2,543 research outputs found

    Functional renormalization group study of the Anderson--Holstein model

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    We present a comprehensive study of the spectral and transport properties in the Anderson--Holstein model both in and out of equilibrium using the functional renormalization group (FRG). We show how the previously established machinery of Matsubara and Keldysh FRG can be extended to include the local phonon mode. Based on the analysis of spectral properties in equilibrium we identify different regimes depending on the strength of the electron--phonon interaction and the frequency of the phonon mode. We supplement these considerations with analytical results from the Kondo model. We also calculate the non-linear differential conductance through the Anderson--Holstein quantum dot and find clear signatures of the presence of the phonon mode.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Initial treatment strategy and clinical outcomes in Finnish MS patients : a propensity-matched study

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    Background The optimal treatment strategy with disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) remains uncertain. Objective To compare outcomes of initial treatment with infusion therapies and starting therapy with medium efficacy therapy in a propensity-matched cohort of Finnish RRMS patients. Methods A total of 154 RRMS patients initiating natalizumab, alemtuzumab, ocrelizumab or rituximab as first DMT (high efficacy DMT, heDMT group) and 1771 patients initially treated with injectable therapies, teriflunomide or dimethylfumarate and escalated based on disease activity (moderate efficacy DMT, meDMT group) were identified from the Finnish MS registry. Nearest neighbor propensity matching (1:1, caliper 0.1) was performed for age, sex, baseline Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS), annual relapse rate (ARR) one year prior DMT and time since MS symptom onset. Primary outcome was time to 6-month confirmed EDSS progression and the secondary outcome time to first relapse. Results In the propensity-matched group comparisons, the probability of 6-month confirmed disability progression (CDP) at 5 years after DMT start was 28.4% (95% CI 15.7-39.3) in the heDMT group (n = 66) and 47.0% (95% CI 33.1-58.1) in meDMT group (n = 66), p = 0.013. Probability of relapse at 5 years was 34.6% (95% CI 24.1-43.6) for heDMT (n = 105) and 47.2% (95% CI 36.6-56.1) for meDMT (n = 105), p = 0.019. Conclusions Initiating MS-therapy with heDMT significantly reduced the risk of 5-year disability progression and relapse compared to using meDMT as first DMT choice in propensity-matched groups of Finnish MS-patients.Peer reviewe

    Electrons and holes in Si quantum well: a room-temperature transport and drag resistance study

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    We investigate carrier transport in a single 22 nm-thick double-gated Si quantum well device, which has independent contacts to electrons and holes. Conductance, Hall density and Hall mobility are mapped in a broad double-gate voltage window. When the gate voltage asymmetry is not too large only either electrons or holes occupy the Si well and the Hall mobility shows the fingerprints of volume inversion/accumulation. At strongly asymmetric double-gate voltage an electric field induced electron-hole (EH) bi-layer is formed inside the well. The EH drag resistance R_{he} is explored at balanced carrier densities: R_{he} decreases monotonically from 860 to 37 Ohms when the electron and hole density is varied between ~0.4-1.7x10^{16} m^{-2}

    Semi-automatic assessment of unrestrained Java code: a Library, a DSL, and a workbench to assess exams and exercises

