53 research outputs found

    Three-body dynamics in single ionization of atomic hydrogen by 75 keV proton impact

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    Doubly differential cross sections (DDCS) for single ionization of atomic hydrogen by 75 keV proton impact have been measured as a function of the projectile scattering angle and energy loss. This pure three-body collision system represents a fundamental test case for the study of the reaction dynamics in few-body systems. A comparison between theory and experiment reveals that three-body dynamics is important at all scattering angles, and that an accurate description of the role of the projectile-target nucleus interaction as well as the second order projectile-electron interaction remains a major challenge to theory. However, progress is being made in understanding these higher order interactions and a better understanding of the collision dynamics seems possible --Abstract, page iii

    Scattering-Angle Dependence of Doubly Differential Cross Sections for Fragmentation of H₂ by Proton Impact

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    We have measured double differential cross sections (DDCS) for proton fragment formation for fixed projectile energy losses as a function of projectile scattering angle in 75 keV p + H2 collisions. An oscillating pattern was observed in the angular dependence of the DDCS with a frequency about twice as large as what we found earlier for nondissociative ionization. Possible origins for this frequency doubling are discussed

    Manipulating Atomic Fragmentation Processes by Controlling the Projectile Coherence

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    We have measured the scattering angle dependence of cross sections for ionization in p+H2 collisions for a fixed projectile energy loss. Depending on the projectile coherence, interference due to indistinguishable diffraction of the projectile from the two atomic centers was either present or absent in the data. This shows that, due to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, the preparation of the beam must be included in theoretical calculations. The results have far-reaching implications on formal atomic scattering theory because this critical aspect has been overlooked for several decades

    Manipulating Atomic Fragmentation Processes by Controlling the Projectile Coherence

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    We have measured the scattering angle dependence of cross sections for ionization in p+H2 collisions for a fixed projectile energy loss. Depending on the projectile coherence, interference due to indistinguishable diffraction of the projectile from the two atomic centers was either present or absent in the data. This shows that, due to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics, the preparation of the beam must be included in theoretical calculations. The results have far-reaching implications on formal atomic scattering theory because this critical aspect has been overlooked for several decades

    Effect of Projectile Coherence on Atomic Fragmentation Processes

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    We demonstrate that the projectile coherence can have a major impact on atomic fragmentation processes. This has been overlooked for decades in formal scattering theory and may explain puzzling discrepancies between theoretical and experimental fully differential cross sections for single ionization

    Three-body Dynamics in Single Ionization of Atomic Hydrogen by 75 KeV Proton Impact

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    Doubly differential cross sections for single ionization of atomic hydrogen by 75 keV proton impact have been measured and calculated as a function of the projectile scattering angle and energy loss. This pure three-body collision system represents a fundamental test case for the study of the reaction dynamics in few-body systems. A comparison between theory and experiment reveals that three-body dynamics is important at all scattering angles and that an accurate description of the role of the projectile-target-nucleus interaction remains a major challenge to theory

    Interference Effects Due to Projectile Target Nucleus Scattering in Single Ionization of H₂ by 75-keV Proton Impact

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    Doubly differential cross sections (DDCSs) for single ionization of molecular hydrogen by 75-keV proton impact have been measured and calculated as a function of the projectile scattering angle and energy loss. Interference structures are observed in the scattering angular dependence of the DDCSs, which disappear, however, at electron speeds near the projectile speed. The comparison to our calculations shows that the projectile-target nucleus interaction plays a central role. Furthermore, our data suggest that for a given scattering angle, ionization favors well-defined molecular orientations

    Interference Effects Due to Projectile Target Nucleus Scattering in Single Ionization of H₂ by 75-keV Proton Impact

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    Doubly differential cross sections (DDCSs) for single ionization of molecular hydrogen by 75-keV proton impact have been measured and calculated as a function of the projectile scattering angle and energy loss. Interference structures are observed in the scattering angular dependence of the DDCSs, which disappear, however, at electron speeds near the projectile speed. The comparison to our calculations shows that the projectile-target nucleus interaction plays a central role. Furthermore, our data suggest that for a given scattering angle, ionization favors well-defined molecular orientations

    Three-Dimensional Shapes of Spinning Helium Nanodroplets

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    A significant fraction of superfluid helium nanodroplets produced in a free-jet expansion have been observed to gain high angular momentum resulting in large centrifugal deformation. We measured single-shot diffraction patterns of individual rotating helium nanodroplets up to large scattering angles using intense extreme ultraviolet light pulses from the FERMI free-electron laser. Distinct asymmetric features in the wide-angle diffraction patterns enable the unique and systematic identification of the three-dimensional droplet shapes. The analysis of a large dataset allows us to follow the evolution from axisymmetric oblate to triaxial prolate and two-lobed droplets. We find that the shapes of spinning superfluid helium droplets exhibit the same stages as classical rotating droplets while the previously reported metastable, oblate shapes of quantum droplets are not observed. Our three-dimensional analysis represents a valuable landmark for clarifying the interrelation between morphology and superfluidity on the nanometer scale

    Deep neural networks for classifying complex features in diffraction images

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    Intense short-wavelength pulses from free-electron lasers and high-harmonic-generation sources enable diffractive imaging of individual nano-sized objects with a single x-ray laser shot. The enormous data sets with up to several million diffraction patterns represent a severe problem for data analysis, due to the high dimensionality of imaging data. Feature recognition and selection is a crucial step to reduce the dimensionality. Usually, custom-made algorithms are developed at a considerable effort to approximate the particular features connected to an individual specimen, but facing different experimental conditions, these approaches do not generalize well. On the other hand, deep neural networks are the principal instrument for today's revolution in automated image recognition, a development that has not been adapted to its full potential for data analysis in science. We recently published in Langbehn et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 255301 (2018)) the first application of a deep neural network as a feature extractor for wide-angle diffraction images of helium nanodroplets. Here we present the setup, our modifications and the training process of the deep neural network for diffraction image classification and its systematic benchmarking. We find that deep neural networks significantly outperform previous attempts for sorting and classifying complex diffraction patterns and are a significant improvement for the much-needed assistance during post-processing of large amounts of experimental coherent diffraction imaging data.Comment: Published Version. Github code available at: https://github.com/julian-carpenter/airyne
