13 research outputs found

    Irreducible Cartesian multipole decomposition of scattered light with explicit contribution of high order toroidal moments

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    Multipole decomposition is a powerful tool for analysis of electromagnetic systems. This work considers high order irreducible Cartesian multipole moments in approximation of electric 32-pole and magnetic 16-pole. The explicit contributions to scattering of high order toroidal moments up to toroidal electric octupole and toroidal magnetic quadrupole are demonstrated for a dielectric high refractive index scatterer. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Reconfigurable multilevel control of hybrid all-dielectric phase-change metasurfaces

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    This is the final version. Available from Optical Society of America via the DOI in this record. All-dielectric metasurfaces comprising arrays of nanostructured high-refractive-index materials are re-imagining what is achievable in terms of the manipulation of light. However, the functionality of conventional dielectric-based metasurfaces is fixed by design; thus, their optical response is locked in at the fabrication stage. A far wider range of applications could be addressed if dynamic and reconfigurable control were possible. We demonstrate this here via the novel concept of hybrid metasurfaces, in which reconfigurability is achieved by embedding sub-wavelength inclusions of chalcogenide phase-change materials within the body of silicon nanoresonators. By strategic placement of an ultra-thin Ge 2 Sb 2 Te 5 Ge2Sb2Te5 layer and reversible switching of its phase-state, we show individual, multilevel, and dynamic control of metasurface resonances. We showcase our concept via the design, fabrication, and characterization of metadevices capable of dynamically filtering and modulating light in the near infrared (O and C telecom bands), with modulation depths as high as 70% and multilevel tunability. Finally, we show numerically how the same approach can be re-scaled to shorter wavelengths via appropriate material selection, paving the way to additional applications, such as high-efficiency vivid structural color generators in the visible spectrum. We believe that the concept of hybrid all-dielectric/phase-change metasurfaces presented in this work could pave the way for a wide range of design possibilities in terms of multilevel, reconfigurable, and high-efficiency light manipulation.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)Russian Science FoundationRussian Foundation for Basic Researc

    Coronavirus-like all-angle all-polarization broadband scatterer

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Nature Research via the DOI in this recordData availability: All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this published article. The modeling script is available online: https://zenodo.org/record/6962448#.ZA8jvS8w2LcCreeping waves traveling around a volumetric electromagnetic scatterer provide a significant contribution to its radar cross-section. While quite a few efforts were devoted to suppressing creeping waves as a part of radar countermeasures, here we utilize specially engineered creeping waves to our advantage to create broadband, all-angle, and polarization scatterers. Metalized spherical surfaces, patterned with corona virus-like spikes are designed to provide a broadband constructive interference between the specular reflection and creeping waves, elevating the scattering cross-section. The demonstrated miniature corona scatterers utilize both resonant cascading phenomena and traveling wave interference to tailor electromagnetic interactions, outperforming a resonant dipole in terms of amplitude and bandwidth quite significantly. Our experimental samples are fabricated with an additive manufacturing technique, where a 3D-printed plastic skeleton is subsequently metalized. Micron-thick layers allow governing electromagnetic interactions as if the entire object was made of solid metal. Lightweight, all-angle, all-polarization, and broadband compact scatterers such as these, reported here, have numerous applications, including radar deception, electromagnetic beckoning, and many others.Department of the Navy, Office of Naval Research GlobalRRF project Latvian Quantum Technologies InitiativeRoyal Academy of Engineerin

    MOVPE-grown quantum cascade laser structures studied by Kelvin probe force microscopy

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    A technique for direct study of the distribution of the applied voltage within a quantum cascade laser (QCL) has been developed. The detailed profile of the potential in the laser claddings and laser core region has been obtained by gradient scanning Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM) across the cleaved facets for two mid-infrared quantum cascade laser structures. An InGaAs/InAlAs quantum cascade device with InP claddings demonstrates a linear potential distribution across the laser core region with constant voltage drop across the doped claddings. By contrast, a GaAs/AlGaAs device with AlInP claddings has very uneven potential distribution with more than half of the voltage falling across the claddings and interfaces around the laser core, greatly increasing the overall voltage value necessary to achieve the lasing threshold. Thus, KPFM can be used to highlight design and fabrication flaws of QCLs

    Mie calculation of electromagnetic near-field for a multilayered sphere

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    We have developed an algorithm to calculate electric and magnetic fields inside and around a multilayered sphere. The algorithm includes explicit expressions for Mie expansion coefficients inside the sphere and calculation of the vector spherical harmonics in terms of the Riccati–Bessel functions and their logarithmic derivatives. This novel approach has been implemented in the new version of our program scattnlay. Scattnlay 2.0 will be the first publicly available (at GitHub, https://github.com/ovidiopr/scattnlay) program, based on the Mie theory, which can calculate near-fields for the general case of a multilayer sphere. Several tests were designed to verify that the results obtained with our code match literature results and those obtained through similar programs (limited to core-shell structures) or full-wave 3D simulations. These tests demonstrate that the implementation is effective, yielding accurate values of electric and magnetic fields for a wide range of size parameters, number of layers, and refractive indices