78 research outputs found

    Signifcado que le dan los voceros y las voceras del consejo comunal “PRAYVAR” a la participación ciudadana y su relación con el desarrollo humano

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    Este artículo muestra la primera etapa de preparación de la ejecución de la investigación acerca del significado que le dan los voceros y las voceras del Consejo Comunal “PRAYVAR” a la participación ciudadana y su relación con el desarrollo humano. El artículo se organiza en 3 secciones. La primera, presenta los aspectos generales de la investigación. La segunda el referente teórico conceptual recolectado para sustentar la investigación, y por último, el referente metodológico. En esta investigación se hizo uso de la metodología cualitativa y el método etnográfico. La muestra está representada por voceros y voceras del consejo comunal y personas de la comunidad. Para culminar la investigación se está haciendo uso de técnicas de recolección de datos con la observación participante, la entrevista a profundidad y la semiestructurada. Posteriormente se realizará el análisis e interpretación de la información con categorías en el programa Weft QDA y finalmente se llegarán a las conclusiones finales. Se espera que en ellas se logre concretar lo que los voceros y las voceras interpretan como participación ciudadana

    Heterogeneidade do substrato e suas rela??es com a comunidade arbustivo-arb?rea do cerrado na Cadeia do Espinha?o.

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    Os objetivos do presente estudo foram: (a) avaliar a similaridade flor?stica, estrutural e ambiental, de tr?s ?reas de cerrado stricto sensu no Alto Vale do Jequitinhonha, inseridas na Cadeia do Espinha?o: ?rea 1- Parque Estadual do Rio Preto (PERP) em S?o Gon?alo do Rio Preto; ?rea 2- Parque Estadual do Biribiri (PEB) em Diamantina e ?rea 3- Reserva Guapuruvu (RG) em Itamarandiba; Minas Gerais, com o intuito de colaborar para o conhecimento dos padr?es da flora regional; (b) verificar como os afloramentos rochosos influenciam os padr?es ecol?gicos das esp?cies arbustivo-arb?reas de um trecho de cerrado stricto sensu rupestre no PEB e averiguar se existem esp?cies indicadoras de um tipo espec?fico de ambiente relacionado com os afloramentos; e (c) avaliar as correla??es entre a distribui??o e densidade das esp?cies arbustivo-arb?reas com as vari?veis ambientais e realizar baseado nesta correla??o uma estratifica??o da ?rea e descrever a composi??o flor?stica e a estrutura fision?mica da comunidade total e de cada ambiente formado na ?rea de cerrado stricto sensu no PERP. Foram alocadas de forma sistem?tica parcelas de 20?50m (1.000m?), assim distribu?das: dezessete parcelas na ?rea 1 (PERP), dez na ?rea 2 (PEB) e dezenove na ?rea 3 (RG), totalizando ?reas amostrais de 1,7, 1,0 e 1,9 ha, respectivamente. Nessas parcelas registraram-se todos os indiv?duos arbustivo-arb?reos vivos que atendessem ao crit?rio de inclus?o: di?metro a 0,30m do solo (DAS) ? 5cm. Nas tr?s ?reas foram coletadas dez amostras simples de solo superficial (0-20cm de profundidade) em cada parcela, para se obter uma amostra composta homog?nea de 300cm3. No PEB foram coletadas informa??es a respeito da cobertura de rochas em cada parcela. No PERP foi realizado o georreferenciamento e levantamento do relevo das parcelas e eventos antr?picos e naturais foram observados por parcela e utilizados para compor o conjunto de vari?veis ambientais desta ?rea juntamente com as vari?veis de solo e relevo. Foram registrados nas tr?s ?reas de cerrado stricto sensu 5.078 indiv?duos, sendo 1651 no PERP (971,18 ha-1), 440 no PEB (440 ha-1) e 2987 na RG (1.572,11 ha-1), totalizando 118 esp?cies distribu?das em 78 g?neros e 42 fam?lias bot?nicas. As ?reas 1 e 2 s?o as mais semelhantes de acordo com o resultado da an?lise de correspond?ncia retificada (DCA) e an?lise de componentes principais (PCA). A an?lise de agrupamento (dendrograma) e a DCA realizada com as dez parcelas do PEB, mostram que estas parcelas se dividem em dois grupos distintos de