60 research outputs found

    Framtiden är här – Nätbanker : En undersökning om bankernas utveckling mot elektronisk verksamhet och problem som det kan skapa

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    Bankerna har utvecklats mer och mer mot elektroniska tjänster. Med hjälp av nätbanker har man kunnat stänga ner en del fysiska kontor och behöver inte ha samma mängd fysiska pengar på kontoren. Denna tjänst verkar bra och smidig, men vad tycker kunderna om dem? Arbetet undersöker vad den yngre generationen (18-30 åringar) och äldre generationen (65+ år) tycker om dessa tjänster och om de stött på problem då de använt sig av dessa. Arbetet gjordes med en enkätundersökning till den yngre gruppen samt personintervjuer för den äldre. På enkätundersökningen svarade 44 personer. Majoriteten av dessa var mellan 18-30 år, men det kom 4st svar från personer över 30 år. Dessa lämnades bort ur analysen. På intervjuerna svarade 17 personer. Åldern varierade från 65 till 91 år. Svaren från enkätundersöknigen stöder det antagandet som arbetet hade, att yngre generationen inte har problem med användandet av nätbanker. Personintervjuerna visade att åldringarna inte hade problem med själva användandet av nätbanker. Deras problem var att det inte fanns intresse för att använda datorer eller nätbank. Ett av arbetets syften, att hitta på förbättringar lyckades inte, eftersom majoriteten inte hade något intresse överhuvudtaget att använda sig av en dator eller nätbank och därmed hade inga förslag till förbättringar.Banks have developed more and more towards electronic services. With the help of online banking banks have been able to shut down some physical offices and do not need to have the same amount of physical money in the offices. These services seem fine and smooth, but what do customers think about them? The study examines what the younger generation (18-30 year olds) and the older generation (65+) think about these services and if they have encountered problems while using them. The study was done with a questionnaire to the younger group, and interviews for the elderly. 44 people answered the questionnaire. The majority of these people were between the ages 18 and 30, but 4 of the answers came from people older than 30. These answers were excluded from the analysis. 17 people answered the interviews. The ages varied from 65 to 91 years old. The responses from the survey supports the assumption that study had, that the younger generation do not have a problem with the use of online banking. Personal interviews showed that the elderly did not have problems with the use of online banking. Their problem was that there was no interest in using computers or online banking. One of the purposes of the study, to find improvements to online banking, did not succeed because the majority had no interest at all using computers nor online banking and had no suggestions for improvement

    Predictive value of shock index variants on 30-day mortality of trauma patients in helicopter emergency medical services : a nationwide observational retrospective multicenter study

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    The original shock index (SI) has been further developed to increase its prognostic value. We aimed to evaluate the predictive value of different SI variants on 30-day mortality among severely injured trauma patients in pre-hospital critical care settings. Adult trauma patients in the national Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) registry were evaluated based on the primary outcome of 30-day mortality. SI, SIA (SI multiplied by age), SI/G (SI divided by Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)), SIA/G (SI multiplied by age and divided by GCS), and SS (SI divided by oxygen saturation) were calculated based on the first vital signs measured at the time of HEMS contact. The area under the receiver operating curve (AUROC) was calculated for each SI variant. In total 4108 patients were included in the study. The overall 30-day mortality was 13.5%. The SIA/G and SI/G had the highest predictive ability (AUROC 0.884 [95% CI 0.869-0.899] and 0.8000 [95% CI 0.7780-0.8239], respectively). The SIA/G yielded good predictive performance between 30-day survivors and non-survivors in the pre-hospital critical care setting.Peer reviewe

