137 research outputs found

    Spontaneous angiogram-negative subarachnoid hemorrhage : a retrospective single center cohort study

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    Background Spontaneous angiogram-negative subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is considered a benign illness with little of the aneurysmal SAH-related complications. We describe the clinical course, SAH-related complications, and outcome of patients with angiogram-negative SAH. Methods We retrospectively reviewed all adult patients admitted to a neurosurgical intensive care unit during 2004-2018 due to spontaneous angiogram-negative SAH. Our primary outcome was a dichotomized Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) at 3 months. We assessed factors that associated with outcome using multivariable logistic regression analysis. Results Of the 108 patients included, 84% had a favorable outcome (GOS 4-5), and mortality was 5% within 1 year. The median age was 58 years, 51% were female, and 93% had a low-grade SAH (World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies grading I-III). The median number of angiograms performed per patient was two. Thirty percent of patients showed radiological signs of acute hydrocephalus, 28% were acutely treated with an external ventricular drain, 13% received active vasospasm treatment and 17% received a permanent shunt. In the multivariable logistic regression model, only acute hydrocephalus associated with unfavorable outcome (odds ratio = 4.05, 95% confidence interval = 1.05-15.73). Two patients had a new bleeding episode. Conclusion SAH-related complications such as hydrocephalus and vasospasm are common after angiogram-negative SAH. Still, most patients had a favorable outcome. Only acute hydrocephalus was associated with unfavorable outcome. The high rate of SAH-related complications highlights the need for neurosurgical care in these patients.Peer reviewe

    Spontaneous angiogram-negative subarachnoid hemorrhage : a retrospective single center cohort study

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    Background Spontaneous angiogram-negative subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is considered a benign illness with little of the aneurysmal SAH-related complications. We describe the clinical course, SAH-related complications, and outcome of patients with angiogram-negative SAH. Methods We retrospectively reviewed all adult patients admitted to a neurosurgical intensive care unit during 2004-2018 due to spontaneous angiogram-negative SAH. Our primary outcome was a dichotomized Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) at 3 months. We assessed factors that associated with outcome using multivariable logistic regression analysis. Results Of the 108 patients included, 84% had a favorable outcome (GOS 4-5), and mortality was 5% within 1 year. The median age was 58 years, 51% were female, and 93% had a low-grade SAH (World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies grading I-III). The median number of angiograms performed per patient was two. Thirty percent of patients showed radiological signs of acute hydrocephalus, 28% were acutely treated with an external ventricular drain, 13% received active vasospasm treatment and 17% received a permanent shunt. In the multivariable logistic regression model, only acute hydrocephalus associated with unfavorable outcome (odds ratio = 4.05, 95% confidence interval = 1.05-15.73). Two patients had a new bleeding episode. Conclusion SAH-related complications such as hydrocephalus and vasospasm are common after angiogram-negative SAH. Still, most patients had a favorable outcome. Only acute hydrocephalus was associated with unfavorable outcome. The high rate of SAH-related complications highlights the need for neurosurgical care in these patients.Peer reviewe

    The smart meets the conventional : Media storylines and societal frames on the energy action of housing cooperatives

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    In the acceleration phase of energy transitions, the role of community and citizen action is emphasised. The role of active, smart and experimental communities and individuals adopting novel practices and technologies is often contrasted with more conventional and mundane everyday practices, which change only slowly. In this context, the role of news media is central in disseminating information, mediating confrontations, and offering a space for shared societal frames on transition. This article examines Finnish media storylines on emerging energy technologies and practices in housing cooperatives, which manage most of the apartment buildings in Finland and thus have a key role in energy transition. Focusing on 17 years of development in three mainstream media, we first identify three main phases in media discourse intensity, focus and level of detail. Next, we analyse the ten main storylines on stabilising and reconfiguring the role of housing cooperatives in energy system change. Finally, we combine these storylines with cross-cutting societal frames on governmentalizing energy communities from the perspectives of technological anticipation, saving potentials and governance interventions.Peer reviewe

    2011 Proceedings of PICMET '11: Technology Management in the Energy Smart World (PICMET)

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    The reliability and validity of the selected research method are subjects to which every researcher is bound to address himself when representing the findings and conclusions of his/her work. In this study we will discuss the reliability, validity and philosophical aspects of the Delphi method, first with a small literature review and then by representing two different surveys conducted using the Delphi method. The point of view in our report is the usability of Delphi in collecting qualitative data for software engineering research. The most significant features of the Delphi method are its recursion and the possibility to get immediate feedback and evaluate one’s own answer. Although there are many forms of Delphi techniques, these features exist in one form or the other in all Delphi variations. In Delphi-based surveys, the minimum number of participants is smaller and participants are not selected at random but because of their particular expertise. Among the traditional research methods this is seen to cause the risk of bias and endangering both reliability and validity. In the Delphi method, the recursion produced by three or more rounds, the expertise and – in most cases – anonymity of participants, and the opportunity to evaluate and argue one’s own answer after having seen the other opinions and arguments are thought to guarantee the quality of well-planned and well-conducted research. </p