acordo com a ocorr?ncia de afloramentos rochosos dentro de algumas destas parcelas; de acordo com a an?lise de esp?cies indicadoras (ISA), das esp?cies analisadas, quatro tem prefer?ncia significativa pelo ambiente sem afloramentos e tr?s pelo ambiente com afloramentos. No PERP, a an?lise de correspond?ncia can?nica (CCA) apresenta cinco ambientes distintos, sob a maior influ?ncia da correla??o entre a distribui??o das esp?cies e as vari?veis ambientais: solos rasos, % de areia, pH e t. Cada ambiente apresentou um conjunto de esp?cies de maior VI diferente, sendo os ambientes 1 e 5 os ?nicos dissimilares pela an?lise de Jaccard (Sj).Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG)Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Ci?ncia Florestal, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2011.ABSTRACT The objectives of this work are: (a) evaluate the floristic, structural and environmental similarities of three savannah areas sampled in Upper Jequitinhonha Valley, inserted in the Cadeia do Espinha?o, Minas Gerais: area 1- Rio Preto State Park (PERP) in S?o Gon?alo do Rio Preto; area 2 - Biribiri State Park (PEB) in Diamantina and area 3 ? Guapuruvu Reserve (RG) in Itamarandiba; Minas Gerais, in order to contribute to the knowledge of the patterns of regional flora; (b) to verify how the rock outcrops have influence on the ecological patterns of shrubs and arboreal species of an area of rocky stricto sensu savanna in PEB and go through the existence of indicator species in a specific type of ambient related rocks; e (c) evaluate the correlations between the distribution and density of shrub and arboreal species with the environmental variables and realize based on this correlation, a stratification of the area and describe the floristic composition and the total community structure and for each ambient formed in the fragmentation of the area of savannah stricto sensu studied in PERP. Plots of 20???50?m?(1,000?m?) were located by systematic form, with seventeen plots in area 1 (PERP), ten in area 2 (PEB) and nineteen in area 3 (RG), totaling the sample areas with 1.7 ha, 1.0 ha and 1.9 ha, respectively. In these plots, recorded all living shrub and arboreal individuals that attended to the inclusion criteria, diameter at 0.3 m above soil (DAS) ? 5 cm. In the three areas were collected ten single samples of topsoil (0-20 cm of depth) in each plot, to obtain a randomly compound sample of 300cm3. In PEB were collected information on the cover of rocks in each plot. In PERP was realized the georeferencing and of the relief survey of the plots and anthropic and natural events were observed per plot and utilized to compose the environmental variables group with the soil and relief variables. There were registred in three areas of savannah stricto sensu 5.078 shrub and arboreal individuals, where 1.651 in PERP (971,18 ind.ha-1), 440 in PEB (440 ind.ha-1) e 2.987 in RG (1.72,11 ind.ha-1), totaling 118 species in 78 genera and 42 botanical families. The areas 1 and 2 are the most similar according to results Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). In the aggrouping analysis (dendogram) e DCA performed with ten plots of the PEB, show that these are divide into two groups of according with rock outcrops covering within some of these plots; according to the indicator species analysis (ISA) in the analyzed species, four had significative preference to ambient with non existence of rock outcrops and three with the ambient with rock outcrops. In PERP the Canonical Correspondence Analysi (CCA) presents five distinct ambient, with the greater influence of the correlation among the species distribution and the environmental variables: shallow soils, % of sand, pH and t. Each ambient showed a different group of species with higher VI, and the ambient 1 and 5 were the dissimilar ones by the Jaccard analysis (Sj)

    Interpretation of magnetic data based on euler deconvolution : analysis of the main host gold structure in the northeastern portion of the Quadril?tero Ferr?fero, MG, Brazil.

