1,314 research outputs found

    Gas jet impingement on liquid surfaces during weightlessness

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    Laminar gas jet impinging on liquid surface during weightlessnes

    Analysis of the Morbidity and Mortality of Severe Influenza Infection in Clark County, Nevada for the 2010-2011 Influenza Season

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    Throughout the duration of any influenza season, influenza strains have the ability to evolve through mutation causing alterations in virulence. These changes may result in severe illness or death among susceptible populations; therefore, it is important to closely monitor influenza-associated hospitalizations and deaths. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas in collaboration with the Southern Nevada Health District analyzed data from the hospitalized influenza morbidity and mortality surveillance project for Clark County for the 2010-2011 influenza season. Among the study population (N= 158): the influenza strain type was found to be significantly associated with deaths (n= 25), vaccination status was not found to be significantly associated with death among hospitalized patients, and transformed data showed no statistically significant difference in the mean length of hospital stay based on the influenza strain type. These results will help inform public health agencies of the impact of influenza-associated hospitalizations and deaths, and inform the design of future surveillance systems

    Thermal parameters of roofing slates from Czech Republic

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    Thermal performance of building materials is an important parameter from the point of view of energy consumption for heating buildings, which is obviously related to environmental protection standards. Thermal parameters of roofing slates were measured for samples from two different formations in the Czech Republic. These were rocks of lower Carboniferous Culm facies of Moravice Formation and Silesian Unit of Flysch Moravian-Silesian Carpathians. Thermal conductivity and thermal effusivity measurements were performed with use of TCi analyser. Thermal parameters were obtained in parallel and perpendicular direction to the bedding in rocks. Thermal conductivity of the Moravian slates in the direction perpendicular to the bedding ranges from 1.43 to 1.79 W m(-1) K-1, while for samples from Carpathian region this parameter ranges from 1.99 to 3.15 W m(-1) K-1. High values of thermal conductivity correlate to higher quartz content in the rocks. The measured thermal parameters (conductivity, effusivity, diffusivity) are strongly depending on the direction of measurement. Thermal conductivity of analysed rocks increases along with increase in temperature. The increase in thermal conductivity value is more significant in case of Moravian slates. In practice, the obtained results indicate that the traditional building material, such as roofing slates, shows better insulation properties at lower temperatures, while in conditions of strong sunlight the temperature conductivity increases. In case of roofing slates, which tend to be highly anisotropic, the essential information is the direction of thermal parameters measurement. Slates, due to their specific texture, are characterized by a very high thermal anisotropy coefficient.Web of Scienc

    Thermal properties of rocks from deep boreholes in Poland in terms of obtaining geothermal energy from enhanced geothermal systems

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    In the case of unconventional geothermal systems, the thermal conditions are decisive, i.e. heat flux and temperature at a certain depth, and the physical properties of rocks, their susceptibility to fracturing, etc., which should be determined on a local scale. The work carried out was aimed at determining the basic thermal parameters of rocks, i.e.: effusivity, thermal conductivity and diffusivity, basing on tests of samples taken from boreholes, representing selected geothermal structures in Poland. Both high-temperature structures (100-135 °C) recognized up to a depth of about 3,800 m within the Fore-Sudetic Monocline and up to about 3,000 m in the Szczecin Synclinorium and the Leba Elevation, as well as medium-temperature structures (60-90 °C), occurring at depth 2,000- 2,500 m (Warszawa Synclinorium, Lublin Synclinorium), were analyzed. Some samples representing low temperature structures (with temperatures below 60 °C), such as Lublin synclinorium and Podlasie-Lublin elevation from depths from about 1,000 to 1,500 m, were also analyzed. The tests of thermal parameters of rocks coupled with simulations showed, that the formations with the highest mean diffusivity and thermal conductivity values are characterized by the largest thermal penetration depth and smallest temperature drop. The research allowed to conclude that among the examined rocks, the Cambrian sandstones of the Leba Elevation and the Zechstein dolomites of the Fore-Sudetic monocline are characterized by the most appropriate parameters from the point of view of obtaining geothermal energy from the enhanced geothermal systems in Poland.Cited as: Labus, K., Labus, M., Leśniak, G. Thermal properties of rocks from deep boreholes in Poland in terms of obtaining geothermal energy from enhanced geothermal systems. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2023, 8(2): 76-88. https://doi.org/10.46690/ager.2023.05.0

