271 research outputs found

    Monoterpene Variation Mediated Attack Preference Evolution of the Bark Beetle Dendroctonus valens

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    Several studies suggest that some bark beetle like to attack large trees. The invasive red turpentine beetle (RTB), Dendroctonus valens LeConte, one of the most destructive forest pests in China, is known to exhibit this behavior. Our previous study demonstrated that RTBs preferred to attack large-diameter trees (diameter at breast height, DBH ≥30 cm) over small-diameter trees (DBH ≤10 cm) in the field. In the current study, we studied the attacking behavior and the underlying mechanisms in the laboratory. Behavioral assays showed that RTBs preferred the bark of large-DBH trees and had a higher attack rate on the bolts of these trees. Y-tube assays showed that RTBs preferred the volatiles released by large-DBH trees to those released by small-DBH trees. Subsequent analysis revealed that both large- and small-DBH trees had the same composition of monoterpenes, but the concentration of each component differed; thus it appeared that the concentrations acted as cues for RTBs to locate the right-sized host which was confirmed by further behavioral assays. Moreover, large-DBH pine trees provided more spacious habitat and contained more nutrients, such as nitrogen, than did small-DBH pine trees, which benefited RTBs' fecundity and larval development. RTBs seem to have evolved mechanisms to locate those large hosts that will allow them to maximize their fitness. Monoterpene variation mediated attack preference implies the potential for the management of RTB

    Exocytotic catecholamine release is not associated with cation flux through channels in the vesicle membrane but Na+ influx through the fusion pore

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    Release of charged neurotransmitter molecules through a narrow fusion pore requires charge compensation by other ions. It has been proposed that this may occur by ion flow from the cytosol through channels in the vesicle membrane, which would generate a net outward current. This hypothesis was tested in chromaffin cells using cell-attached patch amperometry that simultaneously measured catecholamine release from single vesicles and ionic current across the patch membrane. No detectable current was associated with catecholamine release indicating that <2% of cations, if any, enter the vesicle through its membrane. Instead,we show that flux of catecholamines through the fusion pore, measured as an amperometric foot signal, decreases when the extracellular cation concentration is reduced. The results reveal that the rate of transmitter release through the fusion pore is coupled to net Na+ influx through the fusion pore, as predicted by electrodiffusion theory applied to fusion-pore permeation,and suggest a prefusion rather than postfusion role for vesicular cation channels

    Effects of the histone deacetylase inhibitor valproic acid on Notch signalling in human neuroblastoma cells

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    Neuroblastoma (NB), a sympathetically derived childhood tumour, shows characteristics of neuronal precursor cells, suggesting a halted differentiation process. We have previously shown that the Notch signalling cascade, a key player during normal neurogenesis, also might be involved in NB differentiation. Valproic acid (VPA), a well-tolerated antiepileptic drug, has been shown to induce differentiation and cell death of NB cells, possibly associated with its recently described HDAC inhibiting activity. Stimulation of NB cells with VPA led to increased cell death and phenotypic changes associated with differentiation, that is, neurite extension and upregulation of neuronal markers. VPA treatment also led to an activated Notch signalling cascade as shown by increased levels of intracellular Notch-1 and Hes-1, mimicking the initial phase of induced differentiation. These results reinforce that VPA potentially could be used in differentiation therapy of NB and that the effects in part could be a consequence of interference with the Notch signalling cascade

    Genetic profiling of chromosome 1 in breast cancer: mapping of regions of gains and losses and identification of candidate genes on 1q

