9 research outputs found

    The Socialist Reich Party and her prohibition in 1952

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    This bachelor thesis "The Socialist Reich Party and her prohibition in 1952" focuses on topic of the right-wing extremist and the first neo-nazi political party in the Bonn Republic, which existed between 1949 and 1952. This work compares SRP with NSDAP, to which SRP awoved itself and became considered as its successor organization. The author of this bachelor thesis describes the origin, ideology and leaders of SRP, which confirm the theory that the SRP is actually the successor organization to the banned NSDAP. The introduction outlines mechanisms how is it legally possible to ban political parties. In the next part of the thesis the author describes the struggle of the federal government against the party after the election successes in the federal states of Lower Saxony and Bremen. In 1951 a federal government proposal was field to ban the SRP to the Federal Constitutional Court. The conclusion is being analyzed by a judgment of the German constitutional court, which marked the SRP as a party threatening the existing constitutional order and the banning of the SRP and the fate of party members after the abolition of the SRP.Bakalářská práce "Socialistická říšská strana a její zákaz v roce 1952" se věnuje pravicově extremistické a první neonacistické parlamentní straně v bonnské republice, která existovala mezi lety 1949 a 1952. Tato práce srovnává tuto stranu s Nacionálně socialistickou dělnickou stranou Německa, ke které se strana hlásila a za jejíž nástupnickou organizaci se považovala. Autor této práce popisuje vznik, ideologii a vůdčí osobnosti SPR, čímž potvrzuje teorii, že SRP skutečně byla nástupnickou organizací zakázané NSDAP. Úvodem práce nastiňuje zákonné mechanismy pro zákaz politické strany ve Spolkové republice Německo. V další části bakalářské práce je popsán boj spolkové vlády proti této straně po volebních úspěších ve spolkových zemích Dolní Sasko a Brémy. Roku 1951 podala spolková vláda návrh na zákaz SRP Spolkovému ústavnímu soudu. V závěru práce je právně analyzován rozsudek německého ústavního soudu, který SRP označil jako stranu ohrožující stávající ústavní pořádek a který SRP zakázal, a rovněž závěr hodnotí osudy straníků po zrušení SRP.Institute of International StudiesInstitut mezinárodních studiíFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Media as a pillar of democracy: Austrian government crisis in 2019 and the role of media on the example of Der Spiegel and Süddeutsche Zeitung journals

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    The diploma thesis titled "Media as a Pillar of Democracy: the Austrian Government Crisis in 2019 and the Role of the Media on the Example of Der Spiegel and Süddeutsche Zeitung" focuses on the analysis of the role of the media in democratic societies, specifically during the Austrian government crisis in 2019. The main object of investigation are two important German media - the newspaper "Süddeutsche Zeitung" and the magazine "Der Spiegel". The main methodological tool is discourse analysis, through which the author analyses the discourses and contexts used in the analysed articles. This method provides a deep understanding of the content and style of reporting, but also of the meanings and contexts targeted by the media. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the author presents theoretical approaches to the role of the media in a democratic society. The thesis also discusses the media system in Germany, which is important for understanding the background and functioning of the media analysed. In the analytical part of the thesis, the author examines specific articles from the two mentioned media. The aim is to find out which discourses were used to present the Austrian government crisis and how these events were reflected. This part provides a detailed insight into the relationship between...Diplomová práce s názvem "Média jako pilíř demokracie: Rakouská vládní krize v roce 2019 a role médií na příkladu Der Spiegel a Süddeutsche Zeitung" se zaměřuje na analýzu úlohy médií v demokratických společnostech, konkrétně během rakouské vládní krize v roce 2019. Hlavním předmětem zkoumání jsou dvě významná německá média - noviny "Süddeutsche Zeitung" a magazín "Der Spiegel". Hlavním metodologickým nástrojem je diskurzivní analýza, díky které autor analyzuje diskurzy a kontexty použité v analyzovaných článcích. Tato metoda poskytuje hlubší porozumění obsahu a stylu informování, ale také významům a kontextům, na které se média zaměřila. Autor v teoretické části práce představuje teoretické přístupy k roli médií v demokratické společnosti. Práce se dále věnuje mediálnímu systému v Německu, který je důležitý pro porozumění pozadí a fungování analyzovaných médií. V analytické části práce autor zkoumá konkrétní články z obou zmíněných médií. Cílem je zjištění, jaké diskurzy byly využity pro prezentaci rakouské vládní krize a jakým způsobem byly tyto události reflektovány. Tato část poskytuje detailní pohled na vztah mezi politikou a médii, zohledňuje popsané teoretické modely a jejich vzájemný vliv na demokratickou společnost.Department of Media StudiesKatedra mediálních studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    The Socialist Reich Party and her prohibition in 1952

