902 research outputs found


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    The last achievements of technologies in geomatics especially in survey and restitution of 3D models (UAV/drones and laser scanner technologies) generated new procedures and higher standards of quality in representation of archaeological sites. Together with Geomatics, the recent development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) strongly contribute to document and the Cultural Heritage (CH). The representation and documentation of CH using these new technologies has became necessary in order to satisfy different needs: – for restorers in order to acquire a deep knowledge of the cultural good and to define possible strategies of restoration; – for the conservation of information, allowing to preserve the 3D geometry of the monumental complex with the integration of descriptions about architectural elements; – for touristic aims, giving the opportunity of sharing CH information on web, allowing users to visit and explore, in a virtual way, monumental complexes, acquiring information details about architectural elements or the history of monumental complex. Looking through these new scenarios, the development of a 3D Geographic Information System (GIS) applied to a cultural good could be, today, an added value of fundamental importance for full description and data management of monumental complexes. In this work, the main features necessary for the correct construction of a 3D GIS of a monumental complex will be analyzed, with a particular focus on the possibilities for creating a standardized procedure to follow

    La historia de la prensa local en Castilla y León: una revisión crítica

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    Construction of a webgis tool based on a gis semiautomated processing for the localization of p2g plants in sicily (Italy)

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    The recent diffusion of RES (Renewable Energy Sources), considering the electric energy produced by photovoltaic and wind plants, brought to light the problem of the unpredictable nature of wind and solar energy. P2G (Power to Gas) implementation seems to be the right solution, trans-forming curtailed energy in hydrogen. The choice of the settlement of P2G plants is linked to many factors like the distances between the gas grid and the settlement of RES plants, the transportation networks, the energy production, and population distribution. In light of this, the implementation of a Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) into a Geographic Information System (GIS) processing represents a good strategy to achieve the goal in a specific territorial asset. In this work, this method has been applied to the case of study of Sicily (Italy). The paper shows in detail the geomatic semi-automated processing that allows to find the set of possible solutions and further to choose the best localization for new P2G plants, connected to a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) and integrated with a WebGIS visualization for real-time analysis. This system is useful for the management, the development, and the study of hydrogen technologies, in order to link the electri-cal network and the gas network datasets with economical and infrastructural assets through GIS processing. In the future new factors will join in the process as policies on hydrogen take shape

    Web exploration of cultural heritage with limited accessibility: First experimentation for hypogeum archaeological sites

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    The accessibility to hypogeum archaeological sites is still one of the main challenges for the dissemination of Cultural Heritage knowledge, especially in the territories rich of ancient ruins like the Mediterranean area, where modern cities often hide underground ruins of historical settlements making the accessibility of these sites very difficult or even impossible. Digital reconstructions and virtual reality applications result in many cases the only chance to explore these archaeological sites. Terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetry are the main technologies able now to digitise at a very high-level detail the hypogeum environments, whilst web virtual navigation systems are smart solutions for their dissemination and virtual fruition. However, this approach has some critical issues since the online virtual fruition needs further 3D model elaborations and web design processes. The work aims to develop and implement a web exploration system for the web fruition of hypogeum archaeological sites. The research was carried out on two hypogeum sites in Marsala (Italy), part of the ancient Roman city of Lylibaeum . The system was developed using WebGL JavaScript open-source libraries, allowing the construction of a virtual 3D navigation platform accessible on the web. In particular, in this work, the 3D dataset elaboration necessary to solve the limitations relative to the web browsing of complex 3D datasets is investigated and a possible smart solution based on open-source technology is proposed


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    Recent advances in open-source geospatial technologies in WebGIS allowed the visualization of a 3D complex environment on the web, exploiting realistic Globe reproduction of the real territorial asset. At the same time, in the field of gaming technologies, the new possibilities offered by open-source WebGL JavaScript libraries allowed the creation of Virtual Reality navigation models on the web. The integration between 3D GIS globe navigation models and VR environment navigation is a solution that offers a further level of detail in web navigation, exploiting the capabilities of web browsers in the best way. This research further contributes to this field, showing a workflow to integrate different 3D data in a VR and 3D WebGIS navigation model. The case study for this research is the new building of the University of Twente, Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC) of Enschede (The Netherlands). This work tests the online integration of variety of 3D input data that can lead to different Levels of Details (LoD) of the buildings inside the Globe-based WebGIS platform. The developed solution works on desktop and mobile devices using the capabilities of the most common web browsers, avoiding any software installation. The result of this work is based on completely open-source solutions that offers the possibility to navigate within a 3D model, which is useful for citizens, governmental or private institutions in decision-making processes. This work represents a first step towards the ambition to generate a web Digital Twin platform to combine datasets from different sources in a unique open-source solution

    Augmented virtual accessibility of CH: The web navigation model of inquisition prisons

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    The latest advances in the architectural survey and 3D reconstruction have produced new technologies and methodologies to enhance cultural assets and improve their accessibility. The possibility of virtually visiting a place of historical and cultural interest is often the only way to have access to it. This can happen for various reasons: users' disabilities, temporary site closure, assets located in remote and inaccessible places, and assets destined to disappear over time. Fortunately, new Geomatics and Computer Science technologies allow the virtual reconstruction of entire archaeological and monumental sites with high levels of accuracy. Considering the technologies related to VR, online virtual fruition techniques were recently adopted, using the open source WebGL JavaScript libraries. These libraries allow users to virtually explore the virtual model employing web browsers without installing any client-side applications. The work presented adopts these technologies. It falls within the VASARI project, whose goal is to create a single digital platform for the enhancement, use, and management of the Italian artistic heritage. In particular, the described work concerns the survey, 3D reconstruction, and web visualization of the archaeological site of the Inquisition Prisons located within the monumental complex of Palazzo Chiaramonte in Palermo, known as the "Steri" and today the headquarters of the Rectorate of the University of Palermo. The adopted workflow and encountered issues during implementation will be described