673 research outputs found
Proton stopping in C+C, d+C, C+Ta and d+Ta collisions at 4.2A GeV/c
The shape of proton rapidity distributions is analysed in terms of their
Gaussian components, and the average rapidity loss is determined in order to
estimate the amount of stopping in C+C, d+C, C+Ta and d+Ta collisions at 4.2A
GeV/c. Three Gaussians correspond to the nuclear transparency and describe well
all peripheral and also C+C central collisions. Two-component shape is obtained
in case of d+C and C+Ta central collisions. Finally one Gaussian, found in d+Ta
central collisions, corresponds to the full stopping. The calculated values of
the average rapidity loss support the qualitative relationship between the
number of Gaussian components and the corresponding stopping power. It is also
observed, in central collisions, that the average rapidity loss increases with
the ratio of the number of target and the number of projectile participants.Comment: 9 pages REVTeX, 1 PS figure replaced, to be published in Phys.Rev.
Infrared Imaging of Capella with the IOTA Closure Phase Interferometer
We present infrared aperture synthesis maps produced with the upgraded IOTA
interferometer. Michelson interferograms on the close binary system Capella
(Alpha Aur) were obtained in the H-band between 2002 November 12 and 16 using
the IONIC3 beam combiner. With baselines of 15m < B < 38m, we were able to
determine the relative position of the binary components with milliarcsecond
(mas) precision and to track their movement along the approx. 14 degree arc
covered by our observation run. We briefly describe the algorithms used for
visibility and closure phase estimation. Three different Hybrid Mapping and
Bispectrum Fitting techniques were implemented within one software framework
and used to reconstruct the source brightness distribution. By dividing our
data into subsets, the system could be mapped at three epochs, revealing the
motion of the stars. The precise position of the binary components was also
determined with model fits, which in addition revealed I_Aa/I_Ab=1.49 +/- 0.10
and apparent stellar uniform-disk (UD) diameters of Theta_Aa=8.9 +/- 0.6 mas
and Theta_Ab=5.8 +/- 0.8 mas.
To improve the u, v-plane coverage, we compensated this orbital motion by
applying a rotation-compensating coordinate transformation. The resulting
model-independent map with a beam size of 5.4 x 2.6 mas allows the resolution
of the stellar surfaces of the Capella giants themselves.Comment: Accepted by the Astronomical Journal (2005-03-21
Glauber Critical Dynamics: Exact Solution of the Kinetic Gaussian Model
In this paper, we have exactly solved Glauber critical dynamics of the
Gaussian model on three dimensions. Of course, it is much easy to apply to low
dimensional case. The key steps are that we generalize the spin change
mechanism from Glauber's single-spin flipping to single-spin transition and
give a normalized version of the transition probability . We have also
investigated the dynamical critical exponent and found surprisingly that the
dynamical critical exponent is highly universal which refer to that for one-
two- and three-dimensions they have same value independent of spatial
dimensionality in contrast to static (equilibrium) critical exponents.Comment: 9 page
Solvable Kinetic Gaussian Model in External Field
In this paper, the single-spin transition dynamics is used to investigate the
kinetic Gaussian model in a periodic external field. We first derive the
fundamental dynamic equations, and then treat an isotropic d-dimensional
hypercubic lattice Gaussian spin system with Fourier's transformation method.
We obtain exactly the local magnetization and the equal-time pair correlation
function. The critical characteristics of the dynamical, the complex
susceptibility, and the dynamical response are discussed. The results show that
the time evolution of the dynamical quantities and the dynamical responses of
the system strongly depend on the frequency and the wave vector of the external
field.Comment: 11 page
Proton and Pion Production Relative to the Reaction Plane in Au + Au Collisions at AGS Energies
Results are presented of an analysis of proton and charged pion azimuthal
distributions measured with respect to the reaction plane in Au + Au collisions
at a beam momentum of about 11 AGeV/c. The azimuthal anisotropy is studied as a
function of particle rapidity and transverse momentum for different
centralities of the collisions. The triple differential (in rapidity,
transverse momentum, and azimuthal angle) distributions are reconstructed. A
comparison of the results with a previous analysis of charged particle and
transverse energy flow as well as with model predictions is presented.Comment: 23 pages (LaTeX), 12 figure
Renormalization group and perfect operators for stochastic differential equations
We develop renormalization group methods for solving partial and stochastic
differential equations on coarse meshes. Renormalization group transformations
are used to calculate the precise effect of small scale dynamics on the
dynamics at the mesh size. The fixed point of these transformations yields a
perfect operator: an exact representation of physical observables on the mesh
scale with minimal lattice artifacts. We apply the formalism to simple
nonlinear models of critical dynamics, and show how the method leads to an
improvement in the computational performance of Monte Carlo methods.Comment: 35 pages, 16 figure
Cochrane corner: Is integrated disease management for patients with COPD effective?
Patients with COPD experience respiratory
symptoms, impairments of daily living and recurrent
exacerbations. The aim of integrated disease
management (IDM) is to establish a programme of
different components of care (ie, self-management,
exercise, nutrition) in which several healthcare providers
(ie, nurses, general practitioners, physiotherapists,
pulmonologists) collaborate to provide efficient and good
quality of care. The aim of this Cochrane systematic
review was to evaluate the effectiveness of IDM on
quality of life, exercise tolerance and exacerbation related
outcomes. Searches for all available evidence were
carried out in various databases. Included randomised
controlled trials (RCTs) consisted of interventions with
multidisciplinary (≥2 healthcare providers) and
multitreatment (≥2 components) IDM interventions with
duration of at least 3 months. Two reviewers
independently searched, assessed and extracted data of
all RCTs. A total of 26 RCTs were included, involving
2997 patients from 11 different countries with a followup
varying from 3 to 24 months. In all 68% of the
patients were men, with a mean age of 68 years and a
mean forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) predicted
value of 44.3%. Patients treated with an IDM
programme improved significantly on quality of life
scores and reported a clinically relevant improvement of
44 m on 6 min walking distance, compared to controls.
Furthermore, the number of patients with ≥1 respiratory
related hospital admission reduced from 27 to 20 per
100 patients. Duration of hospitalisation decreased
significantly by nearly 4 days
Two-Proton Correlations from 14.6A GeV/c Si+Pb and 11.5A GeV/c Au+Au Central Collisions
Two-proton correlation functions have been measured in Si+Pb collisions at
14.6A GeV/c and Au+Au collisions at 11.5A GeV/c by the E814/E877 collaboration.
Data are compared with predictions of the transport model RQMD and the source
size is inferred from this comparison. Our analysis shows that, for both
reactions, the characteristic size of the system at freeze-out exceeds the size
of the projectile, suggesting that the fireball created in the collision has
expanded. For Au+Au reactions, the observed centrality dependence of the
two-proton correlation function implies that more central collisions lead to a
larger source sizes.Comment: RevTex, 12 pages, 5 figure
Stress-free Spatial Anisotropy in Phase-Ordering
We find spatial anisotropy in the asymptotic correlations of two-dimensional
Ising models under non-equilibrium phase-ordering. Anisotropy is seen for
critical and off-critical quenches and both conserved and non-conserved
dynamics. We argue that spatial anisotropy is generic for scalar systems
(including Potts models) with an anisotropic surface tension. Correlation
functions will not be universal in these systems since anisotropy will depend
on, e.g., temperature, microscopic interactions and dynamics, disorder, and
frustration.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures include
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