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    This bachelor thesis "The Socialist Reich Party and her prohibition in 1952" focuses on topic of the right-wing extremist and the first neo-nazi political party in the Bonn Republic, which existed between 1949 and 1952. This work compares SRP with NSDAP, to which SRP awoved itself and became considered as its successor organization. The author of this bachelor thesis describes the origin, ideology and leaders of SRP, which confirm the theory that the SRP is actually the successor organization to the banned NSDAP. The introduction outlines mechanisms how is it legally possible to ban political parties. In the next part of the thesis the author describes the struggle of the federal government against the party after the election successes in the federal states of Lower Saxony and Bremen. In 1951 a federal government proposal was field to ban the SRP to the Federal Constitutional Court. The conclusion is being analyzed by a judgment of the German constitutional court, which marked the SRP as a party threatening the existing constitutional order and the banning of the SRP and the fate of party members after the abolition of the SRP

    Prohibition of the Socialist Reich Party in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1952

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    This bachelor thesis "Prohibition of the Socialist Reich Party in the Federal Republic of Germany in 1952" is delas with the right-wing extremist and the fist neo-nazi political party in Bonn Republic, which existed between 1949 and 1952. This work compares SRP with NSDAP, to which SRP awoved itself and became considered as its successor organization. The author of this bachelor thesis describes the origin, ideology and leaders of SRP, which confirms the theory that the SRP is actually the successor organization to the banned NSDAP. The introduction outlines mechanisms to legally ban political parties. In the next part of the thesis the author describes the struggle of the federal government against the party after the election successes in the federal states of Lower Saxony and Bremen. In 1951 a federal government proposal was field to ban the SRP to the Federal Constitutional Court. The conclusion is being analyzed by a judgment of the German constitutional court, which marked the SRP as a party threatening the existing constitutional order and the banning of the SRP and the fate of party members after the abolition of the SRP

    Media as a pillar of democracy: Austrian government crisis in 2019 and the role of media on the example of Der Spiegel and Süddeutsche Zeitung journals

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    The diploma thesis titled "Media as a Pillar of Democracy: the Austrian Government Crisis in 2019 and the Role of the Media on the Example of Der Spiegel and Süddeutsche Zeitung" focuses on the analysis of the role of the media in democratic societies, specifically during the Austrian government crisis in 2019. The main object of investigation are two important German media - the newspaper "Süddeutsche Zeitung" and the magazine "Der Spiegel". The main methodological tool is discourse analysis, through which the author analyses the discourses and contexts used in the analysed articles. This method provides a deep understanding of the content and style of reporting, but also of the meanings and contexts targeted by the media. In the theoretical part of the thesis, the author presents theoretical approaches to the role of the media in a democratic society. The thesis also discusses the media system in Germany, which is important for understanding the background and functioning of the media analysed. In the analytical part of the thesis, the author examines specific articles from the two mentioned media. The aim is to find out which discourses were used to present the Austrian government crisis and how these events were reflected. This part provides a detailed insight into the relationship between..

    Crowd Orchestration – An EPS@ISEP 2021 Project

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    The European Project Semester (EPS) is a multicultural and multidisciplinary project-based learning semester offered by a network of providers, including the Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). In the spring of 2020/2021, five EPS@ISEP students from different areas of studies and countries — Portugal, Romania, Poland and France — teamed up. Given the disorganization and overcrowding affecting the experience of attendees at large events, the team decided to create a Crowd Orchestration solution for large outdoor festivals. To this end, the team designed “ScanGo” with real time alerts about the number of people in predefined areas, suggestion of alternative activities within the event or indication of the best route to go from one stage to the another. This way, ScanGo also intends to minimize the effects of the undergoing pandemic, allowing people to safely experience open air festivals. This paper reports the different stages of the teamwork, encompassing the preliminary studies and the design of ScanGo, followed by the development and test of a proof-of-concept prototype.This work was partially financed by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, within project UIDB/50014/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Regulatory function of the Na,K-ATPase α2-isoform

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