4,114 research outputs found

    Days on Dixie Drive

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    The Future Defense System for the Indonesian Nation State

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    The curent global situation has encouraged inter-state rivalry to become increasingly violent, so that the survival of every nation-state is becoming increasingly vulnerable. Therefore, every nation state has a responsibility to develop its own defense system to deal with the physical and psychological threats. This paper discusses the challenges and concepts of future defense system for the Indonesia, with the framework of analysis is the security vortex. The concept of the future defense system for the nation state of Indonesia is concentric defense, which consists of internal and external defense belt, by building three basic capabilities of the TNI to ensure national security, and to build global strategic partnership, which put Indonesia as an initial buffer of regional stability

    Understanding Unwanted Sexual Experiences of Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study

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    Transgender and gender diverse (TGD) people represent a small percent of the population and yet, they experience sexual violence at disproportionately high rates compared to their cisgender counterparts (Grant et al, 2011; James et al., 2016). The purpose of this interpretative phenomenological study is to gain a more nuanced understanding of the role that unwanted sexual experiences play in the lives of transgender and gender diverse people, particularly in relation to how they conceptualize their gender identity and the construct of posttraumatic growth (PTG). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eight TGD participants who met the inclusion criteria. Two superordinate (i.e., negative impacts on self and factors that facilitated recovery) and ten subordinate (i.e., systemic oppression, mental health outcomes, gender dysphoria and transitioning, difficulties with disclosure, lack of resources, physical intimacy, advocacy, connection and support, strengths, personal growth, affirming resources, and hope) themes emerged from the data. Contextual factors were reported on. Limitations of the present study were also discussed. Implications for practice include the use of gender-affirming and culturally appropriate interventions, examination of power dynamics within the therapeutic relationship, understanding the potential interplay between gender dysphoria, oppression, and trauma, and exploration of strengths and avenues for growth. Implications for policy include the implementation of comprehensive policies that protect the human rights of TGD people, such as protections from being refused access to public places and insurance coverage of gender-affirming services. Future research should focus on diverse samples of TGD survivors, a more direct examination PTG within the TGD community, the impact of previous trauma on TGD survivors, and intimate partner violence (IPV) within the TGD community. Advisor: Michael Schee

    Design and Development of an acoustic positioning system for a cubic kilometre underwater neutrino telescope

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    En los últimos años los telescopios submarinos de neutrinos han cobrado una mayor importancia ya que consisten en un nuevo y único instrumento para observar el Universo. Los neutrinos son partículas sin carga e interactúan muy débilmente con la materia que les rodean, pueden escaparse fácilmente de la fuente que los ha producidos y llegar a La Tierra sin ser desviada por los campo magnético y sin interactuar con otras partículas. Esto implica que los neutrinos pueden traer informaciones astrofísicas que otros mensajeros no pueden aportar y abrir una potencial ventana hacia el Universo. Por otro lado, su baja interacción con la materia impone la necesidad de construir un detector de grandes dimensiones del orden de 1 km3 utilizando volumen de agua o hielo y con muchos sensores ópticos para detectar esta interacción de neutrino de alta energía. Un método para detectar neutrinos es a través de la luz Cherenkov emitida por el muon generado después de una interacción de neutrino. Esta partícula, al atravesar el detector con una velocidad superior a la luz en el medio, genera una débil luz azulada llamada radiación de Cherenkov que es detectada por una red de sensores ópticos (fotomultiplicadores). El tiempo de llegada de la luz a los fotomultiplicadores puede ser utilizado para reconstruir la traza del muon y consecuentemente del neutrino que lo ha producido. La precisión en la reconstrucción de la traza del muon depende de la precisión en la medida del tiempo de llegada de la luz y en la precisión en de la posición de los sensores ópticos en el detector. Por esta razón, en telescopios submarinos es necesario un sistema de posicionamiento acústico (APS) capaz de monitorizar el movimiento de los sensores ópticos con una precisión de ~10 cm. Los estudios realizados están enmarcados dentro de las actividades de calibración de posicionamiento acústico en dos colaboraciones europeas para el diseño, construcción y operación de telescopios submarinos de neutrinos en el MediterLarosa ., G. (2012). Design and Development of an acoustic positioning system for a cubic kilometre underwater neutrino telescope [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16877Palanci

