1,281 research outputs found

    Transient Terrestrial Trojans: Comparative Short-term Dynamical Evolution of 2010 TK7 and 2020 XL5

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    The Trojan asteroids of Mars and Jupiter are long-term stable, those of Earth are expected to be just transient companions. The first Trojan of our planet, 2010 TK7, was discovered in 2010 and its resonant state was found to be transient. Here, we provide a preliminary assessment of the current dynamical status and short-term orbital evolution of 2020 XL5, a recently discovered near-Earth asteroid that might be the second known representative of this elusive population. Our calculations show that the current orbit determination of 2010 TK7 is consistent with that of a robust, present-day, yet transient, L4 Earth Trojan. In sharp contrast, the current orbit determination of 2020 XL5 is still too uncertain and its orbital evolution too chaotic to confirm a current Trojan engagement with Earth, although the nominal orbit shows such a behavior. More observations are required to provide a conclusive answer.Unidad Deptal. de Astronomía y GeodesiaFac. de Ciencias MatemáticasTRUEpu

    Plan de Cuidados para prevenciĂłn de complicaciones en el anciano hospitalizado

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    El envejecimiento es un proceso que afecta física y psicológicamente a las personas, además es cada vez más frecuente en nuestro entorno y el ámbito asistencial, por el progresivo envejecimiento de la población y la vulnerabilidad que adquieren a las enfermedades. El ingreso supone para el paciente anciano una situación de estrés, en la que es sensible a padecer complicaciones, no directamente relacionadas con la enfermedad que provoca el ingreso. Mediante la realización de un plan de cuidados, valorando los patrones disfuncionales del paciente, se podrán prevenir estas complicaciones, atendiendo también el aspecto psicológico, que muchas veces se olvida, y es fundamental en el paciente anciano, y más durante el ingreso, donde la inseguridad y el miedo aumentan en un entorno extraño. El plan de Cuidados se formula de acuerdo con el Lenguaje Estandarizado Enfermero, según las nomenclaturas NANDA, NOC y NIC.OtroGrado en Enfermerí

    Spectroscopic and dynamical properties of comet C/2018 F4, likely a true average former member of the Oort cloud

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    The population of comets hosted by the Oort cloud is heterogeneous. Most studies in this area focused on highly active objects, those with small perihelion distances or examples of objects with peculiar physical properties and/or unusual chemical compositions. This may have produced a biased sample of Oort cloud comets in which the most common objects may be rare, particularly those with perihelia well beyond the orbit of the Earth. Within this context, the known Oort cloud comets may not be representative of the full sample. Here, we study the spectral properties in the visible region and the cometary activity of Comet C/2018 F4 (PANSTARRS). We also explore its orbital evolution with the aim of understanding its origin within the context of known minor bodies moving along nearly parabolic or hyperbolic paths. We present observations obtained with the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC), derive the spectral class and visible slope of C/2018 F4 and characterise its level of cometary activity. Direct N-body simulations are carried out to explore its orbital evolution. The absolute magnitude of C/2018 F4 is Hr=13.62+/-0.04. Assuming a pV=0.04 its diameter is D<10.4 km. The object presents a conspicuous coma, with a level of activity comparable to those of other comets observed at similar heliocentric distances. Comet C/2018 F4 has a visible spectrum consistent with that of an X-type asteroid, and has a spectral slope S'=4.0+/-1.0 %/1000\AA and no evidence of hydration. The spectrum matches those of well-studied primitive asteroids and comets. The analysis of its dynamical evolution prior to discovery suggests that C/2018 F4 is not of extrasolar origin. Although the present-day heliocentric orbit of C/2018 F4 is slightly hyperbolic, its observational properties and past orbital evolution are consistent with those of a dynamically old comet with an origin in the Oort cloud.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. In pres

    Cluny and its priories in fifteenth-century Castile

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    Producción CientíficaCluny’s control over its Hispanic priories was weakened in the fifteenth century by the popes’ interference in the naming of priors and in confirming alienations. The attempts made by the abbots Robert de Chaudesolles and Jean de Bourbon to reaffirm their authority were effective only for a time. Even so, the monks continued to consider themselves as Cluniacs, enjoying the privileges of the order, having recourse to their conservators and, especially, celebrating their own liturgy. Between 1470 and 1513, the papal appointment of commendatory abbots and the monarchs’ support for the reform of San Benito de Valladolid led to the Cluniac priories becoming exempt from Cluny’s jurisdiction. This was possible due to the disappearance, or inaction, of those agents who traditionally exercised control over the priories: priors, chamberlains and visitors.This article was produced as part of the research projects “Poderes, espacios y escrituras en los reinos occidentales hispánicos” (Reference HAR 2013-42925-P) and “Espacio, letra e imagen: el factor cluniacense en la Edad Media hispana desde sus inicios a su decadencia (ca. 1000-1500)” (Reference HAR2013-46921-P), financed by the Spanish government’s Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

    Founders and reformers. Abbots in the Kingdoms of Leon and Navarre, ninth to twelfth centuries

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    Producción CientíficaLas hagiografías de Rosendo de Celanova, Domingo de Silos o Lesmes de Burgos buscaron crear un modelo de vida a seguir, tanto por los monjes como por el superior de la comunidad. Por ello construyeron la figura de un abad ideal, lo que resulta útil para conocer qué se entendía por tal en los siglos XI-XII. El abad como figura ejemplar, como ejemplo vivo de la regla, aparece con claridad en el Domingo descrito por Grimaldo. Los monjes esperaban que su abad les proporcionase tanto la salvación de sus almas como el sustento necesario para sus cuerpos. El abad debía ser capaz de atraer donaciones, de gestionar adecuadamente el dominio monástico y de defenderlo frente a sus enemigos. En la sociedad medieval ello comportaba tanto ser un buen administrador, como ser capaz de forjar una red de vínculos sociales con los poderosos y los vecinos.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (HAR2013-42925-P

    Expectations about specific training in physical activities in natural environment in the bachelor's degree in primary school teaching

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    This work shows the opinion on the specific training in physical activities in natural environment of the Teaching in Primary Education Students of the Faculty of Education (University of Zaragoza). 208 students were surveyed voluntarily during the 2019/20 academic year. They were students of the two subjects whose contents were object of the survey. The questionnaire used contained a 5-point likert scale. The students answered about the influence of these activities on the acquisition of personal, prosocial and training competencies. The highest scores in transversal competencies corresponded to student involvement (4.41 ±.744), teamwork (4.38 ±.758) and research on the practice itself (4.22 ±.761). Furthermore, respect (4.59 ±.638) and cooperation (4.56 ±.603) were the most valued personal competencies. These issues should serve to guide teachers to redirect a better methodology in their subjects. This work can be extrapolated to any university institution with specific teaching on physical activities in natural environment

    Explicit integration scheme for generalized plasticity constitutive models with automatic error control

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    An explicit algorithm for integrating Generalized Plasticity constitutive models is presented. This automatically divides the applied strain increment into subincrements using an estimate of the local error controlling the global integration error in the stress. The algorithm modifies the well known S. W. Sloan substepping scheme to account for Generalized Plasticity constitutive models, in which, unlike Classical Elastoplasticity, the yield surface is not explicitly defined. The integration scheme is described and results are presented for a rigid footing resting on a layer of specific Generalized Plasticity model for sands, in which a hyperelastic formulation is introduced to describe the reversible component of the soil response instead of the hypoelastic approach originally proposed. The explicit algorithm with automatic substepping and error control is shown to be reliable and efficient for these complex constitutive laws
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