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    The study of the geometry and kinematics of deep geological structures, bearing mineralization, has advanced greatly by the aggressive progress of geophysical techniques over the last decades. The gold mineralization located in the Quadril?tero Ferr??fero has its genesis controlled by shear zones. The geophysical analysis (aeromagnetic and aero-electromagnetic) by means of two-dimensional magnetic data inversion profiles (Euler deconvolution) and later interpolation, provided the 3D configuration of a tectonic-structural geological model, explaining the spatial configuration of lithostratigraphic and structural units, and kinematics features of the main shear zone mineralized in gold in the northeastern portion of the Quadril?atero Ferr??fero. The processing of airborne geophysical magnetic data of the Rio das Velhas Project provided the generation of inversion profiles with outputs up to 5000 m deep, opening new windows for gold prospection at the surroundings of the main gold mineralized structure in the Quadril?atero Ferr?fero. The integration of geological, geophysical data and field observations was essential for the final results of this work.O estudo da geometria e cinem?tica de estruturas geol?gicas de alta profundidade, portadoras de mineraliza??es, tem sido cada vez mais viabilizado pelo avan?o agressivo das t?cnicas geof?sicas nas ultimas d?cadas. As mineraliza??es de ouro localizadas no Quadril?atero Ferr?fero t?em a sua g?nese controlada por zonas de cisalhamento. A an?lise geof?sica (magnetometria e eletromagnetometria de dados aerolevantados) atrav?s de perfis de invers?o bidimensionais (deconvolu??o de Euler) e posterior interpola??o, possibilitou a configura??o 3D de um modelo geol?gico tectono-estrutural, que permitisse uma an?lise e sugest?o descritiva da configura??o espacial de unidades litoestratigr?ficas, estruturais e cinem?tica da principal zona de cisalhamento mineralizada em ouro do nordeste do Quadril?tero Ferr?fero. O processamento de dados magnetom?tricos aerogeof?sicos do Projeto Rio das Velhas possibilitou a gera??o de perfis de invers?o com respostas de at? 5000 m de profundidade, abrindo novas janelas para a prospec??o de ouro nas adjac?ncias da principal estrutura mineralizada em ouro do Quadril?atero Ferr?fero. A integra??o de dados geol?gicos, aerogeof?sicos e de observa??es de campo foi fundamental para os resultados finais deste trabalho

    Civil Society Monitoring Report on the Implementation of the National Roma Integration Strategy and Decade Action Plan in 2012 in: Albania

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    Albania signed a Stabilization and Association Agreement with the European Union (EU) 2006 and it is also actively participating in the political and economic dialogue to present its application to become a member of the European Union. Pre-accession financial assistance is provided to Albania by the EU, focusing on Justice and Home Affairs, Public Administration Reform, Transport, Environment and Climate Change, Social Development, and Agriculture and Rural Development. In addition, Albania participates in the EU cross-border programmes and Albanian civil society received financial support from the EU in the fields of justice, protection of vulnerable groups (disadvantaged women, children and the elderly, and minority groups) and environmental protection.Roma communities are considered the most vulnerable minority group in Albania, facing widespread poverty, socio-economic marginalization and frequent discrimination, particularly regarding access to education, social protection, health, employment and adequate housing. Roma are not recognized publicly as a distinct minority and they have the status of an ethno-linguistic minority. Regardless the Albania Constitution addresses all the basic principles of human and minority rights. Albania is also part of the main international treaties concerning human and minority rights.Albania does not have a National Roma Integrated Strategy. However, several policy measures in favor of Roma Social Inclusion were undertaken by the Albanian Government. The National Strategy for the Improvement of Roma Living Conditions 2003-2013 was adopted in 2003 followed by the Decade Action Plan 2010-2015. The Roma Strategy addresses several broad fields such as education and training, cultural heritage and family, employment, poverty and social protection, health and housing, as well as public order, justice and civil administration. Nevertheless, its implementation was criticized for being slow, due to insufficient human and financial resources, inadequate institutional coordination at the national and local level, and deficiencies in the monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.Through the present report, the Albanian civil society coalition established for this purpose, aimed to assess national policy developments, evaluate the local impact of flagship initiative that promote Roma integration, explain through case studies why and to what extent certain government measures have been successful or not, and formulate recommendations on how to improve the implementation of above strategic documents