    Teknillisen korkeakoulun painetut ja elektroniset julkaisut : ohjeita julkaisujen laatijoille

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    Ohjeet on tarkoitettu Teknillisen korkeakoulun omia julkaisuja laativille. Niissä on huomioitu sekä painetut julkaisut että tällä hetkellä yleisimmät elektronisen julkaisemisen muodot (PDF, HTML). Tärkeimmät elektronisia julkaisuja koskevat asiat on koottu myös erilliseksi liitteeksi. Ohjeet koskevat erityisesti sarjajulkaisuja ja tieteellisiä julkaisuja, mutta niitä voidaan soveltaa myös muuntyyppisiin julkaisuihin. Oppaan tavoitteena on yhdessä graafisen ohjeiston kanssa yhtenäistää korkeakoulun julkaisukäytäntöjä ja parantaa omien julkaisujen tunnistettavuutta ja löytyvyyttä paitsi laitoksilta ja kirjastoista myös erilaisista tietojärjestelmistä ja Internetistä. Julkaisussa annetaan ohjeita standarditunnusten (ISBN, ISSN) ja muiden tunnusten hankkimisesta, sarjan nimeämisestä, raporttitunnuksista, tiivistelmäsivun, tekijänoikeusmerkinnän, lähdeluettelon ja -viittausten laatimisesta sekä sivunumeroinnista. Verkkojulkaisemisen Dublin Core -kuvailutiedoista on lyhyt yhteenveto. Julkaisuohjeet sisältävät lisäksi yleisiä tietoja korkeakoulun omasta julkaisutoiminnasta, painattamisesta, arkistoinnista ja julkaisujen luetteloimisesta tietokantoihin. Julkaisijoita opastetaan kirjastolle kokoelmia ja arkistointia varten lähetettävien kappaleiden ja ainoastaan verkossa julkaistujen teosten kopioiden toimittamisessa. Kirjallisten ohjeiden lisäksi julkaisujen nimiölehdestä, kansista ja nimiönäytöstä on laadittu kuvitteelliset mallit, joita voidaan käyttää apuna tunniste- ja saatavuustietojen sijoittelussa. Painetun ja PDF-muotoisen julkaisun tiivistelmäsivun laatimista helpottamaan on tehty PDF-muotoiset täytettävät suomen-, ruotsin- ja englanninkieliset lomakkeet. Ne ovat painetun julkaisun liitteinä ja verkossa käyttöä varten. Ohjeisiin kuuluu käytettyjen termien ja lyhenteiden sanasto. Ohjeet perustuvat julkaisutoiminnasta annettuihin standardeihin, jotka on lueteltu oppaassa, ja Teknillisen korkeakoulun käytäntöihin. Opas on Teknillisen korkeakoulun kirjaston julkaisuohjeiden uudistettu versio

    Conformal Titanium Nitride in a Porous Silicon Matrix: a Nanomaterial for In-Chip Supercapacitors

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    Today's supercapacitor energy storages are typically discrete devices aimed for printed boards and power applications. The development of autonomous sensor networks and wearable electronics and the miniaturisation of mobile devices would benefit substantially from solutions in which the energy storage is integrated with the active device. Nanostructures based on porous silicon (PS) provide a route towards integration due to the very high inherent surface area to volume ratio and compatibility with microelectronics fabrication processes. Unfortunately, pristine PS has limited wettability and poor chemical stability in electrolytes and the high resistance of the PS matrix severely limits the power efficiency. In this work, we demonstrate that excellent wettability and electro-chemical properties in aqueous and organic electrolytes can be obtained by coating the PS matrix with an ultra-thin layer of titanium nitride by atomic layer deposition. Our approach leads to very high specific capacitance (15 F/cm3^3), energy density (1.3 mWh/cm3^3), power density (up to 214 W/cm3^3) and excellent stability (more than 13,000 cycles). Furthermore, we show that the PS-TiN nanomaterial can be integrated inside a silicon chip monolithically by combining MEMS and nanofabrication techniques. This leads to realisation of in-chip supercapacitor, i.e., it opens a new way to exploit the otherwise inactive volume of a silicon chip to store energy

    Generation of a human induced pluripotent stem cell line from a patient with a rare A673T variant in amyloid precursor protein gene that reduces the risk for Alzheimer's disease

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    An amyloid precursor protein (APP) A673T mutation was found to be protective against Alzheimer's disease (AD) and cognitive decline in the Icelandic population and to associate with decreased levels of plasma β-amyloid in a Finnish population-based cohort. Human fibroblasts from a Finnish male individual carrying the protective mutation were used to generate integration-free induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSCs) line by Sendai virus technology. The iPSC line retained the mutation and expressed pluripotency markers, had a normal karyotype and differentiated into all three germ layers.Peer reviewe