1,098 research outputs found

    Avaliacoes da infeccao de explantes de feijoeiro por Agrobacterium tumefaciens por meio de microscopia.

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    Phaseolus vulgaris L. e considerada recalcitrante a transformacao por Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Contudo, alteracoes no meio de co-cultivo, utilizacao de linhagens hipervirulentas de Agrobacterium e de vetores binarios contendo genes vir demostraram que o feijoeiro e susceptivel a essa bacteria. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi estudar o efeito da sonificacao nos tecidos vegetais de feijoeiro, bem como a penetracao da Agrobacterium nas camadas subepidermicas do tecido vegetal, usando a metodologia SAAT ("Sonification-Assisted Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation"). A variedade de feijoeiro utilizada foi a Olathe Pinto, a linhagem de A. tumefaciens foi LBA4404:pTOK.Os embrioes de feijao foram pre-tratados po 14 dias em meio de multibrotacao e, entao submetidos a sonificacao (de 0 ou 60 segundos) na presenca de Agrobacterium. Apos a inoculacao foram co-cultivados por 24 horas em meio liquido seguido de 48 horas em meio solido, ambos, contendo 20 m. L -1 de acetoceringona. Os explantes inoculados foram fixadas em solucao de Karnovsk para avaliacoes em microscopia optica e eletronica de varredura. As analises da microspia demostraram a presenca de rupturas na epiderme, quebras da parede celular e invasao da Agrobacterium nos tecidos subepidermicos. Os reultados demostraram que o metodo SAAT e uma tecnica viavel para a inoculcao de Agrobacterium em explantes de P. vulgaris.bitstream/CPAC-2010/23710/1/bolpd-04.pd

    Evaluation of tomato accessions for flavour and flavour-contributing components

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    Flavour is one of the most highly demanded consumer traits of tomato at present; poor flavour is one of the most commonly heard complaints associated with modern varieties of tomato. In order to combine flavour with other desirable fruit traits in improved cultivars, it is important to determine how much variability exists in the crucial compounds that contribute most to flavour. The objective of the present study was to determine the variability of flavour-contributing components including total soluble solids (TSS) and total titratable acids (TTA) among other subjective traits related to flavour in a core collection of tomato accessions. The core collection was comprised of 173 tomato accessions with a wide genetic background from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Services (ARS) Plant Genetic Resources Unit repository. The TTA varied from 0.20 to 0.64%, whereas the TSS ranged from 3.4 to 9.0%, indicating the availability of broad variation for these traits. Rinon (PI 118783), Turrialba, Purple Calabash and LA2102 were among the high TTA (>0.45%) containing accessions, whereas those with high TSS (>7.0%) were AVRDC#6, Sponzillo and LA2102. A positive correlation of overall flavour with TTA (r=0.33; P<0.05) and TSS (r=0.37; P<0.05) indicated that these two components play an important role in determining the overall flavour in tomato. Subjectively measured other traits including fruity odour and fruity flavour had positive correlations with overall flavour. Overall flavour is discussed in the context of other traits including fruit firmness. Information obtained from this study may be useful for tomato breeders aiming to improve tomato flavou

    Transient polarization dynamics in a CO2_2 laser

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    We study experimentally and theoretically the polarization alternation during the switch-on transient of a quasi-isotropic CO2_2 laser emitting on the fundamental mode. The observed transient dynamics is well reproduced by means of a model which provides a quantitative discrimination between the intrinsic asymmetry due to the kinetic coupling of molecules with different angular momenta, and the extrinsic anisotropies, due to a tilted intracavity window. Furthermore, the experiment provides a numerical assignment for the decay rate of the coherence term for a CO2_2 laser.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Opt. Com

    Analysis of space-resolved X-ray spectra from laser plasmas

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    High dynamic range, space-resolved X-ray spectra, obtained using a TlAP crystal and a cooled CCD camera as a detector, were used to investigate the electron density and temperature profiles of an aluminum laser plasma with micrometer resolution. The electron density profile retrieved from the measurements is compared with numerical predictions from the two hydrodynamics codes MEDUSA (1D) and POLLUX (2D). It is shown that 2D density profiles can be successfully reproduced by 1D simulations using a spherical geometry with an ad hoc initial radius, leading to similar electron temperature profiles

    Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium estimates in the BSSS and BSCB1 random mated populations

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    Because maize (Zea mays) is an annual species those working with it must frequently make crosses to preserve and periodically maintain populations. Random mating is performed either using hand-pollination techniques or in wind-pollinated isolated blocks. Eighty-two restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers were used to examine samples of random mated, hand-pollinated BSSS(R) and BSCB1(R) maize populations to find out whether their genotypic proportions conformed to predicted outcomes of random mating. The majority of loci conformed to expectations for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE). Excess homozygosity was observed at 87% of the loci where the null hypothesis of HWE was rejected. For pairs of polymorphic loci, linkage equilibrium was observed in the BSSS(R) and BSCB1(R) progenitor populations (fewer than 5% of all tests rejected the null hypothesis of equilibrium at the P≤0.05 significance level). The BSSS(R)CO, BSCB1(R)CO and BSCB1(R)C12 populations showed slight increases in the proportion of pairs of loci in linkage disequilibrium compared to the progenitors (approximately 8.4% of all pairs of loci rejected the null hypothesis at the P≤0.05 significance level). BSSS(R)C12 was an extreme outlier with 25.0% of all pairs of polymorphic loci displaying significant (P≤0.05) linkage disequilibrium. This result was likely caused by the artificial grouping of three BSSS(R)CO plants with 97 BSSS(R)C12 plants during sampling. Results from principal components analysis of all individuals based on RFLP alleles supported this interpretation. Overall, most of the observed deviations from equilibrium were likely to have been caused by positive assortative mating in the case of HWE, and natural selection for epistatic effects between unlinked loci in the case of linkage disequilibrium

    Population Genetics of Increased Hybrid Performance between Two Maize Populations under Reciprocal Recurrent Selection

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    Heterosis, the superiority in one or more characteristics of crossbred organisms relative to their inbred parents, is the basis of the modern cultivars utilized in maize (Zed mays L.). Heterosis is of interest in nondomesticated species due to its relevance to the question how much polymorphism is maintained in natural populations due to selection? (Berger, 1976). For maize and certain other domesticated species that employ inbred lines to produce commercial hybrids, knowledge of the mechanisms of gene action producing heterosis could contribute to advances in breeding techniques

    The role of inflammation in patients with intraductal mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas and in those with pancreatic adenocarcinoma

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    Background: There are very few data regarding inflammation in patients with intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) of the pancreas. Aim: To evaluate the circulating concentrations of placental growth factor (PlGF), transforming growth factor-alpha (TGF-\u3b1), transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-\u3b21), tumour necrosis factor receptor 1 (TNF-R1) and matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) in patients with IPMNs and in those with pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Patients and Methods: Sixty-nine patients were enrolled: 23 (33.3%) had IPMNs and 46 (66.7%) had histologically confirmed pancreatic adenocarcinomas. Thirteen healthy subjects were also studied. PlGF, TGF-\u3b1, TGF-\u3b21, TNF-R1 and MMP-2 were determined using commercially available kits. Results: TNF-R1 (p=0.003) was the only protein significantly different among the three groups. Conclusion: Serum TNF-R1 was elevated in patients with IPMNs and in those with pancreatic adenocarcinomas, suggesting a high apoptotic activity in both groups of patients studied
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