    A Historical Comparison, and Speculative Analysis of The Technological Revolution: Winners, Losers, and Technological Capabilities

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    Technological innovation began long ago, and if we start at its origin, and slowly breakdown its progression to present day, a significant role, and purpose begins to emerge. However, technology is now smarter than ever, and despite being able to refer to the past, there are countless uncertainties regarding the current capabilities, and the predetermined path of automation and computerisation. Moreover, there is much to be discovered surrounding the role of technology within income inequality. How much of the inequality and progression of trends can we attribute to technology? Will technology displace the majority of human labor hours? It is becoming more clear, as new research is completed, that technology has not even begun to run its course, and that human labor is definitely at risk, but to what extent

    Effect of Case Presentation on Physical Therapy Students’ Clinical Reasoning

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    This mixed-methods study investigated the effects of case method presentation on the clinical reasoning hypotheses generated, strategies implemented, and errors made by physical therapy students working through a musculoskeletal clinical problem. The study was framed by Marton and Säljö’s levels of processing, McCrudden’s et al. goal-focusing model, Cognitive Load Theory, and the Model of Domain Learning. Verbatim transcriptions for each problem-solving session was created and coded. Cohen’s kappa was κ = .75 indicating substantial inter-rater reliability for the finalized coding schemes. Quantitative analysis included mean and standard deviation calculations followed by Mann Whitney-U comparisons which detected several significant differences between groups regarding clinical reasoning hypotheses generated, reasoning strategies implemented, and errors made during the problem-solving sessions. Moderate-to-large effect sizes, ranging from r2 = .64–.78, indicated that differences in clinical reasoning between groups was mostly attributed to the case presentation method. Additionally, a qualitative profile enriched the data set by identifying differences in type of knowledge regulation each group exhibited and timing of treatment considerations. Specifically, participants in the simulated patient group were found to regulate more psychomotor skill knowledge compared to the written case study group who exhibited more regulation of propositional knowledge. This research project has already impacted the educational experiences physical therapy students receive in their professional education program. Future research should include multi-institutional investigations with a larger number of participants allowing for better representation of physical therapy students across professional education programs before generalizing any findings

    The Model Holistic : The Application of the Adaptive Cycle to Rust-Belt Cities

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    For too long, the relationship between the natural and built environment have been ignored, resulting in a disconnect between humanity, nature, and architecture. Can enforcing this relationship change the way we think about urban design and resiliency? Like ecology, cities act much like an ecosystem, going through four phases; exploitation, conservation, release, and reorganization. Over a slow period, these resources are conserved and protected rather than used for innovation. In the case of a disturbance, the vulnerability of the system at this point leads to eventual collapse and release of resources. Finally, as a result of this release, the system can reorient itself along a pathway toward a new phase of exploitation and regrowth. Together, these phases are known as the adaptive cycle, an ecological resilience model developed by two ecologists at the University of British Columbia, C.S Holling and C.J. Walters. This work seeks to prove the adaptive cycle can be a holistic model for cities to establish architectural and urban strategies that increase city resiliency. A new method for analyzing city systems through the adaptive cycle can be a holistic way to prolong resiliency by, increasing density, diversifying industry, encouraging organizational autonomy, embracing all cultures, and generating new ideas. This thesis focuses on a second-tier Rust-Belt city, Utica, New York located about an hour North-West of the capital, Albany. This thesis seeks to apply the adaptive cycle model to Utica by targeting specific nodes within the urban context to place Utica on a positive trajectory of resiliency


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    Indonesia’s national security is still in debate since the separation of TNI-Polri’s functions and is more likely to be interpreted as national security and order (kamtibmas)’s effort. Meanwhile, in several states in the world, national security emphasis more on a holistic approach. This study provides a point of view to redefine Indonesia's national security to be more holistic and comprehensive, using the analytical framework of Security Vortex. So that, Indonesia's national security is a national policy that has the goal of ensuring the life and death of the Indonesia nation-state in the aspects of international security, state security and civil security, with three basic capabilities that must build, namely knowledge-based security, skill-based security, and rules-based security

    Magnetized four-dimensional Z2 x Z2 orientifolds

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    The worlds of Chrislopher Columbus

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    PHILLIPS, Wílliam D., Phillips, Carla Rahn. The worlds of Chrislopher Columbus