126 research outputs found

    Human hydroxytyrosol's absorption and excretion from a nutraceutical

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    Among the various (poly)phenols that are being sold as such or as part of a more complex mixture, hydroxytyrosol (HT) is the only one that bears a European Food Safety Authority health claim. Therefore, several HT-based products are being developed and sold and it becomes necessary to evaluate its accessibility following ingestion. Twenty-one volunteers were recruited for a randomized, crossover, placebo-controlled, and double-blind intervention study.We performed a Latin square design: after one-week washout, i.e. olive-free diet, subjects were randomly assigned to the placebo (maltodextrin), 5, or 25 mg/day HT group. Twenty-four hour urine samples were collected after the intervention week, and baseline urines were collected the week before the study and during periods of washout. The results show that HT given as the foremost component of a nutraceutical preparation is bioavailable and is recovered in the urine chiefly as sulphate-3′

    The gut microbiota metabolism of pomegranate or walnut ellagitannins yields two urolithin-metabotypes that correlate with cardiometabolic risk biomarkers: Comparison between normoweight, overweight-obesity and metabolic syndrome.

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    Background & aims: Urolithins are microbial metabolites produced after consumption of ellagitannincontaining foods such as pomegranates and walnuts. Parallel to isoflavone-metabolizing phenotypes, ellagitannin-metabolizing phenotypes (urolithin metabotypes A, B and 0; UM-A, UM-B and UM-0, respectively) can vary among individuals depending on their body mass index (BMI), but correlations between urolithin metabotypes (UMs) and cardiometabolic risk (CMR) factors are unexplored. We investigated the association between UMs and CMR factors in individuals with different BMI and health status. Methods: UM was identified using UPLC-ESI-qToF-MS in individuals consuming pomegranate or nuts. The associations between basal CMR factors and the urine urolithin metabolomic signature were explored in 20 healthy normoweight individuals consuming walnuts (30 g/d), 49 healthy overweightobese individuals ingesting pomegranate extract (450 mg/d) and 25 metabolic syndrome (MetS) patients consuming nuts (15 g-walnuts, 7.5 g-hazelnuts and 7.5 g-almonds/d). Results: Correlations between CMR factors and urolithins were found in overweight-obese individuals. Urolithin-A (mostly present in UM-A) was positively correlated with apolipoprotein A-I (P 0.05) and intermediate-HDL-cholesterol (P 0.05) while urolithin-B and isourolithin-A (characteristic from UM-B) were positively correlated with total-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol (P 0.001), apolipoprotein B (P 0.01), VLDL-cholesterol, IDL-cholesterol, oxidized-LDL and apolipoprotein B:apolipoprotein A-I ratio (P 0.05). In MetS patients, urolithin-A only correlated inversely with glucose (P 0.05). Statin-treated MetS patients with UM-A showed a lipid profile similar to that of healthy normoweight individuals while a poor response to lipid-lowering therapy was observed in MB patients. Conclusions: UMs are potential CMR biomarkers. Overweight-obese individuals with UM-B are at increased risk of cardiometabolic disease, whereas urolithin-A production could protect against CMR factors. Further research is warranted to explore these associations in larger cohorts and whether the effect of lipidlowering drugs or ellagitannin-consumption on CMR biomarkers depends on individuals' UM

    Iberian cured-ham consumption improves endothelial function in healthy subjects

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    Objectives: Previous studies have shown that dietary components such as oleic acid or polyphenols exert beneficial effects on endothelium. We aimed to assess the impact of regular consumption of Iberian cured-ham (ICH) on endothelial function. Design: An open-label, randomized controlled parallel study. Setting: Volunteers recruited through advertisements at a hospital in Madrid, Spain. Participants: 102 Caucasian adults (76.8% females) aged 25-55 years, and free from cardiometabolic disease. Intervention: Participants were randomized to an ICH-enriched ad libitum diet or an ad libitum diet without ICH for 6 weeks. Subjects in ICH group were randomly provided with either acorn- or mixed-fed ICH, and followed up for an additional 6-week period under their usual diet. Measurements: Clinical parameters, biomarkers of endothelial function and oxidative stress, microvascular vasodilatory response to hyperemia and arterial stiffness were measured before and after the intervention. Results: After 6 weeks, a larger decrease in PAI-1 was observed in subjects consuming ICH compared to the Control group (-6.2±17.7 vs. 0.3±1.4 ng/ml; p=0.020). Similarly, microvascular vasodilatory response to hyperemia showed a significant increase (112.4±391.7 vs. -56.0±327.9%; p=0.007). However, neither oxidative stress, hemodynamic nor clinical parameters differed significantly over the study. Additionally, after stopping ICH consumption, improvements in PAI-1 remained for 6 additional weeks with respect to baseline (p=0.006). Conclusion: The present study demonstrates, for the first time, that regular consumption of ICH improves endothelial function in healthy adults. Strategies aimed to preserve or improve the endothelial function may have implications in vascular aging beyond the prevention of the atherothrombotic disease

