4 research outputs found

    Can functional exercise capacity discriminate older individuals with poor postural control?

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    Postural instability can be related to functional limitations as a result of the aging process. This study aimed to compare functional exercise capacity and postural control in older adults. Participants were allocated into three groups according to their functional exercise capacity based on the six minute walking test (6MWT): 1) Low performance group (LP: distance walked ≤ 80% of the predicted value n = 19), 2) Normal performance group (NP: distance walked 81-100% of the predicted value n = 21) and, 3) High performance group (HP: distance walked >100% of the predicted value n = 23). All groups performed three trials of a one-leg stance for 30s on a force platform. LP showed worse postural control in comparison to NP and HP, and significant differences (p < .05) were found between groups for area, velocity antero-posterior of center of pressure and time limit variables during the one-leg stance task. These results have implications for rehabilitation management with regard to exercise, balance assessment and intervention in older adults. Instabilidade postural pode estar relacionada com as limitações funcionais, como um resultado do processo de envelhecimento. Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a capacidade funcional de exercício e o controle postural em indivíduos idosos. Os participantes foram separados em três grupos de acordo com sua capacidade funcional de exercício baseada no teste de caminhada de seis minutos (TC6min): 1) grupo baixo desempenho (BD: distância caminhada ≤ 80% do valor predito n = 19), 2) grupo normal desempenho (ND : distância caminhada 81-100% do valor predito n = 21) e, 3) grupo alto desempenho (AD: distância caminhada >100% do valor predito n = 23). Todos os grupos realizaram três testes com apoio unipodal permanecendo por 30s sobre a plataforma de força. BD apresentou pior equilíbrio postural em comparação com ND e AD; com diferenças significativas (p < 0,05) encontradas entre os grupos para os parâmetros de área e velocidade antero-posterior do centro de pressão e a variável tempo-limite durante a posição unipodal. Estes resultados têm implicações para estratégias de reabilitação no que diz respeito ao exercício, avaliação do equilíbrio e intervenção em idosos. Inestabilidad postural puede estar relacionada con las limitaciones funcionales como resultado del proceso de envejecimiento. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar la comparación entre la capacidad funcional del ejercicio en el control postural de las personas de edad avanzada. Los participantes fueron divididos en tres grupos de acuerdo a su capacidad de ejercicio funcional basado en la Prueba de Caminada de seis minutos (PC6M): 1) grupo Bajo Rendimiento (BR: distancia recorrida ≤ 80% del valor predijo, n = 19), 2) grupo Normal Rendimiento (NR: distancia recorrida 81-100% del valor predijo, n = 21) y 3) grupo Alto Rendimiento (AR: distancia recorrida >100% del valor predijo, n = 23). Todos los grupos realizaron tres pruebas sobre un solo pie por 30s en la plataforma de fuerza. BR presentó un mal equilibrio postural en comparación con NR y AR; con diferencias significativas (p < 0,05) encontrado entre los grupos de los parámetros área y velocidad antero-posterior del centro de presión y el límite de tiempo para la postura de una sola pierna. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones para las estrategias de rehabilitación en relación con el ejercicio, la evaluación del equilibrio y la intervención en los ancianos

    Are 30 minutes of rest between two incremental shuttle walking tests enough for cardiovascular variables and perceived exertion to return to baseline values?

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    Objective: To verify whether 30 minutes of rest between two incremental shuttle walking tests (ISWT) are enough for cardiovascular variables and perceived exertion to return to baseline values in healthy subjects in a broad age range. Method: The maximal exercise capacity of 334 apparently healthy subjects (age &#8805;18) was evaluated using the ISWT. The test was performed twice with 30 minutes of rest in between. Heart rate (HR), arterial blood pressure (ABP), dyspnea, and leg fatigue were evaluated before and after each test. Subjects were allocated to 6 groups according to their age: G1: 18-29 years; G2: 30-39 years; G3: 40-49 years; G4: 50-59 years; G5: 60-69 years and G6: &#8805;70 years. Results: All groups had a good performance in the ISWT (median >90% of the predicted distance). The initial HR (HRi) of the second ISWT was higher than the first ISWT in the total sample (p<0.0001), as well as in all groups (p<0.0001). No difference was observed in the behavior of ABP (systolic and diastolic) and dyspnea between the two tests, but this difference occurred for leg fatigue (greater before the second ISWT) in G1 (p<0.05). Most subjects (58%) performed better in the second test. Conclusion: 30 minutes of rest between two ISWTs are not enough for all cardiovascular variables and perceived exertion to return to baseline values. However, this period appears to be sufficient for blood pressure and performance to recover in most subjects