308 research outputs found

    Utveckling av lymfocytÀr thyreodit hos hund med fokus pÄ immunologiska mekanismer

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    LymfocytÀr thyreodit Àr en av de vanligaste endokrina sjukdomarna hos hund och uppkommer pÄ grund av en autoimmun reaktion mot thyroidea. Det resulterar i att körteln bryts ned och nivÄerna av thyroideahormoner i kroppen minskar. Detta fÄr i vÀrsta fall fatala konsekvenser för djuret dÄ thyroideahormonerna pÄverkar mÄnga av kroppens organsystem. Dock Àr den exakta patogenesen bakom sjukdomsutvecklingen okÀnd men karaktÀriseras av bÄde ett cellulÀrt och humoralt immunsvar. Framförallt autoreaktiva T-hjÀlparceller samt cytotoxiska Tlymfocyter bidrar till den cellulÀra nedbrytningen och den humorala immunresponsen utgörs utav autoantikroppar riktade mot thyroglobulin, thyroideahormonerna och thyroperoxidas. Dessutom finns spekulationer om att regulatoriska T-celler (Tregs) hos sjuka individer Àr nedreglerade vilket ger en nedsatt perifer immunosuppression. PÄ grund av den multifaktoriella och komplexa bakgrunden till sjukdomsutvecklingen syftar denna litteraturstudie till att försöka sammanfatta de olika immunologiska mekanismerna som ger upphov till lymfocytÀr thyreodit hos hund. Immunresponsen vid lymfocytÀr thyreodit verkar frÀmst vara ett cellmedierat immunsvar som karaktÀriseras av en ökad mÀngd cytotoxiska T-lymfocyter och en ökad mÀngd cytokiner frÄn T-hjÀlparceller typ 1. Polymorfier i cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4), som uttrycks pÄ cellytan pÄ bÄde aktiverade T-lymfocyter och regulatoriska T-celler, förefaller spela en stor roll vid lymfocytÀr thyreodit. CTLA-4 verkar i normala fall nedreglerande pÄ immunsvaret vilket gör att defekter i molekylens struktur eller regleringen av dess uttryck kan pÄverka utvecklingen av autoimmuna tillstÄnd. Det medför att Tregs immunosuppressiva förmÄga minskar men ocksÄ till att autoreaktiva T-hjÀlparceller inte hÀmmas. Vidare verkar Àven dog leukocyte antigen (DLA) klass II pÄ antigenpresenterande celler vara inblandad eftersom antigen som presenteras pÄ denna molekyl kan initiera ett immunsvar. Detta gör att defekter i DLA som tillÄter att autoantigen plockas upp och presenteras pÄ DLA II kan leda till en autoimmun reaktion mot autoantigenet, vilket vid lymfocytÀr thyreodit Àr peptider producerade i thyroidea. Utöver det pÄtrÀffas Àven autoantikroppar ofta vid sjukdomstillstÄndet. Autoantikroppar riktade mot thyroglobulin Àr vanligast och tros uppkomma genom att vissa predisponerade hundar har thyroglobulin med en annorlunda molekylstruktur som gör att immunförsvaret reagerar pÄ det. Autoantikropparna tycks verka framförallt via antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). Ytterligare mekanismer som tros vara inblandade i sjukdomsutvecklingen Àr andra faktorer som leder till nedreglering av regulatoriska T-celler. En sÄdan komponent Àr plastiska regulatoriska T-celler som fÄr T-hjÀlparcell typ 1-egenskaper och pÄ det viset förlorar en del av sin immunosuppressiva förmÄga. En annan möjlig mekanism Àr epigenetiska modifieringar i FoxP3-genen. FoxP3 Àr kopplat till T-cellsreceptorsignalering och vissa modifieringar tros pÄverka den regulatoriska T-cellens immunosuppressiva funktion.Lymphocytic thyroiditis is one of the most common endocrine disorders in dogs and arises from an autoimmune response against the thyroid. This results in the gland being degraded and the levels of thyroid hormones in the body decreasing. In the worst case, this will have fatal consequences for the animal as the thyroid hormones affect many of the organ systems in the body. However, the pathogenesis behind the development of the disease is unknown but it is characterized by a cellular and humoral immune response. The cellular immune response mainly consists of autoreactive T-helper cells as well as cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and the humoral immune response consists of autoantibodies against thyroglobulin, thyroid hormones and thyroperoxidase. In addition, there are speculations that regulatory T cells in diseased animals are down-regulated, which results in decreased peripheral immune suppression (tolerance). Due to the multifactorial background to the pathogenesis, this literature study aims to summarize the various immunological mechanisms that may lead to lymphocytic thyroiditis in dogs. The immune response in lymphocytic thyroiditis appears to be primarily cell-mediated characterized by an increased number of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes and by T-helper type 1 cytokines. Polymorphisms in the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4, which is expressed on the cell surface of both activated T-lymphocytes and regulatory T-cells, appear to play a major role in lymphocytic thyroiditis. Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 functions to down-regulate the immune response and defects in its molecular structure or its upregulation can be a primal cause for the development of autoimmune conditions. Such defects would reduce the immunosuppressive capacity of regulatory T cells, but also prevent inhibition of autoreactive T-helper cells. Likewise, dog leukocyte antigen class II on antigen presenting cells is also likely to be involved since antigen presented on this molecule may initiate an immune response. Defects in dog leukocyte antigen that would allow autoantigen to be picked up could possibly lead to an autoimmune response against the autoantigen, which in lymphocytic thyroiditis are molecules of the thyroid. In addition, autoantibodies also occur frequently within the disease. Autoantibodies directed against thyroglobulin are most common. Their formation is believed to originate from thyroglobulin with an abnormal molecule structure in some predisposed dogs, which causes the immune system to react against it. The autoantibodies seem to work primarily through antibodydependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Additional mechanisms hypothesized to be involved in the development of lymphocytic thyroiditis are other factors that cause down-regulation of regulatory T cells. One such factor is plastic regulatory T cells that receive properties of type 1 T-helper cells and thus lose some of their immunosuppressive ability. Another possible mechanism is epigenetic modifications in the FoxP3 gene. FoxP3 is linked to T-cell receptor signaling and some modifications are believed to affect the immunosuppressive function in regulatory T-cells