    Urolithins Are the Main Urinary Microbial-Derived Phenolic Metabolites Discriminating a Moderate Consumption of Nuts in FreeLiving Subjects with Diagnosed Metabolic Syndrome

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    Walnuts (Juglans regia L.), hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.), and almonds (Prunus dulcis Mill.) are rich sources of ellagitannins and proanthocyanidins. Gut microbiota plays a crucial role in modulating the bioavailability of these high molecular weight polyphenols. However, to date there are no studies evaluating the capacity to produce nut phenolic metabolites in subjects with metabolic syndrome (MetS), a pathology associated with an altered gut bacterial diversity. This study applied a LC-MS targeted approach to analyze the urinary excretion of nut phenolic metabolites in MetS subjects following 12 weeks of nut consumption, compared to sex- and age-matched individuals given a nut-free control diet. Metabolites were targeted in both hydrolyzed and nonhydrolyzed urine by LC-PDA-QqQ-MS/MS analysis, and identification of metabolites lacking available standards was confirmed by LC-ESI-ITD-FT-MS. Ellagitannin-derived urolithins A and B significantly increased after the nutenriched-diet, urolithins C and D were also detected, and a complex combination of urolithin-conjugated forms was observed in nonhydrolyzed urine, confirming an extensive phase II metabolism after absorption. In contrast, no significant increases in proanthocyanidin microbial metabolites were observed in urine following nut consumption. Because the intestinal microbiota of the subjects in this study could catabolize ellagitannins into a wide range of urolithins, further research is strongly warranted on the in vivo potential of these microbial metabolites in reducing cardiometabolic risk

    Een 18de-eeuwse wraksite op de Buiten Ratel-zandbank (Belgische territoriale wateren): 1. Multidisciplinair onderzoek van het vondstenmateriaal

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    In 1996 werd op de Buiten Ratel-zandbank, op 9 mijl van de kust, ter hoogte van Koksijde, een houten scheepswrak gelokaliseerd. Het werd onderzocht door een groep sportduikers, met de naam NATA. Jarenlange verkenning van de wraksite leverde talrijke vondsten op. In 2003 zochten de duikers steun bij het toenmalige IAP (Instituut voor het Archeologisch Patrimonium), nu Vlaams Instituut voor het Onroerend Erfgoed (VIOE), om het onderzoek en de conservatie op wetenschappelijke basis verder te zetten. Het VIOE ontfermde zich over het onderzoek van de tot nu toe geborgen materiële resten van de wraksite. Het eerste hoofdstuk van het artikel geeft een overzicht van de observaties van de wraksite via duikonderzoek en via gespecialiseerde technieken vanop een onderzoeksschip. In hoofdstuk 2 worden de objecten beschreven, hun betekenis aan boord van het schip besproken, evenals hun datering en herkomst. Hoofdstuk 3 brengt alle informatie samen en geeft aan wat er in de toekomst nog aan onderzoek kan gebeuren

    Effects of Dietary Fibers on Short-Chain Fatty Acids and Gut Microbiota Composition in Healthy Adults: A Systematic Review

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    There is an increasing interest in investigating dietary strategies able to modulate the gut microbial ecosystem which, in turn, may play a key role in human health. Dietary fibers (DFs) are widely recognized as molecules with prebiotic effects. The main objective of this systematic review was to: (i) analyze the results available on the impact of DF intervention on short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) production; (ii) evaluate the interplay between the type of DF intervention, the gut microbiota composition and its metabolic activities, and any other health associated outcome evaluated in the host. To this aim, initially, a comprehensive database of literature on human intervention studies assessing the effect of confirmed and candidate prebiotics on the microbial ecosystem was developed. Subsequently, studies performed on DFs and analyzing at least the impact on SCFA levels were extracted from the database. A total of 44 studies from 42 manuscripts were selected for the analysis. Among the different types of fiber, inulin was the DF investigated the most (n = 11). Regarding the results obtained on the ability of fiber to modulate total SCFAs, seven studies reported a significant increase, while no significant changes were reported in five studies, depending on the analytical methodology used. A total of 26 studies did not show significant differences in individual SCFAs, while the others reported significant differences for one or more SCFAs. The effect of DF interventions on the SCFA profile seemed to be strictly dependent on the dose and the type and structure of DFs. Overall, these results underline that, although affecting microbiota composition and derived metabolites, DFs do not produce univocal significant increase in SCFA levels in apparently healthy adults. In this regard, several factors (i.e., related to the study protocols and analytical methods) have been identified that could have affected the results obtained in the studies evaluated. Future studies are needed to better elucidate the relationship between DFs and gut microbiota in terms of SCFA production and impact on health-related markers