    Filozofija i život: filozofska i socio-kulturna antropologija Nikole Skledara

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    Tekst predstavlja osvrt na knjigu Nikole Skledara Filozofija i život i pokušaj je kritičkog prikaza, u osnovnim crtama, njegova teorijskog i intelektualnog profila, uzimajući u obzir i neke druge njegove knjige. Osnovni je cilj pokazati jednu izgrađenu i izvorno otorenu antropologiju koja, u interpretaciji čovjekova povijesnog opstanka, ima egzistencijalni, hermeneutički i humanistički karakter. Tekst razmatra glavne teme kao što su: odnos filozofije i suvremenog života, suvremeni odgoj/obrazovanje i filozofija čovjeka, integralna bioetika, filozofija prema religiji i znanosti, eros i thanatos, o životu poslije smrti, filozofijske osnove znanosti, iz opusa naših filozofa i dr. (IN ENGLISH: This text is a review of Nikola Skledar’s book Philosophy and Life, but it also represents an attempt to critically outline the author’s theoretical and intelectual profile taking into account his other books. The main objective of the text is to present developed and original open anthropology which has existential, hermeneutical and humanist character in interpretation of the man’s historic subsistence. The text examines principal themes like: the relation between the philosophy and contemporary life, modern education/schooling and the philosophy of man, integral bio-ethics, philosophy towards religion and science, eros and thanatos, about the life after death, philosophical foundations of science, from the work of our philosophers, etc.

    Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics on Intel Xeon Phi based supercomputers

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    Preface The aim of this master\u2019s thesis project was to expand the QPhiX library for twisted-mass fermions with and without clover term. To this end, I continued work initiated by Mario Schr\uf6ck et al. [63]. In writing this thesis, I was following two main goals. Firstly, I wanted to stress the intricate interplay of the four pillars of High Performance Computing: Algorithms, Hardware, Software and Performance Evaluation. Surely, algorithmic development is utterly important in Scientific Computing, in particular in LQCD, where it even outweighed the improvements made in Hardware architecture in the last decade\u2014cf. the section about computational costs of LQCD. It is strongly influenced by the available hardware\u2014think of the advent of parallel algorithms\u2014but in turn also influenced the design of hardware itself. The IBM BlueGene series is only one of many examples in LQCD. Furthermore, there will be no benefit from the best algorithms, when one cannot implement the ideas into correct, performant, user-friendly, read- and maintainable (sometimes over several decades) software code. But again, truly outstanding HPC software cannot be written without a profound knowledge of its target hardware. Lastly, an HPC software architect and computational scientist has to be able to evaluate and benchmark the performance of a software program, in the often very heterogeneous environment of supercomputers with multiple software and hardware layers. My second goal in writing this thesis was to produce a self-contained introduction into the computational aspects of LQCD and in particular, to the features of QPhiX, so the reader would be able to compile, read and understand the code of one truly amazing pearl of HPC [40]. It is a pleasure to thank S. Cozzini, R. Frezzotti, E. Gregory, B. Jo\uf3, B. Kostrzewa, S. Krieg, T. Luu, G. Martinelli, R. Percacci, S. Simula, M. Ueding, C. Urbach, M. Werner, the Intel company for providing me with a copy of [55], and the J\ufclich Supercomputing Center for granting me access to their KNL test cluster DEE

    Modelling of small capacity absorption chillers driven by solar thermal energy or waste heat

