373 research outputs found

    Keskitetty huollon ajanvaraus PP-Auto Oy

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    In this study I get acquainted in phone service develeopment of PP-Autos consumers. Mainly with centerised service time booking system called Call Center. This study also describes the operation of centralized service booking in the car dealerships. I also let you know how the Call Center works. This study is trying to develop the operation and try to solve the problems that they are facing. This service is attempting to greate a number, in which the client ca get all the services ah or she needs with one phone call. The service time booking, service advisoring, and spare parts and accessories in his vehicle. The main operational target for the Call Center could be seen to boost the customer satisfaction, increase the productivity of the work, to increase the usage of the product or service and increase work the productibility of the whole organisation. Call Center is an important part of managing the customer relationship. The better information the employees have for the client, the better opportunities they have to offer unique customer service. Largest problems in the executing of Call Center are incoherent time booking system in the information systems, larger need to train worker because of many different service programs, and degreased need for Call Center because of dimilished business. In this work there were made customer satisfation -quary, which show that customers were happy with phone service and measured number of calls in the service, that showed out that days in the beginning and in the end of the week are most hectic in the phone service. On larger scale in Finland Call Centers have worked well in automobile industry.Insinöörityössä perehdytään PP-Auto Oy:n asiakkaiden puhelimitse tapahtuvan palvelun kehittämiseen. Pääasiallisena tapana em. palvelun parantamiseksi paneudutaan Call Centeriksi kutsuttuun keskitettyyn huoltoajanvaraukseen. Tämän lisäksi valotetaan keskitetyn puhelinpalvelukeskuksen toimintaa yleisellä tasolla. Samalla paneudutaan PP-Auton puhelinpalvelutoiminnan kehittämiseen ja mahdollisesti Call Centerin perustamisessa ja alkuun saattamisessa vastataan tulevien ongelmien ratkaisemiseen. Palvelun pyrkimyksenä on luoda numero, josta asiakas saa kaikki tarvitsemansa palvelut yhdellä puhelinsoitolla, niin huoltoajanvaraukset, huoltoneuvontaa kuin myös tarvittaessa varaosat ja lisävarusteet ajoneuvoonsa. Call Centerin toiminta tavoitteina ovat muiden muassa nähdä asiakastyytyväisyyden parantaminen, työn tuottavuuden kasvattaminen, palvelun tai tuotteen käytön lisääminen ja tehostaminen sekä muun organisaation työn tuottavuuden lisääminen Call Center on tärkeä lenkki asiakassuhteen hallinnassa. Mitä paremmat tiedot Call Centerin työntekijöillä on asiakkaista, sitä paremmat mahdollisuudet sillä on tarjota yksilöllistä asiakaspalvelua Suurimpina ongelmina Call Centerin toteuttamisen osalta ovat tietojärjestelmien epäselvä ajanvarausnäkymä, vaihtelevien huolto-ohjelmien mukanaan tuoma työntekijöiden laaja koulutustarve sekä pienentyneen liiketoiminnan myötä vähentynyt tarve keskitetylle puhelinpalvelulle. Työtä tehtäessä suoritettiin asiakastyytyväisyyskysely, jossa kävi ilmi asiakkaiden kohtalainen tyytyväisyys puhelinpalveluun, sekä huollon puhelumäärän mittaus, joiden tuloksena havaittiin viikon alku- ja loppupäivät kiireisimmiksi huollon puhelinpalvelun osalta. Suuremmassa mittakaavassa Suomessa em. palvelumuoto on toiminut hyvin autoalalla