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    © ACM 2015. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2729094.2742615Automated marking of multiple-choice exams is of great interest in university courses with a large number of students. For this reason, it has been systematically implanted in almost all universities. Automatic assessment of source code is however less extended. There are several reasons for that. One reason is that almost all existing systems are based on output comparison with a gold standard. If the output is the expected, the code is correct. Otherwise, it is reported as wrong, even if there is only one typo in the code. Moreover, why it is wrong remains a mystery. In general, assessment tools treat the code as a black box, and they only assess the externally observable behavior. In this work we introduce a new code assessment method that also verifies properties of the code, thus allowing to mark the code even if it is only partially correct. We also report about the use of this system in a real university context, showing that the system automatically assesses around 50% of the work.This work has been partially supported by the EU (FEDER) and the Spanish Ministerio de EconomĂ­ay Competitividad (SecretarĂ­a de Estado de InvestigaciĂłn, Desarrollo e InnovaciĂłn) under grant TIN2013-44742-C4-1-R and by the Generalitat Valenciana under grant PROMETEOII2015/013. David Insa was partially supported by the Spanish Ministerio de EducaciĂłn under FPU grant AP2010-4415.Insa Cabrera, D.; Silva, J. (2015). Semi-automatic assessment of unrestrained Java code: a Library, a DSL, and a workbench to assess exams and exercises. ACM. https://doi.org/10.1145/2729094.2742615SK. A Rahman and M. Jan Nordin. A review on the static analysis approach in the automated programming assessment systems. In National Conference on Programming 07, 2007.K. Ala-Mutka. A survey of automated assessment approaches for programming assignments. In Computer Science Education, volume 15, pages 83--102, 2005.C. Beierle, M. Kula, and M. Widera. Automatic analysis of programming assignments. In Proc. der 1. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik (DeLFI '03), volume P-37, pages 144--153, 2003.J. Biggs and C. Tang. Teaching for Quality Learning at University : What the Student Does (3rd Edition). In Open University Press, 2007.P. Denny, A. Luxton-Reilly, E. Tempero, and J. Hendrickx. CodeWrite: Supporting student-driven practice of java. In Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, pages 09--12, 2011.R. Hendriks. Automatic exam correction. 2012.P. Ihantola, T. Ahoniemi, V. Karavirta, and O. Seppala. Review of recent systems for automatic assessment of programming assignments. In Proceedings of the 10th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, pages 86--93, 2010.H. Kitaya and U. Inoue. An online automated scoring system for Java programming assignments. In International Journal of Information and Education Technology, volume 6, pages 275--279, 2014.M.-J. Laakso, T. Salakoski, A. Korhonen, and L. Malmi. Automatic assessment of exercises for algorithms and data structures - a case study with TRAKLA2. In Proceedings of Kolin Kolistelut/Koli Calling - Fourth Finnish/Baltic Sea Conference on Computer Science Education, pages 28--36, 2004.Y. Liang, Q. Liu, J. Xu, and D. Wang. The recent development of automated programming assessment. In Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering, pages 1--5, 2009.K. A. Naudé, J. H. Greyling, and D. Vogts. Marking student programs using graph similarity. In Computers & Education, volume 54, pages 545--561, 2010.A. Pears, S. Seidman, C. Eney, P. Kinnunen, and L. Malmi. Constructing a core literature for computing education research. In SIGCSE Bulletin, volume 37, pages 152--161, 2005.F. Prados, I. Boada, J. Soler, and J. Poch. Automatic generation and correction of technical exercices. In International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education (ICECE 2005), 2005.M. Supic, K. Brkic, T. Hrkac, Z. Mihajlovic, and Z. Kalafatic. Automatic recognition of handwritten corrections for multiple-choice exam answer sheets. In Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO), pages 1136--1141, 2014.S. Tung, T. Lin, and Y. Lin. An exercise management system for teaching programming. In Journal of Software, 2013.T. Wang, X. Su, Y. Wang, and P. Ma. Semantic similarity-based grading of student programs. In Information and Software Technology, volume 49, pages 99--107, 2007

    Aerosol charging state at an urban site: new analytical approach and implications for ion-induced nucleation

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    The charging state of aerosol populations was determined using an Ion-DMPS in Helsinki, Finland between December 2008 and February 2010. We extrapolated the charging state and calculated the ion-induced nucleation fraction to be around 1.3 % ± 0.4 % at 2 nm and 1.3 % ± 0.5 % at 1.5 nm, on average. We present a new method to retrieve the average charging state for a new particle formation event, at a given size and polarity. We improve the uncertainty assessment and fitting technique used previously with an Ion-DMPS. We also use a new theoretical framework that allows for different concentrations of small ions for different polarities (polarity asymmetry). We extrapolate the ion-induced fraction using polarity symmetry and asymmetry. Finally, a method to calculate the growth rates from the behaviour of the charging state as a function of the particle diameter using polarity symmetry and asymmetry is presented and used on a selection of new particle formation events

    Kohtuuden rajat? : Yksin asuvien perusturvan saajien elintaso ja materiaalijalanjälki

