonlinear response to the strain amplitude, requires actomyosin activity and correlates with redistribution of myosin II. Mechanosteered cells divide normally, suggesting that this mechanism is compatible with biological functions

    Untersuchung der Visualisierbarkeit knoecherner und hyalin knorpeliger Oberflaechenstrukturen des caput femoris mit Roentgen-Computertomographie

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    SIGLEAvailable from the library of Erlangen-Nuernberg Univ., Erlangen (DE) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman

    Eur. J. Cell Biol.

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    Cochaperone Mzb1 is a key effector of Blimp1 in plasma cell differentiation and beta 1-integrin function

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    Plasma cell differentiation involves coordinated changes in gene expression and functional properties of B cells. Here, we study the role of Mzb1, a Grp94 cochaperone that is expressed in marginal zone (MZ) B cells and during the terminal differentiation of B cells to antibody-secreting cells. By analyzing Mzb1 -/- Prdm1 +/gfp mice, we find that Mzb1 is specifically required for the differentiation and function of antibody-secreting cells in a T cell-independent immune response. We find that Mzb1-deficiency mimics, in part, the phenotype of Blimp1 deficiency, including the impaired secretion of IgM and the deregulation of Blimp1 target genes. In addition, we find that Mzb1 -/- plasmablasts show a reduced activation of ÎČ1-integrin, which contributes to the impaired plasmablast differentiation and migration of antibody-secreting cells to the bone marrow. Thus, Mzb1 function is required for multiple aspects of plasma cell differentiation

    Analog Simulation Meets Digital Verification – A Formal Assertion Approach for Mixed-Signal Verification

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    Abstract — Functional and formal verification are important methodologies for complex mixed-signal designs. But there exists a verification gap between the analog and digital blocks of a mixed-signal system. Our approach improves the verification process by creating mixed-signal assertions which are described by a combination of digital assertions and analog properties. The proposed method is a new assertion-based verification flow for designing mixed-signal circuits. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated on a Σ/∆converter. I

    In-chip fabrication of free-form 3D constructs for directed cell migration analysis

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    Free-form constructs with three-dimensional (3D) microporosity were fabricated by two-photon polymerization inside the closed microchannel of an injection-molded, commercially available polymer chip for analysis of directed cell migration. Acrylate constructs were produced as woodpile topologies with a range of pore sizes from 5 × 5 ÎŒm to 15 × 15 ÎŒm and prefilled with fibrillar collagen. Dendritic cells seeded into the polymer chip in a concentration gradient of the chemoattractant CCL21 efficiently negotiated the microporous maze structure for pore sizes of 8 × 8 ÎŒm or larger. The cells migrating through smaller pore sizes made significantly more turns than those through larger pores. The introduction of additional defined barriers in the microporous structure resulted in dendritic cells making more turns while still being able to follow the chemoattractant concentration gradient

    Small extracellular vesicles and their miRNA cargo are anti-apoptotic members of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype.

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    Loss of functionality during aging of cells and organisms is caused and accompanied by altered cell-to-cell communication and signalling. One factor thereby is the chronic accumulation of senescent cells and the concomitant senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) that contributes to microenvironment remodelling and a pro-inflammatory status. While protein based SASP factors have been well characterized, little is known about small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) and their miRNA cargo. Therefore, we analysed secretion of sEVs from senescent human dermal fibroblasts and catalogued the therein contained miRNAs. We observed a four-fold increase of sEVs, with a concomitant increase of > 80% of all cargo miRNAs. The most abundantly secreted miRNAs were predicted to collectively target mRNAs of pro-apoptotic proteins, and indeed, senescent cell derived sEVs exerted anti-apoptotic activity. In addition, we identified senescencespecific differences in miRNA composition of sEVs, with an increase of miR-23a-5p and miR-137 and a decrease of miR-625-3p, miR-766-3p, miR-199b-5p, miR-381-3p, miR-17-3p. By correlating intracellular and sEV-miRNAs, we identified miRNAs selectively retained in senescent cells (miR-21-3p and miR-17-3p) or packaged specifically into senescent cell derived sEVs (miR-15b-5p and miR-30a-3p). Therefore, we suggest sEVs and their miRNA cargo to be novel, members of the SASP that are selectively secreted or retained in cellular senescence