    Intellectual disability in patients with epilepsy with eyelid myoclonias

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    We describe here the clinical outcome of four women with epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia (aged 21-53years). All patients had an uneventful early history, normal physical growth and appearance and no comorbid sensory or motor disability and normal brain magnetic resonance imaging finding. Two women were moderately and one mildly intellectually disabled and one showed a low-average intelligence. The overall well-being of the patients was hampered by psychiatric or various somatic comorbidities and related psychosocial problems. The three women with an intellectual disability had been treated with narrow-spectrum antiepileptic drugs and one also with vigabatrin during childhood and adolescence. The patient with a low-average intelligence had been on broad-spectrum antiepileptic medication (i.e. valproate and ethosuximide) since the epilepsy diagnosis but she has had compliance problems. Based on these cases, the cognitive deficits in patients with epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia may occur more commonly than what has been thought hitherto. We discuss the role of narrow-spectrum antiepileptic drugs as a contributing factor to poor seizure control and an impaired intelligence.Peer reviewe

    Trace elements in top- and subsoil on selected crop and dairy farms in Finland in 2004

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    The main aim of this investigation was to study trace element contents in the Finnish arable land on crop and dairy farms. The crop farms were located on clay soils and the dairy farms on finesand soils. The agua regia extractable trace elements in the top- and subsoil of the clay soils at the crop farms were two to three times those of the finesand soils at the dairy farms. Most of the elements were significantly correlated with the clay content. Quantitatively more Cd, Pb and Hg enriched in the clay soils on the crop farms in southwestern Finland than in the finesand soils on the dairy farms in Ostrobothnia. However, dairy farming seemed to enrich the topsoil with more Cr, Cu, Se, V and Zn than crop farming, on average

    Teknillisen korkeakoulun painetut ja elektroniset julkaisut : ohjeita julkaisujen laatijoille

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    Ohjeet on tarkoitettu Teknillisen korkeakoulun omia julkaisuja laativille. Niissä on huomioitu sekä painetut julkaisut että tällä hetkellä yleisimmät elektronisen julkaisemisen muodot (PDF, HTML). Tärkeimmät elektronisia julkaisuja koskevat asiat on koottu myös erilliseksi liitteeksi. Ohjeet koskevat erityisesti sarjajulkaisuja ja tieteellisiä julkaisuja, mutta niitä voidaan soveltaa myös muuntyyppisiin julkaisuihin. Oppaan tavoitteena on yhdessä graafisen ohjeiston kanssa yhtenäistää korkeakoulun julkaisukäytäntöjä ja parantaa omien julkaisujen tunnistettavuutta ja löytyvyyttä paitsi laitoksilta ja kirjastoista myös erilaisista tietojärjestelmistä ja Internetistä. Julkaisussa annetaan ohjeita standarditunnusten (ISBN, ISSN) ja muiden tunnusten hankkimisesta, sarjan nimeämisestä, raporttitunnuksista, tiivistelmäsivun, tekijänoikeusmerkinnän, lähdeluettelon ja -viittausten laatimisesta sekä sivunumeroinnista. Verkkojulkaisemisen Dublin Core -kuvailutiedoista on lyhyt yhteenveto. Julkaisuohjeet sisältävät lisäksi yleisiä tietoja korkeakoulun omasta julkaisutoiminnasta, painattamisesta, arkistoinnista ja julkaisujen luetteloimisesta tietokantoihin. Julkaisijoita opastetaan kirjastolle kokoelmia ja arkistointia varten lähetettävien kappaleiden ja ainoastaan verkossa julkaistujen teosten kopioiden toimittamisessa. Kirjallisten ohjeiden lisäksi julkaisujen nimiölehdestä, kansista ja nimiönäytöstä on laadittu kuvitteelliset mallit, joita voidaan käyttää apuna tunniste- ja saatavuustietojen sijoittelussa. Painetun ja PDF-muotoisen julkaisun tiivistelmäsivun laatimista helpottamaan on tehty PDF-muotoiset täytettävät suomen-, ruotsin- ja englanninkieliset lomakkeet. Ne ovat painetun julkaisun liitteinä ja verkossa käyttöä varten. Ohjeisiin kuuluu käytettyjen termien ja lyhenteiden sanasto. Ohjeet perustuvat julkaisutoiminnasta annettuihin standardeihin, jotka on lueteltu oppaassa, ja Teknillisen korkeakoulun käytäntöihin. Opas on Teknillisen korkeakoulun kirjaston julkaisuohjeiden uudistettu versio