    ¿Cómo diseñar, aplicar y evaluar un programa de Mentoring en enfermedad renal crónica? evaluación narrativa del impacto en 6 centros asistenciales

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    Antecedentes y objetivo La enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) requiere de un proceso de adaptación en el paciente, que se puede facilitar con el apoyo de los profesionales sanitarios, así como por iguales capacitados. El objetivo de este estudio es presentar la puesta en marcha de un programa piloto de paciente mentor para promover la adaptación de los pacientes con ERC. Materiales y método Diseño mixto (cuantitativo y cualitativo) pre-post. El estudio se llevó a cabo en 6 hospitales de España. Los instrumentos utilizados para medir el impacto fueron escalas elaboradas ad-hoc (formato de respuesta escala de Likert de 10 puntos) de satisfacción y adquisición de competencias, así como la creación de grupos focales con 8 pacientes mentores y 10 profesionales sanitarios. Se dividió el programa en 4 fases: 1) Diseño y validación de contenidos del programa manualizado y selección de pacientes mentores; 2) Formación a mentores, satisfacción con la formación y competencias adquiridas por los mentores; 3) Implementación de los grupos de apoyo mutuo y perfil de los asistentes a los grupos de apoyo mutuo, y 4) Evaluación y resultados del programa de Mentoring. Resultados Se han formado a un total de 39 mentores en habilidades para conducción de grupos, así como para facilitar apoyo emocional. Se han conducido 22 grupos de apoyo con 121 participantes (22% cuidadores). El 65% de los pacientes estaban en consulta de ERC. Un 65% de los pacientes participantes consideraron hacer algún cambio en su estilo de vida tras la asistencia al programa. Todos los ítems que evalúan satisfacción y utilidad han mostrado una puntuación muy elevada, por encima del valor 8, 5 sobre 10. Conclusiones Este es el primer programa manualizado de Mentoring en ERC llevado a cabo de manera simultánea en 6 hospitales españoles. La naturaleza del programa, manualizado y altamente estructurado, permite su replicabilidad minimizando el riesgo de error. Background and objective Chronic kidney disease (CKD) requires patients to participate in an adaptation process, which may be facilitated with the support of healthcare professionals and trained peers. The objective of this study is to present the implementation of a pilot patient mentoring programme to promote adaptation in patients with CKD. Materials and method Pre-test-post-test design (quantitative and qualitative). The study was carried out in six hospitals in Spain. The instruments used to measure impact were ad-hoc scales (10-point Likert scale response format) on satisfaction and skill acquisition, as well as the creation of focus groups with eight patient mentors and 10 healthcare professionals. The programme was split into four phases: 1. Design and validation of the manualised programme''s content, and selection of patient mentors; 2. Mentor training, satisfaction with training and skills acquired by the mentors; 3. Implementation of mutual support groups and profile of those attending these mutual support groups; 4. Assessment and results of the Mentoring programme. Results In total, 39 mentors were trained on group management skills, as well as how to provide emotional support. 22 support groups were held, with 121 participants (22% carers). The 65% of the patients were attending the CKD clinic. 65% of the participating patients considered making some form of lifestyle change after taking part in the programme. All the items assessing satisfaction and usefulness scored very highly, achieving 8.5 out of 10 or above. Conclusions This is the first manualised mentoring programme in CKD to be undertaken simultaneously in six Spanish hospitals. The manualised and highly structured nature of the programme make it easy to replicate, minimising the risk of error

    Interlaboratory Coverage Test on Plant Food Bioactive Compounds and their Metabolites by Mass Spectrometry-Based Untargeted Metabolomics.

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    Bioactive compounds present in plant-based foods, and their metabolites derived from gut microbiota and endogenous metabolism, represent thousands of chemical structures of potential interest for human nutrition and health. State-of-the-art analytical methodologies, including untargeted metabolomics based on high-resolution mass spectrometry, are required for the profiling of these compounds in complex matrices, including plant food materials and biofluids. The aim of this project was to compare the analytical coverage of untargeted metabolomics methods independently developed and employed in various European platforms. In total, 56 chemical standards representing the most common classes of bioactive compounds spread over a wide chemical space were selected and analyzed by the participating platforms (n = 13) using their preferred untargeted method. The results were used to define analytical criteria for a successful analysis of plant food bioactives. Furthermore, they will serve as a basis for an optimized consensus method