    a review

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    Women have a number of specificities that differentiate them from men. In particular, the role of sex steroid hormones and the menstrual cycle (MC) significantly impact women?s physiology. The literature has shown nonlinear relationships between MC, exercise, and nutritional intake. Notably, these relationships are bidirectional and less straightforward than one would suppose. For example, the theoretical implications of the MC?s phases on exercise performance do not always translate into relevant practical effects. There is often a disconnect between internal measures (e.g., levels of hormone concentrations) and external performance. Furthermore, it is not entirely clear how nutritional intake varies across the MC?s phases and whether these variations impact on exercise performance. Therefore, a thorough review of the existing knowledge could help in framing these complex relationships and potentially contribute to the optimization of exercise prescription and nutritional intake according to the naturally occurring phases of the MC. Throughout this review, an emerging trend is the lack of generalizability and the need to individualize interventions, since the consequences of the MC?s phases and their relationships with exercise and nutritional intake seem to vary greatly from person to person. In this sense, average data are probably not relevant and could potentially be misleading.D915-7373-ED16 | Cesar LeaoN/

    Nutritional intake and training load of professional female football players during a mid-season microcycle

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    Football (soccer) is a high-intensity intermittent sport with large energy demands. In a repeated-measures design, we analysed the nutritional intake and training load of fourteen female football players (22.50 ? 4.38 y; 57.23 ? 8.61 kg; 164 ? 6.00 cm; 18.33 ? 2.48% of fat mass and 23.71 ? 2.51 kg of muscle mass) competing in the highest female Football Portuguese League across a typical mid-season microcycle. The microcycle had one match day (MD), one recovery session (two days after the MD, MD+2), three training sessions (MD-3, MD-2, MD-1) and two rest days (MD+1). Energy intake and CHO (g.kg.BW?1) intake were lower on the days before the competition (MD+2, MD-3, MD-2 and MD-1 vs. MD; p < 0.05; ES: 0.60?1.30). Total distance, distance covered at high-speed running (HSRD) and the high metabolic distance load (HMLD) were lower on MD+2, MD-3 and MD-1 compared with MD (p < 0.05; ES: <0.2?5.70). The internal training load was lower in all training sessions before the competition (MD+2, MD-3, MD-2 and MD-1 vs. MD; p ? 0.01; ES: 1.28?5.47). Despite the small sample size and a single assessment in time, the results suggest that caloric and CHO intake were below the recommendations and were not structured based on the physical requirements for training sessions or match days.D915-7373-ED16 | Cesar LeaoN/

    Geophysical analysis of natural caves in iron lithotypes in the region of Mariana, Southeastern Quadril?tero Ferr?fero, Brazil.

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    In Brazil, natural caves in iron lithotypes have increasingly been discovered in iron mining areas and its surroundings. Mining companies attempt to study them according to the Federal Decree 6640/2008 and the Normative Instruction 2/2009 of the Ministry of the Environment, which is concerned with the preservation of the Brazilian Speleological Heritage. This research is within one of those studies in which a geophysical campaign methodology is established for an attempted prospection of caves, in an area located on the north flank of Mariana's Anticlinal, Quadril?tero Ferr?fero. The flank, which is sustained by iron formations from the Itabira Group and covered by the product of alteration and sedimentary redistribution, experienced extensive and compressive tectonics, generating, respectively, the main structuration in the NW-SE direction and schist thrust slices from the Nova Lima Group. Caves are mainly developed in the lithological contacts and in fault zones. In the regional stage, the methodology uses aeromagnetometric (identification of iron lithotypes, structural and statistical analysis of magnetic lineaments) and aeroradiometric (structural-geological mapping and setting of lithological contacts) methods. Results have shown some caves in lateral contact zones between lithologies, and the structural control imposed by a shear zone in the area. At the local stage, the electrical resistivity method - EL was used, dipoledipole array, data mathematical inversion, presentation of pseudo-depth sections and tridimensional modeling. The results, in accordance with the topographic data, show the possible limits of the geometric contour and the tendency for cave deepening. However, studies of the moisture, of similar caves with different spacings, and the use of Ground Penetration Radar ? GPR are suggested

    Magnetometric and gamma spectrometric expression of southwestern S?o Francisco Basin, Serra Selada quadrangle (1:100.000), Minas Gerais state.