    Dynaamisen ilmoitustaulun toteutus ja testaus multimediatuotantoyhtiölle

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli toteuttaa ja testata dynaaminen ilmoitustaulu multimediatuotantoyhtiö Data Media Gazellelle. Ilmoitustaulu luotiin Data Media Gazellen ja Tietokonekauppa.fi:n käyttämän vanhan ilmoitustaulun tilalle. Uuden ilmoitustaulun tuli olla dynaaminen ja käyttäjäystävällinen. Ilmoitustaulun päätavoitteena oli pystyä lähettämään ilmoituksia, joihin lähettäjällä oli mahdollisuus liittää liitetiedostoja. Lähetettyjen ilmoitusten tuli olla muiden ilmoitustaulun käyttäjien nähtävillä ja käyttäjillä täytyi olla mahdollisuus kommentoida lähetettyjä ilmoituksia. Käytimme ilmoitustaulun toteutukseen avoimen lähdekoodin PHP-ohjelmointikieltä, MySQL–relaatiotietokantaohjelmistoa, CSS–tyylikieltä ja jQuery -JavaScript kirjastoa. Testaukseen käytimme avoimen lähdekoodin Selenium-testausautomaatiosovellusta ja jMeter-kuormitustestaussovellusta. Ilmoitustaulua aloimme työstää syksyllä 2011 toisen tekijän luoman ja Data Media Gazellen hyväksymän suunnitelman mukaisesti. Lopputuloksena syntyi ilmoitustaulu, joka täytti alkuperäisen suunnitelman mukaan asetetut tavoitteet. Ilmoitustaulu luotiin Data Media Gazellelle, mutta he eivät ottaneet sitä käyttöön, joten ilmoitustaulu ei tullut tämän opinnäytetyön valmistumisvaiheen jälkeen kenenkään käyttöön.The main objective of this thesis was to build and test a dynamic notice board for the use of a multimedia production company called Data Media Gazelle. The notice board was created to replace a previous notice board used by Data Media Gazelle and Tietokonekauppa.fi. The new notice board was intended dynamic and user friendly. The main objective of the new notice board was to be able to send notices, in which a sender had a possibility to add attachments. Other users also had to have an opportunity to see posted notices and comment them. To implement the notice board we used an open source PHP -programming language, MySQL –relational database software, CSS –style sheets and jQuery –JavaScript library. In testing we used an open source test automation tool called Selenium and a load test tool called jMeter. We started to work on the notice board in autumn 2011 based on the other author’s design which was accepted by Data Media Gazelle. As a final result a notice board was born which fulfilled all the demands based on the original design. The notice board was created for the use of Data Media Gazelle, but they did not put it to use, so the notice board was not used by anyone after this thesis was completed

    Fibrinogen-like protein 2 in gastrointestinal stromal tumour

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    Gastrointestinal stromal tumour (GIST), the most common sarcoma of the gastrointestinal tract, can be treated effectively with tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as imatinib. Cancer immune therapy has limited efficacy, and little is known about the immune suppressive factors in GISTs. Fibrinogen-like protein 2 (FGL2) is expressed either as a membrane-associated protein or as a secreted soluble protein that has immune suppressive functions. We found that GISTs expressed FGL2 mRNA highly compared to other types of cancer in a large human cancer transcriptome database. GIST expressed FGL2 frequently also when studied using immunohistochemistry in two large clinical series, where 333 (78%) out of the 425 GISTs were FGL2 positive. The interstitial cells of Cajal, from which GISTs may originate, expressed FGL2. FGL2 expression was associated with small GIST size, low mitotic counts and low tumour-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) counts. Patients whose GIST expressed FGL2 had better recurrence-free survival than patients whose GIST lacked expression. Imatinib upregulated FGL2 in GIST cell lines, and the patients with FGL2-negative GIST appeared to benefit most from long duration of adjuvant imatinib. We conclude that GISTs express FGL2 frequently and that FGL2 expression is associated with low TIL counts and favourable survival outcomes.Peer reviewe

    Formation of lipid reserves, fatty acid composition and reproduction of Limnocalanus macrurus (Copepoda, Calanoida) during summer in the Bothnian Sea, northern Baltic Sea

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    Limnocalanus macrurus is a cold-stenothermic copepod that in the Baltic Sea occurs abundantly in low-salinity areas, such as the Bothnian Bay and the Bothnian Sea, where it is one of the most important species of the pelagic ecosystem. Projections for the future of the Baltic Sea suggest that a further decline of salinity will enable the species to expand its distribution southward to the Central Baltic, where it eventually could replace copepod species, e.g. Pseudocalanus acuspes, having higher salinity requirements. Lipids may get a central role in this process as they are crucial in the production and transfer of energy in the food webs. We studied the formation of the lipid reserves in L. macrurus in the Bothnian Sea, with a special emphasis on the fatty acid composition in reproductive adults and their potential food. Our primary interest was the spring and summer season, as it is the main production and feeding period of the plankton community in the southern Bothnian Sea. The study was started at the time of the spring bloom of phytoplankton during May and it was continued until September, when the plankton production ceases.</p