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    Aquesta recerca es centra en el desenvolupament de models en règim estacionari de màquines d’absorció de petita potència, els quals estan basats en dades altament fiables obtingudes en un banc d’assajos d’última tecnologia. Aquests models podran ser utilitzats en aplicacions de simulació, o bé per a desenvolupar estratègies de control de supervisió dels sistemes d’aire condicionat amb màquines d’absorció. Per tant, l’objectiu principal d’aquesta investigació és desenvolupar i descriure una metodologia comprensible i que englobi el procés sencer: tant els assajos, com la modelització, com també el desenvolupament d’una estratègia de control per a les màquines d’absorció de petita potència. Basant-se en la informació obtinguda de forma experimental en el banc d’assajos, s’han desenvolupat cinc models, cadascun amb una base teòrica diferent. Els resultats mostren que és possible obtenir models empírics summament precisos utilitzant únicament com a paràmetres d’entrada les variables dels circuits externs d’aigua. Aquest treball finalitza amb la proposta de dues estratègies òptimes de control i el seu ús per al control on-line de sistemes basats en refredadores tèrmiques d’absorció.This research deals with the development of the simple, yet accurate steady-state models of small capacity absorption machines which are based on highly reliable data obtained in the state-of-the-art test bench. These models can further be used in simulation tools or to develop supervisory control strategies for air-conditioning systems with absorption machines. Therefore, the main aim of this research is to develop and to describe a comprehensive methodology which encloses entire process which consists of testing, modelling and control strategy development of small capacity absorption machines. Five different models are developed based on the experimental data obtained in the test bench. The results show that it is possible to develop highly accurate empirical models by using only the variables of external water circuits as input parameters. Finally, two optimal control strategies are developed to demonstrate how these models can be used for on-line control of absorption systems

    Ontologijski prilaz umjetnosti u djelu Ivana Fochta

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    IN CROATIAN: Rasprava tematizira osnovne značajke ontologijskog prilaza umjetnosti u djelu Ivana Fochta, jednog od naših najvećih estetičara i ontologa umjetnosti. Problematskog je karaktera i obuhvaća četiri bitne teme njegova mišljenja: Istina i biće umjetnosti uvodi u središnju Fochtovu ˝pred-postavljenost˝, njegov (teorijski) ontologijski prosedê, pitanjem: Što je to biće umjetnosti?; Moderna umjetnost kao ontološki problem raspravlja problematiziranje ontoloških pitanja moderne umjetnosti i njezin promijenjeni (ontološki) status u bitku suvremenog svijeta: umjetnost više nije ˝Schein˝ (˝iluzija˝) nego ˝Sein˝ (˝smisao bića˝) i spoznaje smisao bitka tako što ga pravi; Bit književnosti ispituje ontološke pretpostavke književnog djela (i književnosti) kao predmet specijalne ontologije umjetnosti (sa specifičnom ontološkom strukturom i predmetnošću): njezine ontološke ˝planove˝, mjesto među drugim umjetničkim vrstama i u modernoj umjetnosti; Bit glazbe suočava se s ˝tajnom glazbe˝: pitanje Što je glazba? jedno je od najtežih pitanja koja su se postavljala filozofiji umjetnosti; u glazbi, misli Focht, krije se odgovor na pitanje o tajni umjetnosti. ------- IN ENGLISH: The article places its interest on basic characteristics of ontological approach to art in the work of Ivan Focht, one of the greatest aestheticians and ontologists of art. It consists of four essential themes in his thought. The Truth and Being of art introduces us into central Focht's „vor-stellung“, into his (theoretic) ontological procédé, with a question: 'What is the being of art?'. Modern art as ontological problem discusses the themes of ontological issues of modern art and its changed (ontological) status in the Being of contemporary world; the artwork is no more Schein (illusion) but Sein (meaning of Being) and it knows the meaning of being by making it. The Essence of Literature challenges ontological presuppositions of literary work (and also literatur in itself), as an issue of special ontology of artwork (with specific ontological structure and its subject) – its ontological „landscapes“, its place among other artistic forms and in modern art. The part Essence of Music confronts itself with „secret of music“; the question 'What is Music?' is one of the most complicated questions which were asked by philosophy of art. In the music, says Focht, is the hidden answer to the question on the secret of art itself

    Filozofske primjedbe multikulturalizmu

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    Multikulturalizam se prije svega razmatra kroz kritičko promišljanje i analizu njegovih filozofskih temelja. Ovo promišljanje otkriva multikulturalizam više kao političku, a ne kulturnu teorijsku paradigmu. Članak raspravlja o dva osnovna pojma kulturne teorije: Drugi i identitet