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    Chromosome 1 is involved in quantitative anomalies in 50–60% of breast tumours. However, the structure of these anomalies and the identity of the affected genes remain to be determined. To characterise these anomalies and define their consequences on gene expression, we undertook a study combining array-CGH analysis and expression profiling using specialised arrays. Array-CGH data showed that 1p was predominantly involved in losses and 1q almost exclusively in gains. Noticeably, high magnitude amplification was infrequent. In an attempt to fine map regions of copy number changes, we defined 19 shortest regions of overlap (SROs) for gains (one at 1p and 18 at 1q) and of 20 SROs for losses (all at 1p). These SROs, whose sizes ranged from 170 kb to 3.2 Mb, represented the smallest genomic intervals possible based on the resolution of our array. The elevated incidence of gains at 1q, added to the well-established concordance between DNA copy increase and augmented RNA expression, made us focus on gene expression changes at this chromosomal arm. To identify candidate oncogenes, we studied the RNA expression profiles of 307 genes located at 1q using a home-made built cDNA array. We identified 30 candidate genes showing significant overexpression correlated to copy number increase. In order to substantiate their involvement, RNA expression levels of these candidate genes were measured by quantitative (Q)-RT–PCR in a panel of 25 breast cancer cell lines previously typed by array-CGH. Q–PCR showed that 11 genes were significantly overexpressed in the presence of a genomic gain in these cell lines, and 20 overexpressed when compared to normal breast

    Characterization of Digestive Enzymes of Bruchid Parasitoids–Initial Steps for Environmental Risk Assessment of Genetically Modified Legumes

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    Genetically modified (GM) legumes expressing the α-amylase inhibitor 1 (αAI-1) from Phaseolus vulgaris L. or cysteine protease inhibitors are resistant to several bruchid pests (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). In addition, the combination of plant resistance factors together with hymenopteran parasitoids can substantially increase the bruchid control provided by the resistance alone. If the strategy of combining a bruchid-resistant GM legume and biological control is to be effective, the insecticidal trait must not adversely affect bruchid antagonists. The environmental risk assessment of such GM legumes includes the characterization of the targeted enzymes in the beneficial species and the assessment of the in vitro susceptibility to the resistance factor. The digestive physiology of bruchid parasitoids remain relatively unknown, and their susceptibility to αAI-1 has never been investigated. We have detected α-amylase and serine protease activities in all five bruchid parasitoid species tested. Thus, the deployment of GM legumes expressing cysteine protease inhibitors to control bruchids should be compatible with the use of parasitoids. In vitro inhibition studies showed that sensitivity of α-amylase activity to αAI-1 in the parasitoids was comparable to that in the target species. Direct feeding assays revealed that harmful effects of α-amylase inhibitors on bruchid parasitoids cannot be discounted and need further evaluation

    Nature reserves as catalysts for landscape change

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    Scientists have called repeatedly for a broader conservation agenda that emphasizes not only protected areas but also the landscapes in which those areas are embedded. We describe key advances in the science and practice of engaging private landowners in biodiversity conservation and propose a conceptual model for integrating conservation management on reserves and privately owned lands. The overall goal of our model is to blur the distinction between land management on reserves and the surrounding landscapes in a way that fosters widespread implementation of conservation practices. Reserves assume a new role as natural laboratories where alternative land-use practices, designed to achieve conservation objectives, can be explored. We articulate the details of the model using a case study from the North American tallgrass prairie ecoregion.Peer reviewedNatural Resource Ecology and Managemen

    Fine-Tuning Enhancer Models to Predict Transcriptional Targets across Multiple Genomes

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    Networks of regulatory relations between transcription factors (TF) and their target genes (TG)- implemented through TF binding sites (TFBS)- are key features of biology. An idealized approach to solving such networks consists of starting from a consensus TFBS or a position weight matrix (PWM) to generate a high accuracy list of candidate TGs for biological validation. Developing and evaluating such approaches remains a formidable challenge in regulatory bioinformatics. We perform a benchmark study on 34 Drosophila TFs to assess existing TFBS and cis-regulatory module (CRM) detection methods, with a strong focus on the use of multiple genomes. Particularly, for CRM-modelling we investigate the addition of orthologous sites to a known PWM to construct phyloPWMs and we assess the added value of phylogenentic footprinting to predict contextual motifs around known TFBSs. For CRM-prediction, we compare motif conservation with network-level conservation approaches across multiple genomes. Choosing the optimal training and scoring strategies strongly enhances the performance of TG prediction for more than half of the tested TFs. Finally, we analyse a 35th TF, namely Eyeless, and find a significant overlap between predicted TGs and candidate TGs identified by microarray expression studies. In summary we identify several ways to optimize TF-specific TG predictions, some of which can be applied to all TFs, and others that can be applied only to particular TFs. The ability to model known TF-TG relations, together with the use of multiple genomes, results in a significant step forward in solving the architecture of gene regulatory networks

    Development and characterization of 3CaO.P2O5-SiO2-MgO glass-ceramics with different crystallization degree

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    The CaO-P2O5-SiO2-MgO system presents several compounds used as biomaterials such as hydroxyapatite (HA), tricalcium phosphate (TCP) and TCP with magnesium substituting partial calcium (TCMP). The beta-TCMP phase with whitlockite structure has interesting biological features and mechanical properties, meeting the requirements of a bioactive material for bone restoration. In this work, the production of Mg-doped TCP, beta-TCMP, has been investigated by crystallization from a glass composed of 52.75 wt% 3CaO center dot P2O5, 30 wt% SiO2 and 17.25 wt% MgO (i.e., 31.7 mol% CaO, 10.6 mol% P2O5, 26.6 mol% MgO and 31.1 mol% SiO2) using heat treatments between 775. and 1100 degrees C for up to 8 h. The devitrification process of the glass has been accompanied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD), relative density and bending strength measurements. The characterization by HRXRD and DSC revealed the occurrence of whitlockite soon after the bulk glass preparation, a transient non-cataloged silicate between 800 degrees C and 1100 degrees C, and the formation of diopside in samples treated at 1100 degrees C as crystalline phases. The overall crystalline fraction varied from 26% to 70% depending on the heat treatments. Furthermore, contraction of the a-axis lattice parameter and expansion of the c-axis lattice parameter of the whitlockite structure have been observed during the heat treatments, which were attributed to the beta-TCMP formation with the partial substitution of Ca2+ by Mg2+. Relative densities near 99% and 97% for the glass and glass-ceramics respectively indicated a discrete reduction as a function of the devitrification treatment. Bending strengths of 70 MPa and 120 MPa were determined for the glass and glass-ceramic material crystallized at 975 degrees C for 4 h, respectively

    The Cis-regulatory Logic of the Mammalian Photoreceptor Transcriptional Network

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    The photoreceptor cells of the retina are subject to a greater number of genetic diseases than any other cell type in the human body. The majority of more than 120 cloned human blindness genes are highly expressed in photoreceptors. In order to establish an integrative framework in which to understand these diseases, we have undertaken an experimental and computational analysis of the network controlled by the mammalian photoreceptor transcription factors, Crx, Nrl, and Nr2e3. Using microarray and in situ hybridization datasets we have produced a model of this network which contains over 600 genes, including numerous retinal disease loci as well as previously uncharacterized photoreceptor transcription factors. To elucidate the connectivity of this network, we devised a computational algorithm to identify the photoreceptor-specific cis-regulatory elements (CREs) mediating the interactions between these transcription factors and their target genes. In vivo validation of our computational predictions resulted in the discovery of 19 novel photoreceptor-specific CREs near retinal disease genes. Examination of these CREs permitted the definition of a simple cis-regulatory grammar rule associated with high-level expression. To test the generality of this rule, we used an expanded form of it as a selection filter to evolve photoreceptor CREs from random DNA sequences in silico. When fused to fluorescent reporters, these evolved CREs drove strong, photoreceptor-specific expression in vivo. This study represents the first systematic identification and in vivo validation of CREs in a mammalian neuronal cell type and lays the groundwork for a systems biology of photoreceptor transcriptional regulation