    Sensitivity to Angular and Radial Source Movements as a Function of Acoustic Complexity in Normal and Impaired Hearing

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    In contrast to static sounds, spatially dynamic sounds have received little attention in psychoacoustic research so far. This holds true especially for acoustically complex (reverberant, multisource) conditions and impaired hearing. The current study therefore investigated the influence of reverberation and the number of concurrent sound sources on source movement detection in young normal-hearing (YNH) and elderly hearing-impaired (EHI) listeners. A listening environment based on natural environmental sounds was simulated using virtual acoustics and rendered over headphones. Both near-far (‘radial’) and left-right (‘angular’) movements of a frontal target source were considered. The acoustic complexity was varied by adding static lateral distractor sound sources as well as reverberation. Acoustic analyses confirmed the expected changes in stimulus features that are thought to underlie radial and angular source movements under anechoic conditions and suggested a special role of monaural spectral changes under reverberant conditions. Analyses of the detection thresholds showed that, with the exception of the single-source scenarios, the EHI group was less sensitive to source movements than the YNH group, despite adequate stimulus audibility. Adding static sound sources clearly impaired the detectability of angular source movements for the EHI (but not the YNH) group. Reverberation, on the other hand, clearly impaired radial source movement detection for the EHI (but not the YNH) listeners. These results illustrate the feasibility of studying factors related to auditory movement perception with the help of the developed test setup

    Pressure study on the interplay between magnetic order and valence-change crossover in EuPd2_2(Si1−x_{1-x}Gex_x)2_2

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    We present results of the magnetic susceptibility on high-quality single crystals of EuPd2_2(Si1−x_{1-x}Gex_x)2_2 for Ge concentrations 0 ≀x≀\leq x \leq 0.105 performed under varying hydrostatic (He-gas) pressure 0 ≀p≀\leq p \leq 0.5 GPa. The work extends on recent studies at ambient pressure demonstrating the drastic change in the magnetic response from valence-change-crossover behavior for xx = 0 and 0.058, to long-range antiferromagnetic (afm) order below TNT_{\text{N}} = 47 K for xx = 0.105. The valence-change-crossover temperature TVâ€ČT'_{\text{V}} shows an extraordinarily strong pressure dependence of dTVâ€ČT'_{\text{V}}/dpp = +(80 ±\pm 10) K/GPa. In contrast, a very small pressure dependence of dTNT_{\text{N}}/dp≀p \leq +(1 ±\pm 0.5) K/GPa is found for the afm order upon pressurizing the xx = 0.105 crystal from pp = 0 to 0.05 GPa. Remarkably, by further increasing the pressure to 0.1 GPa, a drastic change in the ground state from afm order to valence-change-crossover behavior is observed. Estimates of the electronic entropy, derived from analyzing susceptibility data at varying pressures, indicate that the boundary between afm order and valence-change crossover represents a first-order phase transition. Our results suggest a particular type of second-order critical endpoint of the first-order transition for xx = 0.105 at pcr≈p_{\text{cr}} \approx 0.06 GPa and Tcr≈T_{\text{cr}} \approx 45 K where intriguing strong-coupling effects between fluctuating charge-, spin- and lattice degrees of freedom can be expected