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    Localizada na por??o sudoeste da Bacia do S?o Francisco, a ?rea abrangida pela Folha Serra Selada (1:100.000) cont?m rochas sedimentares deformadas do Grupo Bambu? (Neoproterozoico), localmente recobertas, em pronunciada discord?ncia, pelos sedimentos e dep?sitos vulcanocl?sticos/epicl?sticos cret?ceos dos grupos Areado e Mata da Corda, respectivamente. Os dados aerogeof?sicos mostram dois dom?nios magnetom?tricos principais. Um deles ? caracterizado por anomalias de baixa frequ?ncia (ABF), aparentemente relacionadas a estruturas do embasamento pr?-cambriano local. O outro ? marcado por anomalias de alta frequ?ncia (AAF), representando os dep?sitos vulconocl?sticos/epicl?sticos do Grupo Mata da Corda. O Grupo Bambu?? exibe teores de K e Th intermedi?rios a altos (1 a 3% e 10 a 16 ppm, respectivamente), enquanto os teores de U giram em torno de 2,5 ppm. Esse dados mostram algumas varia??es, geralmente influenciadas pela distribui??o dos diferentes litotipos, fei??es estruturais e ocorr?ncia de emana??es de hidrocarbonetos. Os sedimentos do Grupo Areado, por sua vez, mostram baixos conte?dos de K, Th e U (20 ppm e >3 ppm, respectivamente). Estes valores parecem sofrer grande influ?ncia dos processos de intemperismo. As an?lises realizadas confirmam a grande aplicabilidade dos levantamentos aerogeof?sicos no mapeamento geol?gico e constituem excelentes ferramentas no entendimento do cen?rio tect?nico e dos dep?sitos de hidrocarbonetos da regi?o sudoeste da Bacia do S?o Francisco.Located in the southwestern portion of S?o Francisco Basin, the region covered by the Serra Selada quadrangle (1:100.000) contains deformed rocks of the Neoproterozoic Bambu? Group, unconformably overlain by Cretaceous sedimentary and volcaniclastic rocks of the Areado and Mata da Corda groups, respectively. The aerogeophysical data shows two main magnetometric domains. A low frequency anomalies domain is apparently related to deep structures of Precambrian basement. High frequency anomalies represent the volcaniclastic/epiclastic deposits of Mata da Corda Group. The Bambu? Group exhibits intermediate-to-high K and Th contentes (1 to 3% and 10 to 16 ppm, respectively), while U-levels are around 2.5 ppm. Significant changes in these values are caused by the distribution of rock types, tectonic features and hydrocarbon exudations. Areado Group sediments show low K (20 ppm and >3 ppm, respectively). These values seem to be strikingly influenced by weathering processes. The performed analyses confirm the applicability of aerogeophysical data in geological mapping, and represents an importante tool for the study of both the tectonic scenario and hydrocarbon accumulations in southwestern S?o Francisco Basin

    A Methodology for the Vulnerability Analysis of the Climate Change in the Oromia Region, Ethiopia

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    Goal of the vulnerability research of the last years is to evaluate which community, region, or nation is more vulnerable in terms of its sensitive to damaging effects of extreme meteorological events like floods or droughts. Ethiopia is a country where it is possible to find the described conditions. Aim of this work was to develop an integrated system of early warning and response, whereas neither landmark data nor vulnerability drought analysis existed in the country. Specifically, a vulnerability index and a capacity to react index of the population of three Woredas in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia were determined and analysed. Input data concerned rainfall, water availability, physical land characteristics, agricultural and livestock dimensions, as well as population and socio-economic indices. Data were collected during a specific NGO project and thanks to a field research funded by the University of Torino. Results were analysed and specific maps were drawn. The mapping of the vulnerability indices revealed that the more isolated Woreda with less communication roads and with less water sources presented the worst data almost on all its territory. Despite not bad vulnerability indices in the other two Woredas, however, population here still encountered difficulty to adapt to sudden climatic changes, as revealed by the other index of capacity to reaction. Beyond the interpretation of each parameter, a more complete reading key was possible using the SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index) beside these indicators. In a normalized scale between 0 and 1, in this study the calculated annual SPI index was 0.83: the area is therefore considerably exposed to the drought risk, caused by an high intensity and frequency of rainfall lack

    Analysis of evolution of Parecis Basin through potential methods.