    Intellectual disability in patients with epilepsy with eyelid myoclonias

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    We describe here the clinical outcome of four women with epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia (aged 21-53years). All patients had an uneventful early history, normal physical growth and appearance and no comorbid sensory or motor disability and normal brain magnetic resonance imaging finding. Two women were moderately and one mildly intellectually disabled and one showed a low-average intelligence. The overall well-being of the patients was hampered by psychiatric or various somatic comorbidities and related psychosocial problems. The three women with an intellectual disability had been treated with narrow-spectrum antiepileptic drugs and one also with vigabatrin during childhood and adolescence. The patient with a low-average intelligence had been on broad-spectrum antiepileptic medication (i.e. valproate and ethosuximide) since the epilepsy diagnosis but she has had compliance problems. Based on these cases, the cognitive deficits in patients with epilepsy with eyelid myoclonia may occur more commonly than what has been thought hitherto. We discuss the role of narrow-spectrum antiepileptic drugs as a contributing factor to poor seizure control and an impaired intelligence

    Multichannel fast QR-decomposition RLS algorithms with explicit weight extraction

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    ABSTRACT Multichannel fast QR decomposition recursive least-squares (MC-FQRD-RLS) algorithms are well known for their good numerical properties and low computational complexity. However, these algorithms have been restricted to problems seeking an estimate of the output error signal. This is because their transversal weights are embedded in the algorithm variables and are not explicitly available. In this paper we present a novel technique that can extract the filter weights associated with the MC-FQRD-RLS algorithm at any time instant. As a consequence, the range of applications is extended to include problems where explicit knowledge of the filter weights is required. The proposed weight extraction technique is used to identify the beampattern of a broadband adaptive beamformer implemented with an MC-FQRD-RLS algorithm. The results confirm that the extracted coefficients of the MC-FQRD-RLS algorithm are identical to those obtained by any RLS algorithm such as the inverse QRD-RLS algorithm

    Pilot Study of Sap Properties of Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) Trees Used and Not Used for Sap- Feeding by Three-Toed Woodpeckers (Picoides tridactylus)

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    The ecophysiology of the Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees that were used by three-toed woodpeckers (TTW) (Picoides tridactylus) for their sap-feeding activities were investigated. The pilot study was conducted in southern Finland (61°15′ N, 25°00′ E). During April–June 2015, three different tree categories of Norway spruce were selected for monitoring: trees that were frequently used by the TTWs for phloem sap-feeding for several previous years; trees that were only recently used by TTWs for sap-feeding; and control trees that were not used at all for sap-feeding. Phloem sap and phloem tissue samples were frequently extracted from tree trunks and analyzed for the content and composition of nonstructural carbohydrates, phloem sap osmolality, solute, and water content, as well as for the content and composition of secondary metabolites typical for defense reactions in the phloem. Simple crown characteristics were also measured, including tree height, diameter at breast height, and their ratio (slenderness index). According to our results, the TTWs preferred Norway spruce trees that showed advanced spring phenology to feed on, as evidenced especially by the lower ratio of raffinose (typically high during the winter months) to total soluble sugars of phloem tissues as compared to non-used control trees. The lower slenderness index of the trees chosen by the TTWs indicates low canopy competition pressure with good access to light (i.e., the sun heats the trunks well in spring). There were no differences in the phloem osmolality or solute content between the used or unused control trees. The trees used by the TTWs had significantly higher concentrations of antioxidant phenolic (+)-catechins and stilbene glycosides in phloem tissue, and the stilbene content was also higher in the extracted sap. The phenolics content of the phloem tissue had a clear seasonal trend, being the highest in the early spring and lower towards the onset of the cambial growth processes. The phloem sap is rich in antioxidants and soluble sugars that are potentially beneficial for the TTWs, but more quantitative research is needed to explore the importance of the sap properties to TTWs