    Kontinentale spĂŠndinger - matematiske modeller leverer ny viden

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    Indtil nu har geologer antaget, at hævningsfaserne i de sedimentære bassiner var ledsaget af en samtidig øget tektonisk aktivitet ved pladeranden, men nye computersimulationer har nu vist, at bassinerne også hæves, når den tektoniske aktivitet er på retur

    FFAR4 (GPR120) signaling is not required for anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing effects of omega-3 fatty acids

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    Free fatty acid receptor-4 (FFAR4), also known as GPR120, has been reported to mediate the beneficial effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (ω3-PUFAs) by inducing an anti-inflammatory immune response. Thus, activation of FFAR4 has been reported to ameliorate chronic low-grade inflammation and insulin resistance accompanying obesity. However, conflicting reports on the role of FFAR4 in mediating the effects of ω3-PUFAs are emerging, suggesting that FFAR4 may not be the sole effector. Hence analyses of the importance of this receptor in relation to other signaling pathways and prominent effects of ω3-PUFAs remain to be elucidated. In the present study, we used Ffar4 knockouts (KO) and heterozygous (HET) mice fed either low fat, low sucrose reference diet; high fat, high sucrose ω3-PUFA; or high fat, high sucrose ω6-PUFA diet for 36 weeks. We demonstrate that both KO and HET mice fed ω3-PUFAs were protected against obesity, hepatic triacylglycerol accumulation, and whole-body insulin resistance. Moreover, ω3-PUFA fed mice had increased circulating protein levels of the anti-inflammatory adipokine, adiponectin, decreased fasting insulin levels, and decreased mRNA expression of several proinflammatory molecules within visceral adipose tissue. In conclusion, we find that FFAR4 signaling is not required for the reported anti-inflammatory and insulin-sensitizing effects mediated by ω3-PUFAs

    A polygenic resilience score moderates the genetic risk for schizophrenia

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    Based on the discovery by the Resilience Project (Chen R. et al. Nat Biotechnol 34:531–538, 2016) of rare variants that confer resistance to Mendelian disease, and protective alleles for some complex diseases, we posited the existence of genetic variants that promote resilience to highly heritable polygenic disorders1,0 such as schizophrenia. Resilience has been traditionally viewed as a psychological construct, although our use of the term resilience refers to a different construct that directly relates to the Resilience Project, namely: heritable variation that promotes resistance to disease by reducing the penetrance of risk loci, wherein resilience and risk loci operate orthogonal to one another. In this study, we established a procedure to identify unaffected individuals with relatively high polygenic risk for schizophrenia, and contrasted them with risk-matched schizophrenia cases to generate the first known “polygenic resilience score” that represents the additive contributions to SZ resistance by variants that are distinct from risk loci. The resilience score was derived from data compiled by the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, and replicated in three independent samples. This work establishes a generalizable framework for finding resilience variants for any complex, heritable disorder

    Interactions between metabolic, reward and cognitive processes in appetite control:Implications for novel weight management therapies

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    Traditional models of appetite control have emphasised the role of parallel homeostatic and hedonic systems, but more recently the distinction between independent homeostatic and hedonic systems has been abandoned in favour of a framework that emphasises the cross talk between the neurochemical substrates of the two systems. In addition, evidence has emerged more recently, that higher level cognitive functions such as learning, memory and attention play an important role in everyday appetite control and that homeostatic signals also play a role in cognition. Here, we review this evidence and present a comprehensive model of the control of appetite that integrates cognitive, homeostatic and reward mechanisms. We discuss the implications of this model for understanding the factors that may contribute to disordered patterns of eating and suggest opportunities for developing more effective treatment approaches for eating disorders and weight management