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    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan haastatteluaineiston avulla 18 yksin asuvan perusturvan saajan elintason osatekijöitä ja luonnonvarojen kulutusta sekä hahmotellaan kohtuullisen eli sosiaalisesti ja ekologisesti kestävän elintason rajoja. Tutkimuksessa kysytään, miten erilaiset elintason osatekijät ovat yhteydessä luonnonvarojen käyttöön, minkälaisen elintason haastateltavat kokevat kohtuullisena ja miten perusturvan saajien elintaso suhteutuu aiemmin määritettyihin kestävän elintason rajoihin. Analyysissa selvitetään Doyalin ja Goughin (1991) tarveteoriaan ja hyvinvointitutkimukseen kiinnittyen työmarkkinatuen tai takuueläkkeen saajien tuloja ja eri elintason osatekijöihin liittyviä kulutusmenoja sekä subjektiivisia kokemuksia elintason riittävyydestä. Elintason kohtuullisuuden arvioinnissa sovelletaan köyhyystutkimuksen ja perusturvan riittävyyden arvioinnin menetelmiä. Haastateltujen luonnonvarojen käyttö lasketaan materiaalijalanjälkenä. Se perustuu MIPS-menetelmään, jossa kuvataan, kuinka paljon luonnonvaroja on kulunut jonkin tuotteen tai palvelun koko elinkaaren aikana. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että perusturvan saajien elintaso on sekä ekologisesti että sosiaalisesti kohtuuton. Perusturvan saajien elintaso ei ole sosiaalisesti kestävä, koska se ei mahdollista heille kohtuullisen minimin mukaista kulutustasoa eikä välttämättömäksi määriteltyjä hyödykkeitä ja palveluksia. Haastatteluaineiston analyysi tuo kuitenkin esiin, että elintaso koetaan kohtuullisena, jos se suhteutetaan itseään köyhempien elintasoon tai ekologisen kestävyyden tavoitteisiin. Vaikka yksin asuvat perusturvan saajat kuluttavat selvästi vähemmän luonnonvaroja kuin keskivertosuomalaiset, heidän materiaalijalanjälkensä ylittää arviot ekologisesti kestävästä tasosta vähintään puolitoistakertaisesti. Tutkimuksen johtopäätös onkin, että suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa luonnonvarojen kulutusta ei voida vähentää kestävälle tasolle ainoastaan yksilöllisiä kulutustottumuksia muuttamalla, vaan se edellyttää institutionaalisia muutoksia infrastruktuurissa, tuotantotavoissa ja yhteiskunnallisissa palveluissa.25,00 euro

    Executive function subdomains are associated with post-stroke functional outcome and permanent institutionalization

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    Background and purposeImpairment of executive functions (EFs) is a common cognitive symptom post-stroke and affects independence in daily activities. Previous studies have often relied on brief cognitive tests not fully considering the wide spectrum of EF subdomains. A detailed assessment of EFs was used to examine which of the subdomains and tests have the strongest predictive value on post-stroke functional outcome and institutionalization in long-term follow-up. MethodsA subsample of 62 patients from the Helsinki Stroke Aging Memory Study was evaluated with a battery of seven neuropsychological EF tests 3 months post-stroke and compared to 39 healthy control subjects. Functional impairment was evaluated with the modified Rankin Scale (mRS) and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADL) scale at 3 months, and with the mRS at 15 months post-stroke. Institutionalization was reviewed from the national registers of permanent hospital admissions in up to 21-year follow-up. ResultsThe stroke group performed more poorly than the control group in multiple EF tests. Tests of inhibition, set shifting, initiation, strategy formation and processing speed were associated with the mRS and IADL scale in stroke patients. EF subdomain scores of inhibition, set shifting and processing speed were associated with functional outcome. In addition, inhibition was associated with the risk for earlier institutionalization. ConclusionsExecutive function was strongly associated with post-stroke functional impairment. In follow-up, poor inhibition was related to earlier permanent institutionalization. The results suggest the prognostic value of EF subdomains after stroke.Peer reviewe

    Development of high-speed directly-modulated DFB and DBR lasers with surface gratings

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    The conventional distributed feedback and distributed Bragg reflector edge-emitting lasers employ buried gratings, which require two or more epitaxial growth steps. By using lateral corrugations of the ridge-waveguide as surface gratings the epitaxial overgrowth is avoided, reducing the fabrication complexity, increasing the yield and reducing the fabrication cost. The surface gratings are applicable to different materials, including Al-containing ones and can be easily integrated in complex device structures and photonic circuits. Single-contact and multiple contact edge-emitting lasers with laterally-corrugated ridge waveguide gratings have been developed both on GaAs and InP substrates with the aim to exploit the photon-photon resonance in order to extend their direct modulation bandwidth. The paper reports on the characteristics of such surface-grating-based lasers emitting both at 1.3 and 1.55 ÎĽm and presents the photon-photon resonance extended small-signal modulation bandwidth (> 20 GHz) achieved with a 1.6 mm long single-contact device under direct modulation. Similarly structured devices, with shorter cavity lengths are expected to exceed 40 GHz smallsignal modulation bandwidth under direct modulatio
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