455 research outputs found

    Drivers for universities’ contribution to the sustainable development goals: An analysis of Spanish public universities

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    Universities have a critical role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), both for implementing active policies and for encouraging other actors to participate. This requires having the skills and mind-sets to contribute to these challenges. The relevance and the commitment of universities to sustainability has led to the inclusion of SDGs in the strategies and agendas of these institutions. This requires the involvement of all the actors and some structural and cultural changes that put SDGs at the core of the governance and management of the university, embracing all the stakeholders. Various internal and external factors may influence the impact and success of the policies and activities aiming at achieving the SDGs, both from an overall perspective and for individual SDGs. This paper assesses the influence of some internal factors, such as the presence of universities on the internet, the level of internationalization or the availability of financial resources. Through both regression analyses and the Gephi method, our results confirm the importance of the presence on the internet, the internationalization of the university and the financial resources for research and infrastructure received from regional governments for Spanish public universities to make a greater contribution to SDGs

    Phenotypic and genetic comparison of a plant-internalized and an animal-isolated salmonella choleraesuis strain

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    Contamination of fresh produce with human pathogens poses an important risk for con-sumers, especially after raw consumption. Moreover, if microorganisms are internalized, no re-moval by means of further hygienic measures would be possible. Human pathogenic bacteria identified in these food items are mostly of human or animal origin and an adaptation to this new niche and particularly for internalization would be presumed. This study compares a plant-internalized and an animal-borne Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Choleraesuis aiming at the identification of adaptation of the plant-internalized strain to its original environment. For this purpose, a phenotypical characterization by means of growth curves under conditions resembling the indige-nous environment from the plant-internalized strain and further analyses using Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight spectrometry were as-sessed. Furthermore, comparative genomic analyses by means of single nucleotide polymorphisms and identification of present/absent genes were performed. Although some phenotypical and genetic differences could be found, no signs of a specific adaptation for colonization and internaliza-tion in plants could be clearly identified. This could suggest that any Salmonella strain could directly settle in this niche without any evolutionary process being necessary. Further comparative analysis including internalized strains would be necessary to assess this question. However, these kinds of strains are not easily available. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland

    ¿Qué determinan las opiniones sobre la justicia? Un estudio cuantitativo

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    El porcentaje de los españoles que tienen poca o nula confianza en la administración de justicia es del 55 porciento. ¿A qué se debe este nivel de confianza? ¿Depende de factores endógenos, es decir, debido al propiofuncionamiento de la justicia o, por el contrario, hay factores exógenos, como por ejemplo, la ideología, quedetermina la confianza de los individuos en dicha institución? Nuestros resultados indican que los factoresendógenos tienen un peso más importante que los exógenos en la determinación del nivel de confianza

    Structural study of conventional and bulk metallic glasses during annealing

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    Metallic glasses with conventional glass-forming ability (Al-Fe-Nd, Fe-Zr-B, Fe-B-Nb compositions) and bulk metallic glasses (Ca-Mg-Cu compositions) were studied by synchrotron X-ray diffraction during annealing throughout glass transition and crystallization temperatures. The analysis of the first diffraction peak position during the annealing process allowed us to follow the free volume change during relaxation and glass transition. The structure factor and the radial distribution function of the glasses were obtained from the X-ray measurements. The structural changes occurred during annealing are analyzed and discussed

    Integration of in vitro allergy test results and ratio analysis for the diagnosis and treatment of allergic patients (INTEGRA)

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    Al·lèrgia; Diagnòstic molecular; RecomanacionsAlergia; Diagnóstico molecular; RecomendacionesAllergy; Molecular diagnosis; RecommendationsThe introduction of molecular diagnosis into routine clinical practice has substantially improved the diagnosis and management of allergic patients by allowing clinicians to precisely identify the allergenic molecule responsible for immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated allergies. However, it can be challenging to accurately interpret the results of molecular assays, partly due to the limited evidence base. In this context, a panel of experts with extensive experience in interpreting in vitro measures of total and serum specific IgE reviewed the available scientific evidence. After this review, the panel selected a series of representative case studies to demonstrate how determination of specific and total IgE values and the relationship between them (ratio analysis) can add value to the diagnostic process by more precisely defining the patient’s sensitization profile. Finally, the experts developed a series of recommendations on the clinical application of ratio analysis to optimize and complement the classical approach to allergy diagnosis

    Tres generaciones de serpentina en el perfil laterítico niquelífero del Ne de Cuba)

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    Los yacimientos lateríticos de Ni-Co producen actualmente alrededor del 40% del Ni mundial. Sin embargo, el conocimiento sobre la distribución de Ni en las distintas fases minerales presentes en estos depósitos es sólo a un nivel muy genérico y de poco detalle composicional y estructural

    Runner’s Profile and Propensity to Sports Injury

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    Se evalúa las relaciones entre el perfil sociodemográfico, la accidentabilidad y la propensión al accidente de los participantes en tres eventos deportivos: Zurich Marató de Barcelona, Cros de Muntanya Can Caralleu, y Marató Borredà-Xtrail. Una adaptación del cuestionario de propensión al accidente deportivo (PAD-22) de Latorre y Pantoja (2013) fue administrado a un total de 237 corredores. Los principales resultados muestran que: los corredores tienden a ser mayoritariamente varones, de entre 30 y 46 años, asalariados, con estudios postobligatorios, con experiencia previa en eventos de larga distancia, entrenan una media de 4 veces y un total de 7 horas a la semana; y los corredores de la maratón por asfalto tienen una sobreestimación de la Competencia Percibida y grados de Competitividad mayores a los corredores por montañaThis study evaluates relations between sociodemographic profile, accident rate and accident’s propensity of three sport events participants: Zurich Marató de Barcelona, Cros de Muntanya Can Caralleu & Marató Borredà-Xtrail. The used method was an adaptation of the sports accident prone scale (PAD-22) from Latorre y Pantoja (2013), to 237 runners. The main results show that: runners tend to be mostly men, aged of 30-46 years, are salaried, have post-compulsory studies, have some experience in long distance events, train a mean of 4 times and more than 7 hours per week; and marathon asphalt runners have a overestimation of Perceived Competence and elevated degrees of Competitiveness, more than trail runnersEste trabajo forma parte del Proyecto de Investigación, con código 2014 PINEF 00006 y ha sido realizado con el apoyo del programa de becas predoctorales del Instituto Nacional de Educación Física de Cataluña (PINEFC-2015). Agradecemos el apoyo dado por el INEFC en la realización de este estudio, puesto que, sin su cobijo, no se hubiera podido llevar a cabo con las mismas condicione

    Solar Energetic Particle Spectral Breaks

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    The five large solar particle events during October–November 2003 presented an opportunity to test shock acceleration models with in-situ observations. We use solar particle spectra of H to Fe ions, measured by instruments on ACE, SAMPEX, and GOES-11, to investigate the Q/M-dependence of spectral breaks in the 28 October 2003 event. We find that the break energies scale as (Q/M)^b with b ≈ 1.56 to 1.75, somewhat less than predicted. We also conclude that SEP spectra >100 MeV/nucleon are best fit by a double power-law shape. ©2005 American Institute of Physic