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    A intracrat?nica Bacia dos Parecis est? localizada na regi?o centro-oeste do Brasil, no setor sudoeste do Cr?ton Amaz?nico, recobrindo partes das prov?ncias Suns?s, Rond?nia-Juruena e Tapaj?s-Parima (Santos 2002). Ap?s os trabalhos de Teixeira (1993) e Siqueira (1989), embasados em dados geof?sicos e geol?gicos, a bacia foi dividida, de oeste para leste, em tr?s dom?nios tectono-sedimentares: o extremo oeste, uma depress?o tect?nica ( Fossa Tect?nica de Rond?nia); a por??o central, um baixo gravim?trico e o extremo leste, uma bacia interior denominada por Schobbenhaus (1984) de Bacia do Alto Xing?. Durante o Ordoviciano at? o Eo-Permiano, a regi?o Amaz?nica foi afetada por um evento extensional, quando foram depositados os sedimentos ordovicianos da Forma??o Cacoal, representando o registro do est?gio rifte da Bacia dos Parecis. Do Devoniano ao Eo-Permiano as forma??es Furnas, Ponta Grossa, Pimenta Bueno e Fazenda da Casa Branca foram depositadas durante o est?gio sag da bacia. Durante o Mesoz?ico (Tri?ssico ao Cret?ceo) uma sucess?o de rochas vulc?nicas e sedimentares representa outro evento extensional . Este evento est? representado na Bacia dos Parecis pelos arenitos e?licos da Forma??o Rio ?vila e os derrames bas?lticos das forma??es Anar? e Tapirapu?. O Grupo Parecis, composto de conglomerados e arenitos, representa o est?gio deposicional relacionado ao Cret?ceo. Os dados gravim?tricos e magn?ticos da Bacia dos Parecis foram adquiridos pelo IBGE, PETROBRAS e CPRM. O mapa gravim?trico da Bacia dos Parecis obtido atrav?s do software O?sis/Geosoft mostra uma extensa anomalia Bouguer negativa que se destaca no interior do Cr?ton Amaz?nico, com desvio do campo regional da ordem de ?40 mgl. O trend estrutural regional de dire??o leste-oeste, com desvio do campo regional da ordem de 80 mgal, evidencia o prosseguimento dos grabens de Pimenta Bueno e Colorado, os quais comp?em a Fossa Tect?nica de Rond?nia, por baixo da seq??ncia mesoz?ica. A exist?ncia dessa estrutura ? sustentada pelo mapa da Deconvolu??o de Euler, obtido atrav?s de um processo de invers?o, a qual segue uma estimativa da profundidade da anomalia relacionada ao embasamento cristalino.The Parecis basin is located in central-western Brazil, on the southwestern part of the Amazon Craton, partially covering the Suns?s, Rond?nia-Juruena and Tapaj?s-Parima provinces (Santos 2002). Based on Teixeira (1993) and Siqueira (1989), the Parecis basin was divided, from west to east, into three tectono-sedimentary domains: the Rond?nia tectonic, the central compartment ( negative gravimetric anomaly) and a interior sag (Alto Xingu basin). During the Ordovician to Early Permian, the eastern Amazon region was affected by an extensional event and the Cacoal formation was deposited (rift stage of the Parecis basin). From Devonian to Early Permian, Furnas, Ponta Grossa, Pimenta Bueno and Fazenda da Casa Branca formations were deposited during the sag stage of the basin. Mesozoic (Late Triassic to Cretaceous) volcanic and sedimentary successions record another extensional event in the Amazon region. This event is represented in the Parecis basin by the eolian sandstones of the Rio ?vila Formation and the basalts of the Anar? and Tapirapu? formations. The Cretaceous depositional stage is represented by the Parecis Group. Gravity and magnetic data of the Parecis basin have been acquired by IBGE, PETROBRAS and CPRM. Gravimetry and magnetometry maps obtained through the use of the Oasis/Geosoft software show an extensive negative anomaly in the interior of the Amazon Craton, with an average deviation from regional field of -40 mgal. The east-west regional structural trend with a deviation from regional field of -80 mgal evidences the eastward continuity of Pimenta Bueno and Colorado grabens underneath the Mesozoic succession (Rond?nia tectonic low). The existence of this structure is supported by the Euler Deconvolution map, obtained through an inversion procedure that allowed an estimation of the